Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
School of Social Sciences
Teaching Experience
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Government Aizawl College (11th December, 2019-14th December, 2021)
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Central University of Punjab (15th December, 2021-till date)
Research Experience
Conducted Ethnography of Mizos during my MPhil (5 months) and PhD research (24 months)
An empirical study was conducted in two field sites
Mizoram State Cancer Institute in Aizawl
TATA Memorial Hospital in Mumbai
Conducted research on Gender and Space in the Time of Covid-19: Through the Lens of Women in Mizoram during June-November 2020
Administrative Experience
- Member of IQAC Governance and Leadership Cell (2020-2021)
- Internal Committee on Sexual Harassment at Workplace(2020-2021)
- Member of Information and Communication Technology Cell(2020-2021)
- Member of COVID-19 Committee(2020-2021)
- Member of IQAC Research, Innovation and Extension Cell(2020-2021)
Sociology of Health and Illnesses
Sociology of Gender
Sociology of Tribal Studies
Sociology of Culture
- Received Sasawaka Peace Foundation Grant for Young Researcher in June, 2020. A project titled “Gender and Space in the Time of Covid-19: Through the Lens of Women in Mizoram” was carried out from June 2020 to December 2020.
- Chhakchhuak, Lalhmangaihi (2017) “Accessibility and Affordability of Medical Treatment: A Study of Cancer Affected in Mizoram”. Contemporary Social Scientist. Vol IX-1, Summer 2017. pp. 51-57 (This a National Refereed Journal)
- Lalhmangaihi Chhakchhuak (2015) “Ability and Disability” UGC e-PG Pathsala, e-content Creation for Postgraduate Students, Sociology Paper-8. Sociology of Health: Module no. 03
- Lalhmangaihi Chhakchhuak (2015) “The Role of Religion and Medicine in Healing” UGC e-PG Pathsala, e-content Creation for Postgraduate Students, Sociology Paper-8. Sociology of Health: Module no. 05
- Lalhmangaihi Chhakchhuak (2015) “Health Policies and Specific Disease Program: Malaria” UGC e-PG Pathsala, e-content Creation for Postgraduate Students, Sociology Paper-8. Sociology of Health: Module no. 12
- Lalhmangaihi Chhakchhuak (2015) “Health Policies and Specific Disease Program: Epidemics” UGC e-PG Pathsala, e-content Creation for Postgraduate Students, Sociology Paper-8. Sociology of Health: Module no. 15
Chhakchhuak, Lalhmangaihi, Khiangte, Lalmalsawma & Vanrammmawia, K (2021) eds “Social Change and Social Development in North East India: Issues and Challenges”. Mittal Publication. New Delhi
Book Chapters
- Chhakchhuak, Lalhmangaihi (2022) “Global Markets and Local Risks: A Sociological Analysis of Cancer Affected People in Mizoram” in Hoineilhing Sithlou (ed), Identity and Marginality in North East India: Challenges for Social Research. Orient Blackswan. Hyderabad. (Forthcoming)
- Chhakchhuak, Lalhmangaihi (2022) Gendered Body: Embodiment and Identity - A Narratives of Cancer Affected Women in Mizo Society in Hmingthanzuali and Mary Vanlalthanpuii (eds)The Anthology of Mizo Writers. Zubaan Publications. New Delhi (Forthcoming)
University Level
- Participated at the Two Days’ Workshop on ‘Writing an Article for a Foreign/Indian Journal” organized by School of Social Sciences at the University of Hyderabad during 9th and 10th March, 2015
- Presented a paper titled “Gendered Body and Identity: Narratives of Cancer Affected Women in Mizo Society” at the National Seminar on Women’s Participation in Research and Development in Northeast India organised by Department of Management, Mizoram University on 4th-5th March, 2020
- Participated in the 21 day Refresher Course in Research Methodology for Social Sciences (Quantitative Methods) organized by UGC-Academic Staff College, University of Hyderabad held between 23rs April-13th May, 2014
- Participated at the Two days’ Workshop on “Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) and Institutional Committee for Stem Cell Research and Therapy (IC-SCRT)” organized by School of Medical Sciences, University of Hyderabad during 10th and 11th October, 2014
- Participated at the One day Workshop on Communication Skills, Training for Health Care Professionals Involved in Cancer Care” organized by the Department of Liberal Arts, Cancer Research and Relief Trust, The International Psycho-Oncology Society and World Health Organization at the Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad held on 11th February, 2015
- Participated at the one week “Academic Writing Workshop” organized by Department of Sociology, University of Hyderabad during 20th – 27th January, 2017
- Participated in a 5 day workshop on Access to Medicines, TRIPS and Patents organized by Third World Network, TATA Institute of Social Sciences and Jan Swasthya Abhiyan in TISS, Mumbai held between 17th-20th December, 2019
- Participated in a One Day Training on Online Teaching organized by Governance Cell, IQAC Government Aizawl College 23rd September, 2020
- Participated in One Week Short Term Course on Women Studies on Gender in Research and Methods of Inquiry organised by UGC-Women's Studies Centre, Mizoram University during 25th- 31st March, 2022
- Paper presented entitled “Understanding the Notion Social Body: A critical Study of Scientific Medicine and Religious Healing in Mizoram” at The Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and the Commonwealth at the International Conference held at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi during 2-6 April, 2012
- Presented a paper entitled “Understanding Healing: Notion of Medical and Religious Healing in Mizo Society” at the 5th South and South East Asian Association for the Study of Culture and Religion at the International Conference held at The Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines during 16th -19th May, 2013
- Presented a paper entitled “The Burden of Being Cancer Affected: A study of Economic Impact of Cancer in Mizoram” at Indo Global Cancer Summit in Hyderabad Convention Centre at the International conference held on 2nd-4th November, 2015
- Presented a paper entitled “Global Markets: Cross-border Trade and Health Risk” in 49th BSA Medical Conference organised by British Sociological Association in University of York, York, United Kingdom held on 13th-15th September, 2017
- Presented a paper entitled “Trade and Global Markets: Consumption Culture Change in Mizoram” in International Seminar on Writing History on Highlanders of North East India organised by Department of History and Ethnography, School of Social Sciences, Mizoram University held on 5th and 6th March, 2019
University Level
National Level
- Member of Organizing committee of One Week National workshop on Challenges and Opportunities in Higher Education organized by the Research, Innovation and Extension Cell (IQAC), Govt. Aizawl College during 24th -28th August, 2020
- Member of Organizing committee of National Seminar on Social Change and Development in India: Issues and Dynamics organized by the Research, Innovation and Extension Cell (IQAC), Govt. Aizawl College during 11th & 12th, February, 2021
International Level
- Member of Organizing committee of “Health Studies in India” for OUP organized by Department of Sociology held on 6th -7th March, 2015