Assistant Professor
Department of Geology
School of Environment and Earth Sciences
Ph.D. Geology and M.Sc. from Panjab University Chandigarh.
Teaching Experiences: 7 yrs
Research Experiences: 4 yrs 11 month as a Geologist, Geological Survey of India.
Any Other Experience: Geologist (Group-A) at Geological Survey of India (1st October 2010 to 30th August 2015),
UPSC 2008, Central Geoscientist Exam 2008 Batch.
Vertebrate palaeontology, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeobiogeography, Sedimentology, Tertiary Himalayan Geology, Stratigraphy, etc.
Vertebrate palaeontology, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeobiogeography, Sedimentology, Tertiary Himalayan Geology, Stratigraphy, etc.
i.) PI, Project: “Study of the vertebrate fossils of Miocene deposits of Kutch, Gujarat with special reference to the micro-vertebrates remains and their palaeoclimatic and palaeobiogeographic implications” funded by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda under the Research Seed Money grant (RSM CUPB) of Rs. 3 lakh (Completed)
ii) PI, Project: “Studies of the micro-vertebrates faunal diversity of Late Triassic Tiki Formation, Madhya Pradesh, India: An implication on global palaeobiogeography” funded by UGC start up grant. Total cost of the project awarded: Rs. 6 Lakh
iii) PI, Project: “Palaeoenvironmental, Palaeoclimatic and Palaeobiogeographic Reconstruction of Early and Middle Triassic Deposits of Damodor and Satpura Basins using Palaeontological, Sedimentological and Stable Isotope Proxies” funded by DST-SERB. Total cost of the project awarded: Rs. 37, 18600/-.
iv) PI, Project: Palaeontological and Geochemical (stable isotopic 0 18 0, 0 13 C, trace and REEs) proxies for paleobiogeographic, paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental reconstruction of vertebrate fauna from the Neogene deposits of Kathiawar and Piram Island, Gujarat, India. DST-SERB Core grant, Amount sanction: Rs. 37, 57120/
1. Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (31st August 2015 to till date)
2. Geological Survey of India (1st October 2010 to 30th August, 2015).
1. INSA visiting Scientist Fellowship (2017-2018)
2. CSIR-UGC JRF (2007 June)
1. Prof. Rajeev Patnaik, Centre of Advanced Studies in Geology, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
2. Dr. RK Sehgal, Scientist 'E', Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun.
3. Dr. N. Premjit Singh, Scientist 'B', Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun.
4. Dr. Pankaj Kumar, Scientist 'F', IUAC, New Delhi.
5. Prof. Prosenjit Ghosh. Centre of Earth Science, IISc. Bangalore
Research Publications:
- Nongmaithem Amardas Singh, Deepak Choudhari, Y. Priyananda Singh, Ningthoujam Premjit Singh, Rajeev Patnaik, R.P. Tiwari and K. Milankumar Sharma*(corresponding author) (Accepted) CHONDRICHTHYAN AND OSTEICHTHYAN FAUNA FROM THE MIDDLE MIOCENE DEPOSITS OF PALASAVA, KUTCH, INDIA: IMPLICATION FOR PALEOENVIRONMENT AND PALEOBIOGEOGRAPHY. Comptes Renduz Pelevol. (Scopus & SCI) (In press).
- Rajeev Patnaik, Ningthoujam Premjit Singha, K. Milankumar Sharma, Nongmaithem Amardas Singh, Deepak Choudhary, Y. Priyananda Singh, Rohit Kumar Wasim Abass Wazir, Ashok Sahni, 2022. NEW RODENTS SHED LIGHT ON THE AGEAND ECOLOGY OF LATE MIOCENE APELOCALITY OF TAPAR (GUJARAT, INDIA). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. Volume 20(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/14772019.2022.2084701
- Ankita Singla, Rajeev Patnaik, Ningthoujam Premjit Singh, K. Milankumar Sharma & Ashok Sahni, 2022. INCISOR ENAMEL MICROSTRUCTURE OF SOME NEOGENE MUROID RODENTS OF INDIA: TAXONOMIC, EVOLUTIONARY AND BIOMECHANICAL IMPLICATIONS. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India. Volume 67(1), June 30, 2021: awaiting (in press, accepted )
- Jan van der Made, Deepak Choudhary, Ningthoujam Premjit Singh, K. Milankumar Sharma, Nongmaithem Amardas Singh, Rajeev Patnaik (2022). Listriodon dukkar sp. nov. (Suidae, Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from the Late Miocene of Pasuda (Gujarat, India) – the decline and extinction of the Listriodontinae. PalZ. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12542-022-00606-w (Scopus & SCI).
- Ningthoujam Premjit Singh, Nongmaithem Amardas Singh, K Milankumar Sharma*(corresponding author), Rajeev Patnaik, Yumlembam Priyananda Singh2 & Deepak Chaudhary 2021. A colubrid snake from the late Miocene of Kutch, Gujarat, India. Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology, 66 (2): (Scopus & SCI)
- Ningthoujam Premjit Singh1, Rajeev Patnaik, Andrej Čerňanský, K Milankumar Sharma, Nongmaithem Amardas Singh, Deepak Choudhary, Ramesh Kumar Sehgal, 2021. A new window to the fossil herpetofauna of India: amphibians and snakes from the Miocene localities of Kutch (Gujarat). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments . https://doi.org/10.1007/s12549-021-00515-x (Scopus & SCI)
- Andrej Čerňanský,*Ningthoujam Premjit Singh, Rajeev Patnaik, K. Milankumar Sharma, Raghavendra Prasad Tiwari, Ramesh Kumar Sehgal, Nongmaithem Amardas Singh and Deepak Choudhary, 2021. The Miocene fossil lizards from Kutch (Gujarat), India: a rare window to the past diversity of this subcontinent. Journal of Paleontology, doi: 10.1017/jpa.2021.85. (Scopus & SCI)
- K. Milankumar Sharma, N. Amardas Singh, Rajeev Patnaik, R.P. Tiwari, N. Premjit Singh, Y. Priyananda Singh, Deepak Choudhary, Sushil Kumar Lalhotra 2021. Sharks and rays (chondrichthyes, elasmobranchii) from the miocene sediments of Kutch, Gujarat, India: paleoenvironmental and paleobiogeographic implications. Historical Biology.https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2021.1893712 (Scopus & SCI)
- N. Amardas Singh, K. Milankumar Sharma*(corresponding author),Y. Priyananda Singh, N. Premjit Singh and Rajeev Patnaik, 2020. Enameloid ultrastructure of some chondrichthyan fishes (hybodontiformes, xenacanthiformes from the late triassic of tiki formation, madhya pradesh; carcharhiniformes and myliobatiformes from miocene of kutch and late miocene baripada beds, orissa, india): an interrelationship and developmental approach, Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India Volume 65(2): 115-130.(Scopus & SCI)
- Ningthoujam Premjit Singh, Advait M. Jukar, Rajeev Patnaik, K. Milankumar Sharma, Nongmaitham Amardas Singh, and Yumlembam Priyananda Singh, 2020. The first occurrence of Deinotheriumindicum (Mammalia, Proboscidea, Deinotheriidae) from the late Miocene of Kutch, India. Journal of Paleontology. 94(4): 788-795. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/jpa.2020.3 (Scopus & SCI)
- Ningthoujam Premjit Singh, K. Milankumar Sharma*(corresponding author), Rajeev Patnaik, Nongmaitham Amardas Singh, and Yumlembam Priyananda Singh, 2019. Teleostei fish remains from the Miocene of Kutch, Gujarat, India: palaeoenvironmental implications. Indian Journal of Geoscience. 72(2):79-88 (UGC listed)
- Jitendra Kumar and K. Milankumar Sharma, 2019. Micro and mega-vertebrate fossils from the late Triassic Tiki Formation, South Rewa Gondwana basin, India: palaeoenvironmental and palaeobiogeographic implications. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 64(2): 151-168.(Scopus & SCI)
- N. Amardas Singh, K. Milankumar Sharma*(corresponding author), Bikash Jyoti Gogoi, Y. Priyananda Singh, and Singh, Ningthoujam Premjit, 2019. Microstructures of Shark Teeth from Late Miocene Deposits of Baripada Beds, Orissa, India. Earth Science India, 12: 71-82.( Peer reviewed)
- Ram Jivan Singh, K. Milankumar Sharma, Pankaj Kumar and T. Ghosh, 2018. Lithostratigraphy, trace fossils and palaeoenvironment of Paleogene sequences in Parwanoo-Subathu sector of Himachal Himalaya, India. Indian Journal of Geoscience, 772 (4): 31-44. (UGC listed)
- K. Milankumar Sharma, Rajeev Patnaik, N. Premjit Singh. 2016. Clay mineralogy of the Late Miocene Baripada Beds (Mayurbhanj District; Orissa): Palaeoclimatic implications. International Journal of Applied Research, 2: 217-223. ( Peer reviewed)
- K. Milankumar Sharma and Jitendra Kumar, 2015. Phytosaurian osteoderms from the Late Triassic Tiki Formation (Shahdol District, Madhya Pradesh) India. Journal of Palaeontological Society of India, v. 60(1), p. 45-50. (Scopus & SCI)
- Ramjivan Singh, K. Milankumar Sharma*(corresponding author), Tamoghno Ghosh, Pankaj Kumar. 2015. Tectonic architecture of the Paleogene belt and adjoining lithostratigraphic units in Parwanoo- Subathu sector of the Himachal Himalaya; India. Indian Journal of Geosciences, 69 (1): 31-44. (UGC listed)
- K. Milankumar Sharma, Shyam Sundar Singh and Vipina P.V., 2015. A fossil assemblage from Dhok Pathan Formation (Middle Siwaliks) exposed near Polian Prohita (Una, Himachal Pradesh). Journal of Earth Science India. v. 8(I), p. 15-31. (Peer reviewed)
- K. Milankumar Sharma and Rajeev Patnaik, 2014. Miocene fishes from Baripada Beds, Orissa and their palaeoenvironmental, palaeobiogeographic and palaeoclimatic significances. Special publication of Palaeontological Society of India, no. 5, p. 291-323. (Scopus & SCI)
- Rajeev Patnaik, K. Milankumar Sharma, Lalit Mohan, Blythe A. William, Richard Kay and Prithijith Chhatrath, 2014. Additional vertebrate remains from the early Miocene of Kutch, Gujarat. Special publication of Palaeontological Society of India, no. 5, p. 335-351.(Scopus & SCI)
- Ram Ratan, K. Milankumar Sharma and Rajeev Patnaik, 2014. First records of otoliths from the Siwaliks of India. Journal of Earth Science India. v. 7(II), p. 49-54. (Peer Reviewed)
- K. Milankumar Sharma and Rajeev Patnaik, 2013. Record of Late Miocene suid, Tetraconodon intermedius, from Baripada Beds (Mayurbhanj, Orissa): age implication. Journal of Palaeontological Society of India, v. 58 (2), p. 213-218.(Scopus & SCI)
- K. Milankumar Sharma and Rajeev Patnaik, 2013. Additional fossil batoids (skates and rays) from the Miocene deposits of Baripada Beds, Mayurbhanj district, (Orissa, India). Earth Science India, v. 6(IV), p. 160-184. (Peer reviewed)
- K. Milankumar Sharma and Rajeev Patnaik, 2010. Coprolites from the Lower Miocene Baripada Beds of Orissa. Current Science, v. 99(6), p. 804-808. (Scopus & SCI)
i) Students Submitted Ph.D. thesis: N. Amardas Singh, CSIR-UGC Net + JRF (SRF)
ii) Students pursuing Ph.D.: Y. Priyananda Singh, CSIR-UGC- Net and (DST-SERB-JRF)
iii) Project JRF: Arijit Sahoo, JRF, SERB Core Research Grant.
iv) M.Sc. Students guided: 35 nos.
University Level
University Level:
- Organised a week workshop cum training program on “Techniques of geological, geomorphological mapping and sampling process for geoscience research’ was organized by Centre for Geography and Geology during 13-03- 2017 to 17-03- 2017.
- One day Acquaintance program of IUAC, New Delhi, at Central University of Punjab Program Schedule, April 4, 2015. GIS and Its Application: Recent Trend in Geography and Geology.
Qualified UPSC Central Geoscientists' examination: 2008