Outcome based transdisciplinary R&D and teaching with an emphasis on materials science, engineering, and applied physics, particularly, functional materials for high strength composites, energy, shock dampening, and sensing, computational electromagnetics for architecting shields, metamaterials, meta-surfaces, and sonic crystals for environmental noise filters.
Ph.D. (2004): Studies on: radiation induced damage and elemental diffusion in polyimide
(Department of Physics, S. P. Pune University, PUNE)
- Feb. 2023–till date : Professor, Department of Physics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
- Feb. 2020–Feb 2023 : Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
- Mar. 2010–Feb. 2020 : Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Physics, DIAT (DU), Pune
- Jan. 2008–Mar. 2010 : Lecturer, College of Engineering (CoEP), Pune
Any other experience
- General employee training, Ecole Polytechnique, Horiba Jobin Vyon, France, 2014
- Brain Korea-21 postdoctoral fellow, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, 2005-08.
- DAAD Fellow, Hahn–Meitner Institute, Berlin, Germany, 2002.
Administrative Experience
- HoD, Department of Physics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
- Member, Academic Council, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
- Member, School Board of Basic Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
- Member, PG programme in Physics, Central University of Andhra Pradesh, Ananthapuramu
- Head, Material Management Group, DIAT (DU), Pune
- Applied Physics
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Computational electromagnetics, meta – materials, meta–surfaces
- Sonic crystals, low frequency noise filters
- Thermo–physical proeperties@nano–scale
- Energy materials
Worked in the following research areas:
(a) Developed skill in handling: (i) 7 MeV pulsed electron accelerator (Race-track Microtron), 14 MeV neutron generator, Department of Physics, SP Pune University, (ii) worked at national level on 14 UD Palletron, Inter-University Accelerator Center, New Delhi, (iii) internationally, 1 GeV Ion Spectrometry Laboratory, Hahn–Meitner–Institute, Berlin, Germany, (iv) European neutron source for depth profiling studies to measure the depth distribution of boron and lithium in polymers (Hahn–Meitner–Institute), (vi) nationally, Indus–1 synchrotron radiation facility at CAT, Indore.
(b)(i) investigations on radiation assisted diffusion of low and high Z elements in soft condensed using swift heavy ions, electrons, and gamma rays. (ii) decoded diffusion dynamics of low Z atoms in polymers using DIFF and EVA computational codes, (iii) engineered constitutive parameters of polymeric systems by energetic electrons and gamma rays, (iv) investigated free volume fraction evolution in soft systems using positron annihilation, (v) engineered nano-ion-tracks in polymeric systems for flat devices.
(c)(i) R&D in field emission characteristics and emission stability of carbon nanotube composites under ultra high vacuum conditions, (ii) degradation and emission stability of plasma conditioned nano-composites, (iii) electrical aging studies.
(d)(i) worked on thermal– and plasma enhanced–chemical vapor deposition systems to grow single wall carbon nanotubes, thin–multi wall carbon nanotubes, (ii) developed water–assisted chemical vapor deposition system in Korea and India to grow ultra long multi walled carbon nanotubes, (iii) designed 2.7 T magnetic chemical vapor deposition system., (iv) used high resolution electron microscope and related characterization techniques for the structural investigations of carbon nanotubes and carbon nano-structures.
(e)(i) CVD based large area, gram scale graphene synthesis, and their integration for useful applications in defence sector, (ii) principal investigator for a large Government-sponsored research project obtained from ERIPR, DRDO, New Delhi, (iii) nano-carbon for electromagnetic interference shielding (EMI) blocks, (iv) bi-anisotropic meta materials, (v) graphene and graphene derivatives for spintronic, (vi) Raman spectroscopy including laboratory development.
(f)(i) development of protocols for 2D systems like MXene Ti3C2Tx, WS2, MoTex, etc., (ii) demonstrating their civil applications in the form of energy storage and conversion systems, (iii) shock mitigation in 3D carbon fabric for military application, (iv) electromagnetic interference shielding for disruptive countermeasures such as cloak and stealth.
(revenue worth of ₹ 1167.00 Lacs)
- Large scale synthesis of graphene, graphene oxide (GO) and carbon nanotubes for strategic applications (DRDO)
- Two-dimensional materials: design, development and assessment for electro-magnetic shielding and shock absorption applications (RSM)
- Advanced and nano-scaled material architectures for targeted applications (DST)
- Consultant, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
- Consultant, Effect of combination of various LED on photosynthesis of aquatic plants, Aquajungle (India) Pvt. Ltd, Pune, India
- Frequency selective meta surfaces carpet cloak at microwave frequencies (DRDO) (Applied)
- New Materials Paradigms: From Basic science to Device and Biomedical Applications (ANRF-PAIR) (Applied)
- Member, Electron Microscopy of India
- Member, Materials Research Society (MRSI), India
- Member, Korean Physical Society, 2005 onwards
- Member, Indian Physics Association (Pune Chapter)
- Fellow of Maharashtra Academy of Sciences–Dec. 2022
- DRDO Oration Award–Feb. 2020
- IOP INDIA Top Cited Author Award – 2019
- SCIENCE DIRECT Top Cited Author Award – 2005
- Best Thesis Award, Department of Physics, University of Pune, INDIA
- M. R. Bhide Award, Indian Physics Association, Pune Chapter, INDIA
- R K. Bhalla Award, Indian Physics Association, Pune Chapter, INDIA
More recent first
(l) Center for Cyber Physical Systems, IIT, Guwahati, Assam, for development of sonic crystals as a filters for environmental noise pollution.
(k) Department of Physics, IIT Ropar, Punjab for design and development of opto-electronic materials.
(j) Department of Blast and Damage Studies, Terminal Ballistic Research Establishment, Chandigarh, Punjab for testing and development of high strain rate composites using split Hopkinson pressure bar.
(i) Department of Strategic Materials, RF and Microwave Engineering Laboratory, DMSRDE, Kanpur, UP for EMI shielding, Meta-surfaces, and acoustic meta systems.
(h) High Energy Materials Research Laboratory, Pune, Maharashtra for static rocket nozzle quality assessments.
(g) UGC–DAE–CSR, Kolkata Center. Used synchrotron radiation facility at Center for Advance Technology (CAT) and various faculties at UGC–DAE–CSR, Indore Center.
(f) Relaxation spectroscopy, and neutron scattering facilities at UGC–DAE–CSR, Mumbai Center.
(e) Ion Accelerator of National Center for Characterization of Compositional Materials (NCCCM) D.A.E., Hyderabad, for studying the elemental depth profiling and R.B.S. studies. Ion Accelerator of Institute of Physics (IOP), Bhubaneshwar.
(d)Ion Spectrometry Lab., Hahn–Metiner–Institut, Berlin, for design and development of ion track based flat and compact devices .
(c) International collaborator for neutron depth profiling for low Z elements at BER-II, Neutron Scattering Center, Hahn-Meitner-Institute, Germany and the Dhurva Reactor, BARC, Mumbai.
(b) Ion beam facility@IUAC, Delhi for irradiation effects:150 Si, 70 F, 50 MeV Au, ions on polymers.
(a) 1-MeV, 6-MeV pulsed Race-Track Microtron, Co–60 radiation facility SP Pune University, Pune
NOTABLE FEW (for more details: https://cup.irins.org/profile/124211)
1) Design and Manufacturing of a Hexapattern Frequency Selective Surface Absorber for Aerospace Stealth Application, Priyanka, Subrat Mohanty, Prashant S. Alegaonkar, Himangshu B. Baskey, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 30, 37107 (2023)
2) Tellurium nanostructures for optoelectronic applications, Pinki Rani, Ashwini P. Alegaonkar, Santosh K. Mahapatra, Prashant S. Alegaonkar, Applied Physics A 128 346 (2022)
3) Microwave scattering behavior of carbon black/MoS2/cobalt composites for electromagnetic interference shielding application, Akshita Yadav, Krishna C. Tripathi, Himangshu B. Baskey, Prashant S. Alegaonkar, Materials Chemistry and Physics 279 125766 (2021)
4) High speed projectile sensor: Design, development and system engineering, Shamal L. Chinke, Solomon Berhe, Prashant S. Alegaonkar, IEEE Sensor Journal 21 27062 (2021)
5) High performance tellurium-reduced graphene oxide pseudocapacitor electrode, Ashwini P. Alegaonkar, Manjiri A. Mahadadalkar, Prashant S. Alegaonkar, Bharat B. Kale, Satish K. Pardeshi, Electrochimica Acta 291 225 (2018)
6) Graphene-like nanoflakes for shock absorption applications, Shamal L. Chinke, Inderpal S. Sandhu, D. R. Saroha, Prashant S Alegaonkar, ACS Applied Nano Materials 1 11 6027 (2018)
7) Ferro-nano-carbon split ring resonators a bianisotropic metamaterial in X-band: Constitutive parameters analysis, Resham V Jagtap, Ashok D Ugale, Prashant S Alegaonkar, Materials Chemistry and Physics 205 366 (2018)
8) Assessment of ecologically prepared carbon-nano-spheres for fabrication of flexible and durable supercell devices, Sushant A. Haladkar, Mangesh A Desai, Shrikrishna D Sartale, Prashant S Alegaonkar, Journal of Material Chemistry A 6 16 7246 (2018)
9) Graphene-like nanocarbon: An effective nanofiller for improving the mechanical and thermal properties of polymer at low weight fractions, Arvind Kumar, Devesh Kumar Chouhan, Prashant S Alegaonkar, T Umasankar Patro, Composites Science and Technology 127 79 (2016)
10) Impressive transmission mode electromagnetic interference shielding parameters of graphene-like nanocarbon/polyurethane nanocomposites for short range tracking countermeasures, Arvind Kumar, Prashant S Alegaonkar, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 7 27 14833 (2015)
11) Spin transport and magnetic correlation parameters for graphene-like nanocarbon sheets doped with nitrogen, A. P. Alegaonkar, A. Kumar, S. H. Patil, K. R. Patil, S. K. Pardeshi, P. S. Alegaonkar, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 27105 (2014)
12) A New Method of Carbon‐Nanotube Patterning Using Reduction Potentials, J. H. Lee, J. H. Shin, S. Y. Jeon, P. S. Alegaonkar, J. B. Yoo, Advanced Materials 21 1257 (2009)
13) Optimization of water assisted chemical vapor deposition parameters for super growth of carbon nanotubes, S. P. Patole, P. S. Alegaonkar, H. C. Lee, J. B. Yoo, Carbon 46 1987 (2008)
14) Carbon nanotube composite: dispersion routes and field emission parameters, J.H. Park, P. S. Alegaonkar, S.Y. Jun, and J. B. Yoo, Composites Science and Technology 68 753 (2008)
15) The emergence of new ion track applications,D. Fink, P. S. Alegaonkar, A.V. Petrov, A. S. Berdinsky Radiation Measurements 36 751 (2003)
16) Dielectric properties of 1MeV electron irradiated polyimide, P. S. Alegaonkar, P. Balaya, P. S. Goyal and V. N. Bhoraskar Applied Physics Letters 80 640 (2002)
- Nano-carbons: preparation assessments, and applications, Ashwini P. Alegaonkar and Prashant S. Alegaonkar,CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2023.
1) Nano-Carbon/Polymer Composites for Electromagnetic Shielding, Structural, Mechanical and Field Emission Applications, Ashwini P Alegaonkar, Prashant S Alegaonkar, Thermoset Composites: Preparation, Properties and Applications, Materials Research, Forum LLC, 38, 128, 2018.
2) Nanocarbon preparation and evaluation for structural engineering, spintronics, gas sensing, EMI shielding, and cloaking in X-band, Ashwini P Alegaonkar, Prashant S Alegaonkar, Nanocarbon and Its Composites: Preparation, Properties and Applications, Woodhead, Publishing, 171-287, 2018
3) Metal-Organic-Framework-Based Materials for Renewable Energy Applications, Ashwini P. Alegaonkar, Vidya K. Kalyankar, Prashant S. Alegaonkar, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 58, pp 140-176, 2019
4) Magneto chemistry and spin dynamics in graphene and graphene derivatives, Spintronics: a review and direction for research, Ashwini P. Alegaonkar, Prashant S. Alegaonkar, Satish K. Pardeshi, Nova Science Publishers, 2019
5) Self-healing aspects of graphene oxide / polymer nano-composites, Shamal L. Chinke, Prashant S. Alegaonkar, Self-Healing Composite Materials: From Design to Applications, Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering 2020, Pages 285-312
6) Polymers in Cosmetics, Rohini P. Gawade, Shamal C. Chinke, Prashant S. Alegaonkar, Polymer Science and Innovative Applications, 17, 549-569, 2020
7) Polyimide: From radiation induced degradation stability to flat, flexible devices, Prashant S. Alegaonkar, Vasant N. Bhoraskar, Sudha V. Bhoraskar, IntechOpen, England, 2021
8) Forms of graphene III: graphene nano-ribbons: preparation, assessments, and shock absorption applications, Prashant S. Alegaonkar, Recent Advances in Graphene and Graphene-Based Technologies, pp. 5-1.Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing, 2023
9) Electrical Conductivity of MXenes-Based Polymer Composites, S. Biswas and Prashant S. Alegaonkar, MXene Nanocomposites: Design, Fabrication, and Shielding Applications (2023): 111
10) Tellurium Ultracapacitors, Pinki Rani, and Prashant S. Alegaonkar, 2024 (Under review)
11) Electromagnetic Materials: Shield, metasurface absorber, and clock, Priyanka, Akshita Yadav, Aishwarya Pradeep, Himangshu B. Baskey Prashant S Alegaonkar, 2025 (Communicated)
Level of guidance |
Ongoing |
Awarded |
Ph.D. |
04 |
07 |
M. Tech. |
00 |
16 |
M. Sc. |
06 |
29 |
M.S. by research |
00 |
01 |
(31) Short term faculty development programme on: Instrumentation techniques for nano-materials conducted by Department of Instrumentation Sciences, SPPU, Pune during 20-29 Jun. 2019.
(30) Short term faculty development programme on : E-content development conducted by Department of Education and Extension, SPPU, Pune during 04-10 Feb. 2019.
(29) Refresher course in experimental physics (20 Jun.-05 Jul. 2017) at G.B. Pant University, Organized by IAS, Bangalore, INSA, New Delhi, NASc, Allahbad.
(28) Indo-French workshop on: pressure effect on strongly correlated materials (IWPESCM-17), organized by Centre for High Pressure Research, Bharathidasan University, Trichi, Tamil Nadu, 09-12 Jan. 2017.
(27) National workshop on: Model based system engineering for armament and combat vehicle technology, organized by DIAT (DU), Pune on 06 May 2015.
(26) National conference on: Microscopy and advances in Materials Sciences (NCMAMS -2015) organized by Department of Phsyics and Electronics, University of Jammu on Mar. 02-04, 2015.
(24) National conference on materials for electronic applications (NCMEA-14) organized by College of Engineering, Pune 30, 31 Jan, 01 Feb. 2014.
(23) Advanced workshop on: Dielectric impedance analyzer 2014, by DIAT (DU), Pune on 15-16 Jan. 2014.
(22) International workshop on: Nanotechnology and advanced functional materials (NTAFM) 24-25 Jul. 2013, by Materials Research Society India (Pune Chapter) 24-25 Jul. 2013
(21) Targeted training programme on: Nanofibre: production technology and applications, organized by DRDO, Bangalore, 21-25 Jan. 2013.
(20) 5th Bangalore Nano, 05-07 December 2012.
(19) International symposium on Macro and Supera Molecular Architectures and Materials (MAM-12), KSRCT, 21-25 Nov. 2012, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
(18) Govt. of Maharashtra, MKCL conducted 04 weeks programme on maharashtra state certificate course in information technology (MSCIT) self-study mode, July 2009.
(17) Mission 10X workshop organized by RSCOE, Pune 05-09 Feb 2008.
(16) National seminar on: Nanomaterials for devices: characterizations and applications, organized by Department of Physics University fo Pune, DIAT (DU), Pune, 24-26 Jun 2010.
(15) Workshop on: Leadership skills and emotional intelligence organized by Disha Management and Think Inc. New Delhi, 21-22 Aug. 2008.
(14) Workshop on: High impact presentation skills organized by Dale Carnegie Training. 05-06 Feb 2008
(13) National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research, Bhopal organized by MHRD/AICTE on Core teaching skills during 02 May-25 May 2008.
(12) Mini workshop on: Nano world 2008, Organized by Rotary Club of Shimgha Ghad, Pune on 22 March 2008.
(11) New diamond and nano-carbon (NDNC) 2007, Osaka Japan.
(10) Seventh International Conference on Science and applications of nanotubes NT06, 18-23Jun. 2006, Nagano Japan.
(9) International symposium on advanced materials and processing, Materials Science Center, IITKGP, December 06-08, 2004.
(8) International Host Lab experiments on synthesis of nano-materials by thermal plasma jointly organized by UoP, ICTP, BARC on 17 Nov.- 01 Dec. 2004.
(7) 4th IUC-DAEF-CAT School, Indore on: Science with synchrotron radiation, Oct. 30 – Nov. 07 2001.
(6) Workshop on: Research with low energy accelerator, organized by Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, Feb. 26-27, 2004.
(5) SERC School on : Precession physical measurements and measurement science, organized by Department of Science and Technology (DST), and National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi December 04-23 2000.
(4) Mini workshop on: Swift heavy ions on polymers and insulators, jointly organized by Inter University Accelerator Center (IUAC) and University of Pune, Pune on 17-18 Oct. 2000.
(3)National workshop on: Industrial applications of plasma surface processing, organized by Department of Physics, University of Pune, 18-19 February 2000.
(2) Indian Science Congress 2000, jointly organized by University of Pune, NCL, and Bharati Vidyapeeth
(1) Neutron as probe of condensed matter crystalline material, jointly organized by IUC, Mumbai and SSPD, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai, 17 Nov. – 03 Dec. 1999.
University Level
- Foundation week special lecture Feb. 2022
- Technical Talk Feb. 2021
- Talk under IIC Dec. 2020
- Workshop on: Development of ELFE sensors May 2014
33) Microscopy Karyashala Central University of Punjab, Bathinda and SERB, 2022
32) ST/ST and women students in Maharashtra, C-MET, Pune, India, 2022
31) MES Abasaheb Garware College, Pune, 2022
30) National workshop Baba Farid, MRSI, and Nuclear Society of India, 2021.
29) Emerging Smart Materials Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Bhubaneshwar, Odisha 2020
28) International Web Conference on Recent Advances in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology for High-end Applications (IWCRANHA) Central
University of Assam, Silchar, 2020
27) Webinar Nanotechnology: Basics and Application, MES Abasaheb Garware College, Pune, 2020
26) Faculty development program TEQIP III College of Engineering Pune, Pune, 2019
25) Invited talk in TEQIP III College of Engineering Pune, Pune 2019
24) Summer internship MES, Garware College, Pune, 2019.
23) Carrier opportunities in research and technology, H. V Desai College of Sc., Arts and Commerce, Pune, 2019
22) Post-induction training programme for scientist (POINTS) DIAT (DU), Pune, 2019
21) Star college lecture at Prof. Ramakrishna More Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pune, 2019
20) Silver jubilee lecture competition N. Wadia College of Sc. & Commerce, Pune, 2019
19) Refresher course talk at Modern College of Science, Arts, Commerce, SPPU, Pune, 2018
18) Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Symbiosis International University, 2018
17) Talk at RCMA-DRDO, Chandigarh, 2017
16) Continuous education programme RCMA-DRDO, Chandigarh, 2017
15) Faculty development programme, Zeal College of Engineering and Research, 2017
14) Silver Jubilee Lecture Competition N. Wadia College of Sc & Commerce, Pune, 2017
13) Indian Council of Chemists (ICC), 2017
12) DBT talk Modern College of Science, Commerce and Arts, 2016
11) MIT College of Engineering, Pune, 2015
10) National workshop SRTMU Nandeed, 2015
9) National Conference VDP Science College, Ratanagiri, 2014
8) Training and lecture at Horiba Jobin Vyon, France, 2014
7) TEQUIP FDP College of Engineering, Pune (COEP), Pune, 2014
6) National symposium on: Applied spectroscopy in science and technology (NSATT) SRTMU, 2014
5) External subject expert for PG skill based examination conducted in Digital Electronics by School of Physical Sciences, SRTMU 2013
4) Assessment and evaluation of UG mini-project Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, 2013
3) TEQUIP faculty development Modern College of Science, Commerce, and Arts, Pune , 2012
2) American Chemical Society, Certification of appreciation for peer reviewing manuscripts 2011
1) Nanotechnology for Biological and Biomedical applications, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy 2011
- Elektronische Nanobauelemente auf der Basis einer einzelnen Ionenspur, 2004 (published)
- Acoustic metamaterial design for broadband sound attenuation in 1-8 kHz, 2023 (filed)
- Pulsed power based thermo-cell for thermal conductivity measurement of unknown material specimens, 2023 (filed)
- The architecture of a microwave meta-absorber for stealth characteristics, 2023 (filed)
- Hexagonal sonic crystal with multi resonant shells for low frequency (under 500 Hz) noise attenuation, 2024 (filed)
- Design of dielectric meta-surface for microwave cloaking, 2024 (filed)
- Vasonic crystal for optimal noise abatement with high insertion loss, 2025 (applied)
- Hexaonic acoustic spectrometer, 2025 (applied)