Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
School of Basic Sciences
CSIR NET, PhD, Post Doctorate
Teaching Experience:
13 years
Research Experience:
8 Years
Administrative Experience:
06 months
- Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
- Fractional Differential Equations
- Lie Symmetry Analysis
- Conservation Laws
- Exact Solutions
- Solitons Solutions
- Epidemic Models
- Controllability Theory
- Fractional Calculus
- General Relativity and Modified Theories of Relativity
- Ref. No: CUPB/CCl16lOO/ 13
- Duration: 2 years
- Funding Agency: Central Univeristy of Punjab, Reasearch Seed Money (RSM) Project
- Project Grant: 3 Lacs
- Ref. No: No.F.30-4/2014(BSR)
- Duration: 2 years
- Funding Agency: University Grant Commission (UGC)
- Project Grant: 6 Lacs.
- Duration: 3 years (2016-2019)
- Funding Agency: CSIR
- Project Grant: 1694000
- Duration: 3 years (2019-2022)
- Funding Agency: ICMR
- Project Grant: 1524348 (1 YEAR GRANT)
- Member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG) Membership No: 157601
- Member of Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
- Member of its executive committee and coordinator of FIAM Punjab chapter
- International Travel Support from DST vide letter number ITS /1538/2017-18 dated 25.08.17 for travelling to Imperial College, London, UK.
- Open Arms Travel grant from organization committee of ICM 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Guest Editor of Journal Symmetry
- Guest Editor of Journal Advances in Mathematical Physics
- Research award from Central University of Punjab 2021 for Maximum number of SCI papers in University
- Research award from Central University of Punjab 2021 high cumulative impact factor of Published papers in academic year.
- Research award from Central University of Punjab 2022 for Maximum number of SCI papers in University
- Research award from Central University of Punjab 2022 high cumulative impact factor of Published papers in academic year.
- Over all research award in Sciences from Central University of Punjab 2022.
- Research award from Central University of Punjab 2023 for high cumulative impact factor of SCI papers as First/Corresponding Author in University
- Research award from Central University of Punjab 2023 high cumulative impact factor of Published papers in academic year.
- Roll of Honour of the University award 2023.
- Karanjeet Singh
- Rajesh Kumar Gupta
- Anjan Biswas
- E. V. Krishnan
- Alvaro Salas
- Ahmet Yildirim
- G. Ebadi
- A. Mojavar
- S. Johnson
- A.H.Bhrawy
- M. A. Abdelkawy
- N. Y. Fard
- H. Triki
- P. Suarez
- A. H. Kara
- A. J. M Javad
- D M Milovic
- E. Zerrad
- Bouthina Ahmed
- A. Strong
- Anupma
- M. Savescu
- Qin Zhou
- Milivoj R. Belić
- Malik Zaka Ullah
- Seithuti P. Moshokoa
- M. Mirzazadeh
- M. Ekici
- M. Elsa
- Wenjun Liu
- A. S. Alshomrani
- Pushpendra Kumar
- N. A. Rangaig
- H. Abboubakar
- MM Al Qurashi
- Shao-Wen Yao
- Mustafa Inc
- Mohamed S. Osman
- Preeti Khetarpal
- Anelia Dakova
- Abdullah Khamis Alzahrani
- E. V. Krishnan , Sachin Kumar and Anjan Biswas, Solitons and other nonlinear waves of the Boussinesq equation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 70 (2012) 1213-1221 (Springer)
(Impact Factor 5.022)
- Sachin Kumar, K. Singh and R. K. Gupta, Painleve Analysis, Lie Symmetries and Exact Solutions for (2+1) Dimensional Variable coefficients Broer-Kaup Equation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 17 (2012) 1529-1541 (Elsevier)
(Impact Factor 4.260)
- K. Singh, R. K. Gupta and Sachin Kumar, BBM Equation with variable coefficients: Similarity reductions and Painleve analysis, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217 (2011) 7021-7027 (Elsevier)
( Impact Factor 4.091)
- Sachin Kumar, K. Singh and R. K. Gupta, Dynamics of internal waves in a stratified ocean modeled by the extended Gardner equation with time-dependent coefficients, Journal of Ocean Engineering, 70 (2013) 81-87 (Elsevier) (Impact Factor 3.795)
- Sachin Kumar, K. Singh and R. K. Gupta, Coupled Higgs Field Equation and Hamiltonian Amplitude Equations: Lie Classical Approach and (G’/G) Expansion Method, Parmana-Journal of Physics, 79 (2012) 41-60 (Springer)
(Impact Factor 2.219)
- Alvaro Salas, Sachin Kumar, Ahmet Yildirim, and Anjan Biswas, Cnoidal waves, solitary waves and Painleve Analysis of the 5th order KdV equation with dual-power law nonlinearity, Proc. Romanian Acad. A, 14 (2013) 28-34.
(Impact Factor 1.523)
- G. Ebadi, A. Mojavar, S. Johnson, Sachin Kumar and A. Biswas, Dynamics of Dispersive topological solitons and its perturbations, Indian Journal of Physics, 86 (2012) 1115 –1129 (Springer).
(Impact Factor 1.947)
- R. K. Gupta, Sachin Kumar and Bhajan Lal, New exact travelling wave solutions of generalized sinh-Gorden and (2 + 1)-dimensional ZK–BBM equations, Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, 6 (2012) 344-355.
(Impact Factor 0.636)
- A.H.Bhrawy, M. A. Abdelkawy, Sachin Kumar, S. Johnson and A. Biswas, Solitons and other solutions to quantum Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation in quantum magneto-plasmas, Indian Journal of Physics, 87 (2013) 455–463 (Springer)
(Impact Factor 1.947)
- G. Ebadi, N. Y. Fard, A. H. Bhrawy, Sachin Kumar, H. Triki, A. Yildrim and A. Biswas, solutions and other solutions to the (3+1) dimensional extended Kedomtsev-Petviashvili equation with power law nonlinearity, Romanian Reports in Physics, 65 (1) (2013) 27–62,
(Impact Factor 1.785)
- A Biswas, A. V. Krishnan, P. Suarez, A. H. Kara and Sachin Kumar, Solitary waves and conservation laws of Bona-Chen equation, Indian Journal of Physics, 87 (2) (2013) 169-175 (Springer)
(Impact Factor 1.947)
- A. J. M Javad, S. Johnson, A. Yildirim, Sachin Kumar and A. Biswas, Soliton solutions to coupled nonlinear wave equations in (2+1) –dimensions, Indian Journal of Physics, 87(3): (2013) 281–287 (Springer)
(Impact Factor 1.947)
- A Biswas, D M Milovic Sachin Kumar and A Yildirim, PERTURBATION OF SHALLOW WATER WAVES BY SEMI-INVERSE VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE, Indian Journal of Physics, 87(6): (2013) 567–569 (Springer)
(Impact Factor 1.947)
- Sachin Kumar, E. Zerrad, A. Yildirim and A. Biswas, Topological solitons and Lie symmetry analysis for the Kadomtsev – Petviashvili - Burgures equation with power law nonlinearity in dusty plasmas, Proc. Romanian Acad. A, 14, Number 3/(2013), 204–210
(Impact Factor 1.523)
- A. Biswas, Sachin Kumar, E. V. Krishnan, B. Ahmed, A. Strong, S. Johnson, and A. Yildirim, Topological solitons and other solutions to potential Kortevedge-de vries equation, Romanian Reports in Physics, 65, No. 4, (2013) 1125–1137
(Impact Factor 1.785)
- A.H. Bhrawy, M. A. Abdelkawy, Sachin Kumar and A. Biswas, Solitons and other solutions to Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation of B-type, Romanian Journal of Physics, 58, (7) (2013) 729–748
(Impact Factor 1.888)
- Bouthina Ahmed, Anjan Biswas, E. V. Krishnan and Sachin Kumar, Solitons and other solutions to the generalized Maccari System, Romanian Reports in Physics, 65 (2013) 1138-1154.
(Impact Factor 1.785)
- E.V. Krishnan, A.H. Kara, Sachin Kumar and A Biswas, TOPOLOGICAL SOLITONS, CNOIDAL WAVES AND CONSERVATION LAWS OF COUPLED WAVE EQUATIONS, Indian Journal of Physics, (2013) (In Press) (Springer)
(Impact Factor 1.947)
- K. Singh, R. K. Gupta and Sachin Kumar, Exact Solutions of b-family Equation: Classical Lie Approach and Direct Method, International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 11 (2011) 59-67 (World Academic Publisher)
- K. Singh, R. K. Gupta, Sachin Kumar and Anupma, Symmetry Reductions and Exact Solutions of Modified b-Family Equation, Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 3 (2012) 13-21, (Taylor & Francis and I. K. Publishers)
- R. K. Gupta, Sachin Kumar and Anupma, Symmetries and Exact Solutions of Third-order Partial Differential Equations Arising in the Impulsive Motion of a Flate Plate, Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 4 (2013), 52-60(Taylor & Francis and I. K. Publishers)
Publications in 2014
- Sachin Kumar and A. Biswas, Solutions of Konopelchenko-Dubrovsky equation by traveling wave hypothesis and Lie symmetry approach, Applied Mathematics and Information Science, 8 (2014) pp.1533-1539.
(Impact Factor 1.232)
- A.J. Mohamad Jawad, Sachin Kumar and A. Biswas, Solition solutions of a few nonlinear wave equations in engineering sciences, Scientia Iranica D, (2014) 21(3), 861-869.
(Impact Factor 1.435)
Publications in 2015
- G. Ebadi, A. Mojaver, Sachin Kumar, A. Biswas, SOLITONS AND OTHER SOLUTIONS OF THE LONG-SHORT WAVE EQUATION, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 25 (2015) 129-145.
(Impact Factor 4.170)
- Sachin Kumar, M. Savescu, Q. Zhou, A. Biswas, M. Belic, Optical Solitons with quadratic nonlinearity by Lie symmetry analysis, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Rapid Communications, Vol. 9 (2015), pp 1347-1352.
(Impact Factor 0.441)
Publications in 2016
- Sachin Kumar, “Painleve Analysis and Invariant Solutions of Vakhnenko-Parkes (VP) Equation with Power Law Nonlinearity”, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 85 (2016) pp 1275–1279. (Impact Factor 5.022)
- Sachin Kumar, Qihong Zhou, Anjan Biswas, Milivoj R. Belić, “Optical solitons in nano-fibers with Kundu-Eckhaus equation by Lie symmetry analysis”, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Rapid Communications, Vol. 10 (2016), pp 21-24. (Impact Factor 0.441)
- SACHIN KUMAR , QIN ZHOU , ALI H. BHRAWY, ESSAID ZERRAD, ANJAN BISWAS, MILIVOJ BELIC, “Optical solitons in Birefringent fibers by Lie symmetry analysis” Romanian Reports in Physics, 68, No. 1, (2016) 341–352, (Impact Factor 1.785)
(Impact Factor 1.888)
Publications in 2017
- Sachin Kumar, “Invariant solutions of Biswas-Milovic equation” Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 87 (2017), pp 1153-1157. (Impact Factor 5.022)
- Michelle Savescu, Abdul H. Kara, Sachin Kumar, E. V. Krishnan, Malik Zaka Ullah, Seithuti P. Moshokoa, Qin Zhou and Anjan Biswas, “Embedded solitons and conservation law with \chi^(2) and \chi^(3) nonlinear susceptibilities”, Acta Physica Polonica A (APPA) Vol. 131 (2017) 297-303.
(Impact Factor 0.577)
- M. Mirzazadeh, M. Ekici, M. Eslami, E. V. Krishnan, Sachin Kumar and A. Biswas, “ Solitons and other solutions to Wu-Zhang system”, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 22 (2017) 441-458.
(Impact Factor 3.257)
Publications in 2018
- Baljinder Kour, Sachin Kumar*, “Symmetry analysis, explicit power series solutions and conservation laws of space-time fractional variant Boussinesq
system” European Physical Journal Plus, 133 (2018) 520
(Impact Factor 3.911)
Publications in 2019
- Sachin Kumar, Qin Zhou & Wenjun Liu, “Invariant traveling wave solutions of parity-time-symmetric mixed linear-nonlinear optical lattices with three types of nonlinearity” Laser Physics journal, 29 (4) (2019) 045401 (6pp).
(Impact Factor 1.366)
- Baljinder Kour, Sachin Kumar*, “Comment on the paper ``Time fractional third-order variant Boussinesq system: Symmetry analysis, explicit solutions, conservation laws and numerical approximations"[Eur. Phys. J. Plus. 133:240 (2018)]” European Physical Journal Plus, 134 (2019) 154.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/i2019-12518-1
(Impact Factor 3.911)
- Sachin Kumar, A Biswas, M. Ekici, Q. Zhou, S. P. Moshokoa, M. R. Belic, “Optical solitons and other solutions with anti-cubic nonlinearity by Lie symmetry analysis and additional integration architectures”, Optik, 185, (2019) 30-38
(Impact Factor 2.443)
- Sachin Kumar, Baljinder Kour “Symmetry analysis of some nonlinear generalized systems of space-time fractional partial di erential equations with time dependent variable coefficients” Paramana Journal of Physics, 93 (2019) 21
(Impact Factor 2.219)
- Baljinder Kour, Sachin Kumar*, “Time fractional Biswas–Milovic equation: Group analysis, soliton solutions, conservation laws and residual power series solution” , Optik, 183, (2019) 1085-1098.
(Impact Factor 2.443)
- Baljinder Kour, Sachin Kumar*, “Space time fractional DSW system with dependent variable coefficients: symmetry analysis, power series solution and conservation laws” European Physical Journal Plus, 134 (2019) 467.
(Impact Factor 3.911)
Publications in 2020
- Jaskiran Kaur, R. K. Gupta, Sachin Kumar*, “Comment on "on the conservation laws and invariant analysis for time-fractional coupled Fitzhugh-Nagumo equations using the Lie symmetry analysis" by S. Sahoo and S. S. Ray” The European Physical Journal Plus, 135 (2020) 166
(Impact Factor 3.911)
- Jaskiran Kaur, R. K. Gupta, Sachin Kumar*, “On explicit exact solutions and conservation laws for time fractional variable - coefficient coupled Burger's equations”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 83, (2020), 105108
(Impact Factor 4.260)
- Sachin Kumar, Sandeep Malik, Anjan Biswas, Qin Zhou, Luminita Moraru, Abdullah Kamis Alzahrani & Milivoj R. Belic, “Optical solitons with Kudryashov's equation by Lie symmetry analysis” Physics of Wave Phenomena (Accepted)2020
(Impact Factor 1.075)
- Sachin Kumar, Sandeep Malik, Anjan Biswas, Y. Yaldrim, A. S. Alshomrani, M. R. Belic, Optical solitons with generalized anti-cubic nonlinearity by Lie symmetry, Optik, (2020) Accepted
(Impact Factor 2.443)
- Sachin Kumar, Sandeep Malik, Anjan Biswas, A RE-VISITATION TO REPORTED RESULTS ON OPTICAL SOLITONS , Chaos Soliton Fractals, 137, (2020) 109855.
(Impact Factor 5.944)
- Pinki Kumari, Rajesh. K. Gupta and Sachin Kumar*,On new symmetry, series solution and conservation laws of nonlinear coupled Higgs field equation, European Physical Journal Plus, 135 (2020) 476
(Impact Factor 3.911)
- Sachin Kumar, Baljinder Kour, Fractional (3+1)-dim Jimbo Miwa system: Invariance properties, exact solutions, solitary pattern solutions and conservation laws, International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations (2020) Accepted
(Impact Factor: 2.007)
- Divya Jyoti, Sachin Kumar and Rajesh K Gupta, EXACT SOLUTIONS OF EINSTEIN EQUATIONS IN PERFECT FLUID DISTRIBUTION USING LIE SYMMETRY METHOD, European Physical Journal Plus 135 (2020) 604.
(Impact Factor 3.911)
- Pinki Kumari, Rajesh. K. Gupta and Sachin Kumar*,``The time fractional D(m,n) system: Invariant analysis, explicit solution, conservation laws and optical soliton” Waves in Random and Complex Media (2020) Accepted
(Impact Factor 4.853)
- Divya Jyoti and Sachin Kumar “Modified Vakhnenko Parkes equation with power law nonlinearity: Painleve ́ analysis, analytic solutions and conservation laws”, European Physical Journal Plus 135(2020) 762
(Impact Factor 3.911)
- Divya Jyoti and Sachin Kumar “ Exact non-static solutions of Einstein vacuum field equations” Chinese Journal of Physics 68 (2020) 735-744
(Impact Factor 3.237)
- P. Kumar, N. A. Rangaig, H. Abboubakar, Sachin Kumar, “A Malaria Model with Caputo-Fabrizio and Atangana-Baleanu Derivatives ” International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing (2020) Accepted
- Pinki, R. K. Gupta, Sachin Kumar, MM Al Qurashi “Erratum on Conserved vectors with conformable derivative for certain systems of partial differential equations with physical applications” Open Physics (2020) (Accepted)
(Impact Factor 1.067)
- Divya Jyoti and Sachin Kumar ,"Invariant solutions and conservation laws of Einstein field equations in non-comoving radiation fields" Chinese Journal of Physics 2020 Accepted (Impact Factor 3.237)
Publications in 2021
- Sachin Kumar and Divya Jyoti, “New invariant solutions of Einstein field equations in pure radiation fields” Indian Journal of Physics 2021 Accepted
(Impact Factor 1.947)
- Pinki, R. K. Gupta, Sachin Kumar, “Non-auto-Ba ̈cklund transformation and novel abundant explicit exact solutions of the variable coefficients Burger equation”, Chaos Solitons and Fractals Volume 145, April 2021, 110775 Accepted
(Impact Factor 5.944)
- Sachin Kumar, R. K. Gupta, Pinki, “A new Painleve integrable Broer-Kaup system: Symmetry analysis, analytic solutions and conservation laws” International journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, (2021) Accepted
(Impact Factor 4.170)
- Sandeep Malik, Hassan Almusawa, Sachin Kumar, Abdul-Majid Wazwaz, M.S.Osman, A (2+1)-dimensional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation with competing dispersion effect: Dynamical behavior and exact solutions by Lie symmetry analysis , Results in Physics Volume 23, April 2021, 104043
(Impact Factor 4.476)
- R. K. Gupta, Radhika, Sachin Kumar,* and Divya Jyoti, On New Symmetries and Exact Solutions of Einstein’s Field Equation for Perfect Fluid Distribution, Pramana Journal of Physics (Accepted)
(Impact Factor 2.219)
- Sachin Kumar, Baljinder Kour, Shao-Wen Yao, Mustafa Inc, and Mohamed S. Osman, Invariance Analysis, Exact Solution and Conservation Laws of (2 + 1) Dim Fractional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) System, Symmetry 2021, 13(3), 477 (Impact Factor 2.713)
- S Kumar, D Jyoti, KS Nisar, M Zakarya, New exact static solutions of Einstein-Maxwell field equations with a magnetic dipole Results in Physics (2021) Accepted
(Impact Factor 4.476)
- Jaskiran, R K Gupta and Sachin, "Conservation laws and series solutions of variable coefficient time fractional Kawahara equation", Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2021 Accepted (IF 4.853)
- Sachin Kumar and Sandeep Malik, Cubic-quartic optical solitons with Kudryashov’s law of refractive index by Lie symmetry analysis, Optik 2021 Volume 242, September 2021, 167308
(IF 2.443)
- Priya Sharma, Nisha Bilkhiwal, Pragya Chaturvedi, Sachin Kumar, Preeti Khetarpal, Potential environmental toxicant exposure, Metabolizing gene variants and Risk of PCOS-A systematic review, Reproductive Toxicology, Volume 103, August 2021, Pages 124-132 (IF 3.143)
- Sandeep Malik, Sachin Kumar, Anjan Biswas, Mehmet Ekici, Anelia Dakova, Abdullah Khamis Alzahrani & Milivoj R. Belic, “OPTICAL SOLITONS AND BIFURCATION ANALYSIS IN FIBER BRAGG GRATINGS WITH LIE SYMMETRY AND KUDRYASHOV’S APPROACH”, Nonlinear Dynamics, 105, 735–751 (2021) (IF 5.022 )
- Sharma, Priya; Kaur, Mandeep; Kumar, Sachin ; Khetarpal, Preeti, “A cross sectional study on prevalence of Menstrual problems, Lifestyle, Mental health and PCOS awareness among Rural and Urban population of Punjab, India” Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology (2021) Accepted in Aug, 2021. (IF 2.949 )
- Sachin Kumar “Invariant solutions and bifurcation analysis of the nonlinear transmission line model” Nonlinear Dynamics, (2021) Accepted (IF 5.022 )
- Sachin Kumar and Divya Jyoti ""Generalised two-component modified weakly dissipative Dullin-Gottwald-Holm system: Invariance analysis and conservation laws" Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (2021) Accepted (IF 1.474)
- Sandeep, Sachin Kumar*, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisarb, C Ahamed Saleelc “Different analytical approaches for finding novel optical solitons with generalized third-order nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation” , Results in Physics 2021 (Accepted) (Impact Factor 4.476)
- Sachin Kumar , Anjan Biswas, Qin Zhou, Yakup Yıldırım, Hashim M. Alshehri 3 & Milivoj R. Belic “STRADDLED OPTICAL SOLITONS FOR CUBIC–QUARTIC LAKSHMANAN–PORSEZIAN–DANIEL MODEL BY LIE SYMMETRY” Physics Letters A, 417 (2021) 127706 (IF 2.654 )
Ravneet Kaur, Shallu, Sachin Kumar and V. K. Kukreja, Numerical Approximation of Generalized Burgers-Fisher and Generalized Burgers-Huxley Equation by Compact Finite Difference Method, Advances in Mathematical Physics, (2021) (Article ID 3346387) (IF 1.128 )
- Sait San, Pinki Kumari and Sachin Kumar*, On analytic series solutions and conserved fluxes of the time fractional (2+1)-dimensional Burger’s system via invariant approach, Waves in Random and Complex Media, (2021) Accepted (IF 4.853)
- Sandeep Malik, Sachin Kumar and Amiya Das, A (2+1)-dimensional combined KdV-mKdV equation: Integrability, stability analysis and soliton solutions, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, Accepted (IF 5.022 )
- Sachin Kumar, Sandeep Malik and , The integrable Boussinesq equation and it's breather, lump and soliton solutions, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021 Accepted. (IF 5.022 )
- Pinki Kumari, Rajesh Kumar Gupta, Sachin Kumar and K S Nisar, Doubly periodic wave structure of the modified Schrödinger equation with fractional temporal evolution, Results in Physics, Accepted 2021, (Impact Factor 4.476)
- Sandeep, Sachin Kumar*, Pinki Kumari, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar, Some analytic and series solutions of integrable generalized Broer-Kaup system,
Alexandria Engineering Journal, Accepted 2021 (Impact Factor 3.732)
- Sachin Kumar, Anjan Biswas, Yakup Yıldırım, Luminita Moraru *, Simona Moldovanu, Hashim M. Alshehri, Dalal Adnan Maturi, Dalal H Al–Bogam
, Cubic–Quartic Optical Soliton Perturbation with Differential Group Delay for Lakshmanan–Porsezian–Daniel Model by Lie Symmetry, Symmetry, Accepted 2022,
(Impact Factor 2.713)
- Sachin Kumar, “Optimal system, dynamical behaviours and exact solution of a nonlinear transmission line model by applying the Lie symmetry method”, Indian Journal of Physics 2022 Accepted
(Impact Factor 1.947)
- Sandeep and Sachin Kumar, "Pure-cubic optical soliton perturbation with full nonlinearity by a new generalized approach", Optik, Accepted 2022 (Impact Factor 2.443)
- Sachin Kumar and Sandeep Malik, The (3+1)-dimensional Benjamin-Ono equation: Painlevé analysis, rogue waves, breather waves, and soliton solutions,International Journal of Modern Physics B, Accepted 2022, (Impact Factor 1.219)
- Ahmed M. Alshehri, Hashim M. Alshehri , Abdullah N. Alshreef , Sachin Kumar, Yakup Yıldırım & Anjan Biswas, OPTICAL SOLITONS AND OTHER INVARIANT SOLUTIONS WITH FIBER BRAGG GRATINGS WITH DISPERSIVE REFLECTIVITY HAVING PARABOLIC–NONLINEAR COMBO NONLINEARITY, Optik, Accepted 2022 (Impact Factor 2.443)
- Surbhi Gandhi, Sandeep Malik, Hassan Almusawa and Sachin Kumar, Some exact solutions of the Yu–Toda–Sasa–Fukuyama equation with time-dependent coefficients via two different methods, Journal of King Saud University - Science, Accepted 2022 (Impact Factor 3.829)
- Hashim M. Alshehri , Dalal A. Maturi , Dalal H. Al-Bogami, Sachin Kumar , Yakup Yıldırım & Anjan Biswas, CUBIC–QUARTIC OPTICAL SOLITONS IN FIBER BRAGG GRATINGS WITH KERR LAW OF NONLINEARITY AND DISPERSIVE REFLECTIVITY BY LIE SYMMETRY,Optik, Accepted 2022 (Impact Factor 2.443)
- Sandeep Malik Das and Sachin Kumar, A generalized (2+1) dimensional Hirota billinear equation: Integrability, Solitons and Invariant solutions, Nonlinear Dynamics (2022) Accepted (IF 5.022 )
- Sandeep Malik, Sachin Kumar, K S Nisar, Invariant Soliton Solutions for the Coupled Nonlinear Schro¨dinger Type Equation, Alexandria Engineering Journal (2022) Accepted (IF 6.626)
- Sandip Malik, Sachin Kumar, Anjan Biswas, Yakup Yıldırım, Luminita Moraru *, Simona Moldovanu, Catalina Iticescu, Hashim Alshehri, Cubic–quartic optical solitons in fiber Bragg gratings with dispersive reflectivity having parabolic law of nonlinear refractive index by Lie symmetry, Symmetry (2022) Accepted (IF 2.713 )
- Sandeep Malik, Mir Sajjad Hashemi, Sachin Kumar, Hadi Rezazadeh, W. Mahmoud, M. S. Osman, Application of new Kudryashov method to various nonlinear partial differential equations, Optical and Quantum Electronics 55 (2023) Article 8. (IF 2.794 )
- Jaskirat Pal Singha, Dumitru Baleanub, Sachin Kumara∗, K.S. Nisar, Monkeypox viral transmission dynamics and fractional order modeling with vaccination intervention, Fractals (2023) (IF 4.55 )
- Sandeep Malik, Sachin Kumar, Anjan Biswas et al. ,Highly Dispersive Optical Solitons in Absence of Self–Phase, Symmetry (2023) Accepted (IF 2.713 )
- Sandeep Malik, Sachin Kumar, Anjan Biswas et al. , Gap Solitons in Fiber Bragg Gratings having Polynomial Law of Nonlinear Refractive Index and Cubic–Quartic Dispersive Reflectivity by Lie Symmetry, Symmetry (2023) Accepted (IF 2.713 )
- Akshat Kukkar, Sachin Kumar, Sandeep Malik, Anjan Biswas, Yakup Yıldırım, Seithuti P. Moshokoa, Salam Khan & Abdulah A. Alghamdi, Optical solitons for the concatenation model with Kurdryashov’s approaches, Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics (UJPO) 24 (2023) 155-161 (IF 0.907 )
- Divya Jyoti and Sachin Kumar*, Invariant Bianchi type I cosmological models and conservation laws in f(R,T) = f1(R) + f2(R)f3(T) gravity , Physics of Dark Universe (2023) Accepted (IF 5.09)
- Divya Jyoti and Sachin Kumar*, General form of axially symmetric stationary metric: Exact solutions and conservation laws in vacuum fields , Classical and Quantum Gravity (2023) Accepted (IF 3.853)
- Ravindra Yadav, Sandeep Malik, Sachin Kumar*, Rajesh Sharma, Anjan Biswas, Yakup Yıldırım, O. Gonza ́lez-Gaxiola, Luminita Moraru & Abdulah A. Alghamdi, HIGHLY DISPERSIVE W–SHAPED AND OTHER OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH QUADRATIC–CUBIC NONLINEARITY: SYMMETRY ANALYSIS AND NEW KUDRYASHOV’S METHOD, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals (2023) Accepted (IF 9.958)
- Divya Jyoti and Sachin Kumar,General form of axially symmetric stationary metric: exact solutions and conservation laws in vacuum fields,Classical and Quantum Gravity ,Vol. 40(2023),145011 (Impact Factor 3.5)
- Jaskirat Pal Singh, Thabet Abdeljawad , Dumitru Baleanu , Sachin Kumar,Transmission dynamics of a novel fractional model for,European Physical Journal Special Topics ,Vol. 2023(2023), (Impact Factor 2.8)
- Sandeep Malik, Sachin Kumar, Arzu Akbulut, Hadi Rezazadeh, Some Exact Solitons to the (2+1)-Dimensional Broer-Kaup-Kupershmidt System with Two Different Methods,Optical and Quantum ElectronicsVol.15 (2023) 1215 (Impact Factor 3)
- Preeti Dalal, Karanjeet Singh, Sachin Kumar , Non-static plane symmetric perfect fluid solutions and Killing symmetries in f(R,T) gravity, Communications in Theoretical Physics Vol. (2023) Accepted (Impact Factor 3.1)
Research Scholars |
Date of Registration and Registration No |
Research Title |
Baljinder Kour |
Date of Regn: 20 Dec, 2016
Regn No. 16phdmns02 |
Symmetry Analysis and Conservation Laws of some Space Time Fractional Differential Equations |
Pinki Kumari |
Date of Regn.: 13 Sept, 2017
Regn No: 17phdmns03 |
Invariant Analysis and Conservation Laws to Some Nonlinear Mathematical Models |
Divya Jyoti |
Date of Regn: 13 Feb 2019
Regn No.: 18phdmns06 |
Construction of New Exact Solutions and Conservation Laws of Einstein Field Equations in General Relativity |
Sandeep |
Date of Regn.: 30 July, 2018
Regn. No.: 18phdmns03 |
A Study on Invariant and Soliton Solutions of Some Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations |
Jaskirat Pal Singh |
Date of Regn: 17 March, 2021
Regn No.: 20phdmns05 |
Modelling and analysis of infectious diseases using Differential Equations (Tentative) |
Preeti Dalal | 21phdmns03 | A study on Lie symmetries and solutions of field equations in modified theories of gravity. |
Rajveer Singh | 22phdmns01 |
Controllability and Lie-Symmetry |
Ravindra Yadav | 22phdmns05 |
Solitary wave solutions (Tentative) |
International 12
- Sachin Kumar, "Exact Solutions of Some Complex Non-Linear Equations," Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2018, 4-6 July, 2018, London, U.K., pp12-13
- NBHM sponsored Instructional School for Lecturers in Differential Equations and Computations at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, Himachal Pardesh, India, 04 – 16 June, 2012.
- PTU sponsored Faculty Development Program me at Rayat Group of Institutes, Ropar, Punjab, India, 25 – 29 June, 2012.
- NBHM, TIFR Bombay and IITB sponsored Instructional School for Lecturers in Numerical Analysis (2014) at Panjab University, Chandigarh, 9th – 28th June, 2014.
S.N. |
Title of the Workshop |
Date(s) of the event |
Organized at |
Workshop on Parallel Computing using HPCC |
21st -22nd March, 2013 |
Panjab University, Chandigarh |
Teacher’s Enrichment Workshop Finite Group Theory (2014) |
27th May - 2nd June, 2014 |
Punjabi University, Patiala |
Workshop on Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic and its Applications in Big Data Analytics. |
April 12-15, 2016 |
Thapar University Patiala at Patiala |
Sr. no. |
Authors |
Title of paper |
Conference details (Title, Date, Location etc) |
Proceedings (if any) |
National/International |
Sachin Kumar |
Symmetry Reductions and Exact Solutions of Modified b-Family Equation |
SATELLITE CONFERENCE OF INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS 2010, 15th -17th August 2010, Sharda University, Greater Noida, Delhi NCR |
NA |
International |
Sachin Kumar |
Modified b-Equations: Classical Lie Approach and Exact Solutions |
Eighteenth International Conference of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 2nd-4th, August 2009, Jaypee University of Information and Technology, Solan |
Yes |
International |
Sachin Kumar |
Exact Solutions of some complex nonlinear equations |
World Congress on Engineering 2017, 5th – 7th July, 2017, Imperial College, London, UK |
Yes |
International |
Baljinder Kour & Sachin Kumar |
On invariant analysis of space-time fractional variant Boussinesq system |
“Advances in Mathematics, Physical and Computer Sciences” at S.G.G.S. Khalsa College, Mahilpur (Hoshiarpur), Punjab, during 12-13 February 2018. |
NA |
International |
Baljinder Kour & Sachin Kumar |
Exact solution and conservation laws of Space time fractional generalized Hirota Satsuma coupled Korteweg-de Vries equations |
“106th Indian Science Congress” at Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, during 3-7 January 2019. |
NA |
International |
Baljinder Kour & Sachin Kumar |
Space time fractional nonlinear partial differential system: Exact solution and conservation laws |
“International conference on Differential Equations and Control Problems Modeling, Analysis and Computations” at IIT Mandi, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, during 17-19 June, 2019. |
NA |
International |
Sachin Kumar & Baljinder Kour |
Residual power series solution of fractional bi-Hamiltonian Boussinesq system |
“International conference on Trends in Computational and Cognitive Engineering” at Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh, Haryana, during 28-30 November, 2019. |
Yes |
International |
Sachin Kumar, R. K. Gupta & Pinki Kumari |
On invariant analysis, symmetry reduction and conservation laws of nonlinear Buckmaster model |
International Conference on Trends in Computational and Cognitive Engineering (TCCE-2019) held at CUH, Haryana on 29 Nov 2019, and accepted for publication in the conference proceedings published by Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. |
Yes |
International |
Sachin Kumar, R. K. Gupta & Pinki Kumari |
Symmetry Reductions and Conservation Laws of Rosenau Hyman Equation with Arbitrary Constant Coefficients |
International Conference on Frontiers in Industrial and Applied Mathematics-2019 held at Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida on 21 December 2019, and accepted for publication in Scopus indexed AIP Conference Proceedings. |
Yes |
International |
Pinki Kumari, R. K. Gupta & Sachin Kumar |
Painlevé integrability and multisoliton solutions of a generalized KdV system |
International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Numerical Methods – third edition (ICAMNM 2020) Craiova, Romania, October 29-31, 2020 Proceedings Published in ITM Web of Conferences 34, 03008 (2020) |
Yes |
International |
Organised 4 Workshops/Seminars
- International Travel Support from DST vide letter number ITS /1538/2017-18 dated 25.0817 for visiting Imperial College of London, London, UK
- Open Arms Travel grant from organization committee of ICM 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Delivered four lectures in our online two-week value added course "An Introductory Course in Latex for Scientific Writing", which was held on 15th-27th February, 2021 in Department of Mathematics,
J. C. Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA, Faridabad
Delivered an expert lecture in the “Two Weeks Short Term Training Program (STTP) on Advances in Linear Algebra: Technology based Innovations” scheduled from June 14 - 26, 2021 in online mode, organised by Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida.
Included in World's Top 2% Scientist List.