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Contact Info
Dr. Dhanraj Sharma
Department of Financial Administration, Central University of Punjab, VPO. Ghudda, Distt. Bathinda, Punjab, India
Dr. Dhanraj Sharma

Assistant Professor
Department of Financial Administration
School of Management

Central University of Punjab


Ph.D. in Commerce from Aligarh Muslim University: M.Com. (Accounting and Finance) and UGC-JRF


Teaching Experience

Working as Assistant Professor in Department of Financial Administration, Central University of Punjab since January 2018.

Research Experience
Worked as Post-Doctoral Fellow in Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University under UGC- Dr. S. Radharkrishnan Post Doctoral Fellowship In Humanities And Social Sciences.
Research Area



Research Interests

Mutual Funds; Market Anomaly; Corporate Governance and Financial Performance    

Research Grants/Projects

Project entitled “Performance Evaluation of Indian Mutual Fund Industry: An application of Conditional and Unconditional Models”  has been successfully competed under Research Seed Money Grant (₹150000).

Professional Affiliation
  • Reviewer of Sage, Inderscience and Emerald Journals.
  • Life time member of Indian Commerce Association (ICA).
  • Life time member of The Indian Econometrics Society (TIES).
  • Life time member of Indian Accounting Association (IAA).
Professional Recognition/Awards/Scholarships
  • Received Best Teacher Award in Central University of Punjab in February 2020.
  • Received best paper award in International Conference organized by Research Development Association in association with Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Jaipur Management Association (Affiliated to AIMA) in November 2019.
  • Awarded UGC-DSRPDFHS from September 2017 to December 2017.
  • Awarded Junior Research Fellow (JRF) from March 2013 to January 2015.
  • Second Rank Holder in Post-Graduation in Aligarh Muslim University (AMU).

Scopus Journals

  1. Verma R., Sharma D. & Sam S. Cryptocurrency Market Anomaly: The Day-of-the-week effect, Finance India. (Accepted).
  2. Al-Hakimi M., Saleh M., Borade D., Hasan M. and Sharma D. (2022). Competitor orientation and SME Performance in Competitive Environments: The Moderating effect of Marketing Ethics, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. (Accepted)
  3. Verma R., Sharma D. & Chugh P. (2022). Does Corporate Governance influence Intellectual Capital? An Evaluation of Indian and Chinese Banks, International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies. (In-Press).
  4. Verma R., Sharma D. & Sam S. (2022). Testing of Random Walk Hypothesis in the Cryptocurrency Market, FIIB Business Review, 1-9.
  5. Verma R., Sharma D., Sharma S., & Sam S. (2022). Relationship between Bank-Specific factors and Non-Performing Assets of Indian Banks during Post Global Financial Crisis Era, Finance India. XXXVI(2), 867-885.

UGC-CARE Journals

  1. Sharma D. and Singh H. (2021). Turn of the Month effect in Indian stock market: A Case study of Sectoral Indices. Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, 11(41), 209-213.
  2. Verma R., Sharma D., Sam S. and Sharma S. (2021). Impact Assessment of Covid-19 pandemic on the top 10 affected countries. Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, 11(41), 21-26.
  3. Verma R., Sharma D., & Jawahar J. (2021). Impact of Corporate Governance on Environmental Information Disclosure: Evidence from India. Orissa Journal of Commerce, 42(1), 16-28.
  4. Sharma D., Verma R. & Sam S. (2020). Effect of Demonetization on Cashless Transactions in India. Shodh Sarita, 7(25), 57-66.

Other Refereed Journals

  1. Sharma D., Verma R. & Sam S. (2021). Adoption of cyrptocurrency: An international perspective. International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialization, 18(3), 247-260. (Inderscience Publication)
  2. Verma R., Sharma D. & Chugh P. (2021). Impact of Ownership Structure on Financial Performance of Indian Corporate Sector. The IUP Journal of Corporate Governance. 20(2). (ABDC- C Category Journal)
  3. Sharma D. & Verma R. (2020). Reaction of Stock price to Fraud’s announcements: Evidence from Indian banking sector. Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, 16(2), 157-166. (Sage Publication)
  4. Sharma D. & Mishra A.K. (2019). The Effect of Working Capital Management on Profitability: A Case Study of Maruti Suzuki India Limited. Advances in Economics and Business Management, 6(3), 196-199.
  5. Sharma D. & Verma R. (2017). An empirical analysis of specific determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in the Indian Service sector. International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing, 7(5), 243-253.
  6. Sharma D. & Verma R. (2016). Impact of Capital Structure on the Performance. An Empirical Analysis of Indian Banking Sector. International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce, 6(9), 32-39.
  7. Sharma D. (2016). Fama Decomposition analysis of selected companies of Bombay Stock Exchange in India. Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis, 5(3), 1-13.
  8. Sharma D. (2016). Working Capital Management of Pharmaceutical Companies in India: An empirical study of Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited. GE-International Journal of Management Research, 4(7), 109-123.
  9. Sharma D. (2016). Measuring the risk and return performance of mutual funds in India:  An investment analysis approach. International Journal of Business and General Management, 5(1), 1-20.
  10. Sharma D. (2016). An empirical analysis of market timing performance of Indian asset management companies under unconditional model. International Journal of Finance and Accounting, 5(1), 1-12.
  11. Ashraf S. H. & Sharma D. (2014). Performance Evaluation of Indian equity mutual funds against established Benchmark Index. International Journal of Accounting Research. 2(1), 1-7.
  12. Sharma D. (2014). Asset Management Industry: A comparative study with Gross Domestic Savings. Gyan Arth- Journal of Commerce and Economics. 1(1), 21-27.
  13. Ashraf S. H. & Sharma D. (2012). Growth and Development of Indian Mutual Fund Industry. ARSH- An International Refereed Research Journal of Management. 2(1), 41-49.
  14. Ashraf S. H. & Sharma D. (2011). Global financial crisis and its implication on Indian Insurance Industry. International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management. 3(1), 49-57.
  15. Ashraf S. H. & Sharma D. (2011). Problems in implementation of Green marketing in India. International Journal of Marketing and Management research. 2(7), 116-131.


  • Verma R. & Sharma D. (2019). Health Insurance in India: An Analysis of Performance and Prospects. Lambert Academic Publishing, (ISBN No, 978-3-330-34775-5).


  • Sharma D., & Choudhary A.K. (2021). Evaluation of the Financial Performance of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) during Post Global Financial Era, published in book entitled Digitalization & Sustainable Business Model Innovation in Rural India: Pathways for the Future by National Press Associate. ISBN No. 978-93-90863-52-5.
  • Verma R., Sharma D., & Chugh P. (2021). Impact of Corporate Governance on Dividend Policy: Empirical Evidence from Indian Corporate Sector, published in book Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Business Management: Post Covid-19 by Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group). ISBN No. 978-1-032-21444-3
  • Verma R., Sharma D., & Sharma S. (July 2021). An Empirical Analysis of Bank-Specific and Macroeconomic Determinants affecting Non Performing Assets of Indian Banks, published in the book entitled An Anthology of Multi-Functional Perspectives in Business and Management Research by Eureka Publications, 33-46. (ISBN No.978-93-91260-11-8)
Research Guidance

Ph.D. : 5 (On-going including 1 International Student)

PG (Project/ Dissertation) : 48 (Awarded) 

Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Attended
Paper Presented in International Conferences
  • International Conferences (outside India): 04 (organized by Cardiff Metropolitan University; University of Guanajuato, Mexico; Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia and Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic)
  • International Conferences in India: 30 (organized by reputed institutes viz. IIMs, IIT, NIT Central and State universities etc.)
Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised
National Level
  • Co-Convener of Two Days ICSSR Sponsored National Webinar on Digitalization & Sustainable Business Model Innovation in Rural India: Pathways for the Future organized by Department of Financial Administration, Central University of Punjab during December 02-03, 2021
  • Coordinator of ATAL sponsored AICTE Faculty Development Program on Strategic Planning & Implementation in the Digital Era conducted by Department of Financial Administration, Central University of Punjab during October 04 08, 2021.
Invited Talks/ Resource Person
 Delivered Invited Lecture in Counselling Session on Preparation for CUET – 2022 (PG) organised by Punjabi University College, Ghudda (May 24, 2022).
 Delivered Invited Lecture on Budget Making Process in 3 days Training Program on Gender Budgeting organised by the Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Finance (MGSIPF), Bathinda (March 2022).
 Delivered Invited lecture on Relevance of MOOCs in Social Sciences in One week National Interdisciplinary workshop on Contemporary issues and approaches in Social Science Research organized by TLC Central University of Punjab under PMMMNMTT scheme of MHRD (October 2019).
 Delivered a Special lecture on Preparation Financial Statements under Companies Act 2013 in RNB Global University, Bikaner (March 2019).
 Delivered a guest lecture on the topic Contemporary Development in the field of Accounting in Gagan Institute of Management & Technology, Aligarh. (January, 2016).
Contribution Towards Institutional Building
Member of IQAC, Central University of Punjab.
Member of Mentoring Cell, Central University of Punjab.
CUCET Observer for Jalandhar Center (CUCET-2020)
Curricular Development
Member, School Board, School of Management, Central University of Punjab
Member, Board of Studies, Department of Financial Administration, Central University of Punjab
Member, Board of Studies, Department of Economic Studies, Central University of Punjab
Member, Board of Studies, Department of Applied Agriculture, Central University of Punjab
Member of School Board, School of Social Sciences, Central University of Punjab
MOOCs Coordinator, Department of Financial Administration, Central University of Punjab.
Member, Anti-Ragging Committee, Department of Financial Administration, Central University of Punjab.
Internship and Placement Coordinator, Department of Financial Administration, Central University of Punjab.