Assistant Professor
Department of South and Central Asian Studies,
School of International Studies
- Ph.D. from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in International and Area Studies in year 2014
- M.Phil. from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in International and Area Studies in year 2010
- M.A. from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in Politics (With Specialization in International Relations) in year 2007
Teaching Experience
Assistant Professor, Department of South and Central Asian Studies, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, from 05 August, 2015 to present.
Assistant Professor (Ad-hoc), Department of Political Science, Motilal Nehru College (Morning), University of Delhi, Delhi, from February, 2015 to 04 August, 2015
Assistant Professor (Ad-hoc), Department of Political Science, Kalindi College, University of Delhi, Delhi, from 10 September, 2014 to February, 2015
Assistant Professor (Short-term Contract), Department of Political Science, Central University of Haryana, Mahendargarh (Haryana), from August, 2013 to December, 2013
Administrative Experience
Warden (Hostel Mess), Central University of Haryana.
Any other Experience:
In-charge, Museum, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
Climate Change Politics
International Relations and Foreign Policy
Governance and Public Policy
India, Russia and Central Asia
Non-traditional Security
Indo-Pacific Region
India, Central Asia and Russia
- Research Seed Money (1.5 lakh) on “India and Climate Change: An Assessment of Indian Approach towards Global Climate Regime”, funded by the Central University of Punjab, from 2017-2019.
- Coordinator, Political Science and International Relations, in “Teaching Learning Centre under Centre of Excellence for Curriculum and Pedagogy, An initiative under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching Scheme”, funded by Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
- UGC-Junior and Senior Research Fellowship, from 2009-2013
- Verma, Sudheer Singh, & Anjana. V. S. (2024). Understanding the Quad’s Climate Diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific Region. Millennial Asia, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/09763996241258344.
- Verma, Sudheer Singh & Ashish Kumar (2023). The Arctic Region: National Interests and Policies of India and China. Indian Journal of Asian Affairs. Vol. 36, No. 1-2, June-December 2023.
- Raghavendra Pratap Kushwaha and Sudheer Singh Verma (2021). India’s Energy Diplomacy Towards Central Asia. Shodh Sarita. Volume 8, Issue 29. ISSN No. 2348-2397.
- Verma, Sudheer S. (2020). Examining India at IBS. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist. Volume 08/Issue 06, November. Pp. 34-36. ISSN 2349 557X.
- Kumar, S., Sudheer S. Verma, S. H. Shah (2020). Indo-US Convergence of Agenda in the new Indo-Pacific Regional Security Architecture. South Asia Research, 40(2), 215–230. https://doi.org/10.1177/0262728020915564. ISSN No. 17413141, 02627280.
- Verma, Sudheer S. (2019). Indo-Kazakh Potential Sectors for Investment. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist. Volume 7. Issue No. 11, November. Pp. 21-23. ISSN 2349 557X.
- Shabaz Hussain Shah, Sudheer S. Verma (2018), The US and Russia: Politics of Spheres of Influence in the 21st Century. The IUP Journal of International Relations. Vol. XII, No. 4, pp. 7-20. ISSN No. 0973-8509.
- Bassi, D., Sudheer S. Verma (2018). Print Media and Punjab Militancy: An Analysis of Category of Labelling and Issue of Sensitization. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies. Pp. 9411-9430. Online ISSN No. 2278-8808, https://doi.org/10.21922/srjis.v5i43.11252.
- Bhat, A. R., Sudheer S. Verma (2017). Post-2014 Afghanistan: An Introspection of Security Environment. World Focus (September special issue on Complexities in Pakistan, Afghanistan & Balochistan). pp. 142-149. ISSN No. 2230-8458.
- Verma, Sudheer S., S. Kaur (2016). Climate Change and Water Security: A Case Study of India. World Focus (October special issue on Climate Change: Sustainable Development & Energy Security). pp. 130-137. ISSN No 2230-8458.
- Verma, Sudheer S. (2013). The Politics of Protest in Hybrid Regimes: Managing Dissent in Post-Communist Russia (Book-Review) written by Graeme B. Robertson. Eurasian Report, Vol. 06, No. 03, Autumn 2012. ISSN No 09747656.
- Verma, Sudheer S. (2015). Revisiting the Concept of Development in the Context of Global Climate Change. World Focus (February special issue on Environmental Diplomacy and Sustainable Development). pp. 103-108. ISSN No 2230-8458
Edited Books
1. Singh, Shantesh Kumar and Sudheer Singh Verma (2022). Emerging Trends in India’s Foreign Policy. United Kingdom: HP Hamilton Limited. ISBN No. 978-1-913936-17-4.
2. Verma, Sudheer Singh and Ashwani Kumar (2021). India in South Asia: Changing Perspectives in the 21st Century. New Delhi: KW Publishers private limited. ISBN No. 978-93-89137-94-1.
Book Chapters
- Verma, Sudheer Singh (2022). Securitization of Climate Change: A Case Study of India. In: Singh, S.K., Singh, S.P. (eds.) Nontraditional Security Concerns in India. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3735-3_12.
- Verma, Sudheer Singh and Abdul Rouf (2021). Central Asia: India and China in Spheres of Politics in the 21st Century. India’s Foreign Policy: continuity and change under PM Modi. Edited by Rajesh Kumar. Karnataka: Selfypage Developers Pvt. Ltd. ISBN. 978-81-950826-3-6. 260-281.
- Verma, Sudheer S. (2020). Political Philosophy of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati. Social Philosophy of Swami Dayanand Sarswati. Edited by Raj K. Mahajan. New Delhi: Indu Book Services Pvt. Ltd. ISBN. 978-93-86754-62-2. 131-150.
- Verma, Sudheer S. (2019). Developing Adaptive Capability of Agricultural Societies in the Context of Climate Change. Climate Change and Agricultural Ecosystems: Current Challenges and Adaptation. Edited by Krishna Kumar Choudhary, Ajay Kumar, and Amit Kishore Singh. The United States and the United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing. ISBN. 978-0-12-816483-9 (print); 978-0-12-817522-4 (online). 433-445.
- Verma, Sudheer S., Singh, S. K. (2018). Global Environmental Issues. Understanding Globalisation. Edited by Shantesh Kumar Singh. New Delhi: Manak Publications. ISBN no. 978-93-7831-460-5. 113-151.
- Verma, Sudheer S. (2017). India-Central Asia Relations: Renewing Attempts to Shape Indian Geographical Reality. India’s Foreign Policy: Continuity with Difference under Modi Government. Edited by Shantesh Kumar Singh. New Delhi: Manak Publications PVT. LTD. ISBN no. 978-93-7831-439-1. 151-167.
- Verma, Sudheer S. (2013). Climate Change: Clean Energy and Energy Security from Indian Perspective. Clean Energy Options and Nuclear safety: Indian Perspective. Edited by Ramakrushna Pradhan, Sumant Swain and Mahua Acharjee. New Delhi: Axis Books Publication Ltd. ISBN: 978-93-81302-34-7. 90-110.
- Verma, Sudheer S. (2012). Interrelationship between Development and Climate Change in the Globalised World. Globalization and Development: Current Trends. Edited by Shantanu Chakrabarti and Kingshuk Chatterjee. New Delhi: Knowledge World. ISBN 978-93-80502-98-4. 29-44.
Ph.D. Students:
- JS Rajput (DGM, FCI)
- Arpanpreet Kaur (UGC NET-JRF)
- Pawanpreet Kaur (UGC NET-JRF)
- Kovid Kumar, Doctoral thesis title - "Human Trafficking and Its Consequences: South Asian Experience Though Indian Punjab", Awarded in 2018.
- Dinesh Bassi, Doctoral thesis title - "Role of the Fourth Estate in Shaping Public Opinion: A Comparative Analysis of Print Media Representation on Punjab Militancy 1980-1984", Awarded in 2018.
- Shiv Kumar, Doctoral Thesis title - "Emerging Security Architecture in the Indo-Pacific Region: A Study from Indian Perspective", Awarded in 2021.
- Shabaz Hussain Shah, Doctoral thesis title - "Post-Cold War Power Politics in South Asia: Introspecting Indo-Russian Relation", Awarded in 2021.
- Abdul Rouf Bhatt, Doctoral thesis title - "Post-2001 India-Afghanistan Relations", Awarded in 2022.
- Davinderpal Singh, Doctoral thesis title - India in Post-Kyoto “Global Climate Change Governance”, Awarded in 2023.
- Raghavendra Pratap Kushwaha, Doctoral thesis title - India and the Emerging Energy Governance in Central Asia, Successfully Defended on 18 August 2023.
M.Phil. Students:
- Besakh Singh, Dissertation title - "Pakistan and Russia Relationship: Changing Dynamics in the Post-Cold War Era", Awarded in 2016.
- Gitesh Kumar, Dissertation title - "Political and Economic Cooperation between India and Uzbekistan, 1991-2015", Awarded in 2017.
- Sandeep Kaur, Dissertation title - "The Politics of Water in India: An Evaluation of National Water Policy", Awarded in 2017.
- Hushiar Singh, Dissertation title - "Neoliberal Politics: A Study of Restructuring of the Indian State", Awarded in 2018.
- Manish Kumar, Dissertation title - "The Post-Cold War Global Politics: A Study of India’s Role in Nonaligned Movement", Awarded in 2018.
M.A. Students:
M.A. Dissertations:
- Ashish Kumar, Dissertation title - India in the Geopolitics of the Arctic Region
- Pushpendra Maurya, Dissertation title - An Analysis of BASIC in the Geopolitics of Climate Change
- Yadal Shahanas, Dissertation title - India in the Geopolitics of Renewable Energy
- Anjana V S, Dissertation title - Geopolitics of Climate Change: A Study of Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad)
- Laya Lal, Dissertation title - Building a Resilient State: A Study of Kerala
- Ashutosh Kumar, Dissertation title - Kurdish Question for Statehood in West Asia
- Praveen Nair J L, Dissertation title - India in the Great Power Politics in West Asia
M.A. Research Projects:
Prasanta Mahaling, Shahna S. Palode, Mohd. Nadim, Nafia
Kiran P Kadam, Md. Wafa, Suknya Das, Edwin Joy
Mohammad Reza Farhang, J Uday Kumar, Ummar Mukhtar
Nitesh Patel, Yadwinder Kaur, Feroz Ahmad, Sarabjeet Kaur
Jitendra Kumar, Husanpreet Singh
Adarsh Kumar, Mohammed Waseem
- Sudheer Singh Verma, "QUAD as a ‘Friction Power’ in the Emerging Post-Pandemic World Order: An Analysis”, in National Seminar on China and South Asia & South-East Asia: Implications for India” held at School of Social Science, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, August 27-28, 2021.
- Sudheer Singh Verma, “India and China: New Players in Sphere of Influence Politics in the Central Asian Region” in National Seminar on “India’s Foreign Policy: Continuity and Change under P.M. Modi” held at School of Social Science, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, March 29-30, 2019.
- Sudheer Singh Verma, “Climate Change as a Driving Factor in Reconsidering the Concept of Security in the Anthropocene Era” in National Seminar on “Revisiting Peace and Security in Contemporary World: Interventions from India” organized by Peace and Security in International Politics (PSIP) Research Network, Supported by UGC CAS-SAP, held at Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, May 11-12 2018.
- Sudheer Singh Verma, “The Climate Change Politics: A Comparative Study of India and South Korea”, in International Conference on “Act East: Transitions in India’s Engagement with South Korea” organized by The Researcher’s Association for the Study of Korea (RASK), held at JNU Convention Centre, October, 13-14, 2017.
- Sudheer Singh Verma, “India-Central Asia Relations: Renewing Attempts to Shape Indian Geopolitical Reality under Modi Regime”, in National Seminar on “Changing Dynamics of India’s Foreign Policy under Modi’s Regime”, held at Department of Political Science Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, Sheikh Sarai, Phase-II, New Delhi, October, 25-26, 2016.
- Sudheer Singh Verma, “The Climate Change Politics: The Case study of South Korea”, in International Conference on “India-Korea Relations: Forging a Multidimensional Partnership in the 21st Century” organized by Researchers’ Association for the Study of Korea (RASK) in Collaboration with Center for East Asian Studies, School of International Studies, JNU, April, 18-19, 2016.
- Sudheer Singh Verma, “Exploring Relationship between Sustainable Development and Climate Change: A Challenge for Building Adaptive Capacity of Developing Countries”, in National Seminar on “Education for Sustainable Development”, held at Centre for Education, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, February, 4-5, 2016.
- Sudheer Singh Verma, “Debating Global Climate Change” in International Conference on “Global Environmental Politics”, held at Gandhian Thought and Peace Studies, University of Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, December, 8-9, 2012.
- Sudheer Singh Verma, “Discourses on Global Climate Change”, in the Departmental seminar on “Democracy, Development and Security in Post-Soviet States: Twenty Years After” held at Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, September, 7, 2012.
- Sudheer Singh Verma, “Interrelationship between Development and Climate Change in the Globalized World” in National Seminar on “Globalization and Development: Current Trends”, held at Institute of Foreign Policy Studies, University of Calcutta sponsored by United Nations Academic Impact Initiative (UNAI), August 18, 2011.
- Sudheer Singh Verma, “Locating India in International Climate Change Negotiations” in International Conference on “Relevance of Policy Reforms on Development: Challenges before Emerging Economies”, held at Jamia Millia Islamia (a Central University), Delhi, February 24-26, 2011.
National Webinar on “COVID-19 and South Asian Politics: Multilateral Dimensions”, June 25-26, 2020.
- National Workshop (one week) on “Philosophical & Methodological Foundations in Political & International Relations” by Political Science & International Relations discipline under Teaching Learning Centre at Central University of Punjab, 7-11 January 2019.
National seminar on “India in South Asia: Changing Perspectives in the 21st Century”, Funded by Indian Council on Social Science Research, New Delhi, March 15-16, 2018.
2. Delivered an invited lecture on “Shifting Political Economic Dynamics in South Asia” held on 26 July 2021 organised by the Department of Political Science, School of Humanities, Starex University, Gurugram (Haryana) India.
3. Delivered an invited lecture on “India’s Health Diplomacy: Building Resilient State through Maximising Human Security” in one week workshop titled ‘Mapping Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Through the Health Diplomacy: India’s post-pandemic Experiences (15th March 19 March 2021), being organized by the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Central University of Punjab, on March 18, 2021.
4. Delivered an invited lecture on “Redefining Nation Security through Building Resilient State” in one day National Webinar entitled “Re-defining National Security in Time of Pandemic” organized by Department of Political Science, SKR College, Barbigha (Sheikhpura), A constituent college of Munger University, held on July 20. 2020.
5. Delivered an invited Lecture (Online google meet) on “Climate Change Politics in Anthropocene Era”, at the Department of Political Science, Central University of Haryana, Mahendargarh, May 2020.
6. Delivered an invited Extension lecture on “Justice: Explorations of John Rawls and Amartya Sen”, at the Department of Political Science, Desh Bhagat College, Punjabi University, Patiala, held on October 18, 2018.