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Vice Chancellor

Prof. Raghavendra P. Tiwari

Vice Chancellor


Prof. Raghavendra P. Tiwari is currently the Vice Chancellor of Central University of Punjab, Bathinda. Prof. Tiwari obtained PG degree in Applied Geology from Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar M.P. (Presently a Central University, where he served as the Vice-Chancellor for five and a half years), and Ph D degree in Palaeontology from Gauhati University. He was a Member of the University Grants Commission and the Executive Council of NAAC, Bangalore. 
Prof. Tiwari served in Mizoram University for 32 years and is currently holding lien from the position of Professor (HAG) in Geology. In Mizoram University, he served as the Head, Department of Geology for two terms, Dean of School of Studies for 13 years and Finance Officer (additional charge) for nearly four years besides serving as members of the Academic Council, Executive Council and the University Court. 
Prof Tiwari has been Member, Mizoram State Higher Education Council; Member, Governing Body and Research Advisory Council of Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun; Member, Research Advisory Council of Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences (BSIP), Lucknow; Member, Exploration Research Advisory Committee of Atomic Mineral Division, North Eastern Region, Shillong. 
Prof. Tiwari specializes in paleontology, GPS Geodesy and seismology. He has supervised 18 doctoral thesis and successfully completed ten major research projects funded by Ministry of Science & Technology and Ministry of Earth Sciences. He has published nearly 100 research papers in national and international journals and edited two books. His research contributions are widely cited. He has been in the editorial board of four national and international journals, and reviewer of five research journals. 
Prof. Tiwari has headed/heading several committee of UGC, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India concerning higher education. 
Prof Tiwari pioneered palaeobiological and biostratigraphic researches in the northeastern India. His research contribution is regarded as the fundamental contribution in the stratigraphy of Northeastern region, serving now as a basis for local as well as regional correlations. 
Prof Tiwari has been conferred with L Rama Rao Birth Centenary Award for significant contribution in Indian Stratigraphy & Palaeontology in 2012 by Geological Society of India, Bangalore; and also Dr. S. M. Naqvi Gold Medal Award for significant contribution in Indian Geology in 2014 by Geological Society of India, Bangalore.

Contact Info:  
Email Id:  vc[at]cup[dot]edu[dot]in

Vice-Chancellor’s Secretariat
Email Id:  vcoffice[at]cup[dot]edu[dot]in
Contact No.: 0164-2864-167, 0164-2864-168