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Contact Info
Dr. Shubhdip Kaur
Department of Psychology, Central University of Punjab
Dr. Shubhdip Kaur

Ph.D. (Psychology) 




Research Area

Cyber Psychology, Media Psychology, Feminist Psychology

Research Interests

Cyber Psychology, Media Psychology, Feminist Psychology

Research Grants/Projects

Successfully completed short term research project entitled 'Protecting ‘child rights’ of younger sportspersons of Chandigarh' under Chandigarh commission for the protection of child rights.

Professional Affiliation
  • Member American Psychological Association
  • Member International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD)
  • Member National Academy of Psychology.
Professional Recognition/Awards/Scholarships

Received Jacobs Foundation Grant by International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development and Research Center for Educations and Teaching and Learning Excellence, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, THAILAND, to present paper and participate during South East Asian International Regional Workshop (from February 27 – March 1, 2017).

Research Collaboration

Had been a team member in international project entitled “Bullying, Cyberbullying, Pupil Safety and Well-Being” of Indian European Research Networking in Social Sciences (ANR-DFG-ESRC-NOW-ICSSR). India’s first multilateral agreement in Social Sciences.

Had been a team member in AUSTRALIA-INDIA RESEARCH COLLABORATION for studying school bullying and pupil well-being.

Had been a Member of Special Interest Group named “India-Australia: International Studies in Well-Being” under Student Well-being and prevention of Violence (SWAPv) programme of Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia.

  1. Singh, G., & Kaur, S. (2020). The undiscussed issue of ‘child rights’ of younger sportspersons: A psychological perspective. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(15), 800-808. ISSN 2394-5125
  2. Pronk, J., Lee, N. C., Sandhu, D., Kaur, K., Kaur, S., Olthof, T., & Goossens, F. A. (2016). Associations between Dutch and Indian adolescents' bullying role behavior and peer-group status: Cross-culturally testing an evolutionary hypothesis. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 41, 735-742. Advance online publication November 24, 2016. doi.:10.1177/0165025416679743 Thomas Reuters impact factor 1.610.
  3. Sandhu, D., & Kaur, S. (2016). Reducing cyberbullying and problem behaviors amongt students through Parental Group Therapy. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 31(2), 383-401. ISSN 1016-0664
  4. Sandhu, D., & Kaur, S. (2016). Reducing the problem behaviour of adolescents abused during childhood through Technical Eclecticism. Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 42(1), 92-104. ISSN 0019-4247
Book Chapters
  1. Skrzypiec, G., Slee, P., Sandhu, D., & Kaur, S. (2018). Bullying or peer aggression ? A pilot study with Punjabi adolescents. In P. K. Smith, S. Sundaram, B. A. Spears, C. Blaya, M. Schafer and D. Sandhu (Eds.) Bullying, cyberbullying and student well-being in schools: Comparing European, Australian and Indian Perspectives (pp. 45 – 80). London, UK : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107189393
  2. Goossens, F., Pronk, J., Lee, N., Olthof, T., Schafer, M., Stoiber, M.,… Kaur, S. (2018). Bullying, defending and victimiation in Westeern Europe and India: Similarities and differences. In P. K. Smith, S. Sundaram, B. A. Spears, C. Blaya, M. Schafer and D. Sandhu (Eds.) Bullying, cyberbullying and student  well-being in schools: Comparing European, Australian and Indian Perspectives (pp. 146 -  165). London, UK : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107189393
  3. Lee, N., Pronk, J., Olthof, T., Sandhu, D., Kaur, S., & Goossens, F. (2018). Defining the relationship between risk-taking and bullying during adolescence: A cross-cultural comparison. In P. K. Smith, S. Sundaram, B. A.  Spears, C. Blaya, M. Schafer and D. Sandhu (Eds.) Bullying, cyberbullying and student  well-being in schools: Comparing European, Australian and Indian Perspectives (pp. 166 - 185). London, UK : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107189393
  4. Thompson, F., Smith, P. K., Blaya, C., Kaur, S., & Sundaram, S. (2018). Exchanging ideas: Anti-bullying intervention including peer and parent support strategies. In P. K. Smith, S. Sundaram, B. A. Spears, C. Blaya, M. Schafer and D. Sandhu (Eds.) Bullying, cyberbullying and student  well-being in schools: Comparing European, Australian and Indian Perspectives (pp. 255 - 284). London, UK : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107189393
Research Guidance

MA (Psychology)

Batch (2020-2022):

Sr. No

Name of the student

Registration no.

Title of dissertation



Abdulla Ummer Neramakkal




Dress code: Effect on teaching effectiveness and job attitude of teachers


Akhila Ajith




Machiavellianism, self-esteem and fear of negative evaluation in social-media influencers


Amrutha At




Effect of perceived social support and satisfaction with life on fear of missing out (FOMO) in social media users


Ankita Sarangi




Romance-oriented-media: Relation with relationship satisfaction and self-esteem of couples in educational institutions


Muhammad Rashid




Social interaction anxiety and life satisfaction among social networking addicts and non-addicts


Pooja Jayan M M




Influence of fanship on internet addiction and quality of life for adolescents: K-pop study


Reeha Kabeer




Understanding the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) in context with mindfulness and satisfaction with life

Batch (2019-2021):

Sr. no.

Name of the student

Registration no.

Title of dissertation


Harikrishnan K




The young Indian personalities and smartphone addiction: The influence of extraversion, neuroticism, psychoticism on smartphone addiction among university students


Asmabi K.K



Extraversion, neuroticism, religiosity, and self-perceived effects of pornography consumption


Saujanya Baruah




Study on association of excessive online gaming with aggression, depression and suicidal ideation in late adolescents of students of Assam


Madhusmita Neog




Level of loneliness and self esteem of the cyber bullied students of Assam


Lovepreet Singh




Comparative study of emotional intelligence among government elementary and private elementary school teachers


Akanksha Borah




Influence of personality traits on internet addiction: The correlational study of psychoticism, extroversion, neuroticism and internet addiction among university students

Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Attended


30th Annual Convention of National Academy of Psychology (from March 19 – March 21, 2021) organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. Paper presented ‘Stress response: An outcome of imagination’ (on March 20, 2021 via online mode).

MHRD PMMMNMTT sponsored two week online workshop on ‘Comprehensive e-learning to e-training guide for administrative work’ (May 25 to June 5, 2020), conducted by Ramanujan college, University of Delhi, India.

National Conference on ‘Research, Development & Socio-economic Change’ at RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab, Punjab, India (October 31, 2017). Paper presented ‘Helping the adolescent victims of childhood abuse improve their interpersonal relationships through Transcendental Meditation’.

Seven day Workshop on ‘Data Analysis in Research’ (January 7-13, 2017), held at Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University, Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab, India.

UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Mental Health Religion and Culture: A Psychological Paradigm’ at Department of Psychology, Government College, Malerkotla, Punjab, India (March 7-8, 2015). Paper presented ‘The lingering effects of childhood abuse on adolescents’ mental health’.

UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Mental Health Religion and Culture: A Psychological Paradigm’ at Department of Psychology, Government College, Malerkotla, Punjab, India (March 7-8, 2015). Paper presented ‘Reducing adolescents’ problem behavior through Transcendental Meditation’.

National Conference on ‘Higher Education & Civil Society in 21st Century’ organized by Department of Education and Community Service, Punjabi University Patiala, Punjab, India (October 14-15, 2014). Paper presented ‘Perception of Social Sciences by their pursuers’.

Invited to participate in the Fifth Meeting of Indian European Research Networking in Social Sciences at Vrije Universiteit, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS (November 4-8, 2014).

Invited to participate in the Third Meeting of Indian European Research Networking in Social Sciences at International Observatory of Violence in Schools, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, NICE, FRANCE (October 8-11, 2013).

UGC sponsored National Conference on ‘Wellness Through Physical Activity: Future Perspective’ organized by Department of Physical Education, Punjabi University Patiala, Punjab, India (January 17-18, 2014). Paper presented ‘Role of physical activity on adolescents’ mental health’.


International conference on ‘Role of counselling in dealing with mental health issues’ organized by students’ counseling centre, Aligarh Muslim University (September 23-24, 2022). Paper presented ‘Effect of intentional perceptual alterations on the stress response of sportspersons’. 

Two-day national/international conference on 'Psycho-social changes in organizations and society during pandemic times' held and organized by Dept. of Psychology, University of Allahabad (May, 30-31, 2022). Paper presented 'Social media influencers: An analysis of self-esteem of those whom people follow'.

Received Jacobs Foundation Grant by International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development and Research Center for Educations and Teaching and Learning Excellence,  Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, THAILAND, to present paper during South east Asian International Regional Workshop (from February 27 – March 1, 2017), held at Prince of Songkla University, THAILAND. Paper presented ‘Childhood abuse and subsequent bullying: Once victimized during childhood, then re-victimized during adolescence’.

3rd International and 5th Indian Psychological Science Congress on ‘Psychological Well Being: The Concerns & Development’ at P. G. Government College, Chandigarh, India (October, 28 - 30, 2016), Organized by National Association of Psychological Science. Paper presented ‘Mass media and risk-taking among adolescents’.

ICSSR sponsored International conference on ‘Work, Stress and Health: Recent Perceptions, Future Trends’ organized by St. Bede’s College, Shimla, India (October 26-27, 2015). Bagged ‘BEST PAPER AWARD’ for the paper ‘The relationship of positive and negative perfectionism with burnout in athletes’.ICSSR sponsored International conference on ‘Work, Stress and Health: Recent Perceptions, Future Trends’ at/organized by St. Bede’s College, Shimla, India  (October 26-27, 2015). Presented paper ‘Improving interpersonal relationships of adolescents abused during childhood through Technical Eclecticism’.

2nd International and 4th Indian Psychological Science Congress on ‘Psychological Well Being: The Concerns & Development’ at P. G. Government College, Chandigarh, India (October, 8 - 9, 2015). Organized by National Association of Psychological Science, in collaboration with international partner World Without Anger. Paper presented ‘Practicing transcendental meditation for improving the interpersonal relationships of adolescents abused during childhood’.

International Seminar on ‘Sports Science: Challenges and Endeavours’ at Department of Sports Science, Punjabi University Patiala, Punjab, India (February 9-10, 2015). Paper presented ‘Bullying in the Context of Sports: A study of Adolescent Athletes and their Coaches’.

Invited to present during Fifth Meeting of Indian European Research Networking in Social Sciences at Vrije Universiteit, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS (November 4-8, 2014). Paper Presented ‘Media Exposure and Risk-Taking in Adolescents’. 

International Seminar on ‘Safe Schools: Preventing Bullying and Harassment’ organized by Department Department of Psychology, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu, India (March 25, 2014). Paper presented ‘Childhood abuse and subsequent school bullying during adolescence’.

Peer Recognition

Reviewed a paper for Journal of Behavioural Sciences

Invited Talks/ Resource Person
Delivered a lecture 'Physiology behind stress response' as a resource person for UGC-HRDC sponsored refresher course on 'Stress and mental health issues in present time' (February 7-19, 2022) for Doctor Harisingh Gour University, MP, India.

Co-chaired a technical session at 56th national & 25th international conference entitled ‘Actualizing Human Potential’ of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (held on February 18-20, 2021).

Judged an event for Synesthesia 'Fanthom the Mind' organised by Dept. pf Psychology at Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala, Punjab (held on April 7, 2018).