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Contact Info
Sandeep Kaur
Central University of Punjab, VPO. Ghudda 151401 Bathinda
Sandeep Kaur

Department of Economic Studies
School of Social Sciences

Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, India

  • Matric, Punjab School Education Board (1993) with 74 percent.
  • 10+2, Punjab School Education Board (1995) with 66 percent.
  • B.A, Guru Nanak Dev University (1998) with 66 percent.
  • M.Sc (Hons in Economics), Guru Nanak Dev  University (2000) with 68 percent.
  • UGC (NET) cleared in 2000.
  • Ph.D., Guru Nanak Dev University (2010), India’s Trade with SAARC Countries: Trends and Potential.
Teaching Experience
22 years
Research Experience
14 years
Administrative Experience
14 years


Research Area

International Economics, Environmental Degradation, Political Economy, and Social Entrepreneurship 

Research Interests

International Trade, Regional Trade Blocks, Gravity Model of Trade, Externalities of Environmental Degradation (Ground Water Depletion, Pesticide Use etc.), Land Acquisition

Research Grants/Projects

Research Projects

Sl. No.

Title of Project

Funding Agency & Year of Funding

Project Duration


Amount Mobilized

(Rs. Lakh)

Whether completed or Ongoing


Role of SAARC: Geostrategic and Geo-economics Perspectives (Co PI)

ICSSR, New Delhi, 2014

18 Months

Rs. 7 Lakh

2016 (Completed)


Socio Economic Externalities of Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Power Plant in Bathinda (Principal Investigator)

ICSSR, New Delhi, 2012

2 Years

Rs. 4,85,700 Lakh

2015 (Completed)


Mapping of Socio Economic Implications of Land Acquisition (PI)

Central University of Punjab, 2016

2 Years

Rs. 1,50,000

2018 (Completed)


A Study on Women Entrepreneurship in Agro Based Industries in Punjab (Co PI)

ICSSR, 2015

2 Years

Rs. 15 Lakh

2019 (Completed)


An Economic Analysis of Externalities of Pesticide Use in the Malwa Region of Punjab (PI)

University of Kerala, 2018

 1 Year

Rs. 1 lakh

2019 (Completed)


Gendering Innovations: Women innovators in the rural livelihood strategies of Punjab (PI)

National Commission for Women, 2019

1 Year

Rs. 4,55,700

2020 (Completed)


7 Women, Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship: Possible Lessons for India and South Africa (PI) NHSS-ICSSR 2 Years Rs.13 Lakh 2021 (Completed)
8 Water Productivity in Punjab Lodha Fellowship 1 Year Rs. 1.5 Lakh 2021 (Completed)


An Evaluation of Effectiveness of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna for Haryana and Punjab, The Way Forward for Diversification (PI)


2 Years

Rs. 7 Lakh

2021 (Completed)



Re-examining the Socio-Economic Externalities of Ground water Depletion in Central Punjab: Possibilities and Challenges


3 Years

Rs. 27.98 Lakh

2022 On Going

11 Skilling India- An Evaluation of Deen Dayal Upadhya Yojana ICSSR 1 Year Rs. 5 lakhs

2023 On Going


Professional Affiliation

Prof. (Dr.) Sandeep Kaur 

Professor, Department of Economic Studies 

Dean, School of Social Sciences

Central University of Punjab, Bathinda

Professional Recognition/Awards/Scholarships

Honours and Award

  • Appointment as Research and Innovation Associate 6 June 2022 to 31 May 2027 in Tshwane University of Technology.  
  • Indo Canadian Shastri Fellowship (Travel Grant) in 2012. 
  • Best Paper  presentation Award in the Conference entitled Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture for Sustainable Livelihoods   funded by Ministry of Rural Development and World Bank, NIRDPR, Hyderabad ( 2019)
  • Research Award in Humanities and Social Sciences , Central University of Punjab, 2019-20
  • Rethinking Green Entrepreneurship: What Motivates to pursue green entrepreneurship,2nd International Conference, Organized by GNLU Centre for Law and Society & the GUJCOST-GNLU Centre of excellence in IPR at its Campus from 29-30 July 2022.
  • Innovation in Economics, Business and Finance in the Post Covid-19 Era, from Central University of Punjab, India as SECTION CHAIR in 2022 Brawijaya Economics and Finance International Conference.
  • Received a Certificate in session on GETI learn Live Talks under the Environmental Degradation movement on 28-9-2022.
  • Appointment as Research and Innovation Associate on 20 june 2022 at Tshwane University of Technology.
Research Collaboration
  • Project title : An Economic Analysis of Externalities of Pesticide Use in the Malwa Region of Punjab (PI), University of Kerala, 2018 (one year project)
  • Sandeep Kaur, Sangeeta  Khorana, Manpreet Kaur( 2020), Is there any Potential in Service Trade of South Asia? , Foreign Trade Review,  55(3), 1-10. indexed in Scopus, Repec and UGC Care List


Selected Research Articles 
  • Sandeep Kaur, Singh, H., Roy, D., & Singh, H. (2024). Prospects of crop insurance for sustenance of farmers’ livelihood during GM cotton crop failure in Indian Punjab. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economics. ISSN:2044- 0839. Impact factor: 1.977. ABDC Ranking-C
  • Sandeep Kaur, Kumar, P., & Ansari, M.A. (2024). An analysis of Indian FDI inflows through an augmented gravity model: exploring new insights. International Economics and Economic Policy, 1-21. Impact factor: 1.7. ABDC Ranking-B.
  • Satinder Kaur and Sandeep Kaur (2023), Location Determinants of Indian OFDI: Insights from Panel Data Analysis: 22251. Indian Journal of Economics and Development. Vol. 19(1), (page no: 157-164). Indexed in Scopus. Impact factor: 0.2.  DOI: 10.35716/IJED/22251.
  • Zahid UL-Islam-Dar and Sandeep Kaur (2023), Barriers to Indo-Pak Trade: A Case Study of Land Routes. Millennial Asia. (Page no: 1-25). Indexed in Scopus, Impact factor: 1.6. ABDC ranking-C
  • Mohd Fayaz and Sandeep Kaur (2023), Changing structure of India’s exports with Africa: Where do the technology-intensive exports stand? African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development.
  • Sandeep Kaur, Muchie, M., Ibrahim, M., Bansal, G., Singh, H., Singh, M. (2023). Achieving Sustainable Development Goals through Social Entrepreneurship: A Study of India & South Africa. Journal of Law and Sustainable Development. Vol. No.11. Indexed in Scopus.
  • Kaur, P., Sandeep Kaur. (2023). Textile Trade of India with RCEP Members: A General Equilibrium Assessment. Indian Journal of Economics and Development. 20(1).  Scopus indexed
  • Nadeem Bhat and Sandeep Kaur (2022) Technical Efficiency Analysis of Indian IT Industry: A Panel Data Stochastic Frontier Approach, Millennial Asia, Vol. 0(0), (Page no: 1-23), (ISSN-0976-3996), SCI. ABDC Ranking- C.
  • Zahid UL-Islam-Dar and Sandeep Kaur (2022), MSMEs and Overland trade barriers: a case study of India’s prominent land border gateways. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and small Business. Vol. 10, (PP. 1-25), (ISSN: 1741- 8054) Indexed in Scopus, SCI.
  • Gulshan Farooq Bhat and Sandeep Kaur (2022), The Determinants of Economic growth: Experience of China, Japan, South Korea and India, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, (Page no: 139-151), ISSN: 0973-3167. Indexed in Scopus.
  • Mohd Fayaz and Sandeep Kaur (2021), India’s Merchandise Exports to Asia: A Constant Market Share Analysis, Foreign Trade Review, Vol. 57(2), (page no: 1- 20), indexed in Scopus, Repec and UGC Care List, SCI. Impact factor:1.3. ABDC Ranking- B
  • Sandeep Kaur, Hem Raj, Harpreet Singh and Vijay Kumar Chattu (2021), Crop Insurance Policies in India: An Empirical Analysis of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, Risks, Vol. 9 (11), (page no: 1-20), Indexed in Scopus. ABDC Ranking-B
  • Sandeep Kaur, Sangeeta Khorana, Manpreet Kaur (2020) Is there any Potential in Service Trade of South Asia? Foreign Trade Review, Vol. 55(3), (page no: 402-417) indexed in Scopus, Repec and UGC Care List, SCI. Impact factor:1.3. ABDC Ranking- B.
  • Sandeep Kaur, Jashanpreet Kaur, Gurvinder Singh and Harpreet Singh (2020), Land Acquisition in Punjab: Jeopardising Livelihoods through Inefficient Implementation, Economic and Political Weekly, April, Vol. 55(17), (page no: 57-63), (ISSN- 129976) Indexed in Scopus. ABDC Ranking: B.
  • Gulshan Bhatt and Sandeep Kaur (2019), Human Resource Development and Structural Transformation: Imperative for Employment Generation and Innovation, Applied Econometrics and International Development, indexed in Econ-Lit (USA), SCOPUS of Elsevier, Vol. 19(1), (page no: 95-117), (ISSN: 1578-4487), International. SCI, ABDC Ranking: C.
  • Mohd. Fayaz and Sandeep Kaur (2019), An Empirical Analysis of The Determinants of High-Tech Exports of India, Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies. Vol. no. 19(2), (Page no 29-44) indexed in Econ-Lit (USA), SCOPUS of Elsevier, 15784460, International. SCI. ABDC Ranking: C. The_Determinants_of_High-Tech_Exports_of_India_An_Empirical_Analysis
  • Nadeem and Sandeep Kaur (2019), Decomposition of Total Factor Productivity of Indian Software Industry, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, Vol. 7(2), indexed in UGC List. (ISSN (Online Version): 23209828), (ISSN (Print Version): 23209836) SCI.
  • Mohammad Fayaz and Sandeep Kaur (2018), Technological Intensity of Indian Exports and the Performance of Emerging Asian Economies, 1-16, Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies, SAGE publication, Vol. 4(1), (page no: 62-77), (ISSN online: 24542148), (ISSN print: 23949015), International, SCI. DOI: 876 7990
  • Krishan Singh and Sandeep Kaur (2017). Whether FDI or Exports Enhance from Indian Manufacturing Firms,2001-2012, RevistaGalega de Economia, Vol.26(2), pp (page no: 19-32). Indexed in EconLit (USA), SCOPUS, Econometric links (Rotterdam, Ne, UGC, (ISSN 1133455X), SCI. ABDC Ranking: C. 39153623002. pdf
  • Gulshan Bhat and Sandeep Kaur, (2017). An Empirical Analysis of Growth Determinants in India and South Korea: Possible Lessons for India. Applied Econometrics and International Development, Vol.17 (2), (page no: 55-174). Indexed in Econ-Lit (USA), SCOPUS of Elsevier, (ISSN: 1578-4487), SCI. ABDC Ranking: C.
  • Harvinder Kaur and Sandeep Kaur (2017), An Economic Analysis of Pesticide Use in Bathinda District of the Indian Punjab, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, Vol. 38(4), (page no: 33-45) Indexed by the Thomson Reuters Web of Science, SCOPUS, EconLit, Journal of Economic Literature, (ISSN: 0973-1385), SCI. ABDC Ranking: C.
  • J. Vineesh, D.K. Nauriyal and Sandeep Kaur (2017), Assessing Financial Integration of BRICS Equity Markets an Empirical Analysis, Emerging Economics Studies, Vol. 3(2), (pageno:127-138), (ISSNonline:2454-2148 (ISSNPrint:23949015), (SAGE).
  • Mohd Fayaz and Sandeep Kaur (2016). Trends, Patterns and Determinants of Indian Current Account Deficit, Applied Econometrics and International Development, Vol. 16(1), (page no: 168-186). Indexed in Econ Lit (USA), SCOPUS of Elsevier, (ISSN: 1578-4487), SCI. ABDC Ranking: C. _3ay_3a2016_ 3ai_3a1_5f13.htm
  • Nadeem Bhat and Sandeep Kaur (2016), Indian Information Technology Industry: Performance and Efficiency, Journal of National Income and Wealth, Vol. 38(1), (page no: 73-86) Indexing/Abstracted in UGC. (ISSN: 0974-0295). publication/320264586_
  • Sandeep Kaur (2015), Migration and Bilateral Trade Flows Evidence from India and OECD Countries. Applied Econometrics and International Development, Vol.15 (2), (page no: 179-196). Index in Econ-Lit (USA), SCOPUS of Elsevier, (ISSN: 1578-4487), SCI. ABDC Ranking: C.
  • Pavneet and Sandeep Kaur (2015), An Economic Analysis of Variables affecting the Groundwater Depletion, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, indexed by the Thomson Reuters Web of Science, SCOPUS, EconLit, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 36, (ISSN-0973-7537), SCI. ABDC Ranking: C.


  • Challenges for Indian trade in rising de-globalization, South Asia Monitor,
  • Brexit and India, Daily Post, _1502-2018_i_1_sf.html
  • Brexit and India: Analyzing the Implications, 2019, New Delhi Publishers, 978-93- 86453-27-3(Edited).
  • Revisiting India- East Asia Connections: Problems and Prospects, 2021, Knowledge World. 978-93-91490-43-0
  • COVID-19 and Indian Economy: Possible Lessons and Challenges, 2023, Manakin Press Pvt. Ltd. 978-93-92062-25-4
Book Chapters
  • Sandeep Kaur & Jaspreet Kaur ( 2013), India’s Trade with Central Asia with Special Reference to Kazakhstan in Post-cold War era, Perspectives on Bilateral and Regional Cooperation, CRRID Chandigarh, (161-182). 81-85835-65-9 
  • Sandeep Kaur, Gurwinder Singh and Sonam( 2015), Devolution for Schedule Castes in Expenditure Common Land of Panchayats in Sangrur District.Panchayat’s Role in MGNREGA and Financial Inclusion, (249-260). 978-81-85835-76-4 
  • Sandeep Kaur, Jashanpreet and Harpreet Singh ( 2016), Crop Failure, Indebtedness and Farmer Suicides in Punjab: A Case Study of Talwandi Sabo. Rural Indebtedness in Punjab and other States: Problems and the Way Out, 978-81-85835-81-0 
  • Paramjit Kaur and Sandeep Kaur (2016), India –China Trade Relations: A Study of Post-Reform Period, Global Trade in Services. Global Trade in Services, (62-78). 9788126925179.
  • Tialemba and Sandeep Kaur (2017), India-UK Bilateral FDI: What are its Implications?, Brexit and India: Analyzing the Implications(126-135)978-93-86453-27-3
  • Sandeep Kaur, Mandeep  and Paramjeet (2017), An Empirical  Assessment of India- UK  Bilateral Trade, Brexit and India: Analyzing the Implications, (3-33) 978-93-86453-27-3
  • Mohd. Fayaz &Sandee Kaur (2017), An Assessment of Technology Intensity of Indian Exports with the UK, Brexit and India: Analyzing the Implications(91-97) 978-93-86453-27-3
  • Pushp Kumar and Sandeep Kaur (2017), Determinants of FDI Inflows in India in India from Selected European Union Countries: A Gravity Model Approach, Brexit and India: Analyzing the Implications(145-152) 978-93-86453-27-3
  • Sandeep Kaur, Manpreet Kaur and Harpreet Singh(2021), India’s participation with selected East Asian countries: Exploring the facts, Knowledge world,139-157,978-93-91490-43-0




Research Guidance

Supervision of M.Phil. Dissertations (Completed Successfully)

Sl. No.

Name of Scholar

Title of Dissertation

Name of Department & University Guided

Date of Award


 Gurpreet Kaur

 Foreign Direct Investment in South Asia: Trends and Prospects

 Economic Studies



 Rajbir Singh

 Violation of Human Rights of Women in South Asia: A Case Study of Punjab 1978-1992

 Economic Studies



Jaspreet Kaur

Indo-Kazakhstan Trade:  Trends and Prospects in the post-Cold War era

 Economic Studies



Anu Sonia

India’s Relations with Turkmenistan

 Economic Studies



Gurvinder Singh

Problems of Land Acquisition: A Case Study of Gobindpura, District Mansa (Punjab)

 Economic Studies



Amandeep Kaur

India’s Trade with Six EU Countries: Trends and Patterns

 Economic Studies




Trends and Patterns of India`s High Technology Exports with Special Reference to Pharmaceutical Products

 Economic Studies



Harvinder Kaur

Socio-Economic Implication of Pesticide Use in Bathinda District of the Punjab State

 Economic Studies




An Economic Analysis of Groundwater Depletion in Sangrur District of Punjab

 Economic Studies



Krishan Singh

FDI and R&D in Manufacturing Firms of India: A Study of Second Decade of Liberalization

 Economic Studies




India’s Current Account: Trends, Patterns, and Determinants

 Economic Studies



J Vineesh Prakash

Assessing the Financial integration in the Equity Markets of BRICS: An Empirical Analysis

 Economic Studies



Satinder Singh

Location Determinants of Indian Outward FDI: A Study of Second Generation of Globalization

 Economic Studies



Ramandeep Kaur

Child Labour in India: Magnitude, Pattern and Policies

 Economic Studies



Manpreet Kaur

An Empirical Analysis of India’s Trade in Services during second decade of Globalization

 Economic Studies



Parmjeet Kaur

India’s Merchandise Exports to GCC: Trends and Patter

 Economic Studies



Bishwajeet parkesh

Land Acquisition: A Case Study of Charanka Solar park, Gujarat

 Economic Studies



Jimmy Goyal

Trends and Pattern of India’s Manufacturing Exports: A Study of Post Reform Period

 Economic Studies



Zahid- ulIslam Dar

Cross LoC Trade Facilitation: A Case Study of Two TFCs

 Economic Studies



Gulshan Farooq Bhat

Development Experiences of South Korea: Lessons for India

 Economic Studies



Nadeem Ahmad Bhat

Indian Software Industry: Efficiency and Challenges

 Economic Studies



Archana Mishra

India- ASEAN FDI:  Trends, Patterns and Policies

 Economic Studies




Availability, Affordability and Drug Pricing in Bathinda City

 Economic Studies




Socio Economic Implications of Land Acquisition: A case study of Talwandi Sabo Thermal Plant

 Economic Studies



Harmeet Kaur

India’s of Climate Smart Goods

 Economic Studies




A Study of the SAARC’S Trade in Services during Second Decade of Globalization

 Economic Studies



Harpreet Singh

An Economic Analysis of Cotton Crop Failure in the Mansa District of Punjab

 Economic Studies



Mandeep Bhardwaj

India UK Bilateral Trade: Trends, Patterns and Prospects,

 Economic Studies



Minesh Kumar Srivastava

Indian Computer Hardware Sector: A case Study of Delhi Market

 Economic Studies



Pushp Kumar

Trends, Patterns and Determinants of FDI Inflows in India: A Gravity

 Economic Studies



Harsh Vardhan

Development of a Web Application for Compiling Trade Indicators

Computer Science and Technology


List of M.A Dissertation

Sr. No

Reg. No

Name of the Students

Title Name




India-UK Bilateral FDI What would be the Future Implications



Irshad Ahmed

Volatility of Indian Exchange Rate during the Post-Liberalization Period (1991-2016)



MD. Rahat Hasan Khan

India’s Pharmaceutical Trade During Second Decade of Globalization



Manpreet Kaur

Agro Forestry in Punjab: Socio Economic Status of Faridkot



Sudheer Babu

India China Bilateral Trade



Govind Jee Jha

India- Republic of Korea Bilateral Trade



Sanoop. MK

Crop Insurance Policy in Kerala: A Case Study of Mala puram District



Roja Roy

An Analysis on the Export Potential of India: A Gravity Model Approach



Vishnu Priya T

Socio-Economic Implications of Pesticide use in Kerala



Mohd Ibrahim

Indian Patent System: Problems and Challenges



Shatakshi Rao

India’s Merchandise Exports to Selected African Countries: Trends and Patterns



Saba Parveen

Woman and Innovation in Rural Punjab: A Case Study of Bathinda and Mansa District



Aromal P.S

Land Acquisition in Contemporary India: A Case Based Approach



Hem Raj

Trends of Ground Water Depletion in Punjab



Amrtha P.

Assessing Trends and Competitiveness of India’s Manufacturing Exports, 2000-2018



Subash KC

South Asia’s Trade of Environmental Goods: Trends and Challenges



Chidambaranadh KV

India’s Trade Relations with Japan and South Korea: A Smart Model Analysis



Harpreet Singh

Economic Impact of Water logging in Mukatsar District of Punjab



Gokul T

Crop Insurance Policy in Kerala-Some Insights from Mallampuram District



Anu Goyal

Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna in Hanumangarh District of Rajasthan: Problems and Challenges



Aadya Shukla

Firm-Level Innovation in the Medical Device Industry Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic: Some Empirical Evidence from Delhi




Jahana Sherin

Online Platforms, Women Entrepreneurship and Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Selected Districts of Kerala



Johny Joy

Environmental Sustainability Among Women Entrepreneurs in Kerala



Shyna K S

An Applications of Gravity Model of Trade with Respect to India’s Mercantalize Exports



Somya Aggarwal

Covid-19 and India’s Merchandise Exports: Some Insights



Dambarudhar Purohit

India-China Bilateral Trade



FahinFaras V

Social Entrepreneurship and Employment Generation; Evidence from Kerala, India



Abhiram Shyam

An Analysis of China’s Exports with Selected Partners



Vimalendu Chauhan

Fossil fuel subsidies and its impact on CO2 EMISSION, consumption, import, and domestic production of fossil fuel in emerging economies



Hiba Nasreen MT

Trends and patterns of India’s manufacturing export with its partners for 2000-2021



Chandan Rana

Paddy stubble management in the Bathinda district of Punjab




Growth and patterns of India’s Pharmaceutical exports to emerging economies for 2015-2021



Anandhu Madhu

Municipal solid waste management in India: Scopes and circular economy



Aniket Majumdar

Competitiveness and potential of India’s service  trade with selected nations



Refiloe Deniel Thokoa

Employment generation through social entrepreneurship in Lesotho and South Africa


List of M.A Dissertation (Ongoing)




An impact on energy efficiency of trade and technology in manufacturing firms of India



Karan janu

An estimation of ground water productivity in central Punjab



Bagmita bhattacharya

An impact of trade and technology on women employment in Indian manufacturing sector



Sreeraj m anil

Global value chain and digitalization in emerging Asian countries




Muhammad shamil

Muhammad PM

India's export potential with EFTA: a gravity model analysis



Rajashree medhi

Trends and pattern of women participation rate in Indian manufacturing firms


List of Ph.D Thesis

Sr. No

Reg. No

Name of the Students

Title Name




Indian-Pakistan Trade: Problems, Prospects and Challenges



Nadeem Ahmed Bhat

An Analysis of Performance, Efficiency and Determinants of Indian Software Exports during the Second Decade of Globalization



Mohd. Fayaz

Dynamics of Structural Changes in India’s Exports,1980-2016



Gulshan Bhat

Development Strategies of Selected East Asian Countries Possible Implications for India



Zahid- ul-Islam Dar

The Overland Trade Facilitation Status in India: A Comparative Analysis of the Key Gateways with Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan (Awarded)



Manpreet Kaur

Global Value Chain in India (Going On)



Ms. Parmjeet Kaur

An impact Analysis of India’s Textile Exports with Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Countries: Barriers and Challenges (submitted)




Ground Water Depletion in Punjab and Haryana  (Going On)



Mohd. Ibrahim

Employment Generation & Poverty Allevation through Social Entrepreneurship by taking Insights from Northwestern Region of India J&K and Ladakh  (Going On)

10 22phdeco07 Rahul Kumar

Regional trade agreement and Artificial Intelligence (Ongoing)

11 22phdeco08 Ekta

Global value chain (Ongoing)

12 22phdeco09 Ajay Kumar

Climate Change and Trade (Ongoing)

13 23phdeco02 Harpreet Singh

Digital Technology and GVC in Asia (Ongoing)

  • India-Pakistan Trade: Problem, Prospects, and Challenges (Manisha) has completed the Ph.D. in 2019.
  • Dynamics of Structural Changes in Indian Exports, 1980-2016 (Mohd. Fayaz) has completed the Ph.D. 2019.
  • The Overland Trade Facilitation Status in India: A Comparative Analysis of the Key Gateways with Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan (Zahid- ul-Islam Dar)  has submitted the Thesis in 2021.
  • Development Strategies of Selected East Asian Countries: Possible Implications for India (Gulshan Farooq Bhat) has completed the Ph.D in 2022.
  • India’s Textile Trade with RCEP Members (Parmjeet Kaur).
  • Global Value Chain in India (Manpreet Kaur).
  • Trade and Climate Change ( Mr. Arvind)
  • Ground Water Depletion in Punjab and Haryana( Mr. Himanshu)
  • Regional Trade Agreements in Asia(   Mr. Aman Verma)
  • An Empirical Analysis of India’s Software Services Exports (Nadeem Ahmad Bhat).
Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Attended

International Presentations

  • Presented a paper entitled Macro-Economic Impact of Remittances in South Asia: A Panel Data Analysis, CAG, 2012 in Waterloo University, Canada, 28th-30th May 2012.
  • Presented a paper entitled South-South Free Trade Agreements in Asia: Where does SAFTA stand? 6th Annual International Conference on Asian Dynamics Initiative, University of Copenhagen, 22nd -24th October, 2014.
  • Presented a paper entitled Has Bangladesh Explored it’s Trade Potential: Evidence from Gravity Model in First SANEM Annual Economists Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 20th February 2016.
  • Growth and Performance of Central Asia: Possible Implications for India, Trajectory of Economic Development of Central Asian Countries in the Context of Globalization”, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, 18th -19th October, 2018.
  • Pesticide Use in Agriculture: Exploring facts from Malwa Region of Indian Punjab, 1st ICASS International Conference, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 5th December 2019. (Skype)
  • Presented Paper in 5thAfricaLics Research conference “National Innovation System for Resilience and Sustainable Development in Africa” at University of Yaounde 2, Cameroon, 9th - 11th November 2022.

 Presented Papers

  1. Determinants of Agriculture Productivity in Punjab: An Inter-District Analysis”, Agriculture and Rural Development in Punjab, GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab, 4th -5th, February 2005.
  2. Industrial Disparities in Punjab, Industrialization, Globalization and Punjab Industry, P. G. Department of Economics, Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar, Punjab, 12th February, 2005, National
  3. “Rural employment diversification in Punjab: exploring some linkages, “rural industrialization in Punjab: challenges and strategies”, GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab. 4th-5th, March 2008.
  4. Performance of SEZs, “Socio Economic Zones in India with Special Reference to Punjab”, S.D.P College for Women, Ludhiana, Punjab, 27th-28th November, 2008.
  5. “Education, Human Development and Economic Growth in Punjab”, 91st Annual Conference of The Indian Economics Association under the Theme “Education and Development”, 91st Annual Conference of The Indian Economic Association, Mohan Lal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan. 27th-29th, December 2008.
  6. Human Development and Economics Growth in Punjab: A Causal Analysis, Social and Physical Infrastructure in Punjab: Status and Implications for Development, Punjab School of Economics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, 14th -15thFebruary, 2009.
  7. Human Development in Punjab, “Performance of Social Sector and Its Implications for Economic Development of Punjab”, ICSSR state level Seminar, Northwestern Regional Centre, Chandigarh, 28th February, 2009.
  8. Global Economic Crisis and India’s External Sector, XIII Annual Conference of Indian Political Economy Association, XIII Annual Conference of Indian Political Economy Association, Punjab University, Patiala, Punjab. 6th -7th November, 2009.
  9. Gender Discrimination and Economic Growth in Punjab: An Inter District Analysis, Indian Society of Labor Economics 51st Annual Conference, 51st Annual Conference on Indian Society of Labor Economics, Department of Economics, Punjab University, Patiala, Punjab. 11th-13th December, 2009.
  10. Land Use Urbanization and Industrialization in Punjab-An Inter District Analysis, 69th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agriculture Economics, GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab, 17th-19th December, 2009.
  11. A Gravity Model Analysis of Actual and Potential Exports of India to other SAARC countries, 46th Annual Conference of the Indian Econometrics Society, Department of Economics, University of Jammu, 4th-6th March, 2010.
  12. The Dynamic Effects of SAARC, “Emerging Global Economic Scenario: ASEAN and India”, National conference on Kurukshetra University, Haryana.  19th-20th March, 2010.
  13. Growth of Employment in Punjab: Industry Wise and District Wise Analysis, Employment Generation: Issues and Policies, National Seminar on “, GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab. 19th-20th March, 2010.
  14. Assessing Competitiveness and Intensity in Trade among ASEAN Nations and Trade, Issues in International Trade during Globalization Era”, National Conference on “Shri Ram College of Commerce, New Delhi, 19th-20th November, 2010.
  15. Export Potential of India with SAARC Nations: Evidence from Gravity Model Approach, Second Research Conference on Empirical Issues in International Trade and Finance, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi, 16th-17th December, 2010.
  16. Employment Intensity of Government Expenditure in India” in National Seminar on, GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab, 24th March, 2011, Infrastructure and Employment Generation in Punjab: Perspective and Challenges, National Seminar in GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab, 24th March, 2011.
  17. Poverty and Economic Growth in India: An Inter State Analysis”, “Poverty and Inclusive Growth in India”, UGC Sponsored National Conference on (Measurement, Policy Issues and Regional Studies), K.U. Kurukshetra, 10th-11th March, 2011.
  18. Environmental Degradation in Punjab, National Seminar on Environment and Health, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, 27th September, 2011.
  19. Agrarian Crisis, Punjab Economy: Economics Distress and Development Processes, Punjabi University Guru Kashi College, Damdama Sahib, 23rd-24th December, 2011.
  20. Prospects of India’s Initiatives Towards the Revival of Silk Road” in International Conference on “Revisiting the Silk Road on India and the Silk Road Regions Culture Connections, Current Challenges,” Centre of Russian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 5th-7th November, 2012.
  21. Migration and bilateral Trade Flows: Evidence from India, “Trade in Services in India and Inclusive Growth Paradigm: Emerging Opportunities and Future Challenges”, National Conference on at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi, 22nd-23rd August, 2013.
  22. Panchayati raj institutions and common land: a case study of four village of Sangrur district, Panchayati Raj as an Instrument of Rural Development with support from financial institutions, State Bank of India Chair, CRRID, Chandigarh. 27th-28th March, 2014.
  23. India’s Trade in Services: Trends, Patterns and Potential, Empirical Research on Trade in Services, National Conference on at Centre for WTO Studies, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi, 20th -21st August, 2015.
  24. An Empirical Analysis of Growth and efficiency of Indian IT Services during Second Decade of Reforms, Empirical Research on Trade in Services, National Conference on at Centre for WTO Studies, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi, 20th -21st August, 2015.
  25. Can SAFTA be a successful free trade bloc? Evidence from Asian FTAs, Asian FTAs, ESRC-GIFTA 3 on India International Centre, New Delhi, 16th-17th, November 2015.
  26. Indian Information Technology Industry:  Efficiency and Challenges, National, Income and Wealth at IGIDR, 34th conference on, Mumbai, 20th -21st November, 2015.
  27. Gender Inequality in India, Paradigm of Inequality in India, Dept. of Sociology, Bebe Nanaki Guru Nanak Dev University College, Mithra, Kapurthala (Punjab), 15th-16th January, 2016.
  28. An Empirical Analysis of Education and Growth in Punjab, ICSSR   sponsored National Conference, Education for Sustainable Development, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, 4th-5th February, 2016.
  29. Whether FDI or Exports enhance Innovation: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Industries, Third India LICS International conference on “Innovation or Sustainable Development”, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala, 16th-18th March, 2016.
  30. Crop Failure, Indebtedness and Suicides in Punjab: A Case Study of Talwandi Sabo, “Rural Credit and Financial Penetration in Punjab”, National Seminar on   at CRRID, Chandigarh, 21st -22nd March, 2016.
  31. An Economic Analysis of Crop Insurance Policy for Cotton Crop: A Case Study of Mansa District of Punjab, 9th Annual Climate Change Conference “Co-benefits and Conflicts in Climate Change and Sustainable Development”, Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, 11th August 2018.
  32. India’s Lessons from Growth Determinates of East Asian Economies: A Linear Discriminant Analysis, Planning for Industrialization in 21st Century, Punjabi University of Patiala, 15th-16th November, 2018.
  33. India’s Lessons from Growth Determinants of East Asian Economics: An Empirical Analysis, Indian’s Foreign Policy: Continuity and Change under P. M. Modi”, School of Social Sciences, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar (Punjab) 29th -30th March, 2019.
  34. An Economic Evaluation of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana for Cotton Failure Region in Punjab: Can it succeed? In the National Conference on "Climate Change Adaptations in Agriculture for Sustainable Livelihoods" at National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad, 22nd -23rd November, 2019.
  35. ‘What does India’s Participation in Global Value Chain Reveal? Exploring the Facts for Macro Analysis ‘in the 38th Annual Conference of Indian Association for Research in National Income and Wealth held at New Delhi, 26th-27th September, 2020.
  36. “Data Driven Techniques for Business Analytics using R Programming, Python, and Tableau” organized by the Department of Management Studies, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, from 19th-24th October 2020.
  37. Presented paper entitled, “Evaluating Opportunities and Challenges for Direct Seeding Rice as Green Technology in Punjab midst Covid-19 pandemic,” organized by the Department of Economics, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh, 3rd-4th June, 2021.
  38. Presentation on “Strategic review of Indian Economy in the context of pandemic” organized by the Department of Economics, Sivsagar Commerce College, Assam, on 13th June 2021.
  39. Presented Paper entitled “Innovation in Economics, Business and Finance in the Post Covid-19 Era” in Brawijaya Economics and Finance International Conference at Economic and Business Faculty, Universitas Brawijaya, on 15th -16th July, 2022.
  40. Presented Paper entitled “Rethinking Green Entrepreneurship: What Motivates to pursue green entrepreneurship” in 2nd International Conference at GNLU Centre for Law and Society & the GUJCOST-GNLU Centre of excellence in IPR at its Campus on 29th -30th July 2022.
  41. Presented Paper entitled “Innovation System and Social Sustainability Development: Insights from South African Women Social Entrepreneurs” at Indialics International Conference 2022 at IIT Indore on 21st -23rd December 2022.
  42. Extension Lecture on “Understanding the Local Innovations in the Informal Sector of Indian Punjab: The Way Forward for Social Entrepreneurship” by Indialics International Conference 2022 at IIT Indore on 21st -23rd December, 2022.




Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised
University Level
National Level

ICSSR grant to conduct National Seminar

  • One ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on Brexit and India: Implications for India has been conducted in CUPB, Rs. 1.5 lakh (Organizing Secretary and Convener)

ICWA grant to conduct National  Conference

  • One ICWA sponsored National  Conference on  Revisiting India- East Asia Connections: Problems and prospects has been conducted in CUPB, Rs. 2.0 lakh(Organizing Secretary and Convener)

Organized Webinar

  • One National Webinar on Covid-19 and Global Economy: Implication for India  (Organizing Secretary and Convener) in CUPB.
  • One  National Webinar on Trends of  Patenting in India ( Organizing Secretary and Convener) in Central University of Punjab





    International Level



    Invited Talks/ Resource Person
    Invited Talks

    1.Panel Expert Seminar on International Trade in Tourism and Travel Related Services, in International Seminar on “Global Trade in Services: A WTO Perspective”, India International Centre, New Delhi, 31 March, 2016.

    2.Extension lecture on “Importance and Future Career Options in Economics”, Baba Farid College, Bathinda, Punjab, 30 March, 2017.

    3.Special Lecture on “Exchange Rate and Balance of Payment”, Mata Sahib Kaur Girls College, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab, April 5, 2017.

    4.Extension lecture on Economics, Dept. of Economics, Govt. Rajindra College, Bathinda, Punjab, 11 April 2017.

    5.Keynote Speaker, Nehru Memorial Govt. College, Mansa, Punjab, 25th April 2017.

    6.Panelist in Panel Discussion and Delivered lecture “Growth Strategies for Sustainable tourism in India”, Growth Strategies of Tourism in India: Opportunities and Challenges, Department of Economics Studies, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, 29-30 November 2017.

    7.Resource Person “Globalization and Innovation: Challenges for India”, “Innovative Practices for Sustainable Development in India”, Department of Business Management and Commerce, Guru Nanak College, Killianwali, Muktsar Sahib, Punjab, February 24th, 2018.

    8.Extension Lecture Delivered on ‘Time Series Analysis’ and ‘Panel Data Analysis’, Multidisciplinary Research Centre and Dept. of Evening Studies, Panjab University Chandigarh, Punjab, 26-27 January 2019.

    9.Extension lecture on “Externalities of Environmental Degradation”, Govt. Barjindra College Faridkot 2 April 2019.

    10.Extension Lecture on “Environmental Degradation in Malwa Region of Punjab”, Govt. Rajindra College, Bathinda, 3 April 2019.

    11.Special Lecture in e-conference on World Environment Day on 6th June 2020 organized by ESDA.

    12.Special Lecture on International e- consensus on Rising Strategies of Sustainable Development, 2020 organized by Hindu College, Amritsar on 13th June ,2020.

    13.Delivered a lecture on “Pesticide Use in Agriculture Exploring facts from the Malwa Region of Indian Punjab at e-Consus 2020, a two-day international e-conference organized by the Website Monitoring Committee, under the aegis of IQAC, Banwarilal Bhalotia College, Asansol, india on 13th-14th June 2020.

    14.Special Lecture on Impact of Covid-19 on Punjab Agriculture in Government Barjindra College, 30th June 2020.

    15.Lecture on “Environmental Degradation in Punjab: Socio-Economic Perspective” on 1st May 2021 in Bebe Nanaki University College, Mithra (Kapurthala).

    16.Resource Person and delivering an invited lecture on the topic “Covid 19 and Indian Economy: Possible….” In the online conference on ‘Life in the 2020s: Social, Cultural and Economic Dimensions’ organized by the Department of Economics, Sacred Heart College, Chalakudy, Kerala in Collaboration with IQAC on 25th May 2021.

    17.Guest Talk on Evaluating Opportunities and Challenges for Direct Seeding Rice as Green Technology in Punjab on 27th November 2020 in Three-Day International Workshop cum Training on ‘Green Growth Strategies for Climate Resilience and DRR: Policies, Pathways and Tools’ held during 26-28 Nov 2020 in IISEC Bangalore.

    18.Chaired Session in Online International Conference on December 19, 2020, on the theme "Rethinking Business: Designing strategies in the Age of Disruptions".

    19.Presented paper entitled, “Evaluating Opportunities and Challenges for Direct Seeding Rice as Green Technology in Punjab midst Covid-19 pandemic,” organized by the Department of Economics, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh on June 3-4, 2021.

    20.Delivered a special Lecture on Environmental Degradation: Agenda for SDG,South/North Science Capacity Building and Research Collaboration for the SDGs on 22 September ,2021.

    21.Presented a webinar presentation on “Strategic review of Indian Economy in the context of pandemic” organized by the Department of Economics, Sibsagar Commerce College on 13th June 2021.

    22.Delivered a Lecture on "Environmental Degradation in Malwa Region of Punjab" in ICSSR sponsored One Day National Seminar on topic "Rural Transformation in Punjab: Issues and Challenges" held at DAV College, Bathinda on 24th September 2022.

    23.Session on GETI Live Talks under the Environmental Degradation movement on 28-9-2022.

    24.UNAG76 SCIENCE SUMMIT- South-South/North Science Capacity Building and Research Collaboration for the SDGs on 22 September ,2021.

    25.Direct Seeding Rice Technology midst COVID -19, UGC- HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CENTRE, PUNJABI UNIVERSITY PATIALA,6-10-2021.

    26.Delivered a special lecture on externalities of environmental degradation in agriculture: A CASE STUDY OF PUNJAB, 8-12,2021.

    27.Delivered a Lecture on "Changing Paradigms of Indian Trade since COVID-19" as a Guest Speaker, organized by The Department of Economic Studies at Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, on October 18, 2022.

    28.Guest speaker “Changing Paradigms of Indian Trade since COVID-19” on 18 October 2022 at Akal University Talwandi Sabo.

    29.Presented Paper in 5th AfricaLics Research conference “National Innovation System for Resilience and Sustainable Development in Africa” at University of Yaounde 2, Cameroon on 9th - 11th November 2022.

    30.Resource Person in ICSSR Sponsored Ten-Days Research Methodology Course in Social Sciences Organized by the Department of Education, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda from 21-30 November 2022.