Department of Biochemistry
School of Basic Sciences
Dean In-charge Academics
Teaching Experience
- Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, 2019-Current
- Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Microbial Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, 2015-2019
- Associate Professor, Centre for Plant Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, 2015 (Aug)-2015 (Dec)
- Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan, USA, 2009-2015
- Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan, USA, 2003-2009
Research Experience
- Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, 1999-2003
- Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, 1997-1999
- Research Associate, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, 1995-1997
- Post-doctoral Fellow (INSERM), Hôpital Lariboisière, INSERM U127, Paris, France, 1994-1995
Administrative Experience
- Dean, InCharge Academics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, 2020-Current
- Dean, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, 2020-Current
- HoD. Department of Biochemistry, 2021-Current
- HoD, Department of Biochemistry and Microbial Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, 2016-2019
- Dean, School of International Studies/ Global Relations, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, 2017-2020
- Director, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) Graduate Program, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, USA, 2012-2015
- Omics approaches to understand interactions between plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) and their host plants
- Dissecting molecular mechanisms of multiple stress tolerant plant growth promoting bacteria for enhancing abiotic stress tolerance in cereal crops
- Biochemical and molecular mechanisms regulating anticancer activity by plant callus suspension cultures
Strengthening of post-graduate teaching and research in the department (Biochemistry and Microbial Sciences) (6/2019-6/2024) Funded by Department of Science and Technology, India (DST-FIST); PI: Ramakrishna Wusirika; Project Implementation Group: Prof. Monisha Dhiman, Dr. Shashank Kumar; Dr. Somesh Baranwal
- Identification of Best Combination of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria and Arbuscular Mycorrhizae for Enhancing Yield and Nutrient Content of Wheat and Dissecting Associated Biological Pathways using Proteomics and Metabolomics (3/2018-9/2021). Funded by Science and Engineering Board - Department of Science and Technology, India (PI)
- Bioactive Components in Rice Callus Culture and Blueberry Extract as Anti-inflammatory Agents of the Gastrointestinal Tract (Co-PI). Funded by United States Department of Agriculture (2/2014-8/2015)
- Bioactive fractions of rice callus suspension culture with anticancer activity (Co-PI). Funded by Michigan Research Excellence Fund (6/2014-5/2015)
- Development of Rice Callus Culture for Health Care Products (PI). Funded by Arch Personal Care Products, USA (8/2009-7/2010)
- Identification and characterization of bidirectional promoters in the rice genome (PI). Funded by United States Department of Agriculture (7/2007-6/2010)
- Michigan Technological University Century II Campaign Endowed Equipment Fund (C2E2) (PI). Funding for Real-Time PCR purchase (2008-2009)
- Michigan Technological University Century II Campaign Endowed Equipment Fund (C2E2) (PI). Funding for NanoDrop Spectrophotometer purchase (2003-2004)
Research Projects
Plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) for enhancement of yield and biofortification of wheat and soil health improvement
Bacteria with plant growth promoting attributes (phosphate solubilisation IAA and siderophore production were identified from diverse soils. They were tested in combination with AMF in greenhouse and field conditions. The best combination which enhanced wheat yield, protein, and macro and micronutrients was identified. They also enhanced wheat antioxidant markers and enzymes. Similar enhancement in soil health parameters was observed. Proteomic and metabolomic analysis of wheat grain samples is being carried out to identify proteins, metabolites and biological pathways, which will provide strategies to further improve wheat productivity.
Dissecting molecular mechanisms of multiple stress tolerant plant growth promoting bacteria for enhancing abiotic stress tolerance in cereal crops
Multiple soil samples were screened to identify bacteria which not only confer tolerance to salt, heavy metal and high temperature but also enhance plant growth and nutrients. The patterns of distribution of phosphate solubilisation and abiotic stress tolerance attributes in different soils is being investigated. Selected bacterial isolates belonging to Bacillus species are being characterized using transposon mutagenesis and other molecular approaches to identify genes responsible for the above traits. Further characterization and employment of these bacteria in field will equip wheat and other cereals to deal with abiotic stress associated with climate change.
Proteomic and metabolomic approaches to identify biological pathways for the anticancer activity of rice callus suspension culture and cross talk between cancer and inflammation
Rice callus suspension culture (RCSC) was shown to kill >95% cancer cells with no significant effect on the growth of normal cells. We are currently investigating proteins and metabolites which are likely to be involved in the process in colon and lung cancer cell lines. RCSC also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is likely that RCSC in involved in the regulation of cross talk and interdependence of cancer and inflammation/ROS mediated by RCSC. The transcription factors, NF-κB and STAT3 are common regulators of cancer and inflammation. C-C motif ligand 5 (CCL5) and C-X-C motif chemokines (CXCL) are other common players which are differentially regulated by RCSC. The cross talk and the underlying molecular mechanisms employed by RCSC are being investigated.
- Associate Editor, Frontiers in Plant Science (Plant Biotechnology)
- Associate Editor, Forestry Research
- Life Member, Asian Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Society
- Co-Chairperson of an oral presentation session in 60th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India & International Symposium on Microbial Technologies in Sustainable Development of Energy, Environment, Agriculture and Health held at Central University of Haryana, Nov. 15-18, 2019
- Chairperson of technical session on Agricultural Biotechnology in National Conference on Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture in Doubling of Farmer’s Income by 2022 held at AKS University, Satna, 5 -7 September, 2019
- Panel member for United States Department of Agriculture Plant Biology panel (2011)
- 1890 Institution Teaching, Research and Extension Capacity Building Grants Program of USDA (2012)
- Reviewer for competitive grant programs: National Science Foundation (NSF); U.S. Civilian Research and Development Fund; The United States - Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development (BARD) Fund; Michigan Tech Research Excellence Fund (REF); Century II Campaign Endowed Equipment (C2E2) Fund
- 1990-1994: UGC-CSIR Junior and Senior Research Fellowship
- Prof. Rupali Datta, Department of Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan, USA
- Adhikary A, Saini R, Kumar R, Singh I, Ramakrishna W, Kumar S (2022) Pseudomonas citronellolis alleviates arsenic toxicity and maintains cellular homeostasis in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 184:26-39 [IF = 5.437]
- Yadav R, Chakraborty S, Ramakrishna W* (2022) Wheat grain proteomic and protein metabolite interactions analyses provide insights into plant growth promoting bacteria–arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi–wheat interactions. Plant Cell Reports DOI:10.1007/s00299-022-02866-x [IF = 4.964]
- Mahapatra S, Yadav R, Ramakrishna W* (2022) Bacillus subtilis impact on plant growth, soil health and environment: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Journal of Applied Microbiology 132:3543-3562 [IF = 4.059]
- Yadav R, Ror P, Beniwal R, Kumar S, Ramakrishna W* (2021). Bacillus sp. and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi consortia enhance wheat nutrient and yield in the second‐year field trial: Superior performance in comparison with chemical fertilizers. Journal of Applied Microbiology doi: 10.1111/jam.15371 [IF = 4.059]
- Pradhan RK, Ramakrishna W* (2022) Transposons: Unexpected players in cancer. Gene 808, 145975 [IF = 3.913]
- Singh S, Ramakrishna, W* (2021) Application of CRISPR–Cas9 in plant–plant growth promoting rhizobacteria interactions for next Green Revolution. 3 Biotech 11:492 [IF = 2.893]
- Sagar A, Rathore P, Ramteke PW, Ramakrishna W*, Reddy MS, Pecoraro L (2021) Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their synergistic interactions to counteract the negative effects of saline soil on agriculture: Key macromolecules and mechanisms. Microorganisms 9:1491 [IF = 4.926]
- Yadav R, Ror P, Rathore P, Kumar S, Ramakrishna W* (2021) Bacillus subtilis CP4, isolated from native soil in combination with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi promotes biofortification, yield and metabolite production in wheat under field conditions. Journal of Applied Microbiology 131:339-359 [IF = 4.059]
- Rathore P, Sara Joy S, Yadav R, Ramakrishna W (2021) Co-occurrence and patterns of phosphate solubilizing, salt and metal tolerant and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in diverse soils. 3 Biotech 11:356 [IF = 2.893]
- Ramakrishna W*, Kumari A, Rahman N, Mandave P. (2021) Anticancer activities of plant secondary metabolites: Rice callus suspension culture as a new paradigm. Rice Science 28:13-30 [IF = 4.412]
- Yadav R, Ror P, Rathore P, Ramakrishna W*. (2020) Bacteria from native soil in combination with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi augment wheat yield and biofortification. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 150:222-233 [IF = 5.437]
- Ramakrishna W*, Rathore P, Kumari R, Yadav R. (2020) Brown gold of marginal soil: Plant growth promoting bacteria to overcome plant abiotic stress for agriculture, biofuels and carbon sequestration. Science of The Total Environment 711:135062 [IF = 10.753]
- Driscoll D, Deshpande A, Datta R, Ramakrishna W* (2020) Anti-inflammatory effects of Northern Highbush blueberry extract on an in vitro inflammatory bowel disease model. Nutrition and Cancer 72:1178-1190. [IF = 2.9]
- Ramakrishna W*, Yadav R, Li K. (2019) Plant growth promoting bacteria in agriculture: Two sides of a coin. Applied Soil Ecology 138:10-18. [IF = 5.509]
- Adhikary A, Kumar R, Pandir R, Bhardwaj P, Ramakrishna W, Kumar S. (2019) Pseudomonas citronellolis; a multi-metal resistant and potential plant growth promoter against arsenic (V) stress in chickpea. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 142:179-192. [IF = 5.437]
- Dogra N, Yadav R, Kaur M, Adhikary A, Kumar S, Ramakrishna W*. (2019) Nutrient enhancement of chickpea grown with plant growth promoting bacteria in local soil of Bathinda, Northwestern India. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 25:1251-1259. [IF = 3.023]
- Yadav R, Ramakrishna W*. (2019) Nutrient enhancement and growth promotion of wheat cultivars by native plant growth promoting bacteria from Punjab state, India. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 8:2938-2943. [NAAS Score = 5.21]
- Driscoll K, Deshpande A, Chapp A, Li K, Datta R, Ramakrishna W*. (2019) Anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects of rice callus suspension culture (RCSC) and bioactive fractions in an in vitro inflammatory bowel disease model. Phytomedicine 57:364-376. [IF = 6.656]
- Pidatala VR, Li K, Sarkar D, Wusirika R, Datta R. (2018) Comparative metabolic profiling of vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) and maize (Zea mays) under lead stress. Chemosphere 193:903e911. [IF = 8.943]
- Dhawi F, Datta R, Wusirika R*. (2018) Metabolomics, biomass and lignocellulosic total sugars analysis in foxtail millet (Setaria italica) inoculated with different combinations of plant growth promoting bacteria. Communications in Plant Sciences 8:8-14.
- Dhawi F, Datta R, Ramakrishna W*. (2017) Proteomics provides insights into biological pathways altered by plant growth promoting bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhiza in sorghum grown in marginal soil. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics 1865:243-251. [IF = 4.125]
- Dhawi F, Datta R, Ramakrishna W*. (2016) Mycorrhiza and heavy metal resistant bacteria enhance growth, nutrient uptake and alter metabolic profile of sorghum grown in marginal soil. Chemosphere 157:33–41 [IF = 8.943]
- Pidatala VR, Li K, Sarkar D, Ramakrishna W, Datta R. (2016) Identification of biochemical pathways associated with lead tolerance and detoxification in Chrysopogon zizanioides L. Nash (Vetiver) by metabolic profiling. Environmental Science and Technology 50:2530-2537 [IF = 11.357]
- Rahman N, Dhadi SR, Deshpande A, Ramakrishna W*. (2016) Rice callus suspension culture inhibits growth of cell lines of multiple cancer types and induces apoptosis in lung cancer cell line. BMC Complementary Alternative Medicine 16:427 [IF = 4.782]
- Sripathi SR, Sylvester O, He W, Moser T, Um JY, Lamoke F, Ramakrishna W, Bernstein PS, Bartoli M, Jahng WJ. (2016) Prohibitin as the molecular binding switch in the retinal pigment epithelium. Protein Journal 35:1-16 [IF = 4]
- Dhawi F, Datta R, Ramakrishna W*. (2015) Mycorrhiza and PGPB modulate maize biomass, nutrient uptake and metabolic pathways in maize grown in mining-impacted soil. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 97:390-399 [IF = 5.437]
- Dhadi SR, Xu Z, Shaik R, Driscoll K, Ramakrishna W*. (2015) Differential regulation of genes by retrotransposons in rice promoters. Plant Molecular Biology 87:603-613 [IF = 4.335]
- Li K, Pidatala VR, Shaik R, Datta R, Ramakrishna W*. (2014) Integrated metabolomic and proteomic approaches dissect the effect of metal resistant bacteria on maize biomass and copper uptake. Environmental Science and Technology 48:1184–1193. [IF = 11.357]
- Shaik R, Ramakrishna W*. (2014) Machine learning approaches distinguish multiple stress conditions using stress-responsive genes and identify candidate genes for broad resistance in rice. Plant Physiology 164:481-495. [IF = 8.005]
- Shaik R, Ramakrishna W*. (2013) Genes and co-expression modules common to drought and bacterial stress responses in Arabidopsis and rice. PLoS One 8:e77261. [IF = 3.752]
- Dhadi SR, Deshpande A, Driscoll K, Ramakrishna W*. (2013) Major cis-regulatory elements for rice bidirectional promoter activity reside in the 5’-untranslated regions. Gene 526:400–410. [IF = 3.913]
- Rafi S, Ramakrishna W*. (2012) Bioinformatic analysis of epigenetic and microRNA mediated regulation of drought responsive genes in rice. PLoS One 7:e49331. [IF = 3.752]
- Li K, Pidatala RR, Ramakrishna W*. (2012) Mutational, proteomic and metabolomic analysis of a plant growth promoting copper-resistant Pseudomonas spp. FEMS Microbiology Letters 335: 140–148. [IF = 2.82]
- Krom N, Ramakrishna, W*. (2012) Retrotransposon insertions in rice gene pairs associated with reduced conservation of gene pairs in grass genomes. Genomics 99:308-314. [IF = 4.31]
- Dhadi SR, Deshpande A, Ramakrishna W*. (2012) A novel non-wounding transient expression assay for cereals mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 30:36-45. [IF = 1.816]
- Deshpande AD, Dhadi SR, Hager E, Ramakrishna W*. (2012) Rice callus suspension cultures inhibit growth of two cancer cell lines. Phytotherapy Research 26:1075–1081. [IF = 6.388]
- Li K, Ramakrishna W*. (2011) Effect of multiple metal resistant bacteria from contaminated lake sediments on metal accumulation and plant growth. Journal of Hazardous Materials 189:531-539. [IF = 14.244]
- Xu Z, Rafi S, Ramakrishna W*. (2011) Polymorphisms and evolutionary history of retrotransposon insertions in rice promoters. Genome 54:629-638. [IF = 2.166]
- Abubakar BY, Wusirika R, MuA'zu S, Khan AU, Adamu AK. (2011) Detection of genetic variability using random amplified polymorphic DNA markers in some accessions of Moringa oleifera Lam. from northern Nigeria. International Journal of Botany 7:237-242.
- Krom N, Ramakrishna W*. (2010) Conservation, rearrangement, and deletion of gene pairs during the evolution of four grass genomes. DNA Research 17:343-352. [IF = 4.458]
- Dhadi SR, Krom N, Ramakrishna W*. (2009) Genome-wide comparative analysis of putative bidirectional promoters from rice, Arabidopsis, and Populus. Gene 429:65-73. [IF = 3.913]
- Krom, N, Ramakrishna W*. (2008) Comparative analysis of divergent and convergent gene pairs and their expression patterns in rice, Arabidopsis, and Populus. Plant Physiology 147:1763-1773. [IF = 8.005]
- Krom, N, Recla J, Ramakrishna W*. (2008) Analysis of genes associated with retrotransposons in the rice genome. Genetica 134:297-310. [IF = 1.633]
- Xu Z, Ramakrishna W*. (2008) Retrotransposon insertion polymorphisms in six rice genes and their evolutionary history. Gene 412:50-58. [IF = 3.913]
- Oakley RV, Wang Y-S, Ramakrishna W, Harding SA, Tsai C-J. (2007) Differential expansion and expression of α- and β-tubulin gene families in Populus. Plant Physiology 145:961-973. [IF = 8.005]
- Nagy E, Lee T-C, Ramakrishna W, Xu Z, Klein P, SanMiguel P, Cheng C-P, Li J, Devos K, Schertz K, Dunkle L, Bennetzen J. (2007) Fine mapping of the Pc locus of Sorghum bicolor, a gene controlling the reaction to a fungal pathogen and its host-selective toxin. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 114:961-970. [IF = 5.699]
- Gorantla M, Babu P, Reddy Lachagari V, Reddy A, Wusirika R, Bennetzen JL, Reddy AR. (2007) Identification of stress-responsive genes in an indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) using ESTs generated from drought-stressed seedlings. Journal of Experimental Botany 58:253-265. [IF = 7.298]
- Lai J, Ma J, Swigonova Z, Ramakrishna W, Linton E, Llaca V, Tanyolac B, Park YJ, Jeong OY, Bennetzen JL, Messing J. (2004) Gene loss and movement in the maize genome. Genome Research 14:1924-1931. [IF = 9.438]
- Swigonova Z, Lai J, Ma J, Ramakrishna W, Llaca V, Bennetzen JL, Messing J. (2004) Close split of sorghum and maize genome progenitors. Genome Research 14:1916-1923. [IF = 9.438]
- Yan L, Loukoianov A, Blechl A, Tranquilli G, Ramakrishna W, SanMiguel P, Bennetzen JL, Echenique V, Dubcovsky J. (2004) The wheat VRN2 gene is a flowering repressor down-regulated by vernalization. Science 303:1640-1644. [IF = 47.728]
- Bennetzen JL, Coleman C, Liu R, Ma J, Ramakrishna W. (2004) Consistent over-estimation of gene number in complex plant genomes. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 7:732-736. [IF = 9.396] Recommended by Faculty 1000 (http://f1000.com/prime/1022871)
- Swigonova Z, Lai JS, Ma JX, Ramakrishna W, Llaca M, Bennetzen JL, Messing J. (2004) On the tetraploid origin of the maize genome. Comparative Functional Genomics (International Journal of Genomics) 5:281-284. [IF = 2.236]
- Ramakrishna W, Deng Z, Ding CK, Handa AK, Ozminkowski RH Jr. (2003) A novel small heat shock protein gene, vis1, contributes to pectin depolymerization and juice viscosity in tomato fruit. Plant Physiology 131:725-735. [IF = 8.005]
- Ramakrishna W, Dubcovsky J, Park Y-J, Busso C, Emberton J, SanMiguel P, Bennetzen JL. (2002) Different types and rates of genome evolution detected by comparative sequence analysis of orthologous segments from four cereal genomes. Genetics 162:1389-1400. [IF = 4.572] Recommended by Faculty 1000 (http://f1000.com/prime/1010750)
- Ramakrishna W, Emberton J, Ogden M, SanMiguel P, Bennetzen JL. (2002) Structural analysis of the maize Rp1 complex uncovers numerous sites and unexpected mechanisms of local rearrangement. Plant Cell 14:3213-3223. [IF = 11.277]
- Ramakrishna W, Emberton J, SanMiguel P, Ogden M, Llaca V, Messing J, Bennetzen JL. (2002) Comparative sequence analysis of the sorghum Rph region and the maize Rp1 resistance gene complex. Plant Physiology 130:1728-1738. [IF = 8.005]
- Bennetzen JL, Ramakrishna W. (2002) Numerous small rearrangements of gene content, order and orientation differentiate grass genomes. Plant Molecular Biology 48:821-827. [IF = 4.335]
- Yan L, Echenique V, Busso C, SanMiguel P, Ramakrishna W, Bennetzen JL, Harrington S, Dubcovsky J. (2002) Cereal genes similar to Snf2 define a new subfamily that includes human and mouse genes. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 268:488-499. [IF = 2.98]
- Stam M, Belele C, Ramakrishna W, Dorweiler JE, Bennetzen JL, Chandler VL. (2002) The regulatory regions required for B' paramutation and expression are located far upstream of the maize b1 transcribed sequences. Genetics 162:917-930. [IF = 4.572]
- Reddy AR, Ramakrishna W, Sekhar AC, Ithal N, Babu PR, Bonaldo MF, Soares MB, Bennetzen JL. (2002) Novel genes are enriched in normalized cDNA libraries from drought-stressed seedlings of rice (Oryza sativa L. subsp. indica cv. Nagina 22). Genome 45:204-211. [IF = 2.166]
- Rostoks N, Park YJ, Ramakrishna W, Ma J, Druka A, Shiloff BA, SanMiguel PJ, Jiang Z, Brueggeman R, Sandhu D, Gill K, Bennetzen JL, Kleinhofs A. (2002) Genomic sequencing reveals gene content, genomic organization and recombination relationships in barley. Functional and Integrative Genomics 2:51-59. [IF = 3.674]
- SanMiguel PJ, Ramakrishna W, Bennetzen JL, Busso CS, Dubcovsky J. (2002) Transposable elements, genes and recombination in a 215-kb contig from wheat chromosome 5Am. Functional and Integrative Genomics 2:70-80. [IF = 3.674]
- Bennetzen JL, Ramakrishna W. Exceptional haplotype variation in maize. (2002) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 99:9093-9095. [IF = 11.205]
- Ramakrishna W*, Ma J, SanMiguel P, Emberton J, Dubcovsky J, Shiloff BA, Jiang Z, Rostoks N, Busso CS, Ogden M, Linton E, Kleinhofs A, Devos KM, Messing J, Bennetzen JL. (2002) Frequent genic rearrangements in two regions of grass genomes identified by comparative sequence analysis. Comparative and Functional Genomics (International Journal of Genomics) 3:165-166. [IF = 2.236]
- Dubcovsky J, Ramakrishna W, SanMiguel PJ, Busso CS, Yan L, Shiloff BA, Bennetzen JL. (2001) Comparative sequence analysis of colinear barley and rice bacterial artificial chromosomes. Plant Physiology 125:1342-1353. [IF = 8.005]
- Davierwala AP, Ramakrishna W, Chowdari KV, Ranjekar PK, Gupta VS. (2001) Potential of (GATA)n microsatellites from rice for inter- and intra- specific variability studies. BMC Evolutionary Biology 1:7. [IF = 3.26]
- Davierwala AP, Ramakrishna W, Ranjekar PK, Gupta VS. (2000) Sequence variations at a complex microsatellite locus in rice and its conservation in cereals. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 101:1291-1298. [IF = 5.699]
- Parasnis AS, Ramakrishna W, Chowdari KV, Gupta VS, Ranjekar PK. (1999) Microsatellite (GATA)n reveals sex specific differences in Papaya. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 99:1047-1052. [IF = 5.699]
- Deshpande AD+, Ramakrishna W*+, Mulay GP, Gupta VS, Ranjekar PK. (1999) Phylogenetic classification and molecular evolution of knotted1 homeobox genes. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 99:203-209. [IF = 5.699]
- Ramakrishna W*, Gupta VS, Ranjekar PK (1999) Differential methylation of microsatellite and minisatellite loci in rice. Cereal Research Communications 365-371. [IF = 1.24]
- Ramakrishna W*, Davierwala AP, Gupta VS, Ranjekar PK. (1998) Expansion of a (GA) dinucleotide at a microsatellite locus associated with domestication in rice. Biochemical Genetics 36:323-327. [IF = 2.22]
- Chowdari KV, Ramakrishna W, Tamhankar SA, Hendre RR, Gupta VS, Sahasrabudhe NA, PK Ranjekar. (1998) Identification of minor DNA variations in rice somaclonal variants. Plant Cell Reports 18:55-58. [IF = 4.964]
- Deshpande AD+, Ramakrishna W+, Mulay GP, Gupta VS, Ranjekar PK. (1998) Evolutionary and polymorphic organization of the knotted1 homeobox in cereals. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 97:135-140. [IF = 5.699]
- Rajebhonsle MD, Chowdari KV, Ramakrishna W+, Tamhankar S, Gupta VS, Gnanamanickam SS, Ranjekar PK. (1997) DNA fingerprinting of Indian isolates of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 95:103-111. [IF = 5.699]
- Ramakrishna W, Chowdari KV, Lagu MD, Gupta VS, Ranjekar PK. (1995) DNA fingerprinting to detect variation in rice using hypervariable DNA sequences. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 90:1000-1006. [IF = 5.699]
- Sastry JG, Ramakrishna W, Sivaramakrishnan S, Thakur RP, Gupta VS, Ranjekar PK. (1995) DNA fingerprinting detects genetic variability in the pearl millet downy mildew pathogen (Sclerospora graminicola). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 91:856-861. [IF = 5.699]
- Ramakrishna W, Lagu MD, Gupta VS, Ranjekar PK. (1994) DNA fingerprinting in rice with oligonucleotide probes specific for simple repetitive DNA sequences. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 88:402-406. [IF = 5.699]
- Gupta VS, Ramakrishna W, Rawat SR, Ranjekar PK. (1994) (CAC)5 detects DNA fingerprints and sequences homologous to gene transcripts in rice. Biochemical Genetics 32:1-8. [IF = 2.22] *Corresponding author; +Equal contribution
Patents Filed/Published
- Yadav H, Ramakrishna W. (2021) Development of a disposable DNA chip by combing of picogram level DNA through self propelled droplet motion. CBR No. 7855; Appl. No. 202111009506 (Filed on 8/3/21 and published on 26/11/21)
Book Chapters
- Ramakrishna W, Kumari A. (2017) Plant tolerance to combined stress: An overview. Plant Tolerance to Individual and Concurrent Stresses. Edited by Senthil-Kumar M. Springer. 83-90.
- Li K, Ramakrishna W. (2014) Essential information. Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Maize. Edited by Ramakrishna W, Bohn M and Lai J. CRC Press. 1-13.
- Shaik R. Ramakrishna W. (2014) Comparative genomics. Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Maize. Edited by Ramakrishna W, Bohn M and Lai J. CRC Press. 120-130.
- Ramakrishna W, Li K, Phillips RL, Bennetzen JL. (2011) Zea. Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources Edited by Kole C. Springer Verlag. 457-488.
- Ramakrishna W, Bennetzen JL. (2003) Genomic colinearity as a tool for plant gene isolation. Plant Functional Genomics, Methods in Molecular Biology Edited by Grotewold E. Humana Press. 236:109-122.
Post-doctoral Fellow
Dr. Hemendra Yadav (UGC Dr. D. S. Kothari Postdoctoral Fellowship)
Ph.D. Students
Ongoing: Five
- Anuradha Kumari
- Parikshita Rathore (CSIR NET SRF)
- Rahul Beniwal (CSIR NET JRF)
- Pankaj Ror (DST-SERB project JRF)
- Mathewos (ICCR) International Student
Completed (Michigan Technological University, USA)
- Nicholas Krom (Bioinformatics Staff, Noble Research Institute, USA)
- Zijun Xu Monette (Assistant Professor, Duke University, USA)
- Kefeng Li, Scientist (University of California, San Diego, USA)
- Surendar Reddy D. (Postdoctoral fellow, Atlantic Cancer Res. Inst., Moncton, Canada)
- Rafi Shaik (Data Scientist, Sage IT, USA)
- Srinivasa Sripathi (Postdoctoral fellow, Johns Hopkins University, USA)
- Faten Dhawi (Assistant professor, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia)
- Kyle Driscoll (Advanced Biosystems Specialist, Nikon Instruments, USA)
Completed (Central University of Punjab)
- Radheshyam Yadav (Lecturer in college at Leh)
M.Sc. Students
Priyanka Dagar, Himanshi, Ghanshyam Yadav, Shivam Chaudhary, Chitranshi Patel
Rajesh Kumar Pradhan, Subhasmita Mahapatra, Sudiksha Singh
Sherina Sara Joy, Rahul Sharma, Prem Mandal
Shefali Sharma (Executive Environmentalist, Green Circle Inc., Vadodara), Siddhakam Palmal (Production trainee, Bharat Biotech, Hyderabad), Dinesh Bansal
Nitin Dogra, Aditi Banerjee (JRF in IISER Bhopal), Ritu Kumari (Assistant Managing Editor, Pulsus.com)
Manpreet Kaur, Sukhwant Dagar, Jasveer Kaur (M.S. in Environmental Engineering at Cape Breton University, Canada), Ayushi Bhatia, Aarti Yadav
Patience Tenney (System Analyst at Bayer Crop Science, USA), Nafeesa Rahman, Deepak Kumar (Postdoctoral fellow, University of Southern Mississippi, USA), Claire Doskey (Dow Chemical, USA)
- Ramakrishna W, Hemendra Y, Radheshyam Y. “Multitasking by plant growth promoting bacteria: Knowledge inside the black box” in International Conference on Microbiome Research held at Hyatt Regency, Pune, 19-22 November, 2018.
- Ramakrishna W, Radheshyam Y, Manpreet K, Jasveer K, Arindam A, Sanjeev K. Invited lecture “Influence of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on wheat and rice in Malwa region of Punjab, India” in 5th Asian PGPR International Conference held at Bogor, Indonesia, July 16-19, 2017.
- Parikshita R, Radheshyam Y, Ramakrishna W. “Use of multi-tolerant PGPB in combination with VAM for marginal soil intoxication and improving fertility” in e-Conference on Climate Change, Environmental Health and Sustainable Development Goals in Post COVID-19 World organized by University School of Environment Management, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India, June 4-5, 2020.
- Hemendra Y, Ramakrishna W. “Drug-DNA interaction on combed DNA fibres” in 60th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India & International Symposium on Microbial Technologies in Sustainable Development of Energy, Environment, Agriculture and Health held at Central University of Haryana, Mahendragarh, November 15-18, 2019.
- Hemendra Y, Ramakrishna W. “Restriction digestion of Rhizobium sp. DNA on a glass slide for optical mapping” in Seeing is Believing-Imaging the Molecular Processes of life held at EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany, October 9-12, 2019.
- Radheshyam Y, Ramakrishna W. “Prospecting plant growth promoting bacteria and mycorrhiza that enhance the macro and micro nutrient in wheat cultivars grown in Bathinda, Northwestern India” in 5th National Asian PGPR conference on Eco-friendly Bio-Innovations for Integrated Crop Management, Soil Health and Environment held at Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, February 23-25, 2019.
- Parikshita R, Radheshyam Y, Ramakrishna W. “Screening of bacterial population for plant growth promoting and abiotic stress tolerance traits from metal contaminated and non-contaminated soils” in 5th National Asian PGPR Conference on Eco-friendly Bio-innovations for Integrated Crop Management, Soil Health and Environment held at Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, February 23-25, 2019.
- Hemendra Y, Ramakrishna W. “Development of rapid DNA diagnostic test for detection of nitrogen-fixing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria in soil” in 59th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India & International Symposium on Host Pathogen Interactions, held at University of Hyderabad, December 9-12, 2018.
2. Ramakrishna W, Radheshyam Y, Parikshita R, Pankaj R. Invited lecture “Role of native plant growth promoting bacteria in sustainable agriculture” in National Conference on Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture in Doubling of Farmer’s Income by 2022 held at AKS University, September 5 -7, 2019.
3. Ramakrishna W, Radheshyam Y, Parikshita R, Shefali S. Keynote lecture “Plant growth-promoting and abiotic stress tolerance attributes of native bacteria from Punjab” in Advances and Innovations in Biotechnology for Sustainable Development held at AKS University, April 5-7, 2019.
4. Ramakrishna W, Radheshyam Y, Sushant S. Invited lecture “Antibiotic resistance of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria: boon or bane” in 4th National Conference on Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) for Sustainability of Agriculture and Environment held at Mizoram University, Aizawl, May 11 -12, 2018.
- Yadav H, Ramakrishna W. (2021) Development of a disposable DNA chip by combing of picogram level DNA through self propelled droplet motion. CBR No. 7855; Appl. No. 202111009506 (Patent Filed)
Google Scholar h-index: 35; Citations: 5646
Scopus h-index: 30; Citations: 3877
Web of Sciences h-index: 29; Citations: 3246
Total Impact Factor of Publications = 446