Assistant Professor
Department of Computational Sciences,
School of Basic Sciences
Ph.D. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (2018) Physics (Condensed Matter Physics)
M.Phil. C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur (2009) Physics (Solid State Physics)
M.Sc. C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur (2008) Physics
Teaching Experience
2020 (January)-Current - Assistant Professor, Department of Computational Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
2009 (Jul) - 2011 (Oct) - Lecturer, Bhabha Institute of Technology, Kanpur, (Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow)
Research Experience
2019 (Nov) -2020 (Jan) – Dr. D.S. Kothari Post-doc fellow, School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Administrative Experience
Any Other Experience
Metallic Glasses: Structural and Microstructural Properties.
Phase Separation in Metallic Glasses
Mechanical Behavior (indentation characteristics) of Metallic Glasses
Low Temperature Transport Properties of Metallic Glasses
Electronic structure (X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy) of Metallic Glasses
Numerical Simulation of Microstructure for Metallic Glasses Using MATLAB
Computational Solid State Physics, Metallic Glasses, Materials characterizations, Low temperature transport properties
Computational effort to understand the Phase-Separation dynamics of Metallic Glasses with the help of MATLAB and GAUSSIAN software packages (6/2020-6/2022)
Funded by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
1. 2019-2020: Dr. D.S. Kothari Post Doctoral Fellowship (Higher Fellowship mode)
2. 2013-2018: UGC Junior and Senior Research Fellowship.
1. Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
2. School of Physical Sciecnes, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
1. Singh Dharmendra, Singh Devinder, and Tiwari R.S. (2018) Effect of Ga substitution on low temperature transport and magnetic response of Ce75Al25 metallic glass. AIP Advances 8(9): 095222-095232 [Impact factor (IF) = 1.63]
2. Singh Dharmendra, Singh Devinder, Mandal R.K., Srivastava O.N. and Tiwari R.S. (2017) Effect of quenching rate on the microstructure and mechanical behaviour of Ce75Al21Ga4 metallic glass. Materials Characterization 134: 18-24 [IF = 3.56]
3. Singh Dharmendra, Singh Devinder, Srivastava O.N. and Tiwari R.S. (2016) Microstructural effect on the low temperature transport properties of Ce–Al (Ga) metallic glasses. Scripta Materialia 118:24–28 [IF = 5.08]
4. Singh Dharmendra, Singh Devinder, Mandal R.K., Srivastava O.N. and Tiwari R.S. (2016) Crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of (Al90Fe5Ce5)100-xTix amorphous alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 687: 990-998. [IF = 4.65]
5. Singh Dharmendra, Singh Devinder, Mandal R.K., Srivastava O.N. and Tiwari R.S. (2016) Effect of annealing on the devitrification behavior and mechanical properties of rapidly quenched Ce-based glassy alloys. Journal of Non Crystalline Solids 445-446:53-60.[IF = 2.93]
6. Singh Dharmendra, Mandal R.K., Srivastava O.N. and Tiwari R.S. (2015) Glass forming ability, thermal stability and indentation characteristics of Ce60Cu25Al15-xGax metallic glasses. Journal of Non Crystalline Solids 427:98–103. [IF = 2.93]
7. Singh Dharmendra, Basu S., Mandal R.K., Srivastava O.N. and Tiwari R.S. (2015) Formation of nano-amorphous domains in Ce75Al25-xGax alloys with delocalization of Cerium 4f electrons. Intermetallics 67:87-93. [IF = 3.39]
8. Singh Dharmendra, Singh Devinder, Mandal R.K., Srivastava O.N. and Tiwari R.S. (2014) Glass forming ability, thermal stability and indentation characteristics of Ce75Al25-xGax metallic glasses, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 590:15–20. [IF = 4.65]
9. Singh Devinder, Singh Dharmendra, Yadav T.P., Mandal R.K., Srivastava O.N. and Tiwari R.S. (2013) Synthesis and Indentation Behavior of Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Phases in Rapidly Quenched Cu–Ga–Mg–Ti and Cu–Al–Mg–Ti Alloys. Metallogr. Microstruct. Anal. 2:321–327. [IF = 2.03]
10. Mandal R.K., Tiwari R.S., Singh Devinder, Singh Dharmendra (2015) Influence of Ga Substitution on the mechanical behavior of Zr69.5Al7.5-xGaxCu12Ni11 and Ce75Al25-xGax Metallic Glass Compositions. MRS Proceeding 1757: 3-6. [IF = 1.03]
Book Chapters
1. Singh Dharmendra, Singh Devinder and Tiwari R.S. (2019) Phase Separation in Ce-Based Metallic Glasses Metallic Glasses. Edited by Minic Dragica. Intech Open. DOI:10.5772/intechopen.88028.
University Level
1. Singh Dharmendra, Singh Devinder, Mandal R.K., Srivastava O.N. and Tiwari R.S. Oral Presentation “Phase separation in Ce75Al25-xGax (x=0, 2, 4 and 6) metallic glass” in International conference on Nano-materials with special reference to energy security (NMES-2014)” at Department of Physics, B.H.U., Varanasi-221005, India, March 12-14, 2014.
1. Singh Dharmendra, Singh Devinder, Mandal R.K., Srivastava O.N. and Tiwari R.S. Oral Presentation “Nano amorphous domain in Ce75Al25-xGax phase separated metallic glass” in International Conference on Electron Microscopy & XXXVII Annual Meeting of Electron Microscope Society of India (EMSI)” at Department of Metallurgical Engineering, IIT (BHU), Varanasi-221005, India, June 2-4, 2016.
2. Singh Dharmendra, Singh Devinder, Mandal R.K., Srivastava O.N. and Tiwari R.S. Oral Presentation “Low temperature transport properties of Ce-Al-Ga metallic glass” in 8th One day Conference on “Recent Trends in Research” Department of Physics, B.H.U., Varanasi-221005, India, February 07, 2015.
3. Singh Dharmendra, Singh Devinder, Mandal R.K., Srivastava O.N. and Tiwari R.S. Oral Presentation “Crystallization and mechanical behavior of Ce75Al25-xGax (x=0-6) metallic glass” in 60th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India & International Symposium on “International Conference on Electron Microscopy & XXXV Annual Meeting of Electron Microscope Society of India (EMSI)” at University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India, July 9-11, 2014.
University Level
National Level
International Level