Assistant Professor
Department of South and Central Asian Studies,
School of International Studies
Teaching Experience
- Assistant Professor, Department of South and Central Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (June, 2023 to Present)
- Teacher-cum-Faculty, Dr. Ambedkar Centre of Excellence, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (October 21, 2022 to June 08, 2023)
- Guest Faculty, Department of South and Central Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (November 18, 2021 to June 24, 2022)
- Guest Faculty, Department of South and Central Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (December 24, 2020 to June 30, 2021)
- Assistant Professor (Contractual Basis), Department of Political Science, CT University, Ludhiana, Punjab (May 06, 2019 to December 22, 2020)
- Guest Faculty, Department of Political Science, University Constituent College Jaito (Faridkot) Punjab (August 01, 2018 to November 30, 2018
Research Experience
PhD Title: "Eurasia in India’s Energy Diplomacy: Exploring the Emerging Equations in the 21st Century" at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (2014-2020)
M.Phil. Dissertation title: "Connecting for Energy? India’s Negotiation for Space in Central Asia" at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (2012-2014)
Administrative Experience
- Member, Human Rights Cell, Central University of Punjab, 2024
- Member, Anti-Ragging Cell, Central University of Punjab, 2024
Any Other Experience
- Member, Electoral Literacy Club, Central University of Punjab, 2023
India's Foreign Policy
Theorizing the Politics of Great Powers
Geopolitics of Eurasian Region
Indo-Pacific Region
Energy Diplomacy and Geopolitics of Connectivity
S. No. |
Capacity |
Funding Agency |
Title of the Project |
Sanctioned Amount |
Status |
1. |
Project Director |
ICSSR Short-term Empirical Research 2023-24 (Collaborative Study) |
Examining the Effects of the Digital India Scheme on the Socio-economic Landscape of Rural Punjab: An Empirical Study |
12 Lacs |
Report Submitted to ICSSR |
1. Life-Time Membership of Indian Political Science Association (IPSA Membership No. 3037).
2. Life-Time Membership of InSc International Publishers (INSC Membership No. 20233REA108).
1. UGC (NET+JRF) in June 2015 in Political Science
2. UGC (NET+JRF) in December 2015 in International & Area Studies
3. Research Excellence Award (2023) by Institute of Scholars, Bengaluru for Bast Research Paper Publication entitled as "Analyzing GAVI the Vaccine Alliance as a Global Health Partnership Model: A Constructivist Analysis of the Global Health Crisis" in SCOPUS.
Research Papers
- China–Pakistan Economic Corridor and Its Impact on India (2024). India Quarterly, 09749284241285121. [SCOPUS]
- Agrarian transformations in British India: A case study of colonial Punjab (2024). Sikh Formations, 1-15. [SCOPUS]
- Education as a soft power resource: A systematic review (2024). Heliyon, 10(1), pp. e23736. Science Direct (Elsevier). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e23736 [SCOPUS]
- Conflict and Social determinants of health: would global health diplomacy resolve the Afghanistan healthcare conundrum? (2023). Global Security: Health, Science and Policy, 8(1), pp. 2223601. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.1080/23779497.2023.2223601 [SCOPUS]
- Indo-Pacific Security and Geopolitical Challenges for QUAD: Leveraging Health Diplomacy for Strengthening Peace and Development (2023). Ymer Journal. pp. 640-659. DOI: 10.37896/YMER22.06/56
- Reconnoitering the Nature of Regime: Making sense of responses to COVID-19 pandemic (2022). Ymer Journal.. pp. 1324-1337. DOI : 10.37896/YMER21.11/B3
- Analyzing GAVI the Vaccine Alliance as a Global Health Partnership Model: A Constructivist Analysis of the Global Health Crisis (2022). Millennial Asia. Sage Publications, https://doi.org/10.1177/09763996221116283 Impact Factor: 1.6 [SCOPUS, Web of Science, ESCI]
- India’s Neighbourhood Vaccine Diplomacy during COVID-19 Pandemic: Humanitarian and Geopolitical Perspectives (2022). Journal of Asian and African Studies, 00219096221079310. Impact Factor: 1.021 [SCOPUS, Web of Science, SSCI]
- Re-imagining the SCO’s Geopolitical Expansion: Would It Be a Next SAARC? (2021). International Studies, (SAGE Publications) https://doi.org/10.1177%2F00208817211056750 [UGC-CARE (GROUP I, ICI. IBSS, Google Scholar]
- COVID-19 Pandemic and Reimagination of Multilateralism through Global Health Diplomacy (2021). Sustainability, 13(20), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011551 Impact Factor: 3.325 [MDPI, Elsevier, Scopus, Web of Science. SCIE, SSCI]
- Trump’s South Asia Strategy: Afghanistan’s Gordian Knot (2021). Global Affairs, 7(3), 375-394. https://doi.org/10.1080/23340460.2021.1983729 [Routeledge]
- Geopolitics of ports: Factoring Iran in India’s counterbalancing strategy for “Sino-Pak Axis” (2019). Journal of Eurasian Studies, 10(2), 169-182. ISSN: 1879-3665, (SAGE Journal) https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1879366519850712 Impact Factor: 2.75 [SCOPUS, Google Scholar, EBSCO, DOAJ]
- Korean Peninsular Nuclear Threat: Strategic Challenges for India (2017). FPRC Journal, 32. pp. 35-43. ISSN 2277-2464
- Understanding South Asia in International Politics: Regional Security Framework and Global Ramifications (2015). The Indian Journal of Political Science, Vol. LXXVI(4). pp. 1041-1046, ISSN 0019–5510.
- Changing Equations of India-Pakistan Relations: Unresolved Kashmir Dispute as a Decider Factor (2015). International Research Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN 2319–3565, Vol. 4(3). Pg. No. 88-95.
- 'Connect Central Asia Policy’ factor in India’s Soft Power initiatives in CARs: Problems And Prospects (2014). International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, ISSN: 2278-6236, Pg. No. 94-114: Impact Factor: 4.400
Online Articles
- Singh. B. and Singh. S. (Dec. 22, 2018). Revisiting the Maldives’ India First Policy. South Asia Journal. ISSN 2471-951X. Available at: http://southasiajournal.net/revisiting-the-maldives-india-first-policy/
- Singh, S. and Singh, B. (Dec. 29, 2018). Trump’s Geopolitical Paradoxes: Unpredictable Concerns For India’s Eurasia Connect. Eurasia Review. ISSN 2330-717X. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/29122018-trumps-geopolitical-paradoxes-unpredictable-concerns-for-indias-eurasia-connect-analysis/
- Singh. S. and Singh, B. (Jan. 08, 2019). Trump’s Paroxysms: Driver Seat for Pakistan in Afghanistan Peacebuilding. South Asia Journal. ISSN 2471-951X. Available at: http://southasiajournal.net/trumps-paroxysms-driver-seat-for-pakistan-in-afghanistan-peacebuilding/?fbclid=IwAR3IM7Pj2u654mpXnTNXRVJzuhF_J2dyjS3qRFR_GHD9E8YVcd7qerSkE2A
- Singh. S. (Mar. 04, 2019). ‘Engagement,’ not ‘Estrangement’ can de-escalate Indo-Pak Tension in the 21st Century: An Opinion. South Asia Journal. ISSN 2471-951X. Available at: http://southasiajournal.net/%EF%BB%BFengagement-not-estrangement-can-de-escalate-indo-pak-tension-in-the-21st-century-an-opinion/
- Singh, S. (June 14, 2019). Redefining India’s Neighborhood Policy: Modi’s BIMSTEC Rationale To Replace SAARC. Eurasia Review. ISSN: 2330-717X. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/14062019-redefining-indias-neighborhood-policy-modis-bimstec-rationale-to-replace-saarc/
- Singh, B., Singh, S. and Kaur, J. (March 25, 2020). Post-Coronavirus Pandemic World Order: Can Globalization Regain Its Footprint? – Analysis. Eurasia Review. ISSN: 2330-717X. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/25032020-post-coronavirus-pandemic-world-order-can-globalization-regain-its-footprint-analysis/
- Singh, S. (2022, September 23). Remembering Dr B R Ambedkar on the World Environmental Health Day: A Thematic analyses of his contributions to SDGs. South Asia Journal. ISSN 2471-951X. Available at: http://southasiajournal.net/remembering-dr-b-r-ambedkar-on-the-world-environmental-health-day-a-thematic-analyses-of-his-contributions-to-sdgs/
- Singh, S. (2023, May 18). Securing Peace In Manipur: The Need To Keep Geopolitics At Bay – Analysis. Eurasia Review. ISSN: 2330-717X. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/18052023-securing-peace-in-manipur-the-need-to-keep-geopolitics-at-bay-analysis/
- Singh, S. (2023, May 20). India’s Institutional Inclusive Engagement Approach Towards SCO: Takeaways From Theme ‘SECURE-SCO’ – Analysis. Eurasia Review. ISSN: 2330-717X. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/20052023-indias-institutional-inclusive-engagement-approach-towards-sco-takeaways-from-theme-secure-sco-analysis/
- Singh, S. (2023, May 20). Is Democracy In Pakistan Turning Into Mobocracy? – Analysis. Eurasia Review. ISSN: 2330-717X. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/21052023-is-democracy-in-pakistan-turning-into-mobocracy-analysis/
- Singh, S. (2023, July 27). Unraveling The Aftermath: How The US-Taliban Deal Impacted Pakistan’s Security Landscape – Analysis. Eurasia Review. ISSN: 2330-717X. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/27072023-unraveling-the-aftermath-how-the-us-taliban-deal-impacted-pakistans-security-landscape-analysis/
- Bawa, J., Singh, S., and Singh, B. (2024, October 17). India-Canada Relations: A New Low Amid Diplomatic Crisis – Analysis. Eurasia Review. ISSN: 2330-717X. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/17102024-india-canada-relations-a-new-low-amid-diplomatic-crisis-analysis/
- Bawa, J. Singh, S. and Kumar, J. (2024, October 29). Diwali Returns To Ayodhya: A Renaissance Of Indian Heritage And Resilience – Analysis. Eurasia Review. ISSN: 2330-717X. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/29102024-diwali-returns-to-ayodhya-a-renaissance-of-indian-heritage-and-resilience-analysis/
- Bawa, J. and Singh, S. (2024, November 09). Riding The Trump Wave: India’s Gamble With A Tumultuous Ally – Analysis. Eurasia Review. ISSN: 2330-717X. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/09112024-riding-the-trump-wave-indias-gamble-with-a-tumultuous-ally-analysis/
- Bawa, J. and Singh, S. (2024, November 24). Maharashtra Assembly Elections 2024: Redefining BJP’s Alliance Dynamics And Strategic Roadmap For National Politics – Analysis. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/24112024-maharashtra-assembly-elections-2024-redefining-bjps-alliance-dynamics-and-strategic-roadmap-for-national-politics-analysis/
- Bawa, J., Singh, S. and Gupta, T. (2024, December 04). China’s Interventions In Central Asia And Russian Response: A Strategic Tug Of War – Analysis. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/04122024-chinas-interventions-in-central-asia-and-russian-response-a-strategic-tug-of-war-analysis/
- Bawa, J., Singh, S. and Tiwari, U. (2024, December 05). Political Clans In Central Asia: Drivers Of Governance And Conflict – Analysis. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/05122024-political-clans-in-central-asia-drivers-of-governance-and-conflict-analysis/
- Bawa, J. and Singh, S. (2024, December 08). A Nation’s Betrayal: The Unfolding Tragedy Of Hindus In Bangladesh – Analysis. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/08122024-a-nations-betrayal-the-unfolding-tragedy-of-hindus-in-bangladesh-analysis/
- Singh, S., Kumar, A. and Pal, S. (2024, December 11). International Human Rights Day: Realizing Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Vision Through Sustainable Development Goals – Analysis. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/11122024-international-human-rights-day-realizing-dr-b-r-ambedkars-vision-through-sustainable-development-goals-analysis/
- Bawa, J., Singh, S. and Bass, R. (2024, December 12). Regime Change Inc.: The Deep State’s Playbook For Disobedient Nations – Analysis. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/12122024-regime-change-inc-the-deep-states-playbook-for-disobedient-nations-analysis/
- Bawa, J., Singh, S. and Singh, B. (2024, December 13). EVM Allegations: Deflecting Accountability In Indian Politics – Analysis. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/13122024-evm-allegations-deflecting-accountability-in-indian-politics-analysis/
- Ahlawat, N.K., Singh, S. and Kaur Jeevanjot. (2024, December 20). The Evolving India-UAE Defense Partnership: Shaping A New Strategic Horizon – Analysis. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/20122024-the-evolving-india-uae-defense-partnership-shaping-a-new-strategic-horizon-analysis/
- Bawa, J., Singh, S. and Mann, J. (2024, December 30). Against The Tide: Narendra Modi’s 2024 Ordeal – Analysis. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/30122024-against-the-tide-narendra-modis-2024-ordeal-analysis/
- Bawa, J. and Singh, S. (2025, January 09). Cross-Border Challenges: The Impact Of Illegal Bangladeshi Migration On India’s Security And Society – Analysis. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/09012025-cross-border-challenges-the-impact-of-illegal-bangladeshi-migration-on-indias-security-and-society-analysis/
- Bawa, J. and Singh, D. (2025, January 21). Towards Renewed Hope: Rebuilding Indo-US Relations In The Post-Biden Era – OpEd. Available at: https://www.eurasiareview.com/21012025-towards-renewed-hope-rebuilding-indo-us-relations-in-the-post-biden-era-oped/
Research Papers Published in Conference Proceedings
- Singh, Sandeep. (2019). China’s Connect Diplimacy under the Aegis of BRI: Challenges to India’s South Asia Strategic Neighbourhood. Proceedings of IMARC-2019. Ludhiana/Jalandhar: CT University. Pp.691-695 ISBN: 978-81-942282—0-2
- Kumar, Ashok and Singh, Sandeep. (2019). Essentials of Social Democracy in India: Perspectives of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. Proceedings of IMARC-2019. Ludhiana/Jalandhar: CT University. Pp. 763-767, ISBN: 978-81-942282—0-2
- Singh S. Khan, A., Singh, B., & Kaur, A. (2023). India’s Energy Diplomacy in Eurasia: Geopolitical and Geo-economic Perspectives. Singapore: Springer Nature.https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-99-8281-3
Book Chapters
- Singh, S. (2016). China’s Anti-India Agenda in Nepal: An Appraisal. In G.Kochhar & P. Jaiswal (Eds.), Unique Asian Triangle: India-China-Nepal (pp.232-243) G.B. Books Publications, New Delhi. ISBN 978-93-83930-34-0
Chapters in Text Books
- Singh, S. (2023). Uni-polarity and American Hegemony. Contemporary International Relations (MPS-204). MA Political Science, 2nd Semester, Odisha State Open University, Sambalpur.
Phd Scholars:
- Shushma Rani (UGC NET-JRF)
- Sandeep Pal (UGC NET)
- Nitish Kumar Ahlawat (UGC NET-JRF)
- Jeevanjot Kaur (UGC NET)
M.A. Students:
- Mohsina, Dissertation Title - Geopolitics of Silk Road: An Analysis of India's Counterbalancing Strategies in the Indian Ocean
- Shahid Afzal, Dissertation Title - Democratic Waves and Regime Transformation: Understanding Myanmar Post-Coup Democratic Regression Through the Huntington's Lens
- Abdul Aziz Raofi, Dissertation Title - India-Afghanistan Relations: An Overview Before and After the US Withdrawal
- Rishi Raj Tarun Pratap Singh, Dissertation Title - Geopolitical Dynamics of South Caucasus Region: Emerging Role of Iran
- Ankur Parmar, Dissertation Title - Security Dilemma in South Asia: A Neoclassical Realist Examination of Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations
- Akash Kumar, Dissertation Title - Analysing the Impact of the Women's Representation Bill 2023: Promoting Gender Political Equity?
- Priyanshu Chaurasiya, Dissertation Title - Locating BRICS in Global Governance Discourse: Analysing India-China Tensions on Collective Global Initiatives
- Yugdeep Airi, Dissertation Title - Narrative Warfare: A Comparative Analysis of Russia-Ukraine War Representation in International Media Outlets
- Shegakhongpham Ajit, Dissertation Title - Revisiting India's Act East Policy: Political and Economic Impact on Northeast India
- Raju Dalapati, Dissertation Title - The Battle Beyond Bullets: Assessing the Efficiency of India's Countermeasures Against China's Grey Zone Warfare Tactics
- Ten Days ICSSR Sponsored Research Methodology Programme for Ph. D students in Social Sciences, March 21 to March 30, 2015, at Guru Nanak College for Girls, Sri Muktsar Sahib
- ICSSR Sponsored Workshop On Research Methodology in Social Sciences, 1-11 March 2016, Centre for Education, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
- ICSSR Sponsored Workshop On Quantitative and Qualitative Methods and Techniques in Social Sciences Research, 10-19 April 2017, Dept. of Political Science, Punjabi University, Patiala.
- Participated in One Day National Workshop as a faculty on “Academic Integrity Awareness” under the auspices of UGC, Organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
- Participated as a Faculty in One Day Northern Regional Training Programme on Plagiarism Detection Software, PDS (URKUND) under the Aegis of MHRD, in Chandigarh University, Punjab on 19th August, 2019
Teacher Learning and Faculty Development Programmes
- One week workshop on ‘Philosophical and Methodological Foundations of Social Sciences’ organized by Teaching Learning Centre, under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda from 12 November, 2018-16 November, 2018
- One week National Symposium on ‘Philosophical and Methodological Foundations of Political Science and International Relations’ organized by Teaching Learning Centre, under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda from 07 January, 2019-11 January, 2019
- One Day Faculty Development Programme on Intellectual Property Rights, Organized by CT University Ludhiana, on 20th July, 2019.
- One Day Faculty Development Programme on SPSS and its Application in Research, Organized by CT University Ludhiana, on 11th September, 2019.
- One Day Faculty Development Programme on “Wikipedia,” Organized by CT University Ludhiana, on 22nd October, 2019.
- Three Days "Leadership Development Programme for Academicians and Administrators for Higher Educations Institutions" from 17th June to 19th June, 2024, at Central University of Punjab.
National Conferences/Seminars
- Presented paper on the topic of “Cyber Victimisation: A Threat to Women’s Security in India” for National Conference Sponsored by National Commission for Women, New Delhi on Revisiting Issues of Women’s Security: From Womb to Tomb, in University of Maharani Collage, Jaipur, Rajasthan, on 11-13 Sept. 2013.
- Presented paper entitled “Changing Equations of India- Pakistan Relations: Unresolved Kashmir Dispute as a Decider Factor” for National Conference on Indo-Pak Relations: Peace and Development in South West Asia in Punjabi University Patiala, on 13-14 March, 2015.
- Presented paper entitled “Understanding South Asia in International Politics: Regional Security Framework and Global Ramifications” for 56th All India Political Science Conference on Re-inventing Politics in India in Banaras Hindu University, 25-27 October, 2015.
- Presented paper entitled “Post-2014 Geostrategic Space for India in Afghanistan: Re-orienting Policy Contours” for ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on India’s Security Concerns: Nuclear Proliferation in South Asia in Panjab University Constituent College, Nihal Singh Wala (Moga), on 10 March, 2018.
- Presented peper entitled “Kaleidoscopic Geopolitical Environment in Northern South Asia: Deciding the Fate of SAARC” for ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on India in South Asia: Changing Perspectives in the 21st Century in Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, on 15-16 March, 2018.
- Presented a paper entitled “A Perspective on India’s Asian Energy Door: Myanmar & Bangladesh to Strengthen India’s Look East Policy” in ISWA Sponsored National Seminar on Revisiting India-East Asia Connections: Problems and Prospects in Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, on 7-8 March, 2019.
- Presented a paper titled “Revisiting the Concept of Democracy in the Vedic Era of Ancient India” in National Conference on Ancient Indian Political Institutions and Values: Their Relevance for Modern Times, organized by Department of Political Science, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala.
International Conferences/Seminars
- Presented paper entitled “Global Energy Crisis: Role of Global Energy Governance in the New Energy Game – Prospects and Challenges” for International Seminar on Global Politics and Governance in 21st Century: Emerging Trends and Global Concerns, in BBAU, Lucknow, 22-23 March, 2014.
- Presented paper entitled “Re-orientation of India’s Look East Policy connecting Energy in Myanmar: ‘Bangladesh Factor’’ for International Conference in Collaboration ICWA, New Delhi on India’s Foreign Relations – Southeast Asia and the India Ocean: Strengthening the Political, Economic, Security and Cultural Prospects in Gujrat National Law University, on 12-13 September: 2014.
- Presented paper entitled “China’s Anti-India Agenda in Nepal: An Appraisal” for International Conference on India-China-Nepal: Redefining Historical Relations in Contemporary Times in JNU, New Delhi, on 16-17 October, 2014.
- Presented paper entitled “Indo-US Cooperation Since 1991: Transforming Diplomatic and Economic Relations in International Order–Continuities and Discontinuities” for International Conference in Association with the Embassy of the USA, New Delhi on Indo-US Relations and South Asia in RGNUL, Patiala, on 29-30 October, 2014.
- Presented paper entitled “Sino-India Economic Relations in a Western Protectionist Environment: A Changing Scenario in the Post-Global Financial Crisis” for International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences in Hans Raj Mahila Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar, on 2-3 February, 2018.
- Presented paper entitled “Afghanistan Conundrum in the US South Asia Policy: The Alpha and Omega of India Diplomacy” for ICSSR Sponsored International Conference on Dynamics of India’s Foreign Policy in Contemporary Era in Panjab University, Chandigarh, on 26-27 March, 2018
- Presented a paper entitled “China’s Connect-Diplomacy Under the Aegis of BRI: Challenges to India’s South Asia Strategic Neighbourhood” in International Conference on IMARC-2019, in CT University, Ludhiana on 6-7 September, 2019.
National Level
Certificates of Appreciation for Seminar Organization
1. Participated as a Member of Formatting Committee, in International Multi-Disciplinary Academic Research Conference in CT University, Ludhiana on 6-7 September, 2019.
2. Participated as a Volunteer and Rapporteur in ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on India in South Asia: Changing Perspectives in the 21st Century in Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, on 15-16 March, 2018.
International Level
2. Delivered Invited Lecture on "Constitution Morality" held on 24th November, 2023, organised by Department of Arts, Baba Farid College, Bathinda to celebrate " Indian Constitution Day."
3. Invited as a chairperson of a session during the two-day national seminar on 'Jammu and Kashmir Before and After 5th August 2019: An Exploration,' held on October 5-6, 2023, at Sapt Sindhu Parisar in Dehra, Central University of Himachal Pradesh.
4. Invited as a resource person to deliver a webinar lecture on “Russian - Ukraine war crisis: Implications for Indo - Russian relation in the world war Scenario” held on 19 March 2022 organized by Department of Political Science, Mata Sahib Kaur Girls College, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda., Punjab, India.
5. Delivered an invited lecture on “Explaining India’s Diplomacy in the Post-COVID 19 International Order” held on 27 March 2021 organized by Department of Political Science, University College Jaitu, Faridkot, Punjab, India.
6. Invited as a Judge and Resource Person in Cloture Model United Nations (MUN) Conference at the Millennium School Bathinda, on 5th May, 2018.
Google Scholar Citations: 135; h-index: 6; i10-index: 6
Scopus Citations: 39; h-index: 4
Web of Science Citations: 16; h-index: 3
ResearchGate Citations: 53; h-index: 4
Profile Links:
Reviewer of Journals
1. Cogent Social Sciences (Routledge Publications: Taylor & Francis) in April 2024
2. GeoJournal (Springer Nature Publications) in April 2022
3. Journal of Eurasian Studies (SAGE Publications) in February 2019
4. Journal of Human Ecology (Kre Publications) in November 2019