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Contact Info
Dr. Pramod Kumar Kushawaha
Room No: 523, South Block, Academic Building Central University of Punjab, Main Campus VPO Ghudda Bathinda 151401
Dr. Pramod Kumar Kushawaha

Assistant Professor and DST-INSPIRE Faculty
Department of Microbiology
School of Basic Sciences







Institution/ University




Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) New Delhi, India-CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow, India


Development of vaccine to Visceral Leishmaniasis


Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University Faizabad, India




Deen  Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur, India


Zoology, Botany, and Chemistry

Teaching Experience:

Position Held

Place of Work

Start Date

End Date

Assistant Professor

Department of Biochemistry and Microbial Sciences,  and Department of Microbiology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda


Till date

Assistant Professor (DST-INSPIRE Faculty)

Department of Biotechnology, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow

Dec. 2014

Dec. 2015


Assistant Professor (DST-INSPIRE Faculty)

Department of Biotechnology Motilal Nehru Institute of Technology Allahabad, India

May  2014



Research Experience

Postdoctoral Fellow at Systems Immunology Lab, National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi - May 2012 - May 2014.

Administrative Experience
  1. Board of Studies Department of Microbiology: Member.
  2. Academic and Administrative Committee of Department of Microbiology: Member
  3. Board of Studies Department of Applied Agriculture: Member


Research Area
  • Microbiome-based therapeutics for gut dysbiosis and neuroinflammation.
  • Nanotechnology-driven immunomodulation to combat drug-resistant nosocomial infections
  • Immunoinformatics-based approaches to design vaccines against emerging viral infections.
Research Interests

Gut dysbiosis


Research Grants/Projects
  1. Functional characterization of the guanylate binding proteins- interferon- γ- inducible 65- KD GTPases in host immune response to Leishmania pathogenesis. (Rs. 35 Lakh – DST INSPIRE Award)
  2. Extensive analysis of Interferons (IFNs) Induced GTPases p-65 guanylate binding proteins Involved in host cell-autonomous immunity. (~20Lakh - SERB)
  3. Development and characterization of organotypic culture model as a tool to investigate demyelination disorder neurotropic viruses. (Co-PI-42 Lakh – SERB, India)- Ongoing
Professional Affiliation


Professional Recognition/Awards/Scholarships

1. Appreciation Award for excellent research work in 2010 & 2012 at CSIR-CDRI, Lucknow

2. DST-INSPIRE Faculty Award in 2014.

3. CSIR-NET-JRF in 2006

4. ICMR-JRF in 2005

Research Collaboration

1. Department of Pharmacology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda

2. Systems Immunology Lab, National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi

  1. Chand U, Kushawaha PK. Silibinin-loaded chitosan-capped silver nanoparticles exhibit potent antimicrobial, antibiofilm, and anti-inflammatory activity against drug-resistant nosocomial pathogens. J Biomater Sci Polym Ed. 2024 May 24:1-23. doi: 10.1080/09205063.2024.2355744. IF-3.6
  2. Chand, U., Kushawaha, P.K. Ursolic Acid Loaded Chitosan Coated Silver Nanoparticles Exhibits Robust Antibacterial Activity Against Drug Resistant Nosocomial Pathogens: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella peumoniae. BioNanoSci. (2024). IF-3.0
  3. Kumar, R., & Kushawaha, P. K. (2024). Interferon inducible guanylate-binding protein 1 modulates the lipopolysaccharide-induced cytokines/chemokines and mitogen-activated protein kinases in macrophages. Microbiology and immunology, IF-2.6
  4. Kavita, Om, H., Chand, U., & Kushawaha, P. K. (2024). Postbiotics: An alternative and innovative intervention for the therapy of inflammatory bowel disease. Microbiological research, 279, 127550. IF-6.7
  5. Maurya, C., Bajpai, S., Kushwaha, P. K., Chand, U., & Singh, S. (2024). Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and in vitro antimicrobial study of novel organotellurium (IV) diphenyldithiocarbamate derivatives. Journal of Sulfur Chemistry, 45(4), 477–489.
  6. Maurya, C., Bajpai, S., Kushwaha, P. K., Chand, U., & Singh, S. (2024). Synthesis, Characterization and in vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Organotellurium Decorated 10-Membered Tetraazamacrocyclic Complexes of Cobalt (II). Asian Journal of Chemistry, 36(5), 1056–1060.
  7. Maurya, C., Bajpai, S., Deepak, D., Kushwaha, P. K., Chand, U., & Singh, S., Kamboj, M., & Srivastava, P. (2024). Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial studies of New Organotellurium Carboxylates. African Journal of Biological Sciences, Volume 6, Issue Si2. doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024PP.263-276
  8. Dhapola, R., Kumari, S., Sharma, P., Kumar Kushawaha, P., & HariKrishnaReddy, D. (2024). Update on monkeypox virus infection: Focusing current treatment and prevention approaches. Fundamental & clinical pharmacology, 10.1111/fcp.12980. Advance online publication.
  9. Reddy, G. A., Handa, M., Garabadu, D., Kumar, R., Kushawaha, P. K., & Shukla, R. (2023). Transferrin decorated PLGA encumbered moxifloxacin nanoparticles and in vitro cellular studies. Drug development and industrial pharmacy, 49(1), 129–138.
  10. Handa, M., Kumar, K., Garabadu, D., Kushawaha, P. K., & Shukla, R. (2023). Bilayer fixed-dose combination tablet for curcumin microparticles and piroxicam and in vitro evaluation. Therapeutic delivery, 10.4155/tde-2022-0043. Advance online publication.
  11. Chand, U., Priyambada, P., & Kushawaha, P. K. (2023). Staphylococcus aureus vaccine strategy: Promise and challenges. Microbiological research, 271, 127362. IF-6.7
  12. Om, H., Chand, U., & Kushawaha, P. K. (2023). Human anaerobic microbiome: a promising and innovative tool in cancer prevention and treatment by targeting pyruvate metabolism. Cancer immunology, immunotherapy: CII, 72(12), 3919–3930. IF-4.6
  13. Chand, U., & Kushawaha, P. K. (2023). Nano-immunomodulators: prospective applications to combat drug resistant bacterial infections and related complications. Journal of biomaterials science. Polymer edition, 34(18), 2577–2597. IF-4.6
  14. Kumar, R., & Kushawaha, P. K. (2022). Interferon inducible guanylate binding protein 1 restricts the growth of Leishmania donovani by modulating the level of cytokines/chemokines and MAP kinases. Microbial pathogenesis, 168, 105568. IF-3.7
  15. Kushawaha, P. K., Pati Tripathi, C. D., & Dube, A. (2022). Leishmania donovani secretory protein nucleoside diphosphate kinase b localizes in its nucleus and prevents ATP mediated cytolysis of macrophages. Microbial pathogenesis, 166, 105457. IF-3.7
  16. Bais SS, Ratra Y, Khan NA, Pandey R, Kushawaha PK, Tomar S, Medigeshi G, Singh A, Basak S (2019): Chandipura Virus Utilizes the Prosurvival Function of RelA NF-κB for Its Propagation. J Virol. 2019 Jun 28;93(14). IF-4.8
  17. Tripathi CP, Kushawaha PK, Sangwan RS, Mandal C, Misra Bhattacharya S, Dube A (2017): Withania somnifera chemotype NMITLI 101R significantly increases the efficacy of antileishmanial drugs by generating strong IFN-γ and IL-12 mediated immune responses in Leishmania donovani infected hamsters. Phytomedicine. Nov. S0944-7113(16)30216-1. IF-6.7
  18. Joshi M, Yadav NK, Rawat K, Tripathi CP, Jaiswal AK, Khare P,Tandon P, Baharia RK , Das S,  Gupta R, Kushawaha PK , Sundar S , Sahasrabuddhe AA, Dube A (2016): Comparative analysis of cellular immune responses in treated Leishmania patients and hamsters against recombinant Th1 stimulatory proteins of Leishmania donovani. Front. Microbiol. March 2016 | Volume 7 | Article 312| IF-4.0
  19. Jaiswal, Khare P, Joshi S, Kushawaha PK, Sundar S, Dube A (2014): Th1 stimulatory proteins of Leishmania donovani: Comparative cellular and protective responses of rTriose phosphate isomerase, rProtein disulfide isomerase and rElongation factor-2 in combination with rHSP70 against visceral leishmaniasis. PLoS One. Sep 30;9(9): e108556. IF-3.1
  20. Tripathi CD, Gupta R, Kushawaha PK, Mandal C, Misra Bhattacharya S, Dube A (2014). Efficacy of Withania somnifera chemotypes NMITLI - 101R, 118R and Withaferin A against experimental visceral leishmaniasis.  Parasite Immunology, 36, 253–265. IF-2.1
  21. Gupta R, Kumar V, Kushawaha PK, Tripathi CP, Joshi S, Sahasrabuddhe AA, Mitra K, Sundar S, Siddiqui I, Dube A (2014): Characterization of Glycolytic Enzymes - rAldolase and rEnolase of Leishmania donovani, Identified as Th1 Stimulatory Proteins, for Their Immunogenicity and Immunoprophylactic Efficacies against Experimental Visceral Leishmaniasis. PLoS One, 9(1): e86073. IF-3.1
  22. Gupta R, Kushawaha PK, Tripathi CD, Sundar S, Dube A (2012): A novel recombinant Leishmania donovani p45-a partial coding region of methionine aminopeptidase protein generates protective immunity by inducing Th1 stimulatory response against experimental visceral Leishmaniasis. International Journal of Parasitology, May 1;42(5):429-35. IF-3.7
  23. Gupta R *, Kushawaha PK *, Samant M, Jaiswal AK, Baharia AK, Dube A (2012). Treatment of Leishmania donovani- infected hamsters with miltefosine: analysis of cytokine mRNA expression by real- time PCR, lymphoproliferation, nitrite production and antibody response.  J Antimicrob Chemother. 2012 Feb;67(2):440-3. * Equally contributed. IF-5.2
  24. Kushawaha PK, Gupta R, Tripathi CD, Khare P, Jaiswal AK,Sundar S, Dube A (2012): Leishmania donovani Triose Phosphate Isomerase: a potential vaccine target against Visceral Leishmaniasis. PLoS One, Volume 7 | Issue 9 | e45766. IF-3.1
  25. Kushawaha PK, Gupta R, Tripathi CD, Sundar S, Dube A (2012): Evaluation of Leishmania donovani Protein disulfide isomerase as a potential immunogenic protein / vaccine candidate against visceral leishmaniasis. PLoS One, Volume 7/Issue 4/ e356770. IF-3.1
  26. Kushawaha PK, Gupta R, Sundar S, Sahasrabuddhe AA and Dube A (2011). Elongation Factor-2- a Th1 stimulatory protein of Leishmania donovani generates strong IFN-γ and IL-12 response in cured Leishmania-infected patients/hamsters and protects hamsters against Leishmania challenge. J Immunol, 187: 6417–6427. IF-5.4
  27. Samant M, Gupta R, Kumari S, Misra P, Khare P, Kushawaha PK, Sahashrabuddhe AA, Dube A (2009). Immunization with the DNA Encoding N-terminal domain of Proteophosphoglycan (PPG) of Leishmania donovani generates Th-1 type immuno-protective response against Experimental Visceral Leishmaniasis. J Immunol Jul 1; 183(1):470-9. IF-5.4
  28. Misra P, Khaliq T, Dixit A, SenGupta S, Samant M, Kumari S, Kumar A, Kushawaha PK, Majumder HK, Saxena AK, Narender T, Dube A (2008). Antileishmanial activity mediated by apoptosis and structure – based target study of Peganine hydrochloride, an approach for rational drug design. J Antimicrob chemother. Nov, 62 (5):998-1002. IF-5.2


Research Guidance


Completed: 02


1.  Ashu Devraj ( DBT-JRF)



Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Attended
  1. Reema Gupta, Pramod Kumar Kushawaha, Mukesh Samant and Anuradha Dube. Cloning, overexpression and Purification of Leishmania donovani Enolase in HUGO’S 13th Human genome meeting, Hyderabad, [India], September 27th-30th, 2008.
  2. Reema Gupta, Pramod Kumar Kushawaha, Mukesh Samant and Anuradha Dube. Expression and purification of Calreticulin from Leishmania donovani clinical isolates in 20th National Congress of Parasitology at Shillong, [India], November 3rd-5th, 2008.
  3. Pramod Kumar Kushawaha, Reema Gupta, Mukesh Samant and Anuradha Dube. Cloning, expression and purification of Leishmania donovani nucleoside diphosphate kinase b in 20th National Congress on Parasitology at Shillong, [India], November 3rd-5th 2008.
  4. Pramod K Kushawaha, Reema Gupta, Mukesh Samant, Rati Tandon, Rajendra K Baharia and Anuradha Dube. Triose Phosphate Isomerase (TPI) - a potential Th1 stimulatory protein: Cloning, expression, purification and assessment of its cellular response in Leishmania-infected cured hamsters in Fourth World Congress on Leishmaniasis at CDRI, Lucknow [India], February 3rd-7th, 2009.
  5. Mukesh Samant, Reema Gupta, Pragya Misra, Prashant Khare, Pramod Kumar Kushwaha and Anuradha Dube. Cloning and expression of Proteophosphoglycan3 (ppg3) of Leishmania donovani and its evaluation as DNA vaccine candidate in Fourth World Congress on Leishmaniasis at CDRI, Lucknow [India], February 3rd-7th, 2009.
  6. Reema Gupta, Pramod K. Kushawaha, Mukesh Samant, Anil K. Jaiswal, Rajendra Baharia and Anuradha Dube. Miltefosine treatment of Leishmania donovani infected hamsters generates Th1 type of response as evidenced by Real-Time PCR in Xth International Symposium on vectors and vector borne diseases at Goa,[India], November 4th-6th, 2009.
  7. Pramod K. Kushawaha, Reema Gupta, Prashant Khare, Pragya Misra and Anuradha Dube. Induction of Th1 type response by recombinant Protein Disulfide Isomerase (PDI), a potential vaccine candidate against Visceral Leishmaniasis in Xth International Symposium on vectors and vector borne diseases at Goa, [India], November 4th-6th, 2009.
  8. Reema Gupta, Pramod K. Kushawaha, Mukesh Samant and Anuradha Dube. Localisation of aldolase, a potential drug target, in glycosomes and flagella of Leishmania donovani in IVrth International Symposium on Current Trends in Drug Discovery and Research, CDRI, Lucknow [India], February 17th-21st, 2010.
  9. Reema Gupta, Pramod K. Kushawaha, Mukesh Samant and Anuradha Dube. Enolase (2-phospho-D-glyceratehydrolase): a potential antileishmanial drug                                         target in IVrth International Symposium on Current Trends in Drug Discovery and Research, CDRI, Lucknow [India], February 17th-21st, 2010.
  10. Pramod K. Kushawaha, Reema Gupta, Rajendra Baharia and Anuradha Dube. Cloning and overexpression of elongation factor 2 – a possible drug target from Leishmania donovani in IVrth International Symposium on Current Trends in Drug Discovery and Research, CDRI, Lucknow [India], February 17th-21st, 2010.
  11. R. Gupta, P. K. Kushawaha, M. Samant, P. Khare, A. K. Jaiswal, R. Baharia, R. Tandon   and A. Dube. Induction of Th1-type cellular responses in curing/exposed Leishmania-infected patients and hamsters against recombinant immunostimulatory proteins of Leishmania donovani identified through proteomics in XXII International Congress of Parasitology, Melbourne, [Australia], August 15th-20th, 2010.
  12. Reema Gupta, Pramod K Kushawaha, Chandra Dev Pati Tripathi, Shyam Sundar and Anuradha Dube. A novel recombinant Leishmania donovani p45-a partial coding region of methionine aminopeptidase generates protective immunity by inducing Th1 stimulatory response against experimental visceral Leishmaniasis in ICABS, at Kannur University, Kannur [India], 15th -17th March, 2012.
  13. Mukesh Samant, Reema Gupta, Shraddha Kumari, Pragya Misra, Prashant Khare, Pramod Kumar Kushawaha, Amogh Anant Sahasrabuddhe, and Anuradha Dube: Immunization with the DNA-encoding N-terminal domain of Proteophosphoglycan of Leishmania donovani generates Th1-Type immunoprotective response against experimental visceral leishmaniasis.  Ninth Annual Quebec Molecular Parasitology Symposium Leacock Building, McGill University, Department of Microbiology and Immunology Montréal, Québec [Canada] June 18th and 19th, 2009.
  14. Reema Gupta, Pramod K Kushawaha, Chandra Dev Pati Tripathi and Anuradha Dube. Evaluation of recombinant Leishmania donovani Enolase as a suitable vaccine candidate against experimental visceral leishmaniasis in SBC, at CIMAP, Lucknow, [India], 12th -15th November, 2011.
  15. Rajendra K Baharia, Rati Tandon, Pramod. K Kushawaha, Reema Gupta, Sanchita Das, and Anuradha.Dube. Molecular Characterization of a novel hypothetical protein of Leishmania donovani as a potential vaccine /drug in the SBC, at CIMAP, Lucknow, [India], 12th -15th November, 2011.
  16. Rajendra K Baharia, Rati Tandon, Pramod K Kushawaha, Reema Gupta, Amogh A Sahasrabuddhe and Anuradha Dube. Molecular and immunological characterization of Nucleosomal Histone Proteins of Leishmania donovani in 23rd National Congress of Parasitology at Chennai, [India], 18th-20th November, 2011.
  17. Anuradha Dube, Chandra dev Pati Tripathi, Sumit Joshi, Reema Gupta, Pramod K Kushawaha, Anil K Jaiswal, Prashant Khare, Rati Tondon, Rajendra Baharia, Sanchita Das, Shyam Sundar. Feasibility of ThI stimulatory polyproteins identified through proteomics as potent vaccine candidates for development of synthetic/ DNA vaccine against visceral leishmaniasis, in Fifth World Congress on Leishmaniasis at at Porto de Galinhas, PE, [Brazil], 13th to 18th May, 2013.
  18. Chandra Dev Pati Tripathi, Prashant Khare, Pramod K. Kushawaha, Reema Gupta, Shailja Misra Bhattacharya and Anuradha Dube. Immunoprophylactic efficacy of Withania somnifera chemotype 101R against Leishmania donovani infection in golden hamster, in International Symposium on Current Trends in Drug Discovery and Research, CDRI, Lucknow [India], 26th to 28th February, 2013.
  19. Chandra Dev Pati Tripathi,, Pramod K. Kushawaha, Reema Gupta, Prashant Khare, Shailja Misra Bhattacharya and Anuradha Dube. Withania somnifera chemotype 101R augment the anti leishmanial efficacy of miltefosine, paromomycine and amphotericin B in Leishmania donovani infected hamster, Fifth World Congress on Leishmaniasis at at Porto de Galinhas, PE, [Brazil], 13th to 18th May, 2013.
  20. Pramod K Kushawaha, Chandra Dev Pati Tripathi, Poornima Singh and Anuradha Dube. Leishmania donovani Triose phosphate isomerase and Protein disulfide isomerase elicits Th1 immune response in hamsters. 3rd Lucknow Science Congress and National Conference on “Science for Society: An Interdiscplinary Approach”, at Lucknow, 31st October – 2nd November, 2015.


  • Successfully completed Wet-Laboratory Basic Flowcytometry Course from 10th to 12th March 2008, on a BD FACS Calibur at the BD Biosciences Training Centre, Gurgaon, India.
  •  Participated the qPCR (Quantitative PCR) Workshop (Experimental Design to Data Analysis) conducted on 17th to 18th May 2010 at BioRad Laboratories, India.
  • Participated in a workshop on Molecular Simulation, and Chemotherapeutic approaches Towards New Drug Development, from 24/ 02/ 2011 to 26/ 02/ 2011, Organized by Karunya University, Coimbatore, India.


Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised