Contact Info
Dr. Paramveer Singh
Department of Mass Communication and Media Studies, Central University of Punjab, Ghudda, Bathinda- 151401
Dr. Paramveer Singh
Ph.D in Media Studies
M.Phil in Journalism and Mass Communication
MA in Journalism and Mass Communication
Teaching Experience
17 Years of Teaching Experience
- Working as Assistant Professor in Department of Mass Communication and Media Studies, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda since 03rd January, 2018
- Worked as Assistant Professor in Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi from 09th August, 2012 to 2nd January, 2018
- Worked as assistant Professor on contract in Institute of Mass Communication and Media Technology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra from 20th September, 2010 to 30th April, 2011
- Worked as Teaching Associate in Institute of Mass Communication and Media Technology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra from 17th August, 2011 to 30th June, 2012
- Worked as assistant Professor on contract in Institute of Mass Communication and Media Technology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra from 20th September, 2010 to 30th April, 2011
- Worked as teaching associate in Institute of Mass Communication and Media Technology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra from 10th Sept, 2009 to 30th June, 2010
- Worked as teaching associate in Institute of Mass Communication and Media Technology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra from 25th Aug, 2008 to 19th May, 2009
- Worked as Guest Lecturer in Govt National PG College, Sirsa from 29th August, 2007 to 20th March, 2008
Administrative Experience
Worked as Master Trainer in District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) from 15th February, 2007 to 15th August, 2007
Industrial Experience
* Worked as VT Editor in Total TV news channel, New Delhi from 15th Dec, 2005 to 15 January, 2007
Research Area
Television Studies
Rural Communication
Mobile Communication
Political Communication
Research Interests
Rural Communication
Research Grants/Projects
Research Seed Money of Rs. 150000/- by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
Professional Affiliation
- Editor, Universal Multidisciplinary Research Journal
- Member, International Association for Media and Communication Research
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Communication and Management
- Sonawane, P & at el (2025). A study on role of effectiveness of micro finance in India: with special reference to poverty eradication, Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias, Vol-4 (2025), https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20251178
- Bharadwaj, M. & Singh, P (2024). Exploring Lord Hanuman’s Communication in Tulsi’s Ramcharitmanas through the lens of Sahidayata,, Bodhi, 10(7), 143-150
- Kumar, R.P. & at el (2024). Impact of Punjabi Songs on University Students of Punjab,Sangeet Galaxy, 13(2), https://sangeetgalaxy.co.in/paper/impact-of-punjabi-songs-on-university-students-of-punjab/
- Verma, S., Singh, P. & Bharadwaj, M. (2024), THE INFLUENCE OF MEDIA ON WOMEN'S HEALTH EDUCATION: A CASE STUDY OF WORKING AND LITERATE WOMEN IN INDIA, Community Practitioners, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12569170
- Verma, S. & Singh, P. (2024). The Influence of Media Consumption on Children's Health and Behavior: A Review, SSRN, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4821067
- Verma, S. & Singh P. (2024), Communication: The Key to Building a Better Society, Communication Today, Vol:28, No:3, ISSN: 0975-217X
- Kumar, M.& at el (2024). Technology, transmission, trust, and tendency: Detecting trends in COVID-19 related fabricated content of virtual fact-check networks, E3S Web of Conferences 491, 03009 (2024), https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202449103009 ICECS'24
- Chakraborty, D. & et al (2023). Understanding user generated animation content from India on YouTube: A netnographic study of 12 Indian animation channels, Global Media Journal (Indian Edition), 15(1)
- Rahul SK and at el (2023). Legal Labyrinths: Examining the Complexity of Drug Abuse Cases Pendency in Punjab, India, Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research Vol. 12 (2023)
- Bharadwaj, M. & Singh, P. (2023),Helping SDG for health through Social Media :Analysis of Instagram reels, STOM, ISSN- 2231-1041, Year-24, Special Issue-1
- Yadav, R & at el (2023). Clinical Legal Education as a Catalyst for Change in Punjab: Tackling Drug Abuse and Human Rights Violations, Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research, Vol. 12 (2023), DOI: 10.4303/JDAR/236252, 10 pages
- परमवीर सिहं (2023). भारतीय मीडिया में कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता, संवाद पथ, अक्तुबर-दिसम्बर, 2023, 53-57
- Yadav, R. and at el (2023). Social bearing of laws and their implementation with reference to irretrievable breakdown of marriage: A comparative study of laws in India and Asian countries, 2046-1402, http://dx.doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.133515.1
- Verma, S. & Singh, P. (2023). THE MASS MEDIA'S ROLE IN PREVENTING DRUG AND ALCOHOL USE, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, Volume:05/Issue:01/January-2023
- Verma, S., Bharadwaj, M. & Singh, P. (2023). The correlation between health and health communication with multi-dimensional development, Journal of Communication and Management, 2023;2(1):53-56
- Deep, A. & Singh P (2023). Use of Social Media by Indian Cabinet Ministers to Propagate Their Work and Connect with Masses, Journal of Communication and Management, 2023;2(2):124-129
- Bhardwaj, M. & Singh P. (2023), Substance and Drug Abuse: An Analysis of Elements in Two Punjabi Pop Songs, Sangeet Galaxy, Vol. 12, No.2 (July 2023) pp. 33-41
- परमवीर सिंह व मयंक भारद्वाज (2022), मोबाईल तकनीक से समृद्धि की ओर हिन्दी भाषा और साहित्य, हिन्दुस्तानी त्रैमासिक, 0378-391X, अप्रैल-जून, 2022
- परमवीर सिंह (2022), राजनैतिक संचारहेतु फेसबुक का प्रयोग, संवाद पथ, अप्रैल-जून, 2022, 23-30
- परमवीर सिंह (2022), भारत में संचार के लिए स्मार्टफोन की उपयोगिता और इसका संचार पद्धतियों पर प्रभाव, अपनी माटी, मार्च-2022, 40
- परमवीर सिंह (2022), भारतीय ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में डिजिटल मीडिया से सामाजिक, आर्थिक व सांस्कृतिक बदलाव, संग्रथन, आईएसएसएन- 22786880, जनवरी, 2022, 27-33
- परमवीर सिंह (2021), भारत में सोशल मीडिया साक्षरता की आवश्यकता, संवाद पथ, अक्तुबर-दिसम्बर, 2021, 19-25
- परमवीर सिंह (2021), भारत में पत्रकारों पर हमलेः पत्रकारिता की अभिव्यक्ति की आजादी को खतरा, समसामयिक सृजन, अक्तुबर-दिसम्बर, 2021, 475-477
- परमवीर सिंह (2021), भारत में डिजिटल मीडिया को नियोजित करने की आवश्यकताएँ व प्रयास, समसामयिक सृजन, जुलाई-सितम्बर, 2021, 7-10
- Kaur, J. & Paramveer Singh, (2021). Opportunities and obstacles of Digital Pedagogy in Higher studies: A research on usage, Pros and Cons of Digital teaching and learning during lockdown due toCovid-19 in India, BhartiyaShikshaShodhPatrika, 09707603, 40(2), 76-86
- परमवीर सिंह (2021), डिजिटल तकनीकः मिथ्या व भ्रामक सूचनाओं की चुनौतियां व उनका समाधान के प्रयास, संवाद पथ, अप्रैल-जून, 2021, 76-83
- Patnaik, P. & Singh, P. (2021), Over the Top platforms and Covid-19, A study on usage and impact among the youth of India, Journal of Arts-IIS, ISSN- 2319-5339, Vol-10(1), 296-308
- परमवीर सिंह (2020), कोविड-19 महामारी का भारतीय टेलीविजन व सीनेमा पर प्रभाव, संवाद पथ, अक्तुबर-दिसम्बर, 2020, 136-141
- Singh, P. & Deep A. (2020). Facebook as a tool of electioneering: Reasons and Facts, Journal of Critical Reviews, Vol-7, Issue- 19, p- 2977-2985
- Singh, P (2019) New Media as a change agent of Indian Television and Cinema: A Study of over the top platforms, Journal of Content, Community and Communication, ISSN- 2395-7514, Issue DOI-10.31620/JCCC, Vol-9, Year-5 June, 2019, p-131-137
- Singh, P. & Kumari, R. (2019). Usage Pattern of Mobile Phone Among Tribals of Jharkhand, Mass Communicator, ISSN-0973-9688, Vol-13, No.-1, January-March-2019, Page-27-31
- Singh, P. & Kumari, N. Challenges before Community Radio stations in India: A study of two Community Radio stations of Jharkhand, Media Mimansa, ISSN- 2229-5593, Oct-Dec-2018, p-2-12
- परमवीर सिंह व बंसी लाल, सोशल मीडिया की विषयवस्तु की विविधता और उसकी उपयोगिता (कुरुक्षेत्र विश्वविद्यालय के स्नातकोत्तर छात्रों का अध्ययन),कम्युनिकेशन टूडे, जुलाई-सितम्बर-2018, 143-155, आईएसएसएन- 0975-217X
- Singh Paramveer & Sweta, Opinion of University students towards the importance of social media in daily life, Global Media Journal Indian Edition, ISSN- 2249-5835, January-2018
- Singh Paramveer & Priyanka Kumari, Usage pattern of online services among the villagers of Jharkhand: A study of Pragya Kendra, International Journal of Transformations of Media, Journalism & Mass Communication, ISSN- 2581-3439 (Online), Vol-3, Issue-2 (2018)
- Dr. Paramveer Singh & Sweta Kumari, Usage of New Media for higher education: A study of Central University of Jharkhand, Media Mimansa, ISSN- 2229-5593, Oct-Dec. 2017, p-50-62
- Singh Paramveer & Sweta Kumari, Usage of Facebook for various purposes by University students, Universal Multi-disciplinary Research Journal, ISSN-23956941, Vol-II, Issue-XXIX, September, 2017, ,Pg No-13-33
- Singh Paramveer, Need of online workshop for research methodology: A perception study of Indian Ph.D. Scholars, Journal of Advance Research in Journalism and Mass Communication, ISSN- 2395-3810, Vol-4, Issue-3&4, Nov-2017, Pg No-73-81, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2395.3810.201702, URL:http://management.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARJMC/login?source=%2Findex.php%2FJoARJMC%2Farticle%2Fview%2F352%2Fpdf
- Singh Paramveer & Ms Niharika Kumari, Perception of audience towards the impact of developmental campaigns of developmental communication division (DCD), Universal Multi-disciplinary Research Journal, ISSN-23956941, Vol-II, Issue- XXVII, July, 2017, Pg No-18-28, URL:http://nebula.wsimg.com/248de4a8345a25b7243bd1fd43e53017?AccessKeyId=144871D3D592FFC53CCA&disposition=0&alloworigin=1
- Singh Paramveer & Neha Pandey, Content, Structure and functioning of FM Channels and Opinion of Listeners about content broadcasted by FM Channels, Journal of Advance Research in Journalism and Mass Communication, 2016, Vol-3, Issue-1&2, April, 2016, ISSN-23953810, Pg No- 9-25, URL: http://management.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARJMC/article/view/165
- Singh Paramveer & Kawaljit Singh, Perception of Youth Towards Credibility of News Channels, Universal Multi-disciplinary Research Journal, ISSN-23956941, Vol-I, Issue-XI, March, 2016, Pg No- 38-51
- Singh Paramveer & Shwetabh, Online Shopping- Satisfaction level among the students of Central University of Jharkhand, Universal Multi-disciplinary Research Journal, ISSN-23956941, Vol-I, Issue-VI, Sept, 2015, Pg No- 1-8
- Singh Paramveer, Television par parsarit hone wale teleshopping vigyapno me achaar sahinta ka palan, Communication Today, ISSN- 975217X, Vol-16, N0-3, July-Sept, 2014,
- Singh Paramveer & Hena Mumtaz, Attitude of rural Children toward Television Cartoon Programs, Golden Research Thoughts, ISSN-22315063, Vol-4, Issue-1, July,2014, Pg No- 1-11. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.5711470
- Singh Paramveer & Swetabh, “Online Shopping: Usage Patterns among the students of Central University of Jharkhand”, Review of Research, ISSN-2249-894X, Vol-3, Issue-10, July, 2014, Pg. No- 1-5, DOI: http:/doi.org/10.9780/2249894X, URL: http://oldror.lbp.world/ArticleDetails.aspx?id=886
- Kaushik Vikram & Paramveer Singh, ”Krishi ke liye kisano ki suchna awashktaye aur unki prapti ke liye vibhinn suchna stroton ka prayog” Golden Research Thoughts, ISSN-2231-5063, Vol-3, Issue-8, February, 2014, URL: http://oldgrt.lbp.world/UploadedData/3328.pdf
- Kaushik Vikram & Paramveer Singh, ”Krishi Kshetra me utrane wali niji kampaniyo ki Chhavi nirman ke liye jansamparak nitiyon ke bare me kisano ki raye” Golden Research Thoughts, Vol-3, Issue-11, May, 2014, ISSN-2231-5063,URL: http://oldgrt.lbp.world/UploadedData/3875.pdf
- Kaushik Vikram & Paramveer Singh, “Sarkar dwara krishi ke liye di jane wali suchnao ke bare me kisano ki santushti ka adhyayan” Golden Research Thoughts, Vol-3, Issue-4, Oct, 2013, ISSN-2231-5063, URL: http://oldgrt.lbp.world/UploadedData/2944.pdf
- Kaushik Vikramv & Paramveer Singh “Perception of Agriculture administrators towards the corporatization of Indian agriculture”, Golden Research Thoughts, Vol-2, Issue-4, Oct 2012, ISSN- 2231-5063, URL: http://oldgrt.lbp.world/UploadedData/1592.pdf
- (2016) Video Production, Kalpna Prakashan, New Delhi, ISBN- 9789383725588
- (2017) Radio Production, Kalpna Prakashan, New Delhi, ISBN- 978938725953
- (2021) Bhartiya Television, KK Publication, New Delhi, ISBN- 9789386630339
- (2021) Indian Television Screen, KK Publication, New Delhi-9788178442297
- (2023) Digital Literacy Essentials: Understanding and Engaging with Media, KK Publication, New Delhi, ISBN- 9789392003363
- (2024) Bharat Mein Digital Media, KalpnaPrakashan, New Delhi, ISBN- 9788119366088
Book Chapters
- Book Title: Neurosensory and Neuromarketing Impacts on Consumer Behavior, Chapter Title: Product and Pixels: Influence of Social Media Influencers on Marketing, Branding, Brand Trust, and Consumer Engagement, Publisher: IGI Global, ISBN: 9798369382226,Editors: Reena Malik, Shivani Malhan & Manpreet Arora, 2024
- Book Title- Video Production Skills for Extension Professionals, Chapter Title- Camera Handling Techniques, Publisher: National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (Manage), Hydrabad, , Editors- Dr Ajay Kumar, Dr Srinivasacharyulu, Attaluri, Dr Anil Kumar Rohila& Dr Bharat Singh Ghanghas, 2024
- Title of Book: The Handbook of Digital Media & Journalism: Practices and Perspectives, Chapter Title: The Scope of Digital Health Communication in Sustainable Goals, Publisher: Galgotia Publishing Company, Editors: Dr NehaJingala& Dr Devender Bhardwaj, 2024
- Book Title- Mind Matters : Navigating Mental Health in the Modern World, Chapter Title- Media: A Catalyst For Mental Health In Kids And Seniors, Publisher- Books Tycoon, 2024
- Book Title- Media and Information Literacy, Chapter Title- Health Literacy Through Movies: Analysis of Two Bollywood movies: Toilet: EkPrem Katha and Padman, ISBN: 978-81-961861-0-4, Publisher: Wisdom World Publication, Varanasi, Editor: DrBalaLakhendra, 2023
- Book Title-Reconstruction of Women Identities and Individualities, Chapter Title- Analysis of Indian Women and Domesticity in the Context of Adult OTT Programming: Thematic Study of Amazon Prime Original "Four More Shots Please", ISBN- 978-93-95583-96-1,Editors: DrRuchiGoswami, DrUjjvala M Tiwari and DrPreeti, Publisher- Writers Row Publications, Bangalore, 2023
- Book Title-Innovations and Practices in Mass Communication, Chapter Title- Regional content consumption through OTT platforms in India, ISBN: 978-93-88901-60-4, Editor- DrRuchiGoswami Publisher- Bhumi Publishing, Kohlapur (Maharashtra), 2023
- Book Title- Intercultural Communication of New Bharat Cleanliness, Self-reliance, and Prosperity, Chapter Title- Cleanliness and good health in different Indian cultures (A systematic review) SwarajPrakashan, New Delhi, ISBN- 9789391916497, Pg- 61-70, 2022, DrNagender Kumar Singh
- पुस्तक शिर्षक- आजादी @75- क्रांतिकारियों की शौर्यगाथा, अध्याय- करतार सिंह सराभा, ISBN-978935521184, प्रकाशक- प्रभात प्रकाशन, नई दिल्ली।
- पुस्तक शिर्षक- संवाद के स्वर, अध्याय- भारतीय ज्ञान परम्परा के ध्वज वाहक, आईएसबीएन- 9789385696794, यश पब्लिकेशंस, दिल्ली
- Book Title- The Facets of Indian Cinema (2018), Chapter Title- भारत में वृत्तचित्र निर्माण, ISBN-978-8178443188, Publisher- K.K. Publications, New Delhi
- पुस्तक शिर्षक- कोरोनाः एक त्रास्दी, अध्याय शिर्षक- कोरोनाकाल में अवसर तलाशती ऑनलाईन शिक्षा, ISBN-9789388793674, के.एल. पचौरी प्रकाशन, गाजियाबाद
- पुस्तक शिर्षक- इलैक्ट्रॉनिक मीडिया, अध्याय शिर्षक- वीडियो प्रसारणः प्रोडक्शन विधि एवं यथार्थता, ISBN- 9788194560548, प्रकाशक- वैभव लक्ष्मी प्रकाशन, वाराणसी
Research Guidance
- Ph.D Degree awarded under supervision- 02
- Supervising four Ph.D. Scholars of Department of Mass Communication and Media Studies, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
- Supervising 3 Post Graduation students of Department of Mass Communication and Media Studies, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
- Supervised around 45 Post Graduation students of Department of Mass Communication and Media Studies, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
- Supervised 14 Post Graduation students of Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi.
- Supervised 3 Post Graduation students of Institute of Mass Communication and Media Technology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Attended
- Sahia of Jharkhand and Asha Worker of Punjab: A comparative study of their health literacy and digital literacy in National conference on Changing Paradigm of Mass Communication amidst Digital Age organized by Lovely Professional University, Phagwara during 25-26 November, 2022
- Analytical Study of Development Schemes for tribal Students in Jharkhand in 12th International Seminar on Development and Tribals organized by the Institute of Social Development and Research, Ranchi on 8th October, 2017
- Lord Rama as a Communicator: Excerpts from Shriramcharitmanas in Interdisciplinary International conference on Ancient Indian Knowledge Systems: Natural Sciences, Cognitive Sciences and Social Sciences organized by Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal, Punjab and Swami Swatantaranand Memorial College, Dinanagar on 22nd August, 2021
- Cleanliness and good health in different Indian Cultures: A systematic review in national seminar on Azadi ke Amrit me Intercultural Communication of New Bharat: Cleanliness, Self Relience and Prosperity organized by Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak during 5-6th August, 2022
- Review Studies of New Media Usage among Teenagers for education in 3rd International conference on Social Media: The Changing Communication environment organized by Xavier University, Bhubneshwar during 15-16th December, 2017
- #Heath Literacy: An analysis of Instagram Reels with Health Information in world’s first 7 day staggered Colocation Conference on Identity, Culture and Agenda driven Newscast organized by Delhi Metropoliton Education, Noida in collaboration with Deakin Univeristy, Melbourn, Australia on 20th June, 2023
- A Voice of their own: Using Social Media Platforms by tribal people in national Conference Amrit Kaal and Changing Media: Resurgence of New India organized by Vivekananda School of Journalism and Mass Communication on 22-23 March, 2023
- Twitting Health: Analyzing the Ministry of Health’s Digital Literacy Posts on Twitter in the National Seminar and Media Conclave held on 30-31 November, 2023
- Exploring Lord Hanuman’s Communication in Tulsi’sManas through the Lens of Sahridayata at the International Seminar on Two decades of the Sadharanikaran Model of Communication organized by Department of Languages and Mass Communication, Kathmandu University, Kathmandu (Nepal) on May, 26, 2024
- A Paradigm shift in the health reporting after the impact of Covid-19 in India, 28th annual conference of Asian Media Information and Communication Center (AMIC) on Science Communication: Managing the now and the future, held virtually on November 20, 27 and December, 04, 2021
- Sahia of Jharkhand and Asha Worker of Punjab: A comparative study of their health literacy and digital literacy in National conference on Changing Paradigm of Mass Communication amidst Digital Age organized by Lovely Professional University, Phagwara during 25-26 November, 2022
- Analytical Study of Development Schemes for tribal Students in Jharkhand in 12th International Seminar on Development and Tribals organized by the Institute of Social Development and Research, Ranchi on 8th October, 2017
- Lord Rama as a Communicator: Excerpts from Shriramcharitmanas in Interdisciplinary International conference on Ancient Indian Knowledge Systems: Natural Sciences, Cognitive Sciences and Social Sciences organized by Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal, Punjab and Swami Swatantaranand Memorial College, Dinanagar on 22nd August, 2021
- Cleanliness and good health in different Indian Cultures: A systematic review in national seminar on Azadi ke Amrit me Intercultural Communication of New Bharat: Cleanliness, Self Relience and Prosperity organized by Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak during 5-6th August, 2022
- Review Studies of New Media Usage among Teenagers for education in 3rd International conference on Social Media: The Changing Communication environment organized by Xavier University, Bhubneshwar during 15-16th December, 2017
- #Heath Literacy: An analysis of Instagram Reels with Health Information in world’s first 7 day staggered Colocation Conference on Identity, Culture and Agenda driven Newscast organized by Delhi Metropoliton Education, Noida in collaboration with Deakin Univeristy, Melbourn, Australia on 20th June, 2023
- A Voice of their own: Using Social Media Platforms by tribal people in national Conference Amrit Kaal and Changing Media: Resurgence of New India organized by Vivekananda School of Journalism and Mass Communication on 22-23 March, 2023
- Twitting Health: Analyzing the Ministry of Health’s Digital Literacy Posts on Twitter in the National Seminar and Media Conclave held on 30-31 November, 2023
- Exploring Lord Hanuman’s Communication in Tulsi’sManas through the Lens of Sahridayata at the International Seminar on Two decades of the Sadharanikaran Model of Communication organized by Department of Languages and Mass Communication, Kathmandu University, Kathmandu (Nepal) on May, 26, 2024
- “Role of media in Social Awareness” in national seminar organized by govt. college, Panchkula (Haryana) on 26-27 September, 2008
- ‘Gaon me Panv Pasarte Naye Sanchar Madhyam’ in National Seminar (MEDIACON-09) organized by Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Choudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa (Haryana) on 25-26 April, 2009
- ‘Role of information and communication technology in teaching learning process and lecturer‟s competency’ in National Seminar organized by Mata Harki Devi college of Education for Women, Odhan (Sirsa) on 22-23 May, 2010
- ‘Adhunik Shiksha me Naye Sanchar Madhyamon ka Prayog’in National Seminar organized by Mata Harki Devi college of Education for Women, Odhan (Sirsa) on 29th April, 2012
- ‘Use of mobile as a tool for Political Communication in Bihar Assembly Election’ in National Seminar organized by Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Ranchi University, Ranchi (Jharkhand) on 11-12 December, 2015.
- ‘Samajik Media Ki Vishayavastu ki Vividhta aur UskicUpyogita- Kurukshetrav Vishavvidyalya ke snatkotter chhartron ka Adhyan’in International Seminar Organized by Makhan Lal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication, Bhopal on 27-28 December, 2011.
- ‘Online Suchna Tantra ki Krishi Kshetra Me Bhumika ke bare Me kisano ki Rai” in International Seminar organized by Electronic Media Research Centre, Punjabi University, Patiala on 21-21 October, 2011
- ‘Television Par Prasarit Hone Wale Teleshopping Vigyapno me Achar Sanhita Ka Palan’ in National Seminar organized by department on Journalism & Mass Communication, Punjabi University, Patiala on 18-19 January, 2012
- ‘Role of Media in spreading awareness about Environmental Issues’ in 5th International Seminar organized by Institute of Social Development and Research, Ranchi on 22 Feb to 24 Feb, 2014
- ‘Role of ICT in Good Governance- With special reference to rural India’ 9th International Seminar organized by Institute of Social Development and Research, Ranchi on 23rd April to 25th April, 2016
- ‘Need of Online Workshops for Research Methodology: Perception Study of Indian Ph.D. Research Scholars’ in National Conference on Communicating Sciences and Social Sciences in the Era of Media Divergence, Organized by Lingaya’sLalita Devi Institute of Management & Sciences, New Delhi on 25th October, 2017
- New Media as a change agent of Indian Cinema: A Study of online platforms, in International conference on Current Practice and Future Treds in Media Communication organized by Amity University, Dubai on 17th-19th June, 2019
- Possibilities of Digital Terrestrial Transmission (DTT) in India, in International communication on Digital Communication and Empowerment: Emerging Opportunities and Key Challenges organized by ML Sukhadia University, Udaipur and Lok Samvad Sansthan, Rajasthan on 28th September, 2019
- Participated in Think Tank Meeting organized by UNICEF Jharkhand on 9th Feb, 2017
- Participated in a Program ‘Rising Jharkhand’ organized by Zee Media Corporation Ltd. on 25th March, 2017
- Participated in a Radio program on International Hand washing Day on 7th October, 2016. This Program was organized by UNICEF, Jharkhand and Radio Mantra
- Participated in a Radio program on Immunization on 10th October, 2016. This Program was organized by UNICEF, Jharkhand and Radio Mantra
- Participated in a Radio program on Girl Child Rights on 6th October, 2016. This Program was organized by UNICEF, Jharkhand and Radio Mantra
- Participated in a Interaction Program ‘Media Conclave-2017’ organized by Prabhat Khabar, Ranchi on 14th August, 2017
- Participated in recording a programme on Teacher’s Day of Radio City on 5th September, 2017. Three radio programmes were recorded by Radio City.
Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised
- Jointly Coordinated one week Photography Exhibition on world photography day from 16th Aug to 20th Aug, 2018 in Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
- Jointly Coordinated one week On The Spot Photography Competition from 16th Aug to 20th Aug, 2018 in Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
- Coordinated One Week Workshop on Media Research from 16th November to 22nd November, 2016 at Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Coordinated One Week Workshop on Television Production from 13th March to 19th March, 2016 at Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Coordinated One Week Workshop on Writing for Media from 2nd Nov to 6th Nov, 2015 at Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Jointly Coordinated three days Photography Exhibition on world photography day from 20th Aug to 22nd Aug, 2013 at Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Jointly Coordinated three days On The Spot Photography Competition from 20th Aug to 22nd Aug, 2013at Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Coordinated two visit to The Tribune, News-18 and Radio Mirchi, Chandigarh for the students of Mass Communication and Media Studies, CUPB, Bathinda
- Coordinated one day visit to All India Radio, Bathinda for the students of Mass Communication and Media studies, CUPB, Bathinda
- Coordinated one day visit to Dainik Bhaskar, Bathinda for the students of Mass Communication and Media Studies, CUPB, Bathinda
- Coordinated two days visit to National Film Festival ‘Suhana Safar: 100 Years of Indian Cinema’ organized by IPRD, Jharkhand on 12-13 Sept, 2012 for students of Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Coordinated one day visit to Jagran Film Festival, Ranchi on 26th Aug, 2012for students of Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Coordinated one day visit to Big FM, Ranchi on 18th Oct, 2014 for students of Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Coordinated one day visit to Radio Mantra on 7th Oct, 2015 for students of Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Coordinated one day visit to Doordarshan Kendra, Ranchi on 25th Feb, 2016 for students of Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Coordinated one day visit to Radio Mantra on 16th Nov, 2016 for students of Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Coordinated Eight days visit to IPRD and KhelGaon for Momentum Jharkhand-2017 from 10th Feb to 17th Feb, 2017for students of Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi (25 Students were participated in Momentum Jharkhand-2017 as media volunteers)
- Coordinated one day visit to Radio Mantra on 5th September, 2017 for students of Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Organized one day International Uranium Film festival at Central University of Jharkhand, Ramchi on 15th January, 2013
- Organized Three days National Tribal Film Festival at Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi during 28th Oct to 30th Oct, 2013
Invited Talks/ Resource Person
• Delivered two lectures on Writing for Documentary and Short film in National workshop organized by Institute of Mass Communication and Media Technology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra on 14th Feb, 2018
• Delivered two lectures on tourism and media at Baba Farid group of Institution on 17th April, 2018
• Delivered an expert lecture on Media and Tourism at Baba Farid group of Institution on 2nd April, 2019
• Delivered 20 Lectures at Centre for Mass Communication and Media Technology, Central University of Punjab from 23rd November to 27th November, 2017
• Delivered 24 Lecture at Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Punjab from 28th September to 3rd October, 2017
• Delivered Three Special Lectures in 10 days Workshop on Documentary Film Making organized by Centre for Indigenous Culture Studies, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi during 11-19 April, 2016
• Delivered a Special Lecture on Cable and Digital Television to Information Officers (JIS-1) at Shri Krishna Institute of Public Administration, Ranchi on 30th April,2013
• Delivered two lectures in 7 day workshop for journalists organized by IMC&MT, KUK on 14th February, 2018
• Key Resource person in Two-day workshop on Video Production at Department of Communication Management and Technology, GJUS&T, Hisar on 25th-26th September, 2017
• Key Resource person in two day workshop organized by Institute of Mass Communication and Media Technology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra on 25th January, 2019
• Key Resource person in Two day workshop on audio-video editing at department of Communication Management and Technology, GJUS&T, Hisar on 27th-28th March, 2019
. Delivered a special lecture (Online) on Art of Digital Media Production in JC Bose University of Science and Technology, Faridabad on 16th June, 2020
. Delivered Two invited lectures on Video Production Techniques for Agricultural Programs and Script Writing at Extension Education Institute (GoI), Nilokheri on 25th June, 2024
• Delivered two lectures on tourism and media at Baba Farid group of Institution on 17th April, 2018
• Delivered an expert lecture on Media and Tourism at Baba Farid group of Institution on 2nd April, 2019
• Delivered 20 Lectures at Centre for Mass Communication and Media Technology, Central University of Punjab from 23rd November to 27th November, 2017
• Delivered 24 Lecture at Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Punjab from 28th September to 3rd October, 2017
• Delivered Three Special Lectures in 10 days Workshop on Documentary Film Making organized by Centre for Indigenous Culture Studies, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi during 11-19 April, 2016
• Delivered a Special Lecture on Cable and Digital Television to Information Officers (JIS-1) at Shri Krishna Institute of Public Administration, Ranchi on 30th April,2013
• Delivered two lectures in 7 day workshop for journalists organized by IMC&MT, KUK on 14th February, 2018
• Key Resource person in Two-day workshop on Video Production at Department of Communication Management and Technology, GJUS&T, Hisar on 25th-26th September, 2017
• Key Resource person in two day workshop organized by Institute of Mass Communication and Media Technology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra on 25th January, 2019
• Key Resource person in Two day workshop on audio-video editing at department of Communication Management and Technology, GJUS&T, Hisar on 27th-28th March, 2019
. Delivered a special lecture (Online) on Art of Digital Media Production in JC Bose University of Science and Technology, Faridabad on 16th June, 2020
. Delivered Two invited lectures on Video Production Techniques for Agricultural Programs and Script Writing at Extension Education Institute (GoI), Nilokheri on 25th June, 2024
Google Scholar- 66
ResearchGate- 63
h-Index- 2
i10 Index- 1
Curricular Development
Ph.D. Journalism and Mass Communication, CUPB
MA Journalism and Mass Communication, CUPB
Ph.D. Mass Communication, CUJ
5 Year Integrated MA in Mass Communication, CUJ
2 Year MA in Mass Communication,CUJ
M.Sc. Multi-Media, Institute of Mass Communication and Media Technology, KUK
e-Content Development
Wrote and Produced one module on ‘Photographs as educational tool’ for ARPIT organized by GJUS&T, Hisar
Technical Reviewer for MOOC on ‘Solid and Hazardous Waste Management’ for SWAYAM offered by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
Other Significant Achievements
Previous Administration Responsibilities
- Member, Board of School, School of Social Sciences & Humanities, CUJ
- Member, Unnat Bharat Cell, CUJ
- Member, University Cultural Committee, CUJ
- Member, University Level Academic Committee, CUJ
- Member, University Communication Cell, CUJ
- Issue Editor, CUJian Age (University Newsletter of CUJ)
- Member, Departmental Research Committee, CUJ
- Convener, Research Advisory Committee, Centre for Mass Communication, CUJ
- Member, Counselling, Placement and Guidance Committee, CMC, CUJ
- Coordinator, Documentary Screening & Film Festival Committee, CUJ
- Ph.D. Coordinator, Centre for Mass Communication, CMC, CUJ
- Member, Ph.D. Admission Committee, CMC, CUJ
- Member, Centre Admission Committee, CMC, CUJ
Present Administrative Responsibilities
- Member, Board of Studies, Department of Performing Arts, Central University of Punjab
- Member, Board of Studies, Department of Mass Communication and Media Studies, Central University of Punjab
- Member, Establishment of Department of Skill Development Committee
- Social Media Champion (Nominated by Central University of Punjab)
- Placement In-Charge, Department of Mass Communication and Media Studies
- Member, Placement Committee, CUPB
- In-Charge, Media Lab, Department of Mass Communication and Media Studies,
- Member, Social Media Cell, CUPB
- Member, Editorial Board, University Newsletter, CUPB
- Member, Admission Committee, DMCMS, CUPB
- Member, Curriculum Development & Design Committee, DMCMS, CUPB