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Dr. A. L. Sharma
Central University of Punjab
Dr. A. L. Sharma

Assistant Professor
Department of Physics

School of Basic Sciences
Central University of Punjab, Bathinda-151001, India


Education: Ph. D. from IIT Kharagpur, June 2011

Experimental Condensed Matter Physics           

Qualified National Level Exams

Award                   Subject                       University/Institution                Year                       Rank/Position

NET-JRF                 Physics                                CSIR                                   2006                          CSIR-JRF                  

GATE                       Physics                                 IIT                                      2006                      All India Rank: 48           

JEST                        Physics                           JNCASR                                  2006                    All India Rank: 166


Teaching and Research Experience

Assistant Professor at Central University of Punjab: May 2013 to current.

Assistant Professor at Central University of Jharkhand: From July 2011 to April 2013.

Administrative Experience

Head: Officiating In charge (OIC) of Centre for Physical and Mathematical Sciences, School of Basic and Applied Science, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda-151001.: From 28-05-2013 to 14-07-2015

Head: Officiating In charge (OIC) of Centre for Physical Sciences, School of Basic and Applied Science, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda-151001: From 14-07-2015 to 04-01-2016

Research Area

Broad Area of Research:  Experimental Condensed Matter Physics 

Sub Area: Renewable Energy Materials and Devices; Nano Science and Technology; Lithium ion conducting membrane; Li Ion Batteries; Sodium ion conducting membrane; Na Ion Batteries; Pseudo Capacitors; Electrical Double Layer capacitor (EDLC), Capatory etc. 


Area of Research


Research Interests


Synthesis of Nanomaterials; Thin Films; Oxide Materials, Nanocomposites, PNCs through various routes


Structural analysis: High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction; Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)

Microstructural analysis: SEM, FESEM, HRTEM

Thermal analysis: DSC, DTA, TGA

Mechanical Analysis: AFM, DMA, UTM etc.

Dielectric Spectroscopy: Ion Dynamics; Modulus Spectroscopy; I-V characteristics; Transport Number Analysis,

Electrochemical Analysis: EIS; LSV, CV, Charging/discharging etc.

Device Fabrication: Fabrication of prototype Supercapacitors, Secondary/Rechargeable Batteries, Electrochromic Display Devices etc.

Research Grants/Projects
  1. Feasibility of Nano-crystalline Transition Metal Oxide Based Electrode Materials for Energy Storage, 01 Year 18-06-2019-30-09-2020. 13.05 Lakh, by NPIU, MHRD.
  2. Improvement in Electrochemical Properties of divalent Lithium Orthosilicate Materials through High/Low Energy Ion Beam, by Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), New Delhi, India, Duration: 2017-2018 (Ref. No. IUAC/XIII.3A dated 12th Jan 2017), Status: Completed (MS-61307)
  3. Development of nanostructured Plastic Separator as Rechargeable Battery Component. 02 years, March 2015-2017. 6.0 Lakh, University Grant Commission (UGC).
  4. Preparation characterization and evaluation of free standing polymeric films for energy storage/conversion device applications, 02 years, Nov 2014-2016. 3.0 Lakh, CUP-Bathinda.
Professional Affiliation

Indian Physics Association (Life Time Member)

Professional Recognition/Awards/Scholarships
  • India Top Cited Paper Award 2020 for the paper entitled "Structural, electrical properties and dielectric relaxations in Na+-ion-conducting solid polymer electrolyte" in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter IOP Publishing, Bristol, UK
  • India Top Cited Paper Award 2020 for the paper entitled "Structural, microstructural and electrochemical properties of dispersed-type polymer nanocomposite films" in J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. IOP Publishing, Bristol, UK
  • Professional Membership: Indian Physics Association (Life Time Member)
  • Research Award-2020: Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, India
  • Recipient of Best Paper Award”-2015, 3rd National Conference on Photonics and Materials Science.
  • Senior Research Fellowship – 2009: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi
  • Junior Research Fellowship2007: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi
  • Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) JRF, in Year 2006.
  • Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST), All India Rank 166, in Year 2006.
  • Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), All India Rank 48, in Year 2006.
Research Collaboration

Prof. B. C. Yadav,  Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, UP

Dr. A Gaur, Department of Physics, J.C Bose University of Science & Technology, YMCA, Faridabad, 121006, India

Dr. V Kumar, Department of Physics, Institute of Integrated and Honors Studies IIHS, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, 136119, India




Scopus indexed Journals

  1. Kasap S, Kumar A, Kumari S, Kumar A, Kumar P,Kumar G, Aggarwal, S, Arya A, and Sharma A. L. (2023) Role of sintering temperature in tailoring the electrical properties of 0.98KNNS−0.02BNZSH piezoelectric ceramics, Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Accepted.  [IF = 2.478]   
  2. Tanwar Shweta, Arya A, and Sharma A. L. (2022) MoSe2-FeOOH Nanocomposite as Hybrid Electrode Material for High-Performance Symmetric Supercapacitor, Materials Research Bulletin, (DOI: 10.1016/j.materresbull.2022.112144) . [IF = 5.6]  
  3. Kaur S, Tanwar S, Kaur P, and Sharma A. L. (2023) Hierarchical Template-free Chestnut-like Manganese Cobaltite for High-Performance Symmetric and Asymmetric Supercapacitor, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 658, 130674. [IF = 5.518]  
  4. Tanwar Shweta, Singh N. and Sharma A. L. (2022) High-performance symmetric supercapacitor based on activated carbon-decorated nickel diselenide nanospheres, Journal of Materials Science DOI: 10.1007/s10853-022-07895-1. [IF = 4.682]  
  5. Arya A, Iqbal M, Tanwar S, Sharma A, Sharma A L, Kumar V, (2022) Mesoporous carbon/titanium dioxide composite as an electrode for symmetric/asymmetric solid‐state supercapacitors, Materials Science and Engineering: B 285 115972 [IF = 3.407] (20-08-22).
  6. Tanwar Shweta, Singh N. and Sharma A. L. (2022) High-performance different shape Carbon decorated Asteroidea-like Cobalt Diselenide electrode for Energy Storage Device, Fuel, 330, 125602 (1-13)  [IF = 8.035]. (11-08-22)
  7. Singh N, Tanwar Shweta, Kour S, Sharma A. L. and Yadav B. C.* (2022) Sustainable Carbon coated ZrO2 Electrodes with high capacitance retention for Energy Storage Devices, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55 425501 [IF = 3..409]. (09-08-22)
  8. Kour S, Tanwar S, Sharma A. L. (2022) A review on challenges to remedies of MnO2 based transition-metal oxide, hydroxide, and layered double hydroxide composites for supercapacitor applications, Materials Today Communications 32, 104033 [IF =3.662].
  9. Singh N; Tanwar Shweta; and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2022) Advanced Cyclic Stability and Highly Efficient different shaped Carbonaceous Nanostructured Electrodes for Solid-State Energy Storage, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Accepted). [IF =7.139]
  10. Biswas R, haldar K, Arya A, ahmed I, Tanwar S, Sharma A. L. (2022) Construction of Three Dimensional Marigold Flower Shaped Ni3V2O8 for Efficient Solid-State Supercapacitor Applications, Energy Storage (Accepted).
  11. Sadiq M, Tanwar S, Raza, M. M. H., Aalam S. M.; Sarvar M., Zulfequar M., Sharma A. L., Ali J,  (2022) Highly performance of the sodium-ion conducting flexible polymer blend composite electrolytes for double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) supercapacitor, Energy Storage (Accepted)
  12. Kour S, Tanwar S, Sharma A. L. (2022), MnO2 nanorod loaded activated carbon for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.164834). [IF = 6.137].   
  13. Kumar V, Gaur A., Thakur VN, Kumar A,  Goyal P K, Arya A, Sharma A. L. (2022), Enhanced Curie temperature and superior temperature stability by site selected doping in BCZT based lead-free ceramics, Ceramics International (Accepted). [IF = 5.532]   
  14. Kumar A, Kumari S, Kumar V, Kumar P, Thakur VN, Kumar A,  Goyal P K, Arya A, Sharma A. L. (2022), Synthesis, phase confirmation and electrical properties of (1-x)KNNS−xBNZSH lead-free ceramics Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (Accepted). [IF = 2.779]   
  15. Tanwar Shweta; Singh N; and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2022) Structural and electrochemical performance of carbon coated molybdenum selenide nanocomposite for supercapacitor applications, Journal of Energy Storage, 45 (2022) 103797. [IF = 8.907]   
  16. Tanwar Shweta; Arya A; Singh N; Yadav B C; Rai A; Kumar, V; and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2021) High Efficient Carbon Coated TiO2 Electrode for Ultra-Capacitor Applications, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55 055501. [IF = 3.409].  
  17. Pandey L.; Sarkar S.; Arya A; Sharma A. L.; Panwar A; Kotnala R. K.; Gaur A. (2021) Fabrication of activated carbon electrodes derived from Peanut shell for high-performance supercapacitors, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (DOI: 10.1007/s13399-021-01701-9) (IF) = 4.98].              
  18. Kumari S; Kumar A; Kumar V; Dubey S K; Goyal P.K.; Kumar S; Sharma A L; Arya A (2021) Structural, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of Cu2+ and Cu2+/Bi3+ doped BCZT lead-free ceramics: A comparative study Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 32:16900–16915 [Impact factor (IF) = 2.779]
  19. Tanwar Shweta; Arya A; Gaur A and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2021) Transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDs) electrodes for Supercapacitors: A comprehensive Review Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Accepted. (DOI: /10.1088/1361-648X/abfb3c).   [IF = 2.745
  20. Kamboj Vashu; Arya Anil; Tanwar Shweta; Kumar Vijay and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2020) Nanofiller Assisted Na+ Conducting Polymer Nanocomposite for Ultracapacitor: Structural, Dielectric and Electrochemical Properties Journal of Materials Science Accepted. (DOI: 10.1007/s10853-020-05667-3) [IF = 4.682
  21. Devi Chandni; Swaroop R; Arya Anil; Tanwar Shweta; and Sharma, A. L.,*. Sandeep Kumar (2021) Fabrication of energy storage EDLC device based on self-synthesized TiO2 nanowire dispersed polymer nanocomposite films Polymer Bulletin, Accepted (DOI: 10.1007/s00289-021-03737-3). [IF = 2.843
  22. Kumar Ankit; Madaan Mohit; Arya Anil; Tanwar Shweta; and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2020). Ion Transport, Dielectric and Electrochemical Properties of Sodium Ion-Conducting Polymer Nanocomposite: Application in EDLC Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 31:10873–10888. [Impact factor (IF) = 2.779] 
  23. Arya A., and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2020). A Glimpse on All-Solid-State Li-Ion Battery (ASSLIBs) Performance Based on Novel Solid Polymer Electrolytes: A Topical Review Journal of Materials Science 55:6242-6304. [IF = 4.682
  24. Pritam, Arya A., and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2020). Selection of Best Composition of Na+ ion Conducting PEO-PEI Blend Solid Polymer Electrolyte Based on Structural, Electrical, and Dielectric Spectroscopic Analysis. Ionics, 26, 745–766. [IF = 2.961].
  25. Arya A., and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2020). Investigation on Enhancement of Electrical, Dielectric and Ion Transport Properties of Nanoclay Based Blend Polymer Nanocomposites, Polymer Bulletin, 77, 2965–2999. [IF = 2.843]
  26. Arya A., and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2019). Tailoring of the Structural, Morphological, Electrochemical, and Dielectric Properties of Solid Polymer Electrolyte. Ionics, 25, 1617–1632 [2.961].
  27. Pritam, Arya A., and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2019). Dielectric Relaxations and Transport Properties Parameter Analysis of Novel Blended Solid Polymer Electrolyte for Sodium Ion Rechargeable Batteries. Journal of Materials Science 54:7131–7155. [IF = 4.682]  
  28. Arya A., and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2019). Electrolyte for Energy Storage/Conversion (Li+, Na+, Mg2+) Devices Based on PVC and Their Associated Polymer: A Comprehensive Review, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 23, 997–1059. [IF = 2.747
  29. Arya A, Sadiq M and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2019). Structural, Electrical and Ion Transport Properties of Free Standing Blended Solid Polymeric Thin Films, Polymer Bulletin 76, 5149–5172. [IF = 2.843]
  30. Arya A., and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2019). Temperature and Salt-Dependent Dielectric Properties of Blend Solid Polymer Electrolyte Complexed with LiBOB, Macromolecular Research 27, 334–345. [IF = 2.127
  31. Arya A., Saykar N.G. and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2019). Impact of Shape (Nanofiller vs. Nanorod) of TiO2 nanoparticle on Free Standing Solid Polymeric Separator for Energy Storage/Conversion Devices, J of Applied Polymer Science, 136, 47361. [IF = 3.047
  32. Arya A. and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2018). Effect of Salt Concentration on Dielectric Properties of Li-Ion Conducting Blend Polymer Electrolytes, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 29, 17903–17920. [IF = 2.779
  33. Arya A. and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2018). Optimization of salt concentration and explanation of two peak percolation in blend solid polymer nanocomposite films, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 22, 2725-2745. [IF = 2.747]
  34. Arya A. and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2018). Structural, Electrical Properties and Dielectric Relaxation in Na+ Ion Conducting Solid Polymer Electrolyte, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30, 165402-165428 (26pp). [IF = 2.745]  
  35. Arya A, Sadiq M and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2018). Effect of Variation of Different Nanofiller on Structural, Electrical, Dielectric and Transport Properties of Blend Polymer Nanocomposites, Ionics, 24, 2295-2319. [IF = 2.961].
  36. Arya A. and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2018). Structural, Microstructural and Electrochemical Properties of Dispersed Type Polymer Nanocomposite Films, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51  045504 (23pp). [IF = 3.409]  
  37. Arya, A. and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2017). Insights into the use of polyethylene oxide in energy storage/conversion devices: A critical review, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50  443002 (51pp). [IF = 3.409]   
  38. Arya, A. and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2017). Polymer electrolytes for lithium ion batteries: a critical study, Ionics, 23, 497-540 [IF = 2.961]. 
  39. Agnihotri, S and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2017). Optimization of concentration of MWCNT in terms of performance of prepared novel cathode material for energy storage, J Integr Sci Technol, 5(1), 23-26.
  40. Sharma P K, Sharma A K, Sadiq M and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2017). Effect of Nano filler on PEO based polymer electrolytes for energy storage devices applications, Int. Res. Adv. 4(1), 1-4.
  41. Arya A, Sharma S, Kumar D, Sadiq M and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016). Structural and Dielectric Behavior of Blend Polymer Electrolyte based on PEO-PAN+LiPF6, Asian Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology. 5(1), 4-7.
  42. Sharma, P K, Sharma A K, Sadiq M and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016). Electrical Conductivity and Ion Transport Number Analysis of Polymer Nanocomposite Films, Asian Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology. 5(1), 8-11.
  43. Sadiq M, Arya A and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016). Optimization of Free standing Polymer Electrolytes films for Lithium ion batteries application. Int. Res. Adv. 3(1), 16-20
  44. Arya Anil, Sharma S, Sadiq M, and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016). Role of low salt concentration on electrical conductivity in blend polymeric films. J Integr Sci Technol4, 18-21.
  45. Arya Anil and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016).  Conductivity and Stability Properties of Solid Polymer Electrolyte Based on PEO-PAN + LiPF6 for Energy Storage Applied Science Letters 2,  72-75.
  46. Bhatt C, Swaroop R, Arya A and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2015). Effect of Nano-Filler on the Properties of Polymer Nanocomposite Films of PEO/PAN Complexed with NaPF6, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B 5 (11-12), 418-434. [IF = 3.553]   
  47. Sharma, A. L., and Thakur, A.  K. (2015). Relaxation behavior in clay-reinforced polymer nanocomposites. Ionics  21: 1561–1575 [IF = 2.961].
  48. Rai, Atma, Sharma, A. L., and Thakur, A.  K. (2014). Evaluation of aluminium doped lanthanum ferrite based electrodes for supercapacitor design. Solid State Ionics 262: 230–233. [IF = 3.699]  
  49. Sharma, A. L., and Thakur, A.  K. (2013). Plastic Separators with Improved Properties for Portable Power Device Applications. Ionics 19: 795-809 [IF = 2.961]. 
  50. Sharma, A. L., and Thakur, A.  K. (2011). A.C. Conductivity and Relaxation Behavior in Polymer Nanocomposite. Ionics 17: 135-143 [IF = 2.961].
  51. Sharma, A. L., and Thakur, A.  K. (2011). Polymer Matrix-Clay Interaction Mediated Mechanism of Electrical Transport in Exfoliated and Intercalated Polymer Nanocomposites. Journal of Materials Science 46: 1916-1931. [IF = 4.682]  
  52. Sharma, A. L., and Thakur, A.  K. (2010). Improvement in Voltage, Thermal, Mechanical stability and Ion Transport Properties in Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites. J of Applied Polymer Science 118: 2743-2753. [IF = 3.057]  
  53. Sharma, A. L., and Thakur, A.  K. (2010). Polymer-Ion-Clay Interaction based Model for Ion Conduction in Intercalation Type Polymer Nanocomposite. Ionics 16: 339-350 [IF = 2.961].
  54. Sharma, A. L., Shukla, N. and Thakur, A.  K. (2008). Studies on Structure Property Relationship in a Polymer-Clay Nanocomposite Film Based on (PAN)8LiClO4. Journal of Polymer Science: Part B Polymer Physics 46: 2577-2592. [IF = 3.151].  

Proceedings Papers:

  1. Tanawar Shweta, Singh Nirbhay, Kour Simran and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2021) Effect of pH on Electrochemical Performance of Molybdenum Selenide: Ultracapacitor Application, DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, 65, 970-971.
  2. Singh Nirbhay, Tanawar Shweta, Kour Simran, Yadav B.C. and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2021) Effect of Temperature on Electrochemical Performance of Activated Carbon FeOOH Composite Electrode for Energy Storage Device, DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, 65, 968-969.
  3. Kour Simran, Tanwar Shweta, and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2022) Study of electrochemical performance of 3-D MnO2 nanoflowers coated with carbon for supercapacitors Materials Today: Proceedings  66(4), 2037-2043.
  4. Tanwar Shweta, Singh Nirbhay and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2022) Aging Impact of Se powder on the Electrochemical Properties of Molybdenum Selenide: Supercapacitor Application, Materials Today: Proceedings (Accepted-25-01-2022)
  5. Singh Nirbhay, Tanawar Shweta, Yadav B.C. and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2022) High Efficient Activated Carbon-Based Asymmetric Electrode for Energy storage Device, Materials Today: Proceedings (Accepted-05-01-2022)
  6. Devi C, Kumar S, Swaroop R, Arya A, and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2020) Study of temperature effect on dielectric properties of nanowire doped polymer nanocomposite films AIP Conference Proceedings 2220 (1), 020198.
  7. Sadiq M, Ali J, Singh NP, and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2020) Electrical conductivity and dielectric properties of solid polymer nanocomposite films: Effect of BaTiO3 nanofiller, Materials Today: Proceedings. 
  8. Arya A, Sadiq M and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2019) Dielectric relaxation and AC conductivity of TiO2 nanofiller dispersed polymer nanocomposite AIP Conf. Proc.  2115, 030569 (1-5).
  9. Pritam, Arya A, and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2019) Improved ionic conductivity, potential window and dielectric strength in intercalated polymer nanocomposites AIP Conf. Proc.  2115, 030585 (1-5).
  10. Arya A, Sadiq M and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2019) Salt concentration and temperature dependent dielectric properties of blend solid polymer electrolyte complexed with NaPF6Materials Today: Proceedings 12, 554–564.
  11. Sadiq M, Arya A and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2019) Synthesis and characterizations (electrical and thermal stability properties) of the blended polymer nanocomposites Materials Today: Proceedings 12, 605–613.
  12. Deepaka, Deba Rajesh, Naira M. G., Halder Sudipta, Sharma A. L. and Mohapatra S. R. (2018) Liquid Phase Exfoliation of MoS2 Nano-sheets and Observation of Resistive Switching Memory in MoS2 Nano-sheets-PVDFHFP Composite Films Materials Today: Proceedings 00 (2018) 0000–0000
  13. Thakur Deep Kumar and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2017). Optimization of salt concentration in polymer based ionic conductor AIP Conf. Proc. 1860, 020020-1- 020020-13.
  14. Sadiq M, Arya A,  Yadav AK, Singh MK, Bhat, Y  and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016). Scheme of Polymer-Ion–clay Interaction and Ion-Ion Interaction In Polymer Nanocomposite Electrolytes Films, Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Nanotechnology for Better Living, 3(1), 171.
  15. Arya Anil, Sharma S and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016). Improved electrical properties of free standing blend polymer for renewable energy resources, AIP Conf. Proc. 1731: 110034-(1-3).
  16. Bhatt C, Swaroop R, Arya A and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016). Sodium-ion-conducting polymer nanocomposite electrolyte of TiO2/PEO/PAN complexed with NaPF6, AIP Conf. Proc. 1728: 020346-(1-4).
  17. Arya Anil, Sadiq M and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016). Role of salt concentration in blend polymer for energy storage conversion devices, AIP Conf. Proc. 1728: 020364-(1-5).
  18. Sharma, P K, Sadiq M, Bhatt C and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016). Correlation of ion-ion interaction with electrical conductivity in solid state polymeric separator for energy storage applications, AIP Conf. Proc. 1728: 020368-(1-6).
  19. Sangeeta, Agnihotri, S, Arya Anil and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016). Improved electrochemical performance of the Cr doped cathode materials for energy storage/conversion devices, AIP Conf. Proc. 1728: 020380-(1-5).
  20. Agnihotri, S, Rattan S and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016). Effect of MWCNT on prepared cathode material (Li2Mn(x)Fe(1-x)SiO4) for energy storage applications, AIP Conf. Proc.1728: 020439-(1-5).
  21. Sadiq M and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016). Transport Properties of Solid Polymer Nanocomposite Films for Energy Device Applications. Advances in Materials & Materials Processing 15, 96-107.
  22. Sharma, A. L., and Thakur, A.  K. (2013). Transport Properties of Plastic Separator for Renewable Energy Applications. AIP Conf. Proc. 1536: 1125-1126.
  23. Sharma, A. L., and Thakur, A.  K. (2013). High Ionic Conductivity and Desirable Stability Properties of PNC for Renewable Energy Applications. AIP Conf. Proc. 1512: 954-955.
  24. Sharma, A. L., and Thakur, A.  K. (2008). Ion Transport in Intercalated Polymer Nanocomposites based on PAN. DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 53: 1021-1023.

Book Chapters:

  1. Editor:, A Gaur, AL Sharma, A Arya, (2021) Energy Storage and Conversion Devices: Supercapacitors, Batteries, and Hydroelectric Cell, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, ISBN: 9780367694258.
  2. Arya A, Gaur A, Sharma, A. L. (2021). Challenges and Perspectives of Li-ion batteries, Supercapacitors, and Hydroelectric cell Book Chapter of Energy Storage and Conversion Devices: Supercapacitors, Batteries, and Hydroelectric Cell, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis.
  3. Arya A, Gaur A, Pandey L, Kumar V. and Sharma, A. L. (2021). Electrolytes for Li-ion batteries and supercapacitors Book Chapter of Energy Storage and Conversion Devices: Supercapacitors, Batteries, and Hydroelectric Cell, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis.
  4. Arya A.; Gaur A and Sharma, A. L., Kumar V. (2021). Fundamentals of Batteries and Supercapacitors: An Overview Book Chapter of Energy Storage and Conversion Devices: Supercapacitors, Batteries, and Hydroelectric Cell, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis.
  5. AL Sharma, S Tanwar, N Singh, Vijay Kumar, A Arya (2021) Nanostructured Li2MSiO4 (M= Fe, Mn) cathode material for lithium-ion batteries, Advanced Ceramics for Energy and Environmental Applications, Pages 231-252, Taylor and Franics.
  6. A Arya, A Gaur, S Tanwar, AL Sharma (2021) Nanostructured Metal Oxides for Hybrid Supercapacitors, Advanced Ceramics for Energy and Environmental Applications, Pages 82-103, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis.
  7. Pritam, Anil Arya, A. L. Sharma (2021) Conductivity and dielectric spectroscopy of Na+ ion conducting blended solid polymer nanocomposites, Recent Research Trends in Energy Storage Devices, Pages 115-124, Springer (Yogesh-
  8. Anil Arya, AL Sharma, (2020) Carbon Derived from Biowastes for Supercapacitor: Synthesis to Applications, Chapter 2, New Forms of Carbon: Nanocarbons, Arcler Publishing House, Canada.
  9. Arya A.; Gaur A and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2021). Polymer Electrolytes: Development and Supercapacitor Application, Book Chapter of Technological challenges and Solutions to Electrical and Electronic Devices, Circuits and Materials, Scrivener Publishing, Wiley.
  10. Arya A. and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2021). Conductivity and Dielectric Spectroscopy of Na+ Ion Conducting Blended Solid Polymer Nanocomposites Book Chapter of Recent Research Trends in Energy Storage Devices (Springer) pp 115-124. (Yogesh-
  11. Arya A. and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2020). Hybrid Polymer Nanocomposites for Energy Storage/Conversion Devices: From Synthesis to Applications, Book Chapter of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems for Future Sustainability, Ch-3, PP-93-126 Apple Academic Press, Taylor & Francis group. 17-11-2020 (Date Published)
  12. Arya A. and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2020). Polymer Nanocomposites: synthesis and characterization, Book Chapter of Environmental Nanotechnology Volume 4, 265-315, (Accepted) (Date Published)
  13. Agnihotri, S, Rattan S and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016). Development of Novel Cathode Materials Based on MWCNT for Energy Storage/Conversion Devices, Recent Trends in Materials and Devices, 178, 347-355.
  14. Sadiq M, Arya A and  Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016). Dielectric Study of Polymer Nanocomposite Films for Energy Storage Applications, Recent Trends in Materials and Devices, 178, 389-396.
  15. Sharma P K, Sharma A K, Sadiq M and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016). Correlation of Microscopic Interaction with Electrical Conductivity in Polymer Separator of Energy Storage Devices, Recent Trends in Materials and Devices, 178, 397-406.
  16. Bhatt, C, Swaroop R and Sharma, A. L.,*. (2016). Structural and Electrical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposite Films, Recent Trends in Materials and Devices, 178, 373-387
  17. Sharma, A. L., and Thakur, A.  K. (2008). Studies on Ion Association-Dissociation Effect in Polymer Nanocomposite Film Based on (PAN)8LiCF3SO3 + xwt%MMT. Solid State Ionics: New Materials for Pollution Free Energy Devices: 675 -685.


Research Guidance

                                                                          Ph. D. Dissertations



Name of Student

Registration Number

Title of PhD Thesis



  Anil Arya

1	Anil Arya	15phdphs01	Structural and Electrochemical Properties of Intercalated and Dispersed Type Polymer Nanocomposite Films	Awarded


Structural and Electrochemical Properties of Intercalated and Dispersed Type Polymer Nanocomposite Films




Shweta Tanwar




19phdphs03 Structural/Microstructural and Electrochemi -cal properties of Transition Metal Di-chalcogenides materials for Supercapacitor Application Thesis Submitted

Nirbhay Singh



312/12 Batch 2018

Study of Carbonaceous hybrid nanomaterial for energy storage/ conversion devices Thesis Submitted

Simran Kour



19phdphs06 Investigation of Structural and Electro-chemical Performance of Transition Metal Oxide based Nanocomposites for Super-capacitor applications SRF

Ravi Vikas




20phdphs08 Development of functional materials for Energy storage/conversion device applications JRF

                                                                          M.Phil. Dissertations



Name of Students

Registration No:

Title of the dissertation


Deep Kumar



Effect of salt concentration on prepared free standing polymeric films


Mohd Sadiq



Preparation of thin polymer nanocomposite films for energy storage/conversion devices


Ritesh Kumar



Synthesis and characterization of silicate layered cathode material for energy storage /conversion devices


Parul K. Sharma


To improve the ionic conductivity of solid polymer nanocomposite films


Shruti Agnihotri


To see the effect of CNT on prepared oxide materials


Sangeeta Rani



Preparation and characterization of oxide materials for Energy storage conversion devices


Chandani Devi


Effect of Nanoparticles on Electrochemical Properties of plastic separator films


                                                                           M.Sc. Dissertations

S. No

Name of Student



Title of the dissertation


Sweety Sharma



Development of layered lithium Manganese oxides


Anil Arya



Transport Properties of free standing polymeric films


Hardeep Singh



To Study the Effect of Nanoparticle in Free Standing Polymeric Films


Preeti Pal



To Study and Analyze the Doped LiCoO2 Cathode Materials


Komal Kanwar  


To Study the Structural/Microstructural and Electrochemical Properties of Fe Doped Orthosilicate Cathode Materials


Nirbhay Singh


To Study the Enhancement in Electrochemical Properties of Orthosilicate Cathode Materials


Fayaz A.Fazil


To Study the Microstructural and Electrical Behavior of Cr Doped Cathode Materials




Improvement in Structural, Microstructural and Electrochemical Properties of Sodium Based Polymer Electrolyte with Nano-Filler Dispersion


Rohit S.Dagar


Effect of SiO2 nano-filler on Sodium based Blend Polymer Composite for Energy Storage/Conversion Devices


Asha Sheoran


Effect of MWCNT on Structural/ Microstructural and Transport Properties of Cathode (LI2FeSiO4) Materials 


Vashu Kamboj


A Review on Solid Polymer Electrolyte for Sodium Ion Rechargeable Batteries


Mohit Madaan


Study of Strucutral,Electrical,Thermal and Dielectric Properties Of PVP Based Solid Polymer Electrolyte For Li-ion Batteries.


Manash Jyoti Mech


Magnesium ion conducting polyvinyl alcohol–polyvinylpyrrolidone-based blend polymer electrolyte for Mg-ion battery


Shubham Kumar


Enhanced LiCoO2 cathode materials for secondary Li-ion battery


Priyanka Deswal


A review on chronological development of batteries


Ankit Kumar


PEO based polymer Nano composite film for the rechargeable batteries




A Complete Study of Metal Oxide Material For Supercapacitor Application




A detailed report on enhanced LiCoO2 Cathode Materials for Li-ion Battery


Touseef Ahmad Ahanger


Review of Electrolytes For Different Symmetric / Asymmetric Supercapacitors


Garima Yadav


Study of Ni based Composite materials for high performance supercapacitor


Rohith K.M.


Layered Cathode materials for Lithium-ion batteries – A complete review


Madan Lal


Recent development in nanomaterials and nanocomposites for supercapacitor application


Mohit Verma


Performance of Aqueous and Non-Aqueous materials for Pseudo capacitor Applications




A Recent Development on Sodium Ion Battery for Energy Storage/Conversion Devices


Whyzer Bhuranda


A Recent Development on Lithium Ion Battery for Energy Storage/Conversion Devices


Brahmananda Behera


Rice straw derived sustainable activated carbon electrode for supercapacitor applications


Kuldeep Kumar Kushwaha


“Wheat Bran” derived Activated Carbon for the Prototype of EDLC Supercapacitor


Roshan Lal Kurdiya


A review on historical development of battery




Study of chemically activated carbon derived from orange peels for ultracapacitor applications


Vinod Kumar Patel


Biomass-derived electrode material for energy storage devices


Mahender Shah


Electrode Material for supercapacitor application


Ariya K Vijayan


Quantum Capacitance calculation


Sreehari.M S


Quantum Capacitance calculation


Karan Kumar


Polymer Electrolyte for LIB application


Dinesh Dhobi


Oxide Electrode Material for supercapacitor application


Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Attended

15th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics, at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Patna, India during November 27 – 30, 2016.

A. L. Sharma

14th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics (ACSSI-14) 2014 at NUS Singapore June 24-27, 2014

A. L. Sharma and A. K. Thakur*

The 19th International Conference on Solid State Ionics at Japan

2-7 June 2013.

A. L. Sharma and A. K. Thakur*

6th India Singapore Joint Physics Symposium (ISJPS-2013) on Physics of Advanced Materials at IIT Kharagpur 25-27 Feb 2013.

A. L. Sharma and A. K. Thakur*

National Workshop on Radiation, at Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India,

13-15 Feb, 2013.            

A. L. Sharma and A. K. Thakur*

International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Physics and Materials Science (RAM-2013) at Bikaner, India, 01-02 Feb 2013.

A. L. Sharma and A. K. Thakur*

57th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium (2012), IIT Bombay, Mumbai,

03-07, December, 2012.

A. L. Sharma and A. K. Thakur*

23rd Annual General Meeting Materials Research Society of India (MRSI),

Thapar University Patiyala, INDIA 13-15 Feb, 2012.

A. L. Sharma and A. K. Thakur*

International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics (ICTAP), IIT Kharagpur, India, 1-2 December, 2011.

A. L. Sharma and A. K. Thakur*

National Conference Cum Workshop on RDEM, BIT Mesra, Ranchi, India, 12-14 May, 2011.

A. L. Sharma and A. K. Thakur*

International Conference on Materials for advanced technology (ICMAT 2009), Singapore, 28 June – 03 July 2009.

A. L. Sharma and A. K. Thakur*

53rd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium (2008), BARC, Mumbai, 16-20, December, 2008.

A. L. Sharma and A. K. Thakur*

11th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 9-13, June, 2008.

A. L. Sharma and A. K. Thakur*

10th Conference of International Academy of Physical Science, Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur, 12-14, Jan, 2008.

A. L. Sharma and A. K. Thakur*

Contributory Presentation in Seminar/Work Shop




National Conference on Materials and Devices (NCMD - 2018) at Sharda University, Noida

July 31-August 1, 2018.

Anil Arya, M. Sadiq, A. L. Sharma


National Conference on Materials and Devices (NCMD - 2018) at Sharda University, Noida

July 31-August 1, 2018.

M. Sadiq, Anil Arya, A. L. Sharma


International Conference on Science and Engineering of Materials (ICSEM-2018) at Sharda University, Noida

 January 6-8, 2018

Anil Arya, M. Sadiq, A. L. Sharma 


International Conference on Science and Engineering of Materials (ICSEM-2018) at Sharda University, Noida

 January 6-8, 2018

M. Sadiq, Anil Arya, A. L. Sharma 


International Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovations & Initiatives-2017 (ICN:31-2017) at IIT Roorkee, Roorkee December 6-8, 2017

Anil Arya, A. L. Sharma


National Conference on Solid State Ionics (NCSSI-12) at BITS Pilani, Pilani December 21-23, 2017.

Anil Arya, A. L. Sharma


International Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovations & Initiatives-2017 (ICN:31-2017) at IIT Roorkee, Roorkee December 6-8, 2017.

Anil Arya, A. L. Sharma


International Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovations & Initiatives-2017 (ICN:31-2017) at IIT Roorkee, Roorkee December 6-8, 2017.

Anil Arya, M. Sadiq and A. L. Sharma


2nd India International Science Festival (IISF) held at Dec 07-11, 2016 organized by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) New Delhi, India

Anil Arya, Sweety Sharma and A. L. Sharma*


3rd International Conference on Nanotechnology for Better Living, 2016 (NBL-2016), held on May 25-29, 2016, Organized by Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK), Kanpur, (UP) India and National Institute of Technology Srinagar, India.

Anil Arya, M Sadiq, Manoj K Singh, S Sharma and A L Sharma


3rd International Conference on Nanotechnology for Better Living, 2016 (NBL-2016), held on May 25-29, 2016, Organized by Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK), Kanpur, (UP) India and National Institute of Technology Srinagar, India.

M. Sadiq, Anil Arya, A K Yadav, M K Singh, Y Bhat and A L Sharma


Recent Advancements in Science, Commerce & Technology 2016 (NCRSCT’16) held on April 05-06, 2016 Organized by Mata Sahib Kaur Girls Guru Ki Kashi, Damdama Talwandi Sabo, Punjab, India

Hardeep Singh, Preeti pal, Anil Arya and A. L. Sharma*


Recent Advancements in Science, Commerce & Technology 2016 (NCRSCT’16) held on April 05-06, 2016 Organized by Mata Sahib Kaur Girls Guru Ki Kashi, Damdama Talwandi Sabo, Punjab, India

Preeti pal, Hardeep Singh, Anil Arya and A. L. Sharma*


4th International Conference on Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering (AFTMME-16) Feb 25-27, 2016 at Baba Farid College of Engineering and Technology, Bathinda, Punjab, India

Parul Kumar Sharma, Anshul Kumar Sharma, M .Sadiq, Ritesh Kumar and A. L. Sharma*


4th International Conference on Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering (AFTMME-16) Feb 25-27, 2016 at Baba Farid College of Engineering and Technology, Bathinda, Punjab, India

Anil Arya, Sweety Sharma, and A. L. Sharma*


4th International Conference on Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering (AFTMME-16) Feb 25-27, 2016 at Baba Farid College of Engineering and Technology, Bathinda, Punjab, India

Chandni Devi, Ram Swaroop and A.L. Sharma*


19th Punjab Science Congress,(Influence of Science and Technology on Environment and Health), Feb 07-09,2016 at SUS Group of Institution, Tangori, S.A.S. Nagar Mohali, Punjab, India

Parul Kumar Sharma1, Anshul Kumar Sharma2, M .Sadiq3, and A. L. Sharma*1


20th Symposium & Workshop on Thermal Analysis Jan 18-20, 2016 (Symposium) Jan 21-22, 2016 (Workshop) at IIT Varanasi

Anil Arya, Sweety Sharma, M. Sadiq and A. L. Sharma*


20th Symposium & Workshop on Thermal Analysis Jan 18-20, 2016 (Symposium) Jan 21-22, 2016 (Workshop) IIT Varanasi

M. Sadiq, A. L. Sharma*, Anil Arya, Deep Kumar thakur and P.K. Sharma


20th Symposium & Workshop on Thermal Analysis Jan 18-20, 2016 (Symposium) Jan 21-22, 2016 (Workshop) IIT Varanasi

Deep Kumar Thakur, M. sadiq and A. L. Sharma*  


60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium (2015), IIT Bombay, Mumbai,

21-25, December, 2015 at AMITY University Noida UP

Anil Arya, Sweety Sharma and A. L. Sharma*


International Conference on Recent Trends In Materials And Devices

(ICRTMD 2015) 15th – 17th December 2015 organized by Amity Institute for Advanced Research and Studies (Materials & Devices) & Amity Institute of Applied Sciences

Ritesh Kumar and A. L. Sharma*


International Conference on Recent Trends In Materials And Devices

(ICRTMD 2015) 15th – 17th December 2015 organized by Amity Institute for Advanced Research and Studies (Materials & Devices) & Amity Institute of Applied Sciences

M. Sadiq, Anil Aryaand A. L. Sharma*


Structural and Electrical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposite Films

International Conference on Recent Trends In Materials And Devices

(ICRTMD 2015) 15th – 17th December 2015 organized by Amity Institute for Advanced Research and Studies (Materials & Devices) & Amity Institute of Applied Sciences

Chandni Devi, Ram Swaroop and A. L. Sharma*


International Conference on Recent Trends In Materials And Devices

(ICRTMD 2015) 15th – 17th December 2015 organized by Amity Institute for Advanced Research and Studies (Materials & Devices) & Amity Institute of Applied Sciences

Sweety Sharma, Anil Arya and A. L. Sharma*


International Conference on Recent Trends In Materials And Devices

(ICRTMD 2015) 15th – 17th December 2015 organized by Amity Institute for Advanced Research and Studies (Materials & Devices) & Amity Institute of Applied Sciences

Parul Kumar Sharma1, Anshul Kumar Sharma2, M Sadiq1 A. L. Sharma*1


International Conference on Recent Trends In Materials And Devices

(ICRTMD 2015) 15th – 17th December 2015 organized by Amity Institute for Advanced Research and Studies (Materials & Devices) & Amity Institute of Applied Sciences

Shruti Agnihotri, Anil Arya and A. L. Sharma*


India International Science Festival (IISF) held at Dec 04-08, 2015 organized by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) New Delhi, India

Shruti Agnihotri, Sangeeta and A. L. Sharma*


India International Science Festival (IISF) held at Dec 04-08, 2015 organized by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) New Delhi, India

Anil Arya, Sweety Sharma and A. L. Sharma*


India International Science Festival (IISF) held at Dec 04-08, 2015 organized by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) New Delhi, India

Sweety Sharma, Anil Arya and A. L. Sharma*


3rd National Conference on Photonics and Materials Science (NCPMS-2015) on November 18-19, 2015 at Department of Applied Physics GJUS &T, Hisar Haryana, India

Anil Arya, Sweety Sharma and A. L. Sharma*


3rd National Conference on Photonics and Materials Science (NCPMS-2015) on November 18-19, 2015 at Department of Applied Physics GJUS &T, Hisar Haryana, India

Chandni Bhatt,Ram Swaroop, Anil Arya, Parul Kumar Sharma and A. L. Sharma*


3rd National Conference on Photonics and Materials Science (NCPMS-2015) on November 18-19, 2015 at Department of Applied Physics GJUS &T, Hisar Haryana, India

P.K. Sharma1, A.K. Sharma2, M. Sadiq1, Ritesh Kumar1 and A. L. Sharma*1


3rd National Conference on Photonics and Materials Science (NCPMS-2015) on November 18-19, 2015 at Department of Applied Physics GJUS &T, Hisar Haryana, India

M. Sadiq12, Anil Arya1, Deep k Thakur1 and A. L. Sharma*1


3rd National Conference on Photonics and Materials Science (NCPMS-2015) on November 18-19, 2015 at Department of Applied Physics GJUS &T, Hisar Haryana, India

Sweetysharma, Anil Arya and A. L. Sharma*


3rd National Conference on Photonics and Materials Science (NCPMS-2015) on November 18-19, 2015 at Department of Applied Physics GJUS &T, Hisar Haryana, India

Shruti Agnihotri and A. L. Sharma*


International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics (ICC-2015) held at Oct 30-31, 2015 at Bikaner, Rajasthan, India.

Anil Arya1, M. Sadiq2 and A. L. Sharma1*


International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics (ICC-2015) held at Oct 30-31, 2015 at Bikaner, Rajasthan, India.

Chandni Bhatt, Ram Swaroop, Parul Kumar Sharma and A. L. Sharma*


International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics (ICC-2015) held at Oct 30-31, 2015 at Bikaner, Rajasthan, India.

Parul Kumar Sharma, M. Sadiq, Chandni Bhatt and A. L. Sharma*


International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics (ICC-2015) held at Oct 30-31, 2015 at Bikaner, Rajasthan, India.

Sangeeta, Shruti Agnihotri, Anil Arya and A. L. Sharma*


International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics (ICC-2015) held at Oct 30-31, 2015 at Bikaner, Rajasthan, India.

Shruti Agnihotri, Sangeeta Rattan and A. L. Sharma*


National Conference on Physics Industry Interface (NCPII-2015) at KU, Kurukshetra Sept 02-04, 2015 Anil Arya and A. L. Sharma*


Third National Conference on Nanoscience and Instrumentation Technology June 06-07, 2015, Sweety Sharma, Anil Arya and A. L. Sharma*


Third National Conference on Nanoscience and Instrumentation Technology June 06-07, 2015, M. Sadiq, P K Sharma, Deep K Thakur and A. L. Sharma*


Third National Conference on Nanoscience and Instrumentation Technology June 06-07, 2015, Anil Arya, Sweety Sharma and A. L. Sharma*


National Conference on Advances in Materials and Materials Processing (AMMP-15) May 22-23, 2015.

Mohd Sadiq and A. L. Sharma*


4th  International Conference on “Current Developments in Atomic, Molecular Optical and Nano physics with Applications” CDAMOP-2015 March 11-14, 2015.

Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, India, 110007

Mohd Sadiq and A. L. Sharma*


2nd National Symposium on Interdisciplinary Sciences, 27-28 Feb 2015, G.G.M. Sciences College, Jammu (J&K).

Mohd Sadiq and A. L. Sharma*


National Conference on Microscopy & Advances in Material Sciences (NCMAMS - 2015), 2 – 4 March, 2015, Department of Physics, University of Jammu, Jammu – 180006, India.

Mohd Sadiq and A. L. Sharma*

Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised
  1. Organized Teacher’s Training Workshop on “Olympiads” on 27-28 April 2019 at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, India.
  2. Organized one day conference entitled "Indo-European Seminar on Nuclear and High Energy Physics" organized by  Department of Physics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda  on 7th February 2019.
  3. National Organizing Committee Member in the 15th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics (ACSSI2K16), Nov 27-30, 2016, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Patna, India.
  4. Organized one day conference entitled “One day Acquaintance Programme on Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC)” organized by  Central University of Punjab, Bathinda  and  Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC),  New Delhi  on 4th April, 2016.
  5. National Workshop on Radiation-A Powerful Tool for Research in Physical, Chemical and Life sciences on February 13-15, 2013.
  6. Organized one day conference entitled “One day Acquaintance Programme on Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC)” organized by  Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi  and  Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC),  New Delhi  On 23rd November, 2012.
Peer Recognition

Reviewer of Reputed Research Journals:

1. RSC Advances                                                        


3. Materials Science and EngineeringB                     

4. Materials Today Proceedings                                                               

5. J. Phy. and chem. Solids                                       

6. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering                                       

7. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry                

8. J of Material Sciences etc.                                                                

9. Alexandria Engineering Journal etc.                     

10. Journal of The Electrochemical Society

11. Chemical Engineering Journal

12. Results in Physics





Invited Talks/ Resource Person
15. Invited Talk in ATAL- Faculty Development Program (FDP) on theme “Energy Storage: Science and Technology” on 20-09-2021 at Department of Physics, MNIT Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh.

14. Invited Talk in “Functional Materials for Hybrid Supercapacitor Applications” on 19-08-2021 at Department of Physics, Baba Farid College Bathinda.

13. Invited Talk in ATAL- Faculty Development Program (FDP) on theme “Novel Materials and their Applications” on 19-07-2021 at Department of Physics, Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Bathinda.

12. Invited a webinar presentation on topic "A brief Introduction and Importance of Sustainable Energy storage/conversion devices” on 19-09-2020 at Department of Applied Sciences, WIT Dehradun, India.

11.Invited Talk on “A Glimpse on Renewable Energy Storage/Conversion Devices” SGT University Gurugram, Delhi NCR on 27-02-2020.

10. Invited Talk on “A systematic Discussion on Sustainable Energy Storage/Conversion Devices” on the National Seminar is “Solar and Sustainable Energy Applications of Material Science and Physicochemical innovations” at DAV College Abohar, Punjab on 19-03-2019.

9. Expert Lecture on Innovations in Science (IIS-2018) in the National workshop at Yadavindra College of Engineering, Punjabi University Guru Kashi Campus Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab, India on 16/10/2018.

8. Extension Lecture on “Multistage amplifier and Photo conductive Devices” at Baba Farid College Muktsar Road, Bathinda, Punjab, India on 13-10-2017.

7. Extension Lecture on “Plasmon’s (Condensed Matter Physics) and Comparator and Triggering (Electronics)” at Baba Farid College, Muktsar Road, Bathinda, Punjab, India on 07-04-2017.

6. Extension Lecture on “multistage amplifier (Electronics)” at Baba Farid College, Muktsar Road, Bathinda, Punjab, India on 18-10-2016.

5. Invited Talk on “Study and Evaluation of MWCNT Coated Cathode Materials for Energy Storage Applications” in acquaintance program of IUAC at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, India on 04-04-2016.

4. Extension Lecture on “Dielectric Materials (Condensed Matter Physics)” at Baba Farid College, Muktsar Road, Bathinda, Punjab, India on 22-03-2016.

3. Introduction to Nanomaterials, Delivering Lecture in Motivational Contact Programme for Talented School Students of Punjab jointly Organized by Central University of Punjab and Punjab State Council for Science and Technology from 14th to 18th Sept 2015.

2. Presented a model entitled “Cell Phone Controlled Agricultural Water Pump” in first Innovators Day at Central University of Punjab on 17th January, 2014.

1. Faculty seminar on the topic “Nanostructured Plastic Separator for Renewable Energy applications” on 05-07-2013, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda-151001.
Patent Filed/ Published
Sharma, A. L. and Tanwar Shweta (2022), Preparation of Molybdenum Diselenide Activated Carbon-Based Electrode for Energy Storage Devices. CBR No. 19671; Appl. No. 202211029803 (Patent Filed).

Google Scholar h-index: 25; Citations: 1863

Scopus h-index: 19; Citations: 1102

Web of Sciences h-index: 19; Citations: 1102

Total Impact Factor of Publications = 167