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Contact Info
Dr. Bali Bahadur
+91 9815538531
+91 8847550610
Street No 3/3, Ranjit Avenue, Abohar Road, Sri Muktsar Sahib Punjab
Dr. Bali Bahadur


Teaching Experience
  1. Assistant Professor & Head, Post Graduate Department of Sociology, Guru Nanak College, Sri Muktsar Sahib, Punjab (11 July 2007 to 13 December 2021).
  2. Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (14 December 2021 to Till date)
Administrative Experience
  1. Head,  PG Department of Sociology (2007 to 13 December 2021)
  2. Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC): (2017 to 13 December 2021)
  3. Dean Students Welfare:(2008 to 2020)
  4. CTO NCC (Navy) (2020 to 13 December 2021)
  5. Dean, Research & Development Committee (2020 to 13 December 2021).
  6. Member Internal Complaint Committee: (2020 to 13 December 2021)
  7. Incharge UGC Grants (2012-2017)
  8. Deputy Coordinator Steering Committee NAAC.
  9. Institutional Coordinator RUSA

Any Other Experience

Assistant Project Officer in CAPART the Aegis of Ministry of Rural Development, Govt of India, New Delhi from 1st August 2005 to 7th July 2007.


Research Area


Research Interests
  1. International Migration
  2. Human Rights Issues
  3. Subaltern Studies
  4. Sociology of Diaspora  
  5. Social Gerontology
Research Grants/Projects

Title of the Project

Name of the Funding Agency




Agrarian Crisis and Farmers’ Suicides: A Sociological Study of Endemic Victim Families in the Malwa Region Of Punjab

CUPB under RSM Grant




Professional Affiliation
  1. Member, International Sociological Association
  2. Life Member of  the Indian Sociological Society
  3. Life Member Rajasthan Sociological Association. Membership No  622  Date 11 November 2022
  4. Member of Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, Senegal West Africa
  5. Executive Committee Member of North West Indian Sociological Association
  6. Life North West Indian Sociological Association
  7. Member Under Graduate Board of Studies Panjab University Chandigarh
  8. Member UG Board of Studies, Department of Sociology, Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) Heritage Institution, Jalandhar (Punjab) (2023-2026)
  9. External Expert, IQAC Baba Farid College, Deon, Bathinda (Punjab) 
  10. External Expert, IQAC Government College, Sri Muktsar Sahib (Punjab)
  11. Member BoS of Guru Kashi University Talwandi Saboo (Punjab) 
  12. Member of the editorial board of ‘The UNIverse Journal’ (A Quarterly Referred) Open Access Multidisciplinary e-Journal). ISSN: 2582352.
  13. Life member of the Social Science and Humanities Association (SSHA) Rajasthan. 
  14. Member (social scientist) in the Institutional Ethics Committee of AIIMS, Bathinda, 2023 Onward
Professional Recognition/Awards/Scholarships

Best Employee of the Decade and  Award of Honor: received an award of Honor from the management of Guru Nanak College for  Girls, Sri Muktsar Sahib & Director, Directorate of Education, SGPC Amritsar during 40th Annual Convocation and Award Distribution function held on 27-28 February 2020 for generating scholarships of worth Rs. 8.5 Crore for the students the college during 2010 to 2020



  • Bahadur, Bali.2004. “Inter Caste Relations in Rajasthan Villages”, Guru Nanak Journal of Sociology, Vol. 25, No 1. Pp 121-126.
  • Bahadur, Bali. 2012. “Emigration of Punjabi Dalits to the Persian Gulf”, Guru Nanak Journal of Sociology, Vol. 33, No1&2. Pp 51-70
  • Bahadur, Bali. 2015. “Mapping occupational Changes and Social Mobility among the Dalits: A Sociological Study of a Village of Malwa Region of Punjab”, Political Economy Journal of India, January- June. Vol.24, Issue 1 &2, Pp 42-49.
  • Bahadur, Bali.  2017. “Tracing the Roots of Dalit Diaspora: A Study of Sociological Literature”, International Journal of Applied Social Science (Impact Factor (sjif) 4.186, (gif) 1.543). September & October. Volume 4 Issue 9&10. Pp. 383-392. (ISSN No. : 2394-1405).
  • Bahadur, Bali and Kaur Amanpreet. 2017. “Dalit Occupation of Punjabi Jutti Makers: A Study of Muktsar City of Punjab,” International Journal of Applied Social Science (Impact Factor  (sjif) 4.186, (gif) 1.543)July- August. Volume 4, Issue 7 & 8. Pp. 287-293.
  • Bahadur, Bali. 2017. “Honor Killings in Punjab: Exploring the Realities and Perceptions”, International Journal of Human Resources and Social Sciences. (Impact Factor  (sjif) 5.414), Volume no 4 Issue 10. October.  Pp. 83-96
  • Bahadur, Bali.  2018. “Elderly and Changing Role of Families in Punjab: A Gerontological Study of two Cities of Malwa Region”, MERC Global’s International Journal Social Sciences and Management. January –March, Vol. 5 Issue 1 &2.Pp. 13-22.
  • Bahadur, Bali and Arora Sumit. 2018. “Social Construction of HIV/ AIDS: Understanding the Dilemmas among the Family”, International Journal of Law, Education, Social & Sports Studies. (Impact Factor  6.0176 (ici))Volume 5, Issue 1. Pp. 12-20
  • Bahadur, Bali. 2018 “Elderly & Changing Role of Families in Punjab”, Indian Journal of Gerontology.  Vol. 32, No3 1 &2. Pp. 290-305. (ISSN: 0971-4189). UGC No 20786. (Modified & Republished).
  • Bahadur, Bali. 2018. “Scheduled Castes Politics in Punjab: Cultural Assertion an Outcome of Political Marginalization”, RESEARCH HUB– International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (RHIMRJ), Vol. 5 Issue 11, Pp 01-08
  • Bahadur, Bali. 2021. “Role of Education In Bringing Social Changes: A Sociological Study Of The Dalits of Malwa Region Of Punjab”, Elementary Education Online. Vol. 20 Issue 05.
  • Bahadur, Bali and Aulakh, Akwinder Kaur. 2020. “Sex workers in COVID-19: Socio-economic insecurity, health responses and governmental restrictions”, International Journal of Applied, Vol. 6 Pp. 395-400
  • Bahadur, Bali. 2018. “Historicizing Women's Movements in India: Between Colonial and Post Colonial Era”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR). Volume 5, Issue 3. Pp  880-891
  • Bahadur, Bali & Singh, Jagsir. 2023. "Critical Reflection on Contemporary Urbanization", Third Concept. Vol 37 No 434, April, Pp 75-78. 


  • Bahadur, Bali. 2017. Human Rights in India: Dalits, Women and Minorities, New Delhi:  Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors. (ISBN: 978-81-8435-571-0)
  • Bahadur, Bali. 2018. Punjabi Diaspora in the Persian Gulf: a study of Dalit Emigrants. New Delhi: Akhand Publishing House. (ISBN: 978-93-81416-67-9)
  • Bahadur, Bali. 2021. Mapping Covid-19: A Multidisciplinary Approach. New Delhi: Gyan Publisher and Distributer. (ISBN: 978-81-212-2046-0)


  • Bahadur, Bali. 2015. “Origin and Development of Sociology (Unit-I)”,  in PSEB Text Book for Class XI Sociology, Punjab School Education Board Mohali: Mohali: PSEB Publication . Pp  3-34
  • Bahadur, Bali .2015. “Punjabi Diaspora in the Persian Gulf: a sociological study of Dalit Emigration”, in Judge Paramjit Singh (ed.) Indian Diaspora: Between Modernity and Tradition. Jaipur Rawat Publication. (ISBN: 978-81-316-0721-3)



Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Attended


Invited Talks/ Resource Person

  1. Resource Person for University Grants Commission, New Delhi, sponsored Two Day National workshop on “Craze for Greener Pasture, Human Right Violation and Justice. Organized by Lajpat Rai D.A.V College Jagraon, the Punjab topic of the lecture was “Emigration and Human Right Violation in the Persian Gulf”, Held on 28-29 March 2017
  2. Resource person for NAAC Bangalore sponsored Three Days Faculty Development Program organized by Guru Nanak College Killianwali topic of the lecture was “New Guidelines for Assessment & Accreditation of the Affiliated Colleges by NAAC: an Overview”, held on 10 to 12 January 2018
  3. Resource Person for Indian Council of Social Science Research Regional Centre, Chandigarh sponsored One day National seminar on Innovative Practices for Sustainable Development in India, organized by Guru Nanak College Killianwali topic of the lecture was “Pesticide Use and Sustainability of Agriculture: Emerging Issues in Malwa Region of Punjab”, held on 24th February 2018
  4. Acted as Resource Person in Consulate General of Canada. Government of Canada. Chandigarh sponsored International Conference on Literature, Society and Third Gender: Position & Direction. Organized by Guru Nanak College Kileanwali, the topic of the lecture was “Third Gender in Indian Society: Issues and Concerns”, held on 20 September 2017.
  5. Chaired a Technical Session on Emerging Urbanism in SSHP’s International Webinar/ Seminar Series on Expanding Horizon of Sociology: Basic Institutional Changes, organized by Department of Sociology NSCBM Government College, Hamirpur HP on 18 October 2020.
  6. Expert Lecture on National Education Policy Major Highlights delivered in Ministry of Education (MHRD) Govt of India sponsored Orientation Programe of Institution Innovation Cell. Guru Nanak College Sri Muktsar Sahib on 30 January 2022.
  7. Delivered a Special/expert lecture on Dr. Ambedkar’s Notion of Social Justice and Equality” organised by Bebe Nanaki University College, Mithra (Constituent College of Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar) on 14 April 2022 to Commemorate 131st birth anniversary of Dr. B.R Ambedkar. 
  8. Resource Person in One Day Workshop on NAAC Accreditation, organised by Government College, Sri Muktsar Sahib on 09 November 2022. The theme of the lecture was New Guidelines of NAAC for Assessment & Accreditation of Affiliated Colleges: an Overview
  9. Acted as Resource Person in International Conference on “India after 75 Years of Independence: Changes and Challenges organised by Government Arts College Sikar Rajasthan in collaboration with Social Science and Humanities Association (SSHA) on  25th- 26th November 2022.
  10. Chaired the First Technical Session of RC 21 in 47th All India Sociological Conference of the Indian Sociological Society held at the University of Science and Technology Meghalaya (USTM) on  20th- 22nd December 2021 on the theme “Hundred Years of Sociology in India: Exploring Trajectories for the Future”
  11. Acted as resource person in NAAC sponsored National Seminar on Transformation in Higher Education: Implementing NEP 2020 organised by Guru Nanak College, Killianwali on 11th of March 2023
  12. Acted as Resource Person in ICSSR Sponsored One Day National Seminar on Human Rights Violation of Disadvantaged Groups in India, organized by Guru Nanak College, Ferozepur Cantt (Punjab) on 21 April 2023. 
  13. Chaired a  Session on  "Transforming Traditional Knowledge System of Mountains: A Threat to Sustainability" in XX International Sociological Association (ISA) World Congress of Sociology held from 25th June to  1st July 2023 at Melbourne, Australia. (Abroad)

  14. Panellist in the Working Group "Rising Authoritarianism and Perspectives on Democracy in Globalized World" in XX International Sociological Association (ISA) World Congress of Sociology held from 25th June to  1st July 2023 at Melbourne, Australia. (Abroad)

Paper Presented In Conferences/ Workshops/Seminars

International Seminars/ Conferences 

  1. Indians in the Middle East: an overview. Paper presented in  3rd International Workshop “Historicizing Migration” Organized by  CODESRIA/ SEPHIS,  Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop, Angle Canal IV, BP.3304, Dakar, Senegal on 3rd March to 21st March 2008. (Abroad)
  2. Punjabi Diaspora in the Middle East: issues and concerns paper presented in International conference on the topic: Socio Physics: Status and Perspective, organized by Institute of Scientific Interchange Foundation Turin, Italy on 26 to 29 May 2008. (Abroad)
  3. International Migration and Remittances: boon for Indian economy paper presented in International Seminar on Human Migration and Displacement: New Challenges to National, Regional and Global Governance, Sponsored by International Jurist Organization Canada and Organized by  Centre for the Study of Social System.  JNU, New Delhi on  11-12 December 2010
  4. Social Exclusion, Discrimination and Xenophobia in the Persian Gulf,  Paper presented in  XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, held at the Metro Convention Centre, Toronto, Canada, organized by International Sociological Association, Toronto on  15- 21 July 2018. (Abroad)
  5. Violence Against Women from Marginalized Communities, paper presented in International Conference on “Society, Crime and Law enforcement Agencies" organized by Society of Criminology, Victimology and Penology (SCVP) in collaboration with the Department of Sociology Jai Narain Vyas University Jodhpur (Rajasthan) on 27th-28th, January 2023,
  6. International Migration of Students from Punjab: Extent, Reasons and Implications, paper presented in XX International Sociological Association (ISA) World Congress of Sociology held from 25th June to  1st July, 2023 at Melbourne, Australia.  (Abroad)

National Seminars

  1. Domestic Violence in Punjabi Society: unveiling the Realities and Perception Paper presented in ICSSR (NW) Chandigarh sponsored National Seminar on Domestic Violence against Women and Battered Immigrant Women, organized by Guru Nanak College for Girls, Muktsar from 25/03/2008 to 26/03/2008.
  2. Depressed Scheduled Castes in Punjab: A Sociological Study paper presented at the National Conference on Dynamics of Caste and Religion in North West India: Continuity, Conflict and Change, organized by  Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar on 17-18 November 2011
  3. Emigration and Social Change in the Doaba Region of Punjab, Paper presented in XVIII North West Indian Sociological Conference “Emerging Inequalities: Caste, Class and Gender in the North West” organized by The Department of Sociology, GNDU Amritsar on 02-03 November. 2015
  4. Hegemonic Caste, Masculinity and Patriarchy in Punjabi Media: A Sociological Analysis paper presented in University Grants Commission, New Delhi Sponsored National conference on “The Paradigm of Inequality in India”, Organized by BN, Guru Nanak Dev University College, Mithra Kapurthala (Punjab) on  15-16 January 2016
  5. Role of Emigration for Social Inclusion of Dalits in Punjabi Society Paper presented in UGC New Delhi Under UGC-SAP (DRS-III) sponsored  National Seminar on Secularism, Equality and Inclusion: Understanding the Paradox of Indian Modernity, Organized by Department of Sociology, Guru Nanak Dev University Sri Amritsar on 10-11 March 2017
  6. Failure of Diaspora Development Initiative in Rural Punjab paper presented in Indian Council of Social Science Research Regional Centre, Chandigarh sponsored National Seminar on Entrepreneurship in India Need of the Hour, organized by Guru Nanak College for Girls. Sri Muktsar Sahib on 18 March 2017.
  7. Human Rights, Dalits and the Politics of Exclusion,  paper presented in  47th All India Sociological Conference of Indian Sociological Society held at University of Science and Technology Meghalaya (USTM) on  20th- 22nd December 2022 on the theme “Hundred Years of Sociology in India: Exploring Trajectories for the Future”

 (C) Conference/ Seminars Attended

  1. Participated in ICSSR Chandigarh  sponsored National Seminar on Punjabi Novel Da Samaj Shashatri Adhyan organized by Guru Nanak College for Girls Muktsar on 13/02/2009
  2. Participated in the State level Seminar on Measuring and Managing Managerial Skills  organized by the Department of Commerce Guru Nanak College for Girls Sri Muktsar Sahib on  13 March 2010
  3. Attended State Level Seminar  on  Naari Vadi Vimarsh: Vivid Pariprekshya organized by Guru Nanak College for Girls Sri Muktsar Sahib on 10 March 2003


      Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised

      National Level

      1. One ICSSR (NW) Chandigarh Sponsored National Seminar organized by Dr Bali Bahadur on Domestic Violence against Women  from 25/03/2008 to 26/03/2008 at Guru Nanak College for Girls, Muktsar
      2. Ten days ICSSR New Delhi sponsored National Workshop was Organized by Dr Bali Bahadur as Course Director under Title “Research Methodology Programme for PhD Students in Social Sciences”, from 21/03/2015 to 30/03/2015 at Guru Nanak College for Girls, Sri Muktsar Sahib.
      3. College Development Council, Panjab University, Chandigarh sponsored National Seminar on “NAAC Accreditation: Methodology, Process and Problems, was organized by Dr. Bali Bahadur on 29 March 2016 at Guru Nanak College for Girls, Sri Muktsar Sahib (Pb)
        Peer Recognition

        Workshops/ Training Program Attended 

        • Attended one Training for Young Professionals, organized by CAPART, Ministry of Rural Development Govt. of India at Institute of Applied Manpower and Research, New Delhi  20, June 2005 to 05, July, 2005
        • Attended workshop on problems relating to NRI Marriages, organized by the National Commission for Women New Delhi & Ministry of Indian Affairs Govt. of India, New Delhi at  CII conference hall sector 31-A Chandigarh on  20 to 21 June 2006
        • Attended General Orientation Course-91 organized by UGC- Academic Staff College, Guru Nanak Dev University Sri Amritsar from 2nd May 2013 to 29 May 2013
        • Attended Refresher Course in Research Methodology in Social Sciences organized by Academic Staff College, Guru Nanak Dev University, Sri Amritsar from 5th June 2013 to 20th June 2013.
        • Attended Course on Sociology of Labour and Globalization organized by V.V Giri National Labour Institute, Noida (UP) Ministry of Labour Govt of India from 19/01/2015 to 30/01/2015
        • Attended National Workshop on How to Get Grade A in NAAC, Alert Knowledge Services Gurgaon  at  Shivalik View, Sector 17-E Chandigarh on 1st August 2015
        • Attended 64th Refresher Course in Research Methodology & Data Analysis organized by UGC Human Resource Development Centre,  Punjabi University, Patiala from  01-12-2017 to 21-12-2017
        • Attended NAAC Bangalore Workshop on Revised Accreditation Framework (RAF): Prospects and Challenges for Rural and Semi-Urban Colleges, organized by the Mata Gujri College,  Fatehgarh Sahib on 13 September 2019

        Conference/ Seminars Attended

        • Participated in ICSSR Chandigarh  sponsored National Seminar on Punjabi Novel Da Samaj Shashatri Adhyan organized by Guru Nanak College for Girls Muktsar on 13/02/2009
        • Participated in the State level Seminar on Measuring and Managing Managerial Skills  organized by Department of Commerce Guru Nanak College for Girls Sri Muktsar Sahib on  13 March 2010
        • Attended State Level Seminar  on  Naari Vadi Vimarsh: Vivid Pariprekshya organized by Guru Nanak College for Girls Sri Muktsar Sahib on 10 March 2003


        Invited Talks/ Resource Person
        1. Resource Person for University Grants Commission, New Delhi, sponsored Two Day National workshop on “Craze for Greener Pasture, Human Right Violation and Justice. Organized by Lajpat Rai D.A.V College Jagraon, the Punjab topic of the lecture was “Emigration and Human Right Violation in the Persian Gulf”, Held on 28-29 March 2017
        2. Resource person for NAAC Bangalore sponsored Three Days Faculty Development Program organized by Guru Nanak College Killianwali topic of the lecture was “New Guidelines for Assessment & Accreditation of the Affiliated Colleges by NAAC: an Overview”, held on 10 to 12 January 2018
        3. Resource Person for Indian Council of Social Science Research Regional Centre, Chandigarh sponsored One day National seminar on Innovative Practices for Sustainable Development in India, organized by Guru Nanak College Killianwali topic of the lecture was “Pesticide Use and Sustainability of Agriculture: Emerging Issues in Malwa Region of Punjab”, held on 24th February 2018
        4. Resource Person for Consulate General of Canada. Government of Canada. Chandigarh sponsored International Conference on Literature, Society and Third Gender: Position & Direction. Organized by Guru Nanak College Kileanwali, the topic of the lecture was “Third Gender in Indian Society: Issues and Concerns”, held on 20 September 2017.
        5. Chaired a Technical Session -05 On Emerging Urbanism in SSHP’s International Webinar/ Seminar Series on Expanding Horizon of Sociology: Basic Institutional Changes, organized by Department of Sociology NSCBM Government College, Hamirpur HP on 18 October 2020.
        6. Expert Lecture on National Education Policy Major Highlights delivered in Ministry of Education (MHRD) Govt of India sponsored Orientation Programe of Institution Innovation Cell. Guru Nanak College Sri Muktsar Sahib on 30 January 2021
        7. Delivered a Special/expert lecture on Dr. Ambedkar’s Notion of Social Justice and Equality” organised by Bebe Nanaki University College, Mithra (Constituent College of Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar) on 14 April 2022 to Commemorate 131st birth anniversary of Dr. B.R Ambedkar.
        8. Acted as Resource Person in One Day Workshop on NAAC Accreditation, organised by Government College, Sri Muktsar Sahib on 09 November 2022. The theme of the lecture was New Guidelines of NAAC for Assessment & Accreditation of Affiliated Colleges: an Overview
        9. Chaired a First Technical Session of RC 21 in 47th All India Sociological Conference of Indian Sociological Society held at University of Science and Technology Meghalaya (USTM) on 20th- 22nd December 2021 on the theme “Hundred Years of Sociology in India: Exploring Trajectories for the Future”

        Community Participation
        Organized 05 Blood Donation, Medical Checkup and Awarness Camps in the memory of Sr. Jagjit Singh Sidhu in collaboration with District Health Department, Sarbat Da Bhalla Trust Punjab and Punjab Laboratory Muktsar from 2015 to 2017 at Guru Nanak College for Girls, Muktsar