Contact Info
Dr. Rahul Mukherjee
Department of Geology, School of Environment and Earth Sciences, Central University of Punjab, VPO: Ghudda, Bathinda - 151401
Dr. Rahul Mukherjee
Assistant Professor,
Department of Geology
School of Environment and Earth Sciences
- Ph.D. in Ore Geology from Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad in the year 2018.
- M.Tech. in Mineral Exploration from Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad in the year 2012.
- M.Sc. in Geology from Durgapur Government College, The University of Burdwan in the year 2009.
Teaching Experience
- Assistant Professor (December, 2021 to Present), Department of Geology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
- Guest Faculty (August, 2019 to December, 2021), Department of Geology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
Research Experience
- Senior Research Fellow, Department of Applied Geology, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad, Jharkhand - 826004 (2014 to 2017)
- Junior Research Fellow, Department of Applied Geology, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad, Jharkhand - 826004 (2012 to 2014)
Administrative Experience
- BOS (Board of Studies) Member, Department of Geology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
- AAC (Academic Administrative Committee) Member, Department of Geology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
Research Area
- Ore /Economic Geology
- Structural Geology
- Geochemistry
Research Interests
- Ore genesis modelling
- Ore petrography and mineral chemistry
- Gold-sulfide-graphite system
- Magmatic hydrothermal deposits
- Fluid inclusion microthermometry
- Structural controls on ore mineralization
Research Grants/Projects
CUPB RSM Grant: Genesis of Tin (+Copper) mineralization in and around Tosham Complex, Haryana: Evidences from petrography and mineral chemistry
Professional Affiliation
- 2012-2014: ISM-JRF
- 2014-2017: IIT(ISM)-SRF
- 2019-2021: Guest Lecturer (Department of Geology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda)
- 2021-Present: Assistant Professor (Department of Geology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda)
Professional Recognition/Awards/Scholarships
- IIT (ISM) JRF Fellowship, 2012
- ISMAA Foreign Travel Grant, 2015
Research Collaboration
IIT (ISM), Dhanbad, Jharkhand
- Mukherjee, R., Venkatesh, A.S. and Fareeduddin (2020). Geochemical characterization of mineralized albitite from Paleoproterozoic Bhukia IOCG-IOA deposit of Aravalli-Delhi Fold Belt, Rajasthan, western India: Genetic linkage to the gold (±Cu ± U) mineralization. Geological Journal, 55, 4203-4225.
- Fatima, A., Venkatesh, A.S., Mukherjee, R., Agarwal, A.K., Singh, B., Sarkar, P.S., Shripathi, T. & Kashyap, Y (2019). 3D spatial distribution of ore mineral phases using high resolution synchrotron μCT combined with optical microscopy. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 148, 49-59.
- Mukherjee, R., Venkatesh, A.S. & Fareeduddin (2017). Chemistry of magnetite-apatite from albitite and carbonate-hosted Bhukia Gold Deposit, Rajasthan, western India – An IOCG-IOA analogue from Paleoproterozoic Aravalli Supergroup: Evidence from petrographic, LA-ICP-MS and EPMA studies. Ore Geology Reviews, 91, 509-529.
- Mukherjee, R., Venkatesh, A.S. & Fareeduddin (2016). Albitite hosted gold-sulfide mineralization: Example from Paleoproterozoic Aravalli Supracrustal Sequence, Bhukia area, Western India. Episodes Journal of International Geoscience, 39(4), 590-598.
- Mukherjee, R., Fareeduddin and Venkatesh, A.S. (2015). Gold mineralization in Paleoproterozoic Bhukia gold prospect, Rajasthan, Western India: Controls and genetic aspects. AOGS (Asia Oceanic Geosciences Society), 12th Annual meeting held from 1st to 7th August, 2015, Singapore, SE13- A013, P 291. (Attended and Presented).
- Mukherjee, R., Venkatesh, A.S. and Fareeduddin (2016), Compositional Variation of Tourmaline from the Paleoproterozoic Bhukia Gold Prospect of Aravalli Supergroup, Western India: Implications for the Provenance and Gold Metallogeny, Abstract V23B-2973, 2016 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Ca., 11-15 Dec. 2016.
Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Attended
- Summer Training given by “Foundation for Ecological Security” at Bhilwara, Rajasthan, India, as part of M.Sc. in 2008.
- Special Training in ‘Coal Bed Methane’ under the Guidance of Senior Geologist in ‘Geological Survey of India’ at Deocha, Birbhum, India in February, 2009.
- Summer training in ‘Gondwana Geology and Coal Exploration’ at Kuju, Ramgarh, Jharkhand, India, under the guidance of Geological Survey of India as part of M.Tech. in 2011.
- Special training on “Fluid Inclusion studies” at Geological Society of India, Bangalore, India, under the guidance of Prof. R. J. Bodnar in 2015.
- Advance training programme on ‘Analytical Geochemistry’ at NGRI, Hyderabad, India in 2019.
- Attended 12th Annual meeting of AOGS (Asia Oceanic Geosciences Society) in Singapore (2015)
Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised
Patent Filed/ Published
Curricular Development
M.Sc. and Ph.D. Geology at CUPB
Other Significant Achievements
- Experience in petrographic characterization (megascopic and microscopic) of host rocks as well as various ore minerals along with beneficiation.
- Experience in mineral chemistry (EPMA, SEM, XRD, Raman spectrometry, LA-ICP-MS), geochemistry (XRF and HR-ICP-MS), stable isotopes (C, O and S) and fluid inclusion studies.
- Involved in many industrial consultancy projects on mineralogical characterizationof low grade iron ore, sulfides, base metals, gold, chromite, manganese and beach sandsand prepared reports for various clients like SGS, MOIL, TATA Steel and others.
- An innovative project on Bharatpur open cast mine of Mahanadi Coalfields Limited inTalchir area, Orissa has been carried out by me to identify the probable causes of sliding dump inside the mine.