Contact Info
Sanjeev Kumar
C-16, Department of History, School of Social Science, Central University of Punjab, VPO-Ghudda, Bathinda- Punjab-151401
Sanjeev Kumar
Associate Professor
Department of History
School of Social Sciences
Exam | Year | University/Commission | Subject | Specialization |
Ph.D. Awarded | 2011-2012 | School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067 | Central Asian Studies | Socio-Economic Impact of Drug Trafficking in Central Asia |
M.Phil. | 2006 | School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067 | Central Asian Studies | Drug Trafficking in Central Asia: A Case Study of Kyrgyzstan |
LLB | 2003-2004 | Faculty of Law, University of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh- India-226007 | Law | IPC, CrPC, Constitutional Law, Environmental Law, International Law etc. |
M.A. | 2001 | Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-India-226007 | Composite History (Modern India and Europe) | Modern India, World History, History of Modern Europe |
B.A. | 1999 | Faculty of Arts, University of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh- India-226007 | History, Political Science, Ancient History, English | History of Modern India and World History |
UGC-NET/JRF | June-2012 | University Grant Commission, Government of India, New Delhi-110002 | History | History of Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Europe |
UGC-NET/JRF | Dec-2012 | University Grant Commission, Government of India-110002 | Buddhist, Jaina, Gandhian and Peace Studies | International Peace, International Security and Human Security |
Teaching Experience
13 Years
Research Experience
05 Years
Administrative Experience
Member of committee (2019-2020), “Illegal Migration and Means of Fraud with Innocents by the Employment Agencies.” Bureau of Police Research and Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
Research Area
- History of Modern Europe, Issues in the 20thCentury world,
- Modern India and Contemporary History issues, Like Social and Environmental Movement.
- War and Peace Studies, Drug Trafficking, History of International Relation
- Environmental History of India and World
Research Interests
- Diplomacy, National and International Security, History of Int. Law and Justice
- Human Development and Human Security, Human Rights, Foreign Policy,
- History of International Organization, Terrorism and Fundamentalism
- Non Traditional Security Issues, Gender and Environment etc.
Professional Affiliation
- Member Examination Committee in University of Delhi, New Delhi.
- Committee of History Syllabus Construction, 2013-14, BA and MA Programme, Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani, Nainital.
- Committee of History Syllabus Re-Construction, 2016-17, B.A. Programme, Amity School of Liberal Arts, Amity University Haryana, Gurgaon.
- Head Examiner (Paper-2013) History of Modern India, BA Final Year, Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani, Nainital.
- Head Examiner (Paper- 2021-2022) Legal and constitutional History of India, BALLB, Five years, Indira Gandhi University Meerpur, Rewari, Haryana.
- Member of committee (2019-2020), “Illegal Migration and Means of Fraud with Innocents by the Employment Agencies.” Bureau of Police Research and Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
- Member Examination Board (2019-2020), (2021-22), Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University, Rai, Sonipat, Haryana.
Research Papers/Articles
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2016), New Media and Its Impact on International Relations in the 21st Century, International Journal of New Media Studies- A Refereed Bi-annual Journal Devoted to Media, India, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Vol.2 No.3, Jan-June, ISSN-2394-4331, (SJIF (2019) (IF: 6.466).
- Kumar, Sanjeev, Sabchita Raghav, Apoorva Raj, Mohan Gautam, (2017), “Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship - An Elucidation for the Problems of Modern Society,” International Journal of Management (IJM), India and USA, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Volume 8, Issue 1, January – February, ISSN-0976-6510, Thomson Reuters Researcher ID: C-8925-2016, (IF: 8.1920).
- Raghav, Sanchita, Sanjeev Kumar, Ninand, Mohan Gautam, Ankit Tiwari,(2017), “Leadership of the Future,” International Journal of Management (IJM), India and USA, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Volume 8, Issue 2, March – April, ISSN-0976-6510, Thomson Reuters Researcher ID: C-8925-2016, (IF: 8.1920).
- Hasan,Taufeeque, Sanjeev Kumar, Sanchita Raghav, Ankit Tiwari, Mohan Gautam, (2017), E-Innovation, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET),India and USA, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Volume 8, Issue 1, January- February, ISSN-0976-6499,Thomson Reuters Researcher ID: D-2489-2016, (IF: 8.8297).
- Gautam, Mohan, Ankit Tiwari, Ninand, Sanchita Raghav, Sanjeev Kumar, (2017), Catastrophe, Accomplishment and Developments in Projects, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), India and USA, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Vol. 8, Issue 2, March - April, ISSN-0976-6499, Thomson Reuters Researcher ID: D-2489-2016, (IF: 8.8297).
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2018), “Rise of Netpolitik and Internet Changing International Politics and Diplomacy”, International Journal of Applied Research, (IJAR), India, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Indexed Journal, June, Vol. 4 No.6, ISSN:2394-5869, (IF: 8.401).
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2018), “Role of Media and Social Networking Site in Internal Security Challenges of South Asia Region”, International Journal of Applied Research, (IJAR), India, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Indexed Journal, Nov., Vol. 4 No.11, ISSN:2394-5869, (IF: 8.401).
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2019), “Environmental Factors Contribute to the Decline of Indus Valley Civilization”, International Journal of History, (IJH), India & South Africa, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Indexed Journal, Vol. 1, Issues-1, (July-Dec), ISSN: 2706-9117, Part-A, (IF: 5.240).
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2020), “Impact of Intellectuals and Philosophers in French Revolution 1789”, International Journal of History, (IJH), India & South Africa, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Indexed Journal, Vol. 2, Issues-1, (Jan-June), ISSN: 2706-9117, Part-A, (IF: 5.240).
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2020), “Historical Events in the European Union Integration Procedure (1945-2020)”, International Journal of History, (IJH), India & South Africa, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Indexed Journal, Vol. 2, Issues-2, (July-Dec), ISSN: 2706-9117, Part-A, (IF: 5.240).
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2020), “Socio- Religious Reform Movements in India during 19th Century”, International Journal of History, (IJH), India & South Africa, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Indexed Journal, Vol. 2, Issues-2, (July-Dec), ISSN: 2706-9117, Part-B, (IF: 5.240).
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2021), “Gandhiji Launched Non Cooperation Movement aftermath of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre”, International Journal of History, (IJH), India & South Africa, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Indexed Journal, Vol. 3, Issues-1, (Jan-June), ISSN: 2706-9117, Part-B, (IF: 5.240).
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2021), “Human Dignity and Judicial Interpretation of Human Rights Law”, International Journal of Applied Research, (IJAR), India, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Indexed Journal, Oct., Vol. 7, No.10, ISSN:2394-5869, (IF: 8.401).
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2021), “Cyber Geopolitics and COVID-19 Impact on International Security”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Trends, (IJMT), Johannesburg, South Africa, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Indexed Journal, March, Vol. 3 No.1, ISSN: 2709-9369, (IF: 5.240).
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2021), “Narcotics Trafficking threat to Human Security in South and Central Asia”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Trends, (IJMT), Johannesburg, South Africa, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Indexed Journal, March, Vol. 3 No.1, ISSN: 2709-9369, (IF: 5.240).
- Kumar, Sanjeev, and Pradeep Kumar Sharma, (2022), “Deen Dayal Upadhyaya: Achieving self Reliance through Integral Humanism”, International Journal of Applied Research, (IJAR), India, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Indexed Journal, July, Vol. 8, No.7, ISSN:2394-5869, (IF: 8.401).
- Sharma, Pradeep Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar, (2022), “Orchha Kingdom's Customary Law Protection Under the Constitution of India”, International Journal of Law, Justice, and Jurisprudence, (IJLJJ), India & South Africa, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Indexed Journal, May, Vol. 2, No.2, ISSN: 2790-0681, (IF: 5.213).
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2022), “Historical Genesis and Evolution of Cyber Crime and Cyber Security Laws in India”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, (IRJET), India, UGC Care Listed, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal, Indexed Journal, August, Vol. 9 No.7, ISSN: 2395-0056, (IF: 7.529).
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2017), “Skill Development is Necessary for Sustainable Development,” Kurukshetra, Ministry of Rural Development, Published by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, GoI, Vol. No.11, Sept. ISSN: 0971-8451.
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2022), “Arms & Drug Trafficking As a Non-Traditional Security Threats in South Asia,” (Accepted) Journal of International Relations and Foreign Policy, (JIRFP), American Research Institute for Policy Development, USA
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2022), “Impact of French Revolution (1789) in Modern European History”, (Accepted) in Romanian Journal of History and International Studies (RAHIS) is biannually published in collaboration with the Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies, University of Bucharest.
- Kumar, Sanjeev and et al, (2022), “Specific Human Rights Challenges in the Context of Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism,” (Communicate) European Journal of International Law, (UJIL)
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2023), “Origin and Decline of the Great Vijaynagra Kingdom in South Asia Sub-continent,” (Communicate), History and Sociology of South Asia, (HSSA), SAGE Journal Publication, India and UK.
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2023), “Narcotics trafficking and Terrorism a challenges to India's National Security,” (Communicate), Jadhavpur Journal of International Relations, (JJIR), SAGE Journal Publication, India and UK.
- Kumar, Sanjeev and Pradeep Kumar Sharma, (2023), “Human Rights Occupied Tibet: A Succinct Study of Consistent Atrocities and Genocide,(Communicate), American Journal of Society and Law, (AJSL), E-Palli, Delaware, USA.
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2012), Afghan Drug Trafficking Dilemma in Central Asia: Threat to Socio- Economic & Political Security Arrangements, Published, ISBN: 978-3-8473-2295-5, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co.KGHeinrich- Böcking-Str.6-8 66121, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- Kumar. Sanjeev, (2021), Drug Trafficking as a Non-Traditional Security Challenges in Central Asia, Published, ISBN:- 978-9383-0439-72, Satayam Law International, Publication, New Delhi.
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2023), Global Environmental Security Problems in 21st Century, (Under Publication), Oxford University Press (OUP) - Academic Publishing.
- Kumar, Sanjeev, (2023), Narcotics and Terrorism: A Dangerous Mix for Central Asian Republics, (Draft accepted Under Publication) by, Pan Macmillan Publishing India Private Limited, New Delhi.
Book Chapters
- Kumar, Sanjeev (2013), “Education: Domestic and Modern”/ Rise of Modern India- Modern Indian History, Uttarakhand Open University, University Publication, Haldwani, Nainital-ISBN-978-93-84632-02-1.
- Kumar, Sanjeev (2013), “Dalit Movement and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Dravidian Movement”/ Rise of Modern India- Modern Indian History, Uttarakhand Open University, University Publication, Haldwani, Nainital- ISBN-978-93-84632-02-1.
- Kumar, Sanjeev (2013), “Growth of Modern Industries in India” / Rise of Modern India- Modern Indian History, Uttarakhand Open University, University Publication, Nainital- ISBN-978-93-84632-02-1.
- Kumar, Sanjeev (2013), “Press and News Papers”/ Rise of Modern India- Modern Indian History, Uttarakhand Open University, University Publication, Haldwani, Nainital- ISBN-978-93-84632-02-1.
Research Guidance
- 2 Ph.D. scholars work under my supervision
- 3 UG Dissertation awarded
Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Attended
National Seminars and Conferences
- “Revisiting Ethnicity and Nation Building in South, Central, South East Asia & South West Pacific” (29Jan, 2007), Organised by School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067.
- “Capacity Building of Youth for Development” (20-21 March, 2009), Organised by Jawaharlal Nehru University and Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, India-110067.
- “Challenges to South Asian Region” (19-20 March 2013), Sponsored by UGC, Organised by Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi.
- “Hundred Years of Jallian Wala Bagh Massacre: Various Dimensions,” (28-29th Feb 2020 2014), Organised By Department of Legal History, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University Rai, Sonepat, Haryana, sponsored by ICSSR regional Centre Chandigarh.
- “Social Movement in India in the Era of Globalization,” (10-11th March 2015), Organised By Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi.
- “The Role of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel in Nation Building,” (31st October 2018), Organised By Amity School of Liberal Arts, Amity University Haryana, Gurugram.
- “Looking at Women’s Issues in India: A Contemporary Perspective,” (8th March 2019) Organised By Amity School of Liberal Arts, Amity University Haryana, Gurugram.
National Workshops Attended
- “GIS and Its Role in Regional Security”,(3-4 March 2011) Organised by Centre for South, Central, Southeast Asia & South West Pacific Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India-110067.
- “Research Methodology,” (11th January 2013) Innovative Project, Organised By Motilal Nehru college, University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi.
- “SLM Development in History”, (28-29 June, 2013), Organised by Department of History, School of Social Sciences, Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani.
- “Sign Language Communication and Deaf Awareness,” (18 Nov, 2016), International Workshop, Organised by Amity University and University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.
- Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on SYMBOLISM (12th October 2018), Organised by Amity School of Liberal Arts, at Amity University Haryana, Gurgaon.
- “Innovation and Knowledge Management of Social and Economic Issues: International Perspective”, (9-10 Jan, 2007), Jointly Organised by Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Singapore Management University, Singapore and International Society for Professional Innovation Management, London, Held in New Delhi, India-110067.
- “Reconstruction Process in Afghanistan” (23-24 April 2008), Jointly Organised by Ministry of External Affair (Government of India) and Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India-110067.
- “Transcending Change for Justice, Equity, Peace and Progress of Women” (30-31 March2009), International Congress of Women, in New Delhi, Organised by United Nation Information Centre for India and Bhutan and Ministry of Tourism and Culture(Government of India) New Delhi, India-110067.
- “Non-Traditional Threat to Security”, (Fifteen Days Lecture Series, 14-26 February 2011) Pandit Hridaynath Kunzru Memorial Lecture, Organised by School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India-110067.
- “Prototyping Future Education” (4th Nov. 2016), An International Workshop on Prototyping Future Education by A Team of Educationists from Global Education Future and Protopia, Russia, Organised By Amity School of Liberal Arts, Amity University Haryana, Gurgaon.
- “Development Human Capabilities”, (16 March, 2017), An International Seminar, Organised by Amity School of Liberal Arts, at Amity University Haryana, Gurgaon.
- India and Its Diaspora: Cooperation Opportunities for Mutual Development, (11th March, 2019), An International Symposium Organised By Bharat Vikas Parishad and Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Study (JNIAS), JNU, New Delhi.
Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised
National Programme Coordinator
- Online Bharat Ko Jano-A Global Quiz, 2019, Organised by Bharat Vikas Parishad, New Delhi, Supported by AICTE, 2019, Phase-1, Completed.
- Online Bharat Ko Jano-A Global Quiz, 2020, Organised by Bharat Vikas Parishad, New Delhi, Supported by AICTE, 2019, Phase-2.
National Level Seminars Organised
- Chief Convenor of National Seminar, “Contribution of Indian Women Towards Nation Building,” (09-02-2018), Organised By, Bharat Vikas Parishad and Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi-110067.
- Convenor of National Seminar, “The Role of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel in Nation Building,” (31st October 2018), Organised By Amity School of Liberal Arts, Amity University Haryana, Gurugram.
- Convenor of National Seminar, 100 Years of Jallainbala Bagh Massacre: Various Dimension”, (28-29 Feb. 2020), Organised By DBRANLU, Sonepat & ICSSR, Regional Center Chandigarh.
International Level
- Session Chairperson, International e-Conference, Srishti Nayak Ram the God and Hero of Masses: Overlaping Cultural and Literary Horizons, (06-08 Nov, 2020), Organized by, Bhartiya Sikshan Mandal, Haryana in association with Deenbandhu Chotu Ram University of Science & Technology, Murthal, Sonipat Haryana.
Patent Filed/ Published
Community Participation
*National Services Scheme (NSS), (1997-1999, Lucknow University, Lucknow) *United Nation Disaster Relief Services Camp, (1997-1999, Lucknow University, Lucknow).
Other Significant Achievements
Orientation Programme
- Special Orientation Programme for the Foundation Course in Indian History and Culture of the Four Year Undergraduate Programme, held on 19th August 2013 at the University of Delhi, South Camus, New Delhi.
Event Management
- “Chief Convener of Sports & Cultural Activities,” Annual Hostel Festival-2010, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India-110067.
Prize Winner
- First Prize in Debate on “Corruption and Democracy in India,” Inter-Hostel Debate Competition-2010, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India-110067.
Social Services
- National Services Scheme (NSS), (1997-1999, Lucknow University, Lucknow)
- United Nation Disaster Relief Services Camp, (1997-1999, Lucknow University, Lucknow)
Sports and Yoga
- Base Ball (National Inter-University 1997-2001),
- Badminton (University Level (JNU) 2008-10),
- Yoga Competition Participation in Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.