DEGREE (if applicable) |
YEAR(s) |
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla and Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, and Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India St Bede’s college, Shimla, India |
Research Scientist-I Postdoctoral Fellow Ph.D M.Phil. M.Sc B.Sc
Nov. 2010-May 2012 2006- Oct. 2010 2002-06 2000-02 1998-00 1995-98 |
Oxidative stress response networks in human Chagasic cardiomyopathy Trypanosoma cruzi Induced Oxidative Stress Immunology Radiation and Cancer Biology Radiation and Cancer Biology Zoology (Specialization in Radiation and Cancer Biology) Zoology, Chemistry and Botany |
Teaching Experience:
04 Jan 2019-09 Feb 2023: Head, Department of Microbiology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, India
14 Jan 2020-Till date: Professor (Direct Recruitment), Department of Microbiology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, India
28 Dec 2018- 13 Jan 2020: Professor (Career Advancement Scheme), Department of Microbiology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, India
28 Dec 2015-27 Dec 2018: Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Microbial Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, India
01 July 2013-27 Dec 2015: Assistant Professor, Centre for Genetic Diseases and Molecular Medicine, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, India
31 May 2012-June 2013: Assistant Professor, Centre for Biosciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, India
Research Experience:
May 2012- till date: Involved in research by guiding Masters, MPhil, PhD students and by utilizing various extramural grants.
01 Nov 2010- 25 May 2012: Research Scientist-I, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA
24 April 2006-31 Oct 2010 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA
Administrative Experience:
- Director, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (July 2021-till date)
- Chairperson, Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBSC) May 2023-till date
- Head, Dept. of Microbiology (July 2019-Feb 2023)
- Head, Dept. of Biochemistry and Microbial Sciences (January 2019-June 2019)
- Member, Academic Council , Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
- Member, Planning Board
- Member, Finance committee
- Member, Internal Complaint Committee
- Member, Institutional Ethics Committee
- Member, IQAC (2018-2021)
- Member, Library Advisory committee
- President, Institution Innovation Council (IIC, MHRD)
- Nominated by Institutional Innovation Council to attend the Orientation of IIC-2 and ARIIA -regional mentoring session on 19th July, 2019 in Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh, organized by MHRD’s Innovation Cell.
- Convener, Institution Innovation Council (IIC, MHRD) (2018-2020). Represented university at the inaugural function of the launch of IIC at AICTE HQs, New Delhi on 21 November, 2018.
- Convener, Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBSC) (2016-2023)
- Represented Central University of Punjab in “Festival of Innovation” at Rashtrapati Bhawan, March 8, 2017
- Academic and Administrative Committee of the Centre : Convener (2015-2019)
- Academic and Administrative Committee of the Centre : Chair (2019-2023)
- Board of Studies: Member
- School Board Member: Member
- School Admission Committee: Member Secretary
- Member, Editorial Board Newsletter (2013-2023)
- Chairperson, Newsletter committee (2023-till date)
- Earn While you Learn Scheme (Coordinator)
- Community Development Cell /Unnat Bharat Abhiyaan: Nodal officer
- Mess Advisory Committee
- NSS Programme officer (April 2016-2019) NSS: Programme Coordinator (April 2019- Oct 2021)
- Member, Rashtriya Avishkaar Abhiyaan
- Member, International Collaboration Cell
- Faculty Advisor: Vardaan Club
- Annual Report Committee
- Room allotment Committee
- Day Care Centre: Member (September, 2012-May, 2018)
Any Other Experience
My focus of research is to know whether ROS/RNS induced oxidative stress activates innate defense response during carcinogenesis and role of antioxidants in this regard. My ultimate goal is to delineate the complex interrelationships between the oxidative stress and inflammatory mediators, wherein the promise of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory therapies in controlling progressive disease conditions can be realized. Currently, I have following work undergoing or in pipeline:
Inflammation and its molecular and cellular targets during H. pylori infection and associated gastric cancer.
Evaluating the mechanism involved in the toxicity of Anthracyclines used as chemotherapeutic drugs (DST funded).
Development plasma/serum proteome with reference to the specific biomarkers of oxidative/nitrosative stress produced during the course of carcinogenesis and analysis for the identification of tumor-associated biomarkers.
Serological studies to investigate the diagnostic and prognostic efficacy of the bio-markers of inflammation, oxidative stress and antioxidant status of human diseases such as cancer, diabetes and chronic heart diseases.
To investigate the cause effect relationship between the environmental contaminants and hypertension and diabetes in Malwa region of Punjab.
Trained in proteomics and disease-state specific bio markers analysis at University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston (USA). Expertise include maintaining parasite, cell lines, handling/caring mouse colonies (knock-out, transgenic), cutting-edge molecular approaches, oxidative biochemistry and enzymology, inflammatory pathology.
A. Project as Principal Investigator (Completed)
Title: Chemotherapeutic Drug Induced Cardiomyocyte Toxicity: Evaluation of Ethno-Botanical Plants to
Minimize the Cardiac Damage.
Funding Agency: Dept. of Science and Technology (DST) Fast Track, Rs 23 Lakhs
B. Project as Co - Principal Investigator (Completed)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Anil K. Mantha
Title: Mitochondrial Oxidative DNA Damage-Repair in Alzheimer’s disease: AP-endonuclease (APE1/Ref-1) as a Potential Therapeutic Target.
Funding Agency: Dept. of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi, Rs. 46 Lakhs
C. Project as Principal Investigator (completed)
Title: Molecular Mechanisms of Pollen-Mediated Stress in Human Epithelial Lung cell line.
Funding Agency: Central University of Punjab, Bathinda as Research Seed Money. Rs. 3 Lakhs for 2 years (2014-16).
D. Unnat Bharat Abhiyaan (Co-investigator) 1.75 lakhs, 2017-2019
Ongoing Project as Co - Principal Investigator (2022-2025)
1. Title: Evaluation of neuroprotective role of Picrorhiza kurroa (Kutki) on organophosphate pesticides (OPPs) pestered neurodegenerative responses in Alzheimer’s disease model study".
Funding Agency: Dept. of Science and Technology (DST), Rs. 53 Lakhs
2. Awarded a grant of 266 lakhs to establish EYUVA (Empowering Youth for Undertaking Value Added Innovative Translational Research) Centre” at Central University of Punjab
Funding Agency: BIRAC-DBT
Life member of Indian Immunology Society
2013- till date Editorial Board Member, J. of Cell Sci. and Mol. Bio
2010-till date American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH)
2010-till date International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID)
2010-till date International Society for Heart and Lung Transplant (ISHLT)
2009 Certified for teaching and mentoring (Bromberg workshop in teaching and mentoring at UTMB, Galveston)
2008-till date American Society for Microbiology
2007-till date Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine
2007 American Heart Association
2006 Certified “Basic Radiation Safety in the Laboratory”. University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA
2022: Recipient of Faculty Research Award from Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on 13th Foundation Day under the category cumulative Impact Factor more than 15 of research publications in the academic year (2020-21).
2021: Award of Rs 10,000 granted by Indian Immunology Society to celebrate International Day of Immunology-2021 at Central University, Punjab
2020: Nominated as Member of the Advisory Committee for Year of Awareness on Science & Health (YASH) Programme constituted by National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC) and Dept. of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India.
2019: Award of Excellence for Brilliant and consistent high standards of workmanship in the field of scientific research, from Bank of India on International Women’s Day, 08 March 2019.
2019: Recipient of Faculty Research Award from Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on 10th Foundation Day under the category cumulative Impact Factor more than 15 of research publications in the academic year (2017-18).
2019: Recipient of Outstanding Researcher Award from Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on 10th Foundation Day.
2017: Prof AR Rao Memorial Young Scientist Award from Society for Mitochondrial Research and Medicine (SMRM) organized by the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India 10-11, February 2017.
2017: Merit certificate for commendable work in Community Development Cell on 8th Foundation Day of Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
2013: SERB, Young Investigator Award, DST
2012 Judge at Galveston County Science Fair at Moody Gardens Convention Center, Galveston, USA.
2011 Facilitator for the small group discussion for the Cell Biology course for medical students.
UTMB, Galveston, USA.
2011 Judge at Medical Student Summer Research Program (MSSRP), UTMB, USA
2010 Second prize for oral presentation in National Postdoc Appreciation Week, symposium at UTMB, Galveston, USA.
2009 First prize in poster presentation in ‘’International Education Week” organized by PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center for Training in International Health at UTMB, Galveston, USA.
2008 Travel award through the Burroughs Wellcome Trust to attend the 108th General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
2004-2006 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)/UGC- Senior Research Fellowship, New Delhi, India
2002-2004 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)/UGC- Junior Research Fellowship, New Delhi, India
Dept of Zoology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
Dept of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Natural Products, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
Dept. of Environmental Sciences and Technology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
Research Paper and reviews:
1. S Kumar, M Dhiman (2024) Helicobacter pylori secretary Proteins-Induced oxidative stress and its role in NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Cellular Immunology, May-Jun:399-400 Impact Factor 4.6.
2. H Verma, S Kaur, S Kaur, P Gangwar, M Dhiman, AK Mantha (2024)Role of Cytoskeletal Elements in Regulation of Synaptic Functions: Implications Toward Alzheimer’s Disease and Phytochemicals-Based Interventions, Molecular Neurobiology, Mar 16 (IF:5.5)
3. K Kaur, H Verma, P Gangwar, M Dhiman, V Jaitak (2024) Design, Synthesis, In Vitro and In Silico Evaluation of Indole Based Tetrazole Derivatives as Putative Anti-Breast Cancer Agent. RSC Medicinal Chemistry, 15, 1329-1347 (IF: 2.49)
4. B Yadav, S Kaur, A Yadav, H Verma, S Kar, BK Sahu, KR Pati, B Sarkar, Dhiman M, Mantha AK (2024) Implications of organophosphate pesticides on brain cells and their contribution toward progression of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology 38 (3), e23660 (IF:3.2)
5. S Kaur, S Kaur, A Kaur, S Kaur, S Gupta, S Mittal, M Dhiman (2023) A cross-sectional study to correlate antioxidant enzymes, oxidative stress and inflammation with prevalence of hypertension. Life Sciences, 121134 (IF:6.78)
6. S Kaur, Rubal, Neha and Dhiman M. (2022) Correlative study on heavy metal‑induced oxidative stress and hypertension among the rural population of Malwa Region of Punjab, India, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Dec;29(60):90948-90963 Impact Factor 5.8
7. Gupta KB, Mantha AK, Dhiman M (2022)Gliadin Induced Oxidative Stress and Altered Cellular Responses in Human Intestinal Cells: An in-vitro Study to Understand the Cross-Talk between the Transcription Factor Nrf-2 and Multifunctional APE1 Enzyme" Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology Impact Factor3.66
8. Kaur S, Verma H, Dhiman M, Tell G, Gigli GL, Janes F, Mantha AK. (2022). Brain Exosomes: Friend or Foe in Alzheimer's Disease?Mol Neurobiol. Dec;58(12):6610-6624 Impact Factor (IF): 5.59
9. Kumar A, Gupta KB, Dhiman M, Arora S, Jaitak V (2021)New pentacyclic triterpene from Potentilla atrosanguinea Lodd. as anticancer agent for breast cancer targeting estrogen receptor-α. Nat Prod Res. Oct 4:1-6. [IF=2.8]
10. Verma H, Cholia RP, Kaur S, Dhiman M, Mantha AK. A short review on cross-link between pyruvate kinase (PKM2) and Glioblastoma Multiforme. Metab Brain Dis. 2021 Jun;36(5):751-765. doi: 10.1007/s11011-021-00690-y. Epub 2021 Mar 2. Impact Factor (IF): 4.41
11. Gupta KB, Mantha AK, Dhiman M (2021) Mitigation of Gliadin-Induced Inflammation and Cellular Damage by Curcumin in Human Intestinal Cell Lines. Inflammation. 2021 Jan 4. doi: 10.1007/s10753-020-01383-x. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33394186. Impact Factor (IF): 3.22
12. Shishir Upadhayay, Kunj Bihari Gupta Anil K Mantha and Dhiman M (2020). A short review: Doxorubicin and its effect on cardiac proteins. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 2020 Sep 14. doi: 10.1002/jcb.29840. [IF= 4.22].
13. Thakur S, Sarkar B, Dhiman M, Mantha AK. Organophosphate-pesticides induced survival mechanisms, and APE1-mediated Nrf2 regulation in non-small cell lung cancer cells. J. of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology. 2020 Oct 20:e22640. [IF=3.66].
14. Mandeep Kaur#, Kunj Bihari Gupta#, Shweta Thakur#, Sukhchain Kaur, and Dhiman M. (2020) Parthenium hysterophorus Mediated Inflammation and Hyper-responsiveness via NF-κB Pathway in Human A549 Lung Cancer Cell Line. Environmental Toxicology Nov;35(11):1241-1250. [IF=3.11].
15. Shishir Upadhayay, Anil K Mantha and Dhiman M (2020). Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice) Root Extract Attenuates Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity via Alleviating Oxidative Stress and Stabilising the Cardiac Health in H9c2 Cardiomyocytes. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Jan 2020. (IF): 3.4
16. Shishir Upadhayay, Nidhi Sharma Anil K Mantha and Dhiman M (2019). Anti-Cancer Drug Doxorubicin Induced Cardiotoxicity: Understanding the Mechanisms Involved Through ROS Generation Resulting in Mitochondrial Dysfunction. RASAYAN Journal of Chemistry. January 2020, 13(2): 1042-1053 (IF:1.22)
17. Kumar S and Dhiman M. (2018) Inflammasome activation and regulation during Helicobacter pylori pathogenesis. Microbial Pathogenesis. Dec; 125: 468-474. doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2018.10.012. Epub 2018 Oct 10. Review. (IF): 2.33.
18. Upadhyay, S., Vaish S., Dhiman, M. (2019) Hydrogen Peroxide Induced Oxidative Stress and its Impact on Innate Immune Responses in Lung Carcinoma A549 Cells. Mol Cell Biochem. Jan; 450(1-2):135-147. (IF): 2.66.
19. Cholia RP, Dhiman M, Kumar R, Mantha AK (2018). Oxidative stress stimulates invasive potential in rat C6 and human U-87 MG glioblastoma cells via activation and cross-talk between PKM2, ENPP2 and APE1 enzymes. Metabolic Brain Disease. Aug;33 (4):1307-1326. (IF): 2.63.
20. R. Kaur, Rubal, Raja Paramjeet Singh Banipal, Rajesh Vashistha, Monisha Dhiman and Anjana Munshi. (2019) Association of elevated levels of C-reactive protein with breast cancer, breast cancer subtypes and poor outcome. Current Problems in Cancer. Apr; 43(2):123-129. (IF): 1.66.
21. Singla, R., Gupta, K. B., Upadhyay, S., Dhiman, M., & Jaitak, V. (2018) Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Indole-Benzimidazole hybrids Targeting Estrogen Receptor Alpha (ER-α), European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 146: 206-219. (IF): 4.35.
22. Singla, R., Gupta, K. B., Upadhyay, S., Dhiman, M., & Jaitak, V. (2018) Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel indole-xanthendione hybrids as selective estrogen receptor modulators. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 26 (1): 266-277. (IF): 2.79
23. Upadhyay, S., Sharma N., Gupta, K.B., Dhiman, M. (2018) Role of Immune System in Tumor Progression and Carcinogenesis. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry Jul; 119(7): 5028-5042. (IF): 4.2
24. Gupta, K.B., Upadhyay, S., Saini, R. G., Dhiman, M. (2018) Inflammatory Response of Gliadin Protein Isolated from Various Wheat Varieties on Human Intestinal Cell Line. Journal of Cereal Science, 81: 91-98, (IF): 2.65
25. R. Kaur, Rubal, Dhiman, M., Vashitstha R., Munshi A. (2017) Serum Albumin Levels in Breast Cancer: Correlation with Overall Survival. J Food Nutr Disor, 6:5-15.
26. Singla R, Prakash K., Gupta KB, Upadhyay S, Dhiman M, & Jaitak V (2018). Identification of novel indole based heterocycles as selective estrogen receptor modulator. Bioorganic Chemistry, 79: 72–88. (IF): 3.92
27. Thakur S, Dhiman M, Mantha AK (2018). APE1 modulates cellular responses to organophosphate pesticide-induced oxidative damage in non-small cell lung carcinoma A549 cells. Mol Cell Biochem. 441(1-2):201-216. (IF): 2.66
28. Sarkar B, Dhiman M, Mittal S, Mantha AK. (2017). Curcumin revitalizes Amyloid beta (25-35)-induced and organophosphate pesticides pestered neurotoxicity in SH-SY5Y and IMR-32 cells via activation of APE1 and Nrf2. Metab Brain Dis. 32(6):2045-2061. (IF): 2.63.
29. Cholia RP, Kumari S, Kumar S, Kaur M, Kaur M, Kumar R, Dhiman M, Mantha AK. (2017 )An in vitro study ascertaining the role of H2O2 and glucose oxidase in modulation of antioxidant potential and cancer cell survival mechanisms in glioblastoma U-87 MG cells. Metab Brain Dis. Oct;32(5):1705-1716. doi: 10.1007/s11011-017-0057-6. (IF): 2.63
30. Gill, Iqbal, Kaur, Sukhchain, Kaur, Navrattan, Dhiman, M., Mantha, Anil K. (2017) Phytochemical Ginkgolide B attenuates Aβ(1-42)- induced oxidative damage and altered cellular responses in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease; 60(s1):S25-S40. Impact Factor (IF): 4.1.
31. María Zago, Yashoda Hosakote, Sue-jie Koo, Dhiman M, María Piñeyro, Adriana Parodi-Talice, Miguel Basombrio, Carlos Robello, and Nisha Garg (2016) TcI isolates of Trypanosoma cruzi exploit antioxidant network for enhanced intracellular survival in macrophages and virulence in mice. Infection and Immunity. May 24;84(6):1842-56. (IF): 3.74
32. Dhiman M*, and Garg N. J, (2014) P47phox-/- mice are compromised in expansion and activation of CD8+ T cells and susceptible to Trypanosoma cruzi infection. PLOS Pathogens Dec 4;10(12):e1004516. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004516. (IF): 8.2.
33. Kaur N, Dhiman M, Perez-Polo, JR, and Mantha AK (2015) Ginkgolide B Revamps Neuroprotective Role of APE1 and Mitochondrial OXPHOS Against Aβ(25-35)-Induced Neurotoxicity in Human Neuroblastoma Cells. Journal of Neuroscience Research. Jun;93(6):938-47. (IF): 2.99
34. Thakur S, Sarkar B, Cholia RP, Gautam N, Dhiman M, Mantha AK. (2014) APE1/Ref-1 as an Emerging Therapeutic Target for Various Human Diseases: Phytochemical Modulation of its Functions. Experimental Molecular Medicine. 2014. Jul 18; 46: e106. doi: 10.1038/emm.2014.42. (IF): 5.16
35. Thakur S, Dhiman, M, Tell G, and Mantha AK. (2015) A Review on Protein-Protein Interaction Network of APE1/Ref-1 and its Associated Biological Functions Cell Biochemistry & Function. 2015 Apr;33(3):101-12. doi: 10.1002/cbf.3100. Epub 2015 Mar 19. (IF): 2.134
36. Dhiman M., Wan X., Popov V. L., Vargas G., Garg N. J. (2013) MnSODtg Mice Control Myocardial Inflammatory and Oxidative Stress and Remodeling Responses Elicited in Chronic Chagas Disease. Journal of American Heart Association 2 (5): e000302. (IF): 4.36
37. Dhiman M, Coronado YA, Vallejo CK, Petersen JR, Ejilemele A, Nuñez S, Zago MP, Spratt H, Garg NJ. (2013) Innate immune responses and antioxidant/oxidant imbalance are major determinants of human Chagas disease. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. Aug; 7(8):e2364. (IF): 4.8
38. Eaves-Pyles T, Patel J, Arigi E, Cong Y, Cao A, Garg N, Dhiman M, Pyles RB, Arulanandam B, Miller AL, Popov VL, Soong L, Carlson E, Coletta C, Szabo C, Almeida I. (2013) Immunomodulatory and anti-bacterial effects of cystatin-9 against F. tularensis. Mol Med. Aug 2. doi: 10.2119/molmed.2013.00081. (IF): 5.1
39. Gupta S, Wan X., Zago M. P, Martinez Sellers V, Silva T S, Assiah D, Dhiman M, Nuñez S, Petersen J R, Vázquez-Chagoyán J, Estrada-Franco J G, Garg N J. (2013) Antigenicity and diagnostic potential of vaccine candidates in human Chagas disease. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2013; 7(1):e2018 (IF): 4.8
40. Mantha AK, Dhiman M, Taglialatela G, Perez-Polo RJ, Mitra S. (2012) Proteomic study of amyloid beta (25-35) peptide exposure to neuronal cells: Impact on APE1/Ref-1's protein-protein interaction. J Neurosci Res. Jun; 90(6):1230-9. (IF): 2.99.
41. Dhiman M, Paola M. Zago, Sonia Nunez, Federico Nunez-Burgio and Nisha Jain Garg. (2012) Cardiac-oxidized Antigens Are Targets of Immune Recognition by Antibodies and Potential Molecular Determinants in Chagas Disease Pathogenesis. PLoS One 7; (1):e28449. (IF): 3.8
42. Dhiman M and Garg NJ. (2011) Inhibition of NADPH-oxidase Attenuates T cruzi-induced Cardiac Pathology. Journal of Pathology (2011) Dec; 225(4):583-96. (IF): 7.2
43. Jose´ E. Aparicio-Burgos, Laucel Ochoa-Garcıa, Jose´ Antonio Zepeda-Escobar, Shivali Gupta, Monisha Dhiman, Jose´ Simon Martınez, Roberto Montes de Oca-Jimenez, Margarita Val Arreola, Alberto Barbabosa-Pliego, Juan C. Vazquez-Chagoyan, Nisha Jain Garg (2011). Testing the Efficacy of a Multi-Component DNA-Prime/DNA-Boost Vaccine against Trypanosoma cruzi Infection in Dogs. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 5(5): 1-10. (IF): 4.8
44. Wen J-J, Gupta S, Guan Z, Dhiman M, Condon D, Lui CY, Garg NJ (2010). Phenyl-alpha-tert-butyl-nitrone and benzonidazole treatment controlled the mitochondrial oxidative stress and evolution of cardiomyopathy in chronic chagasic Rats. J Amer College Cardiology. 2010, 55(22):2499-508. (IF): 19.89
45. Dhiman M, Jasmine Pando, Estrada-Franco JG, Aguilar FR, Corzo SB, Perez GM, Sandoval RG, Garg NJ. (2009) Increased myleoperoxidase activity and protein nitration are indicators of inflammation in chagasic patients. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 16(5): 660-666. (IF):3.08 46. Dhiman M, Nakayasu ES, Hosakote YM, Reynolds BK, Wen JJ, Almeida IC and Garg NJ. (2008) Enhanced Nitrosative Stress during Trypanosoma cruzi Infection Causes Nitrotyrosine Modification of Host Proteins. Implications in Chaga’s disease. Am J Pathol. 173 (3): 728-740 (IF): 6.34
47. Wen J-J#, Dhiman M#, and Garg NJ. (2008) Tissue-specific oxidative imbalance and mitochondrial dysfunction during Trypanosoma cruzi infection in mice. Microbes Infect. 10 1201-1209. #Equal Contribution (IF): 3.0
48. Deep G, Dhiman M, Mendiz E, Rao AR and Kale RK. (2005) Chemo preventive Effects of Mustard Seeds in Chemically Induced Fore stomach and Uterine Cervix Tumors in Murine Model System. Human & Experimental Toxicology. 24 (6): 303-312. (IF): 2.78 49. Deep G, Dhiman M, Rao AR and Kale RK. (2005). Chemopreventive Potential of Triphala on Benzo(a)Pyrene Induced Forestomach Tumorigenesis in Murine Tumor Model System. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research. 24 (4) 555-563. (IF): 6.2 50. Dhiman M, Malhotra N and Kale RK. (2004) Quercetin as a radiomodulator. Indian Journal of Radiation Research. 1(2): 18-19. # Equal contribution
Publications in Conference Proceedings
- M Dhiman and NJ Garg (2015) NADPH-Oxidase an essential enzyme for the expansion and activation of CD8+ T cells during Trypanosoma cruzi infection. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 93 (4), 537. (IF): 2.57
- NJ Garg and M Dhiman (2010) NADPH-Oxidase: Role in Progression of Myocarditis during Trypanosoma cruzi Infection and Chagas Disease. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 49, S142. (IF): 5.75
- M Dhiman and NJ Garg (2010). Activation of NADPH-Oxidase-reactive oxygen species-inflammatory cytokines pathway contribute to acute myocardial pathology in mice infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. American Journal Of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 83 (5), 381. (IF): 2.57
- M Dhiman, E Nakayasu, YM Hosakote, RK Brobey, J Wen, IC Almeida, NJ Garg (2007). Development of Nitrosyl-plasma Proteome in Chagas Disease: Identification of Novel Diagnostic Biomarkers. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 43, S164. (IF): 5.75
- M Dhiman, J Pando, JG Estrada-Franco, F Ramirez-Aguilar, NJ Garg (2007) Myeloperoxidase Activation and Increased Protein Nitration/oxidation in Chagasic Patients. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 43, S45-S46. (IF): 5.75
Book chapters
- Sukhchain Kaur, Tushar Midha,Oyndril Dutta, Om Prakash Saini , Rasmi Ranjan Muduli , Anil K. Mantha and Monisha Dhiman (2023) Connecting the Link between Oxidative Stress, Dietary Antioxidant and Hypertension. Ancient and Traditional Foods, Plants, Herbs and Spices
- Sukhchain Kaur, Tushar Midha, Harkomal Verma, Rasmi Ranjan Muduli, Oyindril Dutta, Omprakash Saini, Richa Prakash, Sandeep Sharma, Anil K. Mantha, and Monisha Dhiman (2022).Bioremediation: A favorable perspective to eliminate heavy metals from polluted soil. Metagenomics to Bioremediation, Academic Press.
- Sukhchain Kaur, Sharanjot Kaur, Harkomal Verma, S Singh, Anil K. Mantha and Dhiman Monisha. (2021) Herbal Remedies for Improving Cancer Treatment through Modulation of Redox Balance.Handbook of Oxidative Stress in Cancer: Therapeutic Aspects, Springer Publisher.
- Sharanjot Kaur, Kunj Bihari Gupta, Sandeep Kumar, Anil K. Mantha and Dhiman M. (2021)Methods to Detect Nitric Oxide and Reactive Nitrogen Species in Biological Sample.Cancer Biomarkers: Methods and Protocols, Springer publisher.
- Kunj Bihari Gupta, Sharanjot Kaur, Dhiman M and Anil K. Mantha. (2021) Methods to assess oxidative DNA base damage repair of apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites using radioactive and non-radioactive oligonucleotides based assays. Cancer Biomarkers: Methods and Protocols, Springer publisher.
- Shishir Upadhyay, Kunj Bihari Gupta, Sukhchain Kaur, Rubal, Sandeep Kumar, Anil K. Mantha and Dhiman M (2018). Resveratrol: A Miracle Drug for Vascular Pathologies Functional Foods and Human Health. Springer Publishers. Pages 119-142
Kaur S, Dhiman M, and Mantha AK (2018). Ferulic Acid: A Natural Antioxidant with Applications toward Neuroprotection against Alzheimer’s disease. Functional Foods and Human Health. Springer Publishers. Pages 575-586
Dhiman M,Thakur S, Upadhyay S, Kaur A and Mantha A K (2014) “Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Cardiovascular Diseases: Two Sides of the Same Coin”. Free Radicals in Human Health and Disease, Oxidative Stress and Human Health. Springer Publishers. Pages 259-278. Print ISBN978-81-322-2034-3 Online ISBN978-81-322-2035-0.
- Kaur N, Sarkar B, Mittal S, Dhiman M, Taglialatela G, Perez-Polo R.J., Mantha AK. (2014) “Oxidative Stress Events and Neuronal Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease: Focus on APE1/Ref-1 Mediated Survival Strategies.” Free Radicals in Human Health and Disease, Oxidative Stress and Human Health. Springer Publishers. Pages 175-207
Gupta S, Dhiman M, Wen JJ, Garg NJ. ROS signaling of inflammatory cytokines during T. cruzi infection. Advances in Parasitology (2011) 76:153-70. Edited by Louis M. Weiss, Herbert B. Tanowitz. (IF): 6.00.
- Ph.D. Guidance
Sl. No.
Name of Scholar
Title of Thesis
Name of Department & University Guided
Date of Award
Dr. Shweta Thakur#
A Biochemical Study to Evaluate the Role of Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Endonuclease 1 (APE1) in Lung Cancer Progression
Biosciences, CUPB
March 2018
Dr Shishir Upadhyay*
In-Vitro Study to Evaluate the Effect of Viola Pilosa and Glycyrrhiza Glabra Extracts on Doxorubicin Induced Cardiotoxicity in H9c2 Cardiomyocytes
Biosciences, CUPB
Nov 2020
Dr Kunj Bihari Gupta**
Influence of Wheat Protein Gliadin on Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Associated Signaling Pathways in Human Intestinal Cells
Biochemistry and Microbial Sciences
May 2021
4 Dr. Sukhchain Kaur Clinical and Molecular Mechanistic Study of Heavy Metal Toxicity: Implications during Hypertension in Population Residing in the Malwa Region of Punjab Biochemistry and Microbial Sciences June 2022 5 Dr. Sandeep Kumar An In-vitro Study to Evaluate the Role of Vacuolating Cytotoxin A (VacA) protein of Helicobacter pylori in Oxidative Stress and Altered Immune Responses Biochemistry and Microbial Sciences January 2024 6 Dr. Shraranjot Kaur In Vitro Study on Aβ Induced Innate Immune Responses and Neuroprotection by Ferulic Acid Biochemistry and Microbial Sciences March 2024
# Dr. Shweta Thakur was awarded prestigious DST-NPDF in 2019
*Shishir Upadhyay awarded best PhD Research Scholar by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on 9th Foundation Day, 2018.
**Kunj Bihari Gupta awarded best PhD research scholar by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on 10th Foundation Day, 2019.
- Invited lecture on the “Inflammasome Activation and its Regulation during H pylori Pathogenesis” in the Golden Jubilee conference Immunocon-2023 of Indian Immunology Society, organized at AIIMS New Delhi06-08 October 2023.
- Invited talk on Attainment of Course learning outcomes in Faculty Development Workshop, Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, 11 September 2023.
- Resource person in Faculty Development Programme in Empowerment Faculty for Implementation of National Education Policy-2022 (EFNEP-22), 03-11th October 2022 on 11 Oct 2022.
- Resource person in Refresher Course for teachers of Universities and Colleges, 'Food and Nutrition' organized by Human Resource Development Centre, Punjabi University, Patiala on 09 September, 2022.
- Invited talk on ‘Intellectual Property Rights: Issues and Challenges’ on 23rd March 2022 organised by Department of Education, Mizoram University.
- Invited talk on “Recent Trends in SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Development” on 29th December, 2021.Organised by Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College, Bathinda.
- Invited talk on Microbiology in the present Scenario: Scope and Opportunities, Palamuru University, Telangana on 01 November, 2021.
- Invited talk on “Helicobactor pylori - ROS/RNS Oxidative stress response in carcinogenesis”. Organized by Parul University on 24 Aug 2021.
- Invited online lecture in National Webinar on “Preparedness for Career Prospects During And Post Covid-19” organized byPlacement Cell, Palamuru University, Telangana on 21st August 2020.
- Invited online lecture on “T and B Cells receptors, their activation & functions: Key Player of Adaptive Immunity”on 01 May 2020 for the students of Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College, Bathinda.
- Invited lecture on “Glycyrrhiza glabra root extract attenuates Doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity via regulating lipid homeostasis and cardiac metabolism through SIRT-1 Pathway” in 3th International Symposium on Cancer Prevention and Treatment February 20-21, 2020 School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
- Invited presentation on “Helicobacter pylori Pathogenesis: Role of Inflammasome Activation and Regulation” in 60th Annual Conference of “Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI-2019)” and International Symposium on “Microbial Technologies in Sustainable Development of Energy, Environment, Agriculture and Health” organized by Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh, November 15-18, 2019.
- Invited lecture on“Hydrogen Peroxide Induced Oxidative Stress and its Role in Innate Immune Responses in A549 Lung Carcinoma Cells” in International Symposium on “Tumor Microenvironment and Cancer Prevention & Therapeutics” organized by the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India during 08-09 February 2019.
- Expert lecture on “Heavy Metal Induced Stress Responses and Defense Mechanisms in Living organisms” in DAV College, Abohar on 02 November, 2018.
- Expert lecture on “Recent Trends and Innovations in the field of Science” in the 4th National Workshop on Innovations in Science-2018, organized by Yadavindra College of Engineering, Punjabi University Guru Kashi Campus on 16 October, 2018.
- Guest lecture on “Beneficial Effects of Glycyrrhiza glabra Extract in Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity via Stabilising and Restoring the Mitochondrial Redox functions at International Symposium on Cancer Treatment and Prevention organized by the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India 09-10 February 2018.
- Expert lecture on “Novel Approaches in Research for Agriculture and Biotechnology” in Faculty Development programme at Baba Farid College, 17 January, 2018.
- Invited lecture on “Role of Medicinal Plant Extracts On Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity” at 6th International Conference on “Mitochondria in Health and Disease” of Society for Mitochondrial Research and Medicine-India (SMRM) organized by the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India 10-11 February 2017.
- “Role of Mitochondria in Doxorubicin Induced Cardiotoxicity” at International Conference on Current Trends in Biotechnology” organised by Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore from December 8-10, 2016
- Expert Lecture on “Trends in Immuno-technology: B and T- Cells Mechanisms and Experimental Advances”. Baba Farid Group of Institutions, Dept. of Biotechnology, Bathinda,22 September, 2016.
- Chemotherapeutic Drug Induced Cardiomyocyte Toxicity: Evaluation of Ethno-Botanical Plants to Minimize the Cardiac Damage. International Symposium on Role of Herbs in Cancer Prevention and Treatment” held at School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Feb. 9 - 11, 2016.
- The Prickly Poppy Pollen Induced Inflammation and Associated Signaling Pathways in Human Lung. 6th International Conference on Stem Cells and Cancer (ICSCC2015): Proliferation, Differentiation and Apoptosis, Organized by International Centre for Stem cells and Cancer and Biotechnology, Pune, 2 – 5 October 2015.
- Expert Lecture on “Recent Advances in Immunology and Molecular Biology: A Practical Approach”. Baba Farid Group of Institutions, Dept of Biotechnology, Bathinda,28 September, 2015.
- Doxorubicin-induced Toxicity in Cardiomyocytes. International Symposium on Current Advances in Radiobiology, Stem Cells and Cancer Research at JNU, New Delhi, India, February19-21, 2015.
- Prickly Poppy Pollen Induced Stress in Human Lung Carcinoma A549 Cells”. 4th Biennial ‘International Conference on New Developments in Drug Discovery from Natural Products and Traditional Medicines at NIPER, Mohali, November 20-22, 2014.
- Oxidative Stress induced Innate Immune Responses of A549 Lung Carcinoma Cells”. 5th International Conference on Stem Cells and Cancer (ICSCC-2014): Proliferation, Differentiation, and Apoptosis in JNU Convention Centre, New Delhi, India, November 8-10, 2014.
- Dhiman M and Garg NJ. Role of NADPH-Oxidase derived reactive oxygen species in chronic myocardial pathology in mice infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. 59th Annual Meeting ofAmerican Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), Atlanta, Georgia. November 3-7, 2011
- Dhiman M and Garg NJ. Role of NADPH Oxidase derived reactive oxygen species in progression of myocarditis during Trypanosoma Cruzi Infection. National Postdoc Appreciation Week, symposium at UTMB, September 2010.
- Dhiman M, Jasmine Pando, Estrada-Franco JG, Aguilar FR, Corzo SB, Perez GM, Sandoval RG, Garg NJ. Myeloperoxidase-Induced Oxidative/Nitrosative Stress in Human Chagasic Patients. 108th General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, Boston, Massachusetts. June 2008.
- Dhiman M and Garg NJ. Development of nitrosyl-plasma proteome in Chagas disease: Identification of novel diagnostic biomarkers. 14th Annual Meeting of Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Washington DC. November 2007.
- Dhiman M, Malhotra N and Kale RK. Radiomodulatory Effects of Quercetin in Murine Splenocytes. Biosparks, Annual Research Festival organized by School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. February 2005.
1. Organized one-day seminar and panel discussion on the occasion of world cancer day titled ‘Recent Trends in Cancer Therapy’ on February 04, 2014 at Central University of Punjab.
2. Organized one-day symposium on ‘Recent Trends in Molecular Medicine’ at Central University of Punjab on December 05, 2014.
3. Served as Resource person in Motivational Contact Programme for Talented School Students of Punjab, 14 to 18 September 2015.
4. Served as Resource person in a Refresher course conducted by Centre for Plant Sciences from February 01 to 15 February 2016.
5. Served as Resource person in DBT-Sponsored Training Course in Medical Genetics and Bioinformatics organized by Centre for Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine, March 2016
6.Organized One dayoutreach workshop in collaboration with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and SERB, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India for Prime Minister’s Fellowship Scheme at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda campus onMay 03, 2017.
7. Organized Seminar incollaboration with National Institute of Social Defence, New Delhi, on “Socio-Legal and other Challenges for the Prevention of Drug Abuse in India: Existing Approaches and Agenda of Reform” on August 24-25, 2017.
8. Organised Two day workshop on “Functional Proteomics” at Central University of Punjab on October 08-09, 2018.
9. Served as Resource person in Department of Biotechnology and Medical Sciences, Baba Farid College, Bathinda, Punjab, in Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspire Research (INSPIRE) Internship Science Camp under the INSPIRE Internship Program, Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi, 27th December, 2018.
10.Member of Editorial committee for 2nd International conference on Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture- Emerging Technologies, 14-16 February, 2019.
11.Part of organizing committee to organize one-day Outreach Symposium on 05 April, 2019 under the auspices of Chandigarh Chapter of National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI).
12. Organized Two days’ Teachers Workshopon ‘Olympiad experiments at School Level’ to train the teachers is being organized by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda in association with Society for Promotion of Science and Technology in India on 27-28 April, 2019.
13. Under the aegis of Institution’s Innovation Council of CUPB organised a visit cum experiment demonstration of Baba Farid College students under “Laboratory-Based Innovative Approaches to learn Biotechnology Techniques” on 13 November 2019. The objective of the visit is to enhance the student’s understanding of specific scientific facts and concepts and of the way in which these facts and concepts. Laboratory experiences may promote a student’s ability to identify questions and concepts that guide scientific temperament.
14. Resource person for a session and moderatorfor session by Padma Sri Prof. Dipankar Chatterji (Fellow of all science academies, Winner of Bhatnagar Award, ex-President of Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore)in Science-Academies'-INYAS "Science Leadership Workshop", held on June 22 to June 28 2020.
15. Part of organizing committee EDUCON International Conference, 7-8 January 2021
16. Grant of Rs 10,000 awarded by Indian Immunology Society to celebrate International Day of Immunology-April 2021 at Central University, Punjab.
17. Part of organizing committee for Virtual Internationalconference “Emerging Trends in Biotechnology andsustainable Chemistry:(ETBSC- 2022). Sponsored by the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi and the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research held in Baba Farid College, Bathinda in Collaboration with Central University of Punjab, India from 27-29 April 2022.
18. Organized Two DaysCapacity Building cum Training Programme on “RTI” and Reservations on 13-14th November 2022, for administrative staff of CU Punjab.
19. Organized Five Days’ workshop on Curriculum development, 6th February 2023
20. Grant of Rs 10,000 awarded by Indian Immunology Society to celebrate International Day of Immunology-April 2023 at Central University, Punjab.
21. Organized One day symposium for Celebrating India's Presidency of G20 “Unveiling India’s Focus on Innovation and Entrepreneurship to Enable Start-Up Ecosystem” as an activity of Institution’s Innovation Council, CU Punjab, 18 August 2023.
22. Organized Two Days’ Workshop on Capacity building for e-Content / MOOC’S Development, 12-22 September 2023 at Central University, Punjab.
23.Member, Organizing committee EDUCON-23 International Conference organized by Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo, 6-8 November, 2023.
24. Organized Karyashala under DST-SERB scheme on “Immunological Tools and Techniques to Detect the Innate Immune Responses” 05th December – 11th December, 2023.
25. Organized Leadership Development Program for “Academicians and Administrators of Higher Education Institutions” 17th-19th June, 2024.
1. Resource person in Short Term Course in 'Professional Development for IQAC Coordinators' organized by UGC-Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre Punjabi University, Patiala on 07 August 2024.
2. Delivered two lectures on “Quality Assessment and Accreditation” and “Research and Innovation: Transforming Education System”.
3. Guest speaker at the National Seminar "Multidrug resistance: An emerging challenge and social emergency" Adesh University, 27 March 2024
4. Resource person in DST-Karyashala on Hands on Training on Sophisticated Instrumentation Techniques, Spectroscopy, Chromatography & Advanced Microscopy, “Utilization of Confocal Microscope/ Florescence Microscope in Biomedical Research”, organized by Central Instrumentation Laboratory, Central University of Punjab, 01st March 2024.
5. Resource person in ICSSR Sponsored Ten Days Research Methodology Course,“ Research Ethics and its role in Scientific Writing”, organized by Department of Geography, 09 February, 2024.
6. Resource person in Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre, Central University, Punjab "Human Values, Ethics, Personality Development" 19th February 2024.
Invited talk on “Career Opportunities after High School”, in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Bathinda Cantt, 03 February, 2024.
7. Resource person in Faculty Development Programme organized by Chandigarh University, “Opportunities and Challenges in R&D organisations: Funding Agencies Scenario”, 05-10 January, 2024
8. Mentoring session for NAAC preparation, at Baba Farid Group of colleges Bathinda, is preparing for their NAAC so need some mentoring. 04 January 2024.
9. Resource person in Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre, Central University, Punjab "Human Values, Ethics, Personality Development" 20th November, 2023.
10. Invited talk on Attainment of Course learning outcomes in Faculty Development Workshop, Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, 11 September 2023.
11. Resource person in Faculty Development Programme in Empowerment Faculty for Implementation of National Education Policy-2022 (EFNEP-22), 03-11th October 2022 on 11 Oct 2022.
12. Resource person in Refresher Course for teachers of Universities and Colleges, 'Food and Nutrition' organized by Human Resource Development Centre, Punjabi University, Patiala on 09 September, 2022.
13. Invited talk on ‘Intellectual Property Rights: Issues and Challenges’ on 23rd March 2022 organised by Department of Education, Mizoram University.
14. Invited talk on “Recent Trends in SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Development” on 29th December, 2021.Organised by Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College, Bathinda.
15. Invited talk on Microbiology in the present Scenario: Scope and Opportunities, Palamuru University, Telangana on 01 November, 2021.
16. Invited talk on “Helicobactor pylori - ROS/RNS Oxidative stress response in carcinogenesis”. Organized by Parul University on 24 Aug 2021.
17. Invited online lecture in National Webinar on “Preparedness for Career Prospects During And Post Covid-19” organized byPlacement Cell, Palamuru University, Telangana on 21st August 2020.
18. Invited online lecture on “T and B Cells receptors, their activation & functions: Key Player of Adaptive Immunity” on 01 May 2020 for the students of Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College, Bathinda.
19. Expert lecture on “Heavy Metal Induced Stress Responses and Defense Mechanisms in Living organisms” in DAV College, Abohar on 02 November, 2018.
20. Expert lecture on “Recent Trends and Innovations in the field of Science” in the 4th National Workshop on Innovations in Science-2018, organized by Yadavindra College of Engineering, Punjabi University Guru Kashi Campus on 16 October, 2018.
21 Expert lecture on “Novel Approaches in Research for Agriculture and Biotechnology” in Faculty Development programme at Baba Farid College, 17 January, 2018.
22. Expert Lecture on “Trends in Immuno-technology: B and T- Cells Mechanisms and Experimental Advances”. Baba Farid Group of Institutions, Dept. of Biotechnology, Bathinda,22 September, 2016.
23.Served as Resource person in Motivational Contact Programme for Talented School Students of Punjab, 14 to 18 September 2015.
24. Served as Resource person in a Refresher course conducted by Centre for Plant Sciences from February 01 to 15 February 2016.
25. Served as Resource person in DBT-Sponsored Training Course in Medical Genetics and Bioinformatics organized by Centre for Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine, March 2016
26. Served as Resource person in Department of Biotechnology and Medical Sciences, Baba Farid College, Bathinda, Punjab, in Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspire Research (INSPIRE) Internship Science Camp under the INSPIRE Internship Program, Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi, 27th December, 2018.
27. Resource person for a session and moderator for session by Padma Sri Prof. Dipankar Chatterji (Fellow of all science academies, Winner of Bhatnagar Award, ex-President of Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore) in Science-Academies'-INYAS " Science Leadership Workshop", held on June 22 to June 28 2020.