Associate Professor
Lab No. 407, Neurobiology (Ageing and Pediatric) Laboratory [NAP Lab]
Department of Zoology,
School of Basic Sciences
Central University of Punjab.
Website : Dr. Balachandar Vellingiri | Central University of Punjab (cup.edu.in)
- PhD (Zoology [Human Genetics]).
- Course on Basics in Human Genetic Diagnostics - A course for CLGs in education, European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG), Portugal.
- ICMR - International Biomedical (IF) Visiting Scientist, Denmark.
- UGC Dr. D.S. Kothari Post-Doctoral Fellow, UGC - New Delhi.
- Brain Pool Program, Stem Cell Laboratory, Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea
- Next Generation Sequencing Course (NGS), European Genetics Foundation, Bologna, Italy.
- European Advanced Postgraduate Course in Clinical and Molecular Cytogenetics” (PGDCMC) - ECA Fellowship Award, Montpellier, Paris, France.
- Stem Cell Technology - iPSC training Course, CiRA, Kyoto University, Japan.
- 26th Course in Medical Genetics, European Genetics Foundation, Bologna, Italy.
Teaching & Research Experience
- Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Human Genetics & Molecular Biology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (2015-2022)
- DST Young Scientist Fellow, Principal Investigator, DST - FAST Track Project, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (2012-2015)
- Brain Pool Fellow, Assistant Professor, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea (2012)
- UGC Dr. D. S. KOTHARI Postdoctoral Fellowship, UGC, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (2011-2012)
Administrative Experience
- Deputy Nodal Officer, Samarth Nodal Officers, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda - 151401, Punjab.
- NSS Unit 5 - Program Co-ordinator, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda - 151401, Punjab.
- Board of Studies Member, Department of Zoology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda – 151401, Punjab.
- Deputy Coordinator (Technical) – Glue Grant proposal
- Perception Committee Member, National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), BU
- Board of Studies Member, Department of Human Genetics & Molecular Biology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore – 641046, Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU), Chennai – 600015, Tamil Nadu
- Member representative - NAAC at Bharathiar University
- Member - DST-PURSE establishment cell culture facility
- Research Advisory Committee member, Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU), Chennai – 600015, Tamil Nadu
International Course Undergone
Training Programme | Year | Place | Funded by |
European Advanced Postgraduate Course in Clinical and Molecular Cytogenetics (PGDCMC) - Certificate Course |
2010 |
Montpellier, Nimes, France |
European Cytogenetics Association (ECA) Fellowship |
26th Course in Medical Genetics, University of Bologna | 2013 |
Bologna, Italy |
ESHG Fellowship |
Next Generation Sequencing Course (NGS), University of Bologna | 2013 |
Bologna, Italy |
ESHG Fellowship |
Training program in iPSC technology at Centre for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA) |
2017 |
Kyoto, Japan (CiRA Fellowship) |
CiRA Fellowship |
Basics in Human Genetic Diagnostics - A course for CLGs in education | 2019 |
Figueira da Foz, Portugal |
EGF Fellowship |
- Understand the relationship between genetic and environmental influence on neurological diseases
- Design novel disease analysing models such as HiPSCs, animal models to understand the biology of the disease
- Conduct mutational screening using NGS and sanger sequencing to unravel the in-depth reason for any neurological diseases
- Undergo genome-editing to rectify any molecular changes in neurological diseases
- “Screening of Neurochemical, Amyloid precursor protein (APP) and Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter MCU in Down Syndrome associated with Alzheimer’s disease: A potential therapeutic strategy” Department of Science and Technology – Cognitive Science Research Initiative (DST-CSRI), Government of India.
- “Brain Region-Specific Multi-Omics Analysis of Major Depressive Disorders in the Indian Population UsingHuman-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Resilience Factors to Identify Personalized Therapeutic Targets” Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Government of India.
- “Targeting RhoA and Dopamine Transporter (DAT) in Parkinson’s Disease (PD) derived Human Induced Pluripotent Stem cell (hiPSCs): As a potential therapeutic target” funded by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Government of India.
- “Screening of histone modification and mitochondrial DNA copy number variation in Parkinson’s Disease (PD) from Tamil Nadu population” funded by Department of Health Research-Indian Council of Medical Sciences (DHR-ICMR), Government of India.
- “Follow-up studies on SARS-CoV-2 recovered patients and artificial intelligence an approach towards COVID-19 funded by Department of Science & Technology - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DST-JSPS), Government of India.
- “Screening of Novel Marker Chromosome, Gene Expression and Mitochondrial DNA copy number variations in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Individuals in Tamil Nadu Population” funded by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India.
- “Investigation of the Molecular mechanism on Dopaminergic neurons and Neuro-degeneration of Parkinson’s disease by Human Neuronal Stem Cells (NSCs) and Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (hiPSC)” funded by the Indian Council of Medical Research – International Biomedical Scientist (ICMR), Government of India.
- “Screening and Create the Registry of Disease pattern in Tribal Communities and provide the Health Care Strategies, Genetic Counselling and create the awareness to tribal women population in Tamil Nadu, India” funded by Natural Resources Data Management System (NRDMS) Government of India.
- “Identification of Genetic alterations in Solid tumors Patients in South Indian Population” funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India.
- “Screening of Novel marker chromosomes in Autism Spectrum disorder patients in Coimbatore population” funded by University Grant Commission (UGC), Government of India.
- Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)- International Biomedical fellow
- European Cytogenetic Association (ECA)
- European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG)
- Indian Science Congress (ISC)
- European Genetics Foundation (EGF)
- Talented Young Scientist Award, 17th Annual Convention of Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy (ABAP) & International Conference on “Current Sustainable Agricultural, Biotechnological, Nutritional and Pharmaceutical Interventions to Combat Global, Challenges (SABINP-2023).
- Certificate of Commendation for research publications with Cumulative Impact factor of 24 or more as Corresponding / First Author at 15th Foundation day Celebration, 2024
- Certificate of Commendation for research publications with more than 12 Impact Factor at 15th Foundation day Celebration, 2024
- Certificate of Commendation for research publications with Cumulative Impact factor of 36 or more at 15thFoundation day Celebration, 2024
- Tamil Nadu Government Young Scientist fellow, Science City - Higher Educational Department, Tamil Nadu
- Indo-Japan (JSPS) – Collaborative project with JAPAN, DST, Government of India
- ICMR-IF, Visiting Biomedical Scientist, Southern University of Denmark
- Brain Pool Fellow-Konkuk University, Seoul, Indo-Korea Collaboration
- iPSC technology at Centre for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA) Kyoto, Japan
- European Society of Human Genetics Fellowship Recipient
International Research Collaborators
- Prof. Ssang Goo Cho, Professor & Dean, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea
- Prof. Dr. Tanja Maria Sheldrick-Michel – University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
- Prof. Niels Tommerup Professor, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Dr. Masako Kinoshita, Professor, Nara Medical University, Kyoto, Japan
- Dr. Alysson Muotri Professor, University of California, San Diego, USA
- Prof. Thomas Liehr, Professor, Universitätsk - Linikum, Jena, Germany
Selected KEY Publications
- Mohan, Gomathi, Geetha Bharathi, and Balachandar Vellingiri*. A Middle-aged Woman with Severe Scoliosis and Encephalopathy. JAMA Neurology, (88(2); 251-252; 2021 (Impact Factor: 29.9).
- Balachandar Vellingiri*. A deeper understanding about the role of uranium toxicity in neurodegeneration. Environmental Research, 116430, 2023. (Impact Factor: 8.3).
- Elangovan, A., Babu, H.W.S., Iyer, M., Gopalakrishnan, A.V. & Balachandar Vellingiri*. Untangle the mystery behind DS-associated AD–Is APP the main protagonist? Ageing Research Reviews p.101930; 2023 (Impact Factor: 13.1).
- Natalia V Bhattacharjee, Balachandar Vellingiri., et al. Global fertility in 204 countries and territories, 1950–2021, with forecasts to 2100: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet, Volume 403, Issue 10440, 2057 - 2099 (Impact factor: 98.4).
- Mahalaxmi Iyer, Ajay Elangovan, Ramya Sennimalai, Harysh Winster Suresh Babu, Saranya Thiruvenkataswamy, Jayalakshmi Krishnan, Mukesh Kumar Yadav, Abilash Valsala Gopalakrishnan, Arul Narayanasamy, Balachandar Vellingiri*. Chitosan–An alternative drug delivery approach for neurodegenerative diseases. Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications, 100460, 2024. (Impact Factor: 6.2).
- George A Mensah, Valentin Fuster, Christopher JL Murray, Gregory A Roth, … Balachandar Vellingiri., et al. Global burden of cardiovascular diseases and risks, 1990-2022. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 82(25), 2350–2473, 2024. (Impact Factor: 21.7).
- Brij Mohan Maurya, Nidhi Yadav, T Amudha, J Satheeshkumar, A Sangeetha, V Parthasarathy, Mahalaxmi Iyer, Mukesh Kumar Yadav, Balachandar Vellingiri*. Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms in the detection of heavy metals in water and wastewater: Methodological and ethical challenges. Chemosphere. 353, 141474, 2024. (Impact Factor: 8.8).
- Ajay Elangovan, Laxmi Kirola, Mahalaxmi Iyer, Priyanka Jeeth, Sakshi Maharaj, Nikki Kumari, Vikas Lakhanpal, Tanja Maria Sheldrick-Michel, KRS Sambasiva Rao, Ssang-Goo Cho, Mukesh Kumar Yadav, Abilash Valsala Gopalakrishnan, Saraboji Kadhirvel, Nachimuthu Senthil Kumar, Balachandar Vellingiri*. Does Gut Brain Axis has an impact on Parkinson’s Disease (PD)? Ageing Research Reviews. 102171, 2023. (Impact Factor: 12.5).
- Alize J Ferrari, Balachandar Vellingiri., et al. Global incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 371 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet. 403(10440), 2133–2161. (Impact factor: 98.4).
- Balachandar Vellingiri*, Kiruthika Balasubramani, Mahalaxmi Iyer, Neethu Raj, Ajay Elangovan, Kwonwoo Song, Han‐Cheol Yeo, Namitha Jayakumar, Masako Kinoshita, Ravimanickam Thangarasu, Arul Narayanasamy, Ahmed Abdal Dayem, Vijay Kumar Prajapati, Abilash Valsala Gopalakrishnan, Ssang‐Goo Cho. Role of Telomeres and Telomerase in Parkinson's Disease—A New Theranostics?, Advanced Biology. 7(12), 2300097, 2023. (Impact Factor: 3.2)
- Ajay Elangovan, Dhivya Venkatesan, Priyanka Selvaraj, Md. Younus Pasha, Harysh Winster Suresh Babu, Mahalaxmi Iyer, Arul Narayanasamy, Mohana Devi Subramaniam, Abilash Valsala Gopalakrishnan, Nachimuthu Senthil Kumar, Balachandar Vellingiri*. miRNA in Parkinson's disease: From pathogenesis to theranostic approaches. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 238(2), pp.329-354; 2023 (Impact Factor: 4.5).
- Dana Bryazka, Marissa B Reitsma, Yohannes Habtegiorgis Abate, Balachandar Vellingiri., et al. Forecasting the effects of smoking prevalence scenarios on years of life lost and life expectancy from 2022 to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet Public Health. 9(10), e729–e744, 2024. (Impact Factor: 25.4).
- Anila Venugopal, Mahalaxmi Iyer, Arul Narayanasamy, T Ravimanickam, Abilash Valsala Gopalakrishnan, Mukesh Kumar Yadav, Nachimuthu Senthil Kumar, Balachandar Vellingiri*. Molecular Neurobiology. 61(7), 4129, 2024. (Impact Factor: 4.6).
- Jaimie D Steinmetz, Balachandar Vellingiri., et al. Global, regional, and national burden of disorders affecting the nervous system, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet. Neurology. 23(4), 344–381, 2024. (Impact Factor: 46.5).
- Iyer, M., Anand, U., Thiruvenkataswamy, S., Babu, H.W.S., Narayanasamy, A., Prajapati, V.K., Tiwari, C.K., Gopalakrishnan, A.V., Bontempi, E., Sonne, C. and Barceló, D., & Balachandar Vellingiri*. A review of chromium (Cr) epigenetic toxicity and health hazards. Science of The Total Environment. 882, p.163483., 2023. (Impact Factor: 8.2).
- Harysh Winster Suresh Babu, Sindduja Muthu Kumar, Harsimrat Kaur, Mahalaxmi Iyer, Balachandar Vellingiri*. Midbrain organoids for Parkinson's disease (PD)-A powerful tool to understand the disease pathogenesis. Life sciences. 345, 122610, 2024. (Impact Factor: 5.2).
- Dhivya Venkatesan, Mahalaxmi Iyer, Neethu Raj, Abilash Valsala Gopalakrishnan, Arul Narayanasamy, Nachimuthu Senthil Kumar, Balachandar Vellingiri*. Assessment of tRNAThr and tRNAGln Variants and Mitochondrial Functionality in Parkinson’s Disease (PD) Patients of Tamil Nadu Population. Journal of molecular neuroscience : MN. 73(11-12), 912–920. (Impact Factor: 2.8).
- Dhivya Venkatesan, Mahalaxmi Iyer, Arul Narayanasamy, Abilash Valsala Gopalakrishnan, Balachandar Vellingiri*. Plausible Role of Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number in Neurodegeneration—a Need for Therapeutic Approach in Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Molecular Neurobiology, 60(12), 6992-7008 2023. (Impact Factor: 4.6).
- Mohsen Naghavi, Balachandar Vellingiri., et al. Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet (London, England), 403(10440), 2100–2132, 2024. (Impact factor: 98.4).
- Harysh Winster, Ajay Elangovana, Neethu Raj, Mahalaxmi Iyer, Younus Md, Abilash Gopalakrishnan, Arul Narayanaswamy, Balachandar Vellingiri*. Screening of Kynurenine 3-monooxygenase (KMO) gene to facilitate diagnosis among Parkinson's disease (PD) patients of Coimbatore population, Tamil Nadu, India. Molecular Neurobiology, 1-15, 2023. (Impact Factor: 5.1).
- C Lalbiaktluangi, Mukesh Kumar Yadav, Prashant Kumar Singh, Amit Singh, Mahalaxmi Iyer, Balachandar Vellingiri, Ruth Zomuansangi, Zothanpuia, Heera Ram. A cooperativity between virus and bacteria during respiratory infections. Frontiers in Microbiology. 14, 1279159, 2024. (Impact Factor: 4.0).
- Dhivya Venkatesan, Mahalaxmi Iyer, Neethu Raj, Abilash Valsala Gopalakrishnan, Arul Narayanasamy, Nachimuthu Senthil Kumar, Balachandar Vellingiri*. Assessment of tRNAThr and tRNAGln Variants and Mitochondrial Functionality in Parkinson’s Disease (PD) Patients of Tamil Nadu Population. Journal of molecular neuroscience: MN, 73(11), 912-920, 2023. (Impact Factor: 3.1).
- Valery L Feigin, Melsew Dagne Abate, Yohannes Habtegiorgis, Balachandar Vellingiri, et al. Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet. Neurology, 23(10), 973–1003. . (Impact Factor: 46.5).
- Vanshu Bhardwaj, Sneha Kumari, Rishika Dhapola, Prajjwal Sharma, Samir Kumar Beura, Sunil Kumar Singh, Balachandar Vellingiri, Dibbanti HariKrishnaReddy. Shedding light on microglial dysregulation in Alzheimer’s disease: exploring molecular mechanisms and therapeutic avenues. Inflammopharmacology, 10.1007/s10787-024-01598-6, 2024. (Impact Factor: 4.6).
- Mohan Gomathi, Venkatesan Dhivya, Vijayakumar Padmavathi, Murugasamy Pradeepkumar, S Robert Wilson, Nachimuthu Senthil Kumar, Balachandar Vellingiri*. Genetic Instability and Disease Progression of Indian Rett Syndrome Patients. Molecular neurobiology, 61(7), 4868–4878, 2023. (Impact Factor: 4.6).
International Book Chapters:
- Mahalaxmi Iyer, Nandita Ravichandran, Panimalar Abirami Karuppusamy, Roselin Gnanarajan, Mukesh Kumar Yadav, Arul Narayanasamy, Balachandar Vellingiri*. Molecular insights and promise of oncolytic virus based immunotherapy. Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology. 2024. (Impact Factor: 7.4).
- Sakshi Kushwaha, Anto George, Harsimrat Kaur, Ajay Elangovan, Sindduja Muthukumar, Mahalaxmi Iyer, Mukesh Kumar Yadav, Jyoti Parkash, Dhivya Venkatesan, Balachandar Vellingiri*. The Interplay Between MicroRNAs and Genetic Diseases. miRNAs, Human Health and Diseases. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
- Bhawna Dahiya, Mahalaxmi Iyer, Tanja Maria Michel, Balachandar Vellingiri*. Personalized epigenetics and neurological disorders. Personalized Epigenetics. Academic Press, 2024.
- Anirban Goutam Mukherjee, Uddesh Ramesh Wanjari, Reshma Murali, Sandra Kannampuzha, Pragya Bradu, Antara Biswas, Kaviyarasi Renu, Balachandar Vellingiri, Abilash Valsala Gopalakrishnan. 3D-printed microfluidic chips. Human Organs-on-a-Chip Technology. Academic Press, 2024.
- Anirban Goutam Mukherjee, Uddesh Ramesh Wanjari, Pragya Bradu, Antara Biswas, Megha Patil, Kaviyarasi Renu, Balachandar Vellingiri, Abilash Valsala Gopalakrishnan. Recent breakthrough in organ-on-a-chip. Human Organs-on-a-Chip Technology. Academic Press, 2024.
- Sreevalsakumar, S., Nair, C., Balachandar Vellingiri., Valsala Gopalakrishnan, A. Porphyria. In: Rezaei, N. (eds) Genetic Syndromes. Springer, Cham, 2023.
- Kannampuzha, S., Ravichandran, M., George, A., Balachandar Vellingiri., Valsala Gopalakrishnan, A. Kanzaki Disease. In: Rezaei, N. (eds) Genetic Syndromes. Springer, Cham, 2023.
- Ssang-Goo Cho, Claude Hughes, Iyer Mahalaxmi, Mohana Devi Subramaniam, Balachandar Vellingiri* and Stafford Warren. Therapeutic options initially available for COVID-19 patients and initial clinical trials. The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Future: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020.
- Mohana Devi Subramaniam, Abishek Kumar B, Ruth Bright, Ashwathy P Nair, Mahalaxmi Iyer, Balachandar Vellingiri*. Environmental Transmission of Human Pathogens Associated withSARS-CoV-2 and the Effect on Soil and Aquatic Ecosystem: A Biological Way of Management. The handbook of environmental chemistry, 2022.
- Claude Hughes, Kaavya Jayaramayya, Balachandar Vellingiri*, Stafford Warren And Michael Waters. Evaluation of the disease, sample collection and diagnostics. The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Future: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020.
- Balachandar Vellingiri*, et al. Big Data in Tribal Healthcare and Biomedical Research. Taylor & Francis Group, 2022.
- Claude Hughes, Arul Narayanaswamy, Balachandar Vellingiri*, Dhivya Venkatesan, Stafford Warren, And Michael Waters. What we know about the life-threatening novel human coronavirus. The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Future: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020.
PhD., Supervision Completed - 07
PhD., Supervision Ongoing - 05
M.Phil., Supervision Completed - 06
M.Sc., Supervision Ongoing - 06
M.Sc., Supervision Completed - 51
International Conference Attended:
- “Annual Congress of the Japan Epilepsy Centre Associate 2024” – Received Travel Award – 2024.
- 22nd World Congress on Parkinson’s and Related Disorders, Vietnam – Received Travel Award - 2017
- 14th Asian Oceanian Congress of Neurology (AOCN 2014), Macao, China – Received Travel Award – 2014
- Miami Winter Symposium The Molecular Basis of Brain Disorders Miami, USA – Received DBT-Travel Award – 2015
- XX World Congress on Parkinson's Disease and Related disorders Geneva, Switzerland – Received Travel and Young Investigator Award – 2013
- 26th Course in Medical, European Genetics Foundation, 2013, Bologna, Italy – Received Fellowship received from ESHG – 2013
- Course in Next Generation Sequencing” European Genetics Foundation, 2013, Bologna, Italy - Received Fellowship received from ESHG – 2013
- 11th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Kyoto, Japan – Received Travel Award– 2013
- Human Genome Meeting, Dubai, UAE – Received Young Scientist Travel Award – 2011
- Environmental health –Elsevier, Salvador, Brazil – Received Best Presentation award – 2011
- European Society of Human Genetics Conference (ESHG), Vienna – Austria – Received Best Presentation Award – 2009
- International Society of Psychiatric Genetics (ISPG), USA – Received Young Investigator award cum Travel award – 2009
Workshop Attended:
- New Horizons in Exercise and Health (NHEH – 2017) - Dept. of Zoology, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati - 2017
- Think Tank Initiation for IPR Policy Implementation - Intellectual Property Rights Cell, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 2017
- Plant Conservation Biotechnology - Dept. of Botany, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 2017
- One Day workshop on Research Tools and Techniques using SPSS Package - Department of Women’s Studies, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 2016
- Advanced Techniques in Animal Cell Culture (ATACC-2011) - Department of Biotechnology, Karunya University, Coimbatore - 2011
National Level
- Organizing Secretary for Workshop entitled “Diagnostic and Translational Research using miRNA (Non-coding RNA) in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (HiPSCs) for Personalized Medicine” from 11th March to 20thMarch, 2024, Department of Zoology, Central University of Punjab.
- Organizing Secretary for Workshop cum Hands-on Training in Mol-Bio-Techniques (2016 – 2020), Department of Human Genetics & Molecular Biology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
- Organizing Secretary for Autism Awareness day 2017 - Dept. of HG&MB, Bharathiar University (02.04.2017)
- Organizing Member for National Conference Insights of Genetics in Molecular Medicine (IGMM’17) - Dept. of HG&MB, Bharathiar University (2017)
- Organizing Member for Cancer Awareness Day - Dept. of HG&MB, Bharathiar University (2017)
International Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised
- Organizing Secretary – International Symposium on Advances in Bio-Medical Sciences [BMS Forum’2024]” from 26th March to 28th 2024, Department of Zoology, Central University of Punjab.
- Organizing Secretary – International Conference on Environment, Genes, Health, and Diseases (EGHD-2017), Dept. of HG&MB, Bharathiar University
- Organizing Secretary – International Conference on Environment, Genes, Health, and Diseases (EGHD-2011), Bharathiar University
• National Lecture cum Practical Workshop on New Horizons in Exercise and Health - Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, National Lecture Cum Workshop - Invited Lecture – 2017
• 9 Days National Workshop on Plant Conservation Biotechnology - Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, National Workshop - Invited Lecture – 2017
- Giridharan Bupesh, Balachandar Vellingiri, C.P. Indhumathi, V. Senthilkumar. A Pharmaceutical Composition Exhibiting Antiviral Activity against Human Parainfluenza Virus. Intellectual Property, India (Patent No: 360299), 2017 (Approved).
Google Scholar Citation - 9388 [As of 05.02.2025]
H-Index - 48
I10-Index - 136
Link : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=MFP2n2wAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao