Associate Professor
Department of Economic Studies
School of Social Sciences
B.Sc. Agri. (Hons.) in (Economics, Extension Education and Sociology), Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics), Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Ph.D. (Economics), Punjab School of Economics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar
NET (Agricultural Economics) conducted by Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board (ASRB), India.
Teaching Experience
- Associate Professor, Department of Economic Studies, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda since 21st May, 2024.
- Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Central University of Jammu, Samba (J&K) from 01st June, 2020 to 30th September, 2020 (On lien)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Economic Studies, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda from 3rd September, 2012 to 20th May, 2024
- Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo, Bhatinda form 11th May, 12 to 31st August, 12.
Research Experience
- Research Associate, Institute of Economic Growth (IEG), Delhi from 1st November, 11 to 31st March, 12.
- Research Associate, National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NCAP), New Delhi January, 2011 to October, 2011.
- Deputy Manager (Sectoral Analysis and Studies), National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), Anand (Gujarat) from January, 2010 to August, 2010.
- Research/Academic Associate, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad from July, 2008 to January, 2010.
- Research Fellow, Department of Economics and Sociology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana from January, 2004 to July, 2004; and Sept., 2004 to Dec, 2004.
Agricultural Economics, Agri-marketing, Regional/Rural development, Agri./Food Business Mgt., Agri./Rural Policy, etc.
- Project Director: ‘Performance and Economic Impacts of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) in India’ (Rs. 15 lakh) funded by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi [from February, 2024].
- Co-Project Director: Women Empowerment through Reservation in Panchayati Raj Institutions: Evidence from Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh in Post-COVID 19 Period (Rs. 5.5 lakh), funded by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Hyderabad [November, 2021 to November, 2022].
- Co-Investigator: Promotion of Human Rights in the Rural Local Self Governance: Evidence from Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh (Rs. 9.36 lakh), funded by National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi [March, 2022 to March, 2023].
- Project Director: Restructuring in Agri-Food Markets in India: Impacts on Primary Producers and Workers (Rs. 10 lakh), funded under IMPRESS-ICSSR, New Delhi [September, 2019 to November, 2021].
- Coordinator (Economics): Teaching Learning Centre (TLC) at CUPB, under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India [Rs. 94 lakh].
- Principal Investigator: Post Harvest Losses in Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: The Role of Agro-Processing Industries and Retail Chains, funded under Research Seed Money, CUPB [Rs. 1.5 lakh].
- Life-member, Indian Society for Agricultural Development and Policy, Ludhiana (since 2010).
- Life-member, Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing, Nagpur (since 2010).
- Life-member, Agricultural Economics Research Association, New Delhi (since 2015).
- Life-member, Society of Economics and Development, Ludhiana (since 2015).
- Member, Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Economics and Development (2015-17).
- Life Member, Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (since 2024)
- Second Best Research Article award by Indian Dairy Association, Jaipur for the research paper “Growth and Structural Transformations in Dairy Sector of India” published in the Indian Journal of Dairy Science for the year 2018 (jointly with Manpreet Kaur).
- Received 'Letter of Commendation' from Central University of Punjab for compilation of Evaluative Report for Centre for Economic Studies for 2009-2015 period for NAAC.
Research Papers
- Kaur, P., Singla, N. (2024). Empirical gains from growing potato under contract farming in Punjab, India. Potato Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11540-024-09762-9 [Springer].
- Singla, N. & Singh, S. (2024). "Institutional interventions in dairy value chains in India: A case study of the impact of the milk cooperative vis-à-vis informal milk market channels on farmers in Punjab" in S. Singh, J. Jha, A. Indira, & A.V. Arun Kumar (Eds.): Institutions and Public Policy for India’s Sustainable Development Perspectives on Governance, Technology, and Finance, London: Routledge.
- Verma, G, Singla, N. & Singh, S. (2024). COVID-19, livestock supply chains and livelihoods in India: a review of impacts and implications, Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 14(5): 1074-1088 [Emerald].
- Rani, P., Sahoo, A.K., & Singla, N. (2024). Economic efficiency of agriculture in Punjab: Evidence from cost of cultivation survey, The Indian Economic Journal. https://doi.org/10.1177/00194662241251554 [Sage].
- Shyam, PH, Singla, N.& Singh, S. (2024). Political mobilization of farmers in India: A case study of Bharti Kisan Union (Ekta Ugrahan) in Punjab, Millennial Asia. https://doi.org/10.1177/09763996241244559 [Sage].
- Ahmed, M., Singla, N. & Singh, K. (2024). Market integration and price transmission in wheat markets of India: a transaction cost approach. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 14(3): 552-569 [Emerald].
- Kaur, M. and Singla, N. (2024). Comparative performance of cooperatives and producer companies in member producer’s income enhancement: A case study of milk sector in Indian Punjab, Millennial Asia, 15(1) 138–159 [Sage].
- Singh, K., Singla, N. & Singh, N. (2024). Destigmatizing Indian Punjab from irregular migration: Key public policy options, Geo Journal, Vol. 89. [Springer].
- Singla, N. & Verma, G. (2023). Emerging opportunities for restructuring livestock products and supply chains in post-covid-19 in India: A review. Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 19(4), 855-862.
- Kaur, M. & Singla, N. (2023). "Formal vs. informal milk marketing channels in Punjab: A comparative economic analysis of dairy cooperative member vis-à-vis non-member milk producers", In B.S. Shergill & S. Mehta (Eds.): Challenges to Punjab Economy: A Regional Perspective from India, London: Routledge.
- Ahmed, M. and Singla, N. (2023). Spatial market Integration, price transmission and transaction costs in major onion markets of India, The Indian Economic Journal, 71(3) 532–547 [Sage].
- Singh, K., Singla, N., Sharma, M. & Singh, J. (2023). Urban informal economy and vulnerabilities of domestic waste-pickers: A case of Chandigarh, India, Waste Management and Research, 41(8): 1360–1371 [Sage].
- Kaur, M. and Singla, N. (2022). Does livestock help in compensating land inequalities in rural India: Evidences from agricultural census? Indian Journal of Dairy Science, 75(4), 381-387.
- Singh, K., Singla, N. & Singh, N. (2022). Irregular emigration from Indian Punjab: Nature and causes, South Asian Diaspora, 14(1), 73-90 [Taylor & Francis].
- Kaur, P., Singla, N. & Singh, S. (2021). Role of contract farming in crop diversification and employment generation: Empirical evidence from Indian Punjab, Millennial Asia, 12(3): 350-366 [Sage].
- Singla, N, Ahmed, M., & Singh, K. (2021). Financial Performance of Micro-Finance Institutions in India, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 17(4), 767-776.
- Paray, Z.A. and Singla, N. (2021). Exploring State Interventions in Entrepreneurship Development in India: Evidence from Jammu and Kashmir, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 42(3): 300-317 [Inderscience].
- Singla, N. (2021), "Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Dairy Industry in Punjab: Major Concerns and Policy Options" in Sukhpal Singh, Lakhwinder Singh, Kamal Vatta (Eds.): Covid-10 Pandemic and Economic Development: Emerging Public Policy Lessons for Indian Punjab, Palgrave MacMillan.
- Rani, P., Sahoo, A.K. and Singla, N. (2021). A Temporal Analysis of Diversification of Punjab Agriculture: The Role of Policy and Practice, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 17(2), 245-255.
- Singla, N. (2021), “Changing Contours of Agricultural Marketing and Emergence of Agri-Business Markets for the Farmers in India” in Anil Bhat and Jyoti Kachroo (Eds.): Agribusiness Development Planning and Management, New Delhi Publishers, New Delhi.
- Kaur, M. and Singla, N. (2018). Growth and structural transformations in dairy sector of India, Indian Journal of Dairy Science, 71(4): 422-429.
- Kaur, P. and Singla, N. (2018). Can Contract Farming Double Farmer’s Income? Economic and Political Weekly, 53(51): 68-73.
- Kaur, P. and Singla, N. (2018). “Emerging Linkages Between Domestic Firms and Producers in Contract Farming of Vegetables in Punjab” in Sukhpal Singh and T. Satyanaryana and Vikash Kumar (Eds.): Agribusiness Potential of Punjab, Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing, Hyderabad.
- Kaur, M. and Singla, N. (2018). “Farmer’s participation in Formal Milk markets in Punjab: How inclusive and How effective?” in Sukhpal Singh and T. Satyanaryana and Vikash Kumar (Eds.): Agribusiness Potential of Punjab, Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing, Hyderabad, pp: 60-70.
- Singh, Sukhpal and Naresh Singla (2018). “Fresh Food Supermarket Retailing and Supply Chains in India: Impact on Small Primary Vegetable Producers and Traditional Fruit and Vegetable Retailers” in V P Sharma, Parmod kumar, Nilabja Gosh, D K Grover and Usha Tuteja (Eds.): Glimpses of Indian Agriculture, Oxford University Press, India.
- Kaur, P. and Singla, N. (2018). “Issues and Potentials of Irrigation Water for the Sustainability of Punjab Agriculture”, in S.S. Kalamkar and Mrutyunjay Swain (Eds.): Water Governance in India, Allied Publishers, Pp: 108-120.
- Kaur, M. and Singla, N. (2018). “Global Emergence of Agri-Tourism Sector: implications for India” in P.K. Mishra and J.K. Verma (Eds.): Tourism in India: Potential, Problems and Prospects, New Century Publishers, New Delhi, pp: 83-96.
- Ahmed, M. and Singla, N. (2017). Market Integration and Price Transmission in Major Onion Markets of India, Economic Affairs, 62(3): 405-417.
- Goel, S. and Singla, N. (2017). “Financial Inclusion under MGNREGS in Mansa district of Punjab” in S.S. Sangwan and Gagan Deep (Eds.): Panchayats’ Role in MGNREGA and Financial Inclusion, Chapter 2, Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID), Chandigarh, pp: 357-368.
- Singla, N. (2017). “Innovations in Agricultural Marketing in India: A Case Study of Supermarket in Punjab” in G. Mani, P K Joshi, M V Ashok (eds.): Financing Agriculture Value Chains in India: Challenges and Opportunities, Springer, Pp: 109-123.
- Jindal, N. and Singla, N. (2016). Factors Affecting Size and Growth of Middle Class in India, Indian Journal of Economics, 97(385): 215-233.
- Sanitha, V.P. and Singla, N. (2016). Structural Transformations in Kerala’s Economy: Is There any Role of Agriculture Sector? Journal of Regional Development and Planning, 5(2): 45-58.
- Singla, N., Kaur, P. and Ahmed, A. (2016). Role of Land Reforms in Eradicating Land Inequalities in Rural India, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 12(1a): 413-418.
- Kaur, M. And Singla, N. (2016). An Economic Analysis of Kinnow Cultivation and Marketing in Fazilka District of Punjab, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 12(4): 711-718.
- Pavneet and Singla, N. (2016). Contract farming in India: Models and Impacts, Voice of Research, 5(1): 34-39.
- Singla, N. and Kaur, M. (2015). Growth and Performance of Agriculture Sector in India, Journal of Rural and Industrial Development, 3 (2): 24-36.
- Singla, N. and Rani, P. (2015). Structural Transformations in Agrarian Economy of Punjab. Journal of Agricultural Development and Policy, 25 (2): 92-100.
- Singla, N., Singh, Sukhpal and Dhindsa, P.K. (2015), “Inclusive Fresh Food Retail Chains in India: A Case Study from Punjab” in N. Chandrasekhra Rao, R. Radhakrishna, R.K. Mishra and K. Venkata Reddy (eds.): Organised Retailing and Agri-business: Implications of New Supply Chains on the Indian Farm Economy (Ch-12), Springer India, PP: 229-240.
- Singla, N. (2015). “Linking MGNREGA with PRIs for Inclusive Development in India” in S.S. Sangwan and Gagan Deep (Eds.): Panchayats’ Role in MGNREGA and Financial Inclusion, Chapter 2, Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID), Chandigarh, PP: 13-28.
- Singla, N., Beag, F.A. and Ahmed, M. (2015). “Trends and Pattern of Production and Export of Fruit Crops and Apple in India with Special Reference to Jammu and Kashmir” in Anil Bhat and S.P. Singh (eds.): Agricultural Marketing in India: Perspective and Potential, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, Pp: 1-18.
- Singla, N. and Kumar, M. (2015). “Regional Income Disparities and Convergence in India: A Study of Pre and Post Reform Period” in Surinder Kumar, C S Verma, Prashant K Trivedi (Eds.): State and Capitalist Development in India: A Political Economy Perspective, Akar Books, New Delhi. Chapter: 15, PP: 324-340.
- Beag, F.A. and N. Singla (2014). Cointegration, Causality and Impulse Response Analysis in Major Apple Markets of India. Agricultural Economics Research Review, 27 (3): 289-298.
- Singh, S. and Singla, N. (2014). Linking Small Farmers to New Markets in India: A Case Study of Fresh Food Retail Chain in Karnataka. Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, 28(1): 10-23.
- Ahmed, M. and N. Singla (2014). An Analysis of Major Determinants of Food Inflation in India. Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 10(3): 275-282.
- Singla, N. and Singh, S. and Dhindsa, P.K. (2014). Fresh Food Supermarkets in the Indian Punjab: Organisation and Impacts, Journal of Punjab Studies, 21 (2): 91-111.
- Kumar, M. and N. Singla (2013). Regional Disparities in India: A Study of Pre and Post Reform Period. Man and Development, 35(3): 1-18.
- Teja, H.S., A.S. Sethi, N. Singla and N. Singh (2013), “Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Rural Development: A Case Study of MGNREGS in Punjab” in R.S. Ghuman and Sukhvinder Singh (eds.): Rural Local Self-Government in India: Some Developmental Experiences, Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development, Chandigarh, PP: 147-160.
- Singh, S. and N. Singla (2012). Fresh Food Retail Chains and Traditional Fruit and Vegetable Retailers in India. Productivity, 53(2): 123-143.
- Singla, N., S. Singh and P.K. Dhindsa (2011). Linking Small Farmers to Emerging Agricultural Marketing Systems in India: The case study of Fresh Food Retail Chain in Punjab. Agricultural Economics Research Review, 24 (1): 155-159.
- Singla, N., Singh, S. and P.K. Dhindsa (2012), “Emerging Agricultural Marketing Practices in India: A Case Study of A Fresh Food Retail Chain in Punjab” in M. Devaraj and A. Prasad (eds.): Agricultural Marketing: Changing Perspectives, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi.
- Singh, S. and N. Singla (2011). Fresh Food Supermarkets in India: An Analysis of their Inclusiveness and Impact on Primary Producers. Millennial Asia, 2(1): 65-91 [Sage].
- Singla, N. (2011), “Contract Farming and Rural Producers in Punjab: Organisation, Impacts and Strategies”, in K. Nagraj Rao, Harnam Singh and Anita Sukhwal: Rural Management in Post Reform Era, Bookwell India Limited, Pp: 119-134.
- Singh, S. and N. Singla (2010). Inclusive Fresh Food Retail Chains in India- Case Studies of HOPCOMS and SAFAL. Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, 24 (3): 190-204.
- Singla, N. and J. S. Sidhu (2010). Factors Affecting the Viability of Small and Marginal Farmers in Punjab. Journal of Agricultural Development and Policy, 20 (2): 51-58.
- Singh, S. and N. Singla (2010), “Linking Small Primary Producers with Markets through Fresh Food Retail Chains in India: How Inclusive and How Effective?” in R.S. Ghuman, Surjit Singh and J. S. Brar (eds.): Globalization and Change-Perspective from Punjab (Essays in honour of Prof. S. S. Gill), Rawat Publishers, Jaipur, pp: 275-302.
- Singh, S. and N. Singla (2011). Fresh Food Retail Chains in India: Organisation and Impacts. Allied Publisher, New Delhi.
Research Report
- Singh, S. and Singla, N. (2008). Risk and productivity in Farming in North Gujarat and Amreli, A report of the project carried out at IIM, Ahmedabad, submitted to Development Support Centre (DSC), Ahmedabad.
Book Reviews/Newspaper Editorials
- Singla, N. (2018), Glimpses of Indian Agriculture, 2018, New Delhi: Ofxord University Press. ISBN: 9780199488834 by Sangeeta Verma and P.C. Bodh. In Millennial Asia-An International Journal of Asian Studies, 9(3) 336–340.
- Singla, N. (2013), Economic Liberalisation and Indian Agriculture, 2012, New Delhi: SAGE. ISBN: 9788132108580 by S. Bhalla and G. Singh in, Millennial Asia-An International Journal of Asian Studies, 4(2), 245-248.
- Singh, B., Sen, R.K., Singla, N. (2019). Language Corridor: Need for India to Emerge as a Major Economy? – Analysis, Eurasia Review.
- Singla, N. (2017). Traditional or GM mustard. The Daily Post, Editorial and Opinion, Page: 8, 24th June.
- Singla, N. (2015). Tearing Onion Crisis. The Daily Post, Editorial and Opinion, Page: 8, 18th September.
- Singla, N. (2015). Options in Pulse Crisis. The Daily Post, Editorial and Opinion, Page: 8, 15th December.
- Singla, N. (2016) (Anniversary Issue). Rising Food Inflation: What are the ways out? Food and Beverage News, 7, Monday, 04 January, 2016.
Ph.D. Supervisions
1. Pavneet (CUPB/MPh-PhD/SSS/CES/2012-13/11), An Economic Analysis of Production and Marketing of Vegetables under Contract Farming in Punjab (Awarded in 2017).
2. Mumtaz Ahmed (CUPB/MPh-PhD/SSS/CES/2012-13/14), An Economic Analysis of Market Integration of Selected Agricultural Commodities in India, (Awared in 2018).
3. Manpreet Kaur (CUPB/MPh-PhD/SSS/CES/2012-13/11), An Economic Analysis of Production and Marketing of Milk under Formal and Informal Milk markets in Punjab (Awarded in 2019).
4. Jimmy Goyal (CUPB/MPh-PhD/SSS/CES/2013-14/20), An Economic Analysis of Multidimensional Poverty and Inequality among Small Cultivators and Landless Labourers in Malwa Region of Punjab, (Awarded in 2024).
5. Gautami (20phdeco02): An Economic Analysis of Channelized Farm Modernisation and Milk Producer's Welfare under different Supply Chains in India (Ongoing)
6. Abdullah Faizi (22phdeco01): Ongoing
M.Phil. Thesis Guided: 17
M.A. Project Reports Guided: 21
- “Exploring Linkages Between Agribusiness Companies and Small Farmers In India: Is There Any Role For Contract Farming?” Presented at Conference on Innovations, Knowledge Accumulation and Development In The Era of Fourth Industrial Revolution, on March 15-16, 2018 at Punjabi University, Patiala.
- “Emerging Linkages between Domestic Firms and Producers in Contract Production and Marketing of vegetables in Punjab” presented at national seminar on ‘Agribusiness Potential of Punjab State’ on September 14-15, 2017 at CRRID, Chandigarh (with Pavneet).
- “Farmer’s Participation in Formal and Informal Milk Markets in Punjab: How Inclusive and How Effective?” presented at national seminar on ‘Agribusiness Potential of Punjab State’ on September 14-15, 2017 at CRRID, Chandigarh (with Manpreet Kaur).
- ‘’Impact of Liberalization and WTO on Agricultural Trade in India” presented at a UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Agricultural and Rural Diversification in Punjab” on 17-18 February, 2017 at GNDU, Amritsar.
- “Indebtedness among Farmers in The Presence and Absence of Formal Credit Institutions in Patiala District of Punjab” presented at a National Seminar on ‘Rural Credit and Financial Penetration in Punjab’ on March 21-22, 2016 at CRRID, Chandigarh.
- “Inequalities in ownership of operational land holdings in rural India” presented at one day national seminar on “Social Justice: Politico Legal Milieu” on March 02, 2016 organized by Centre for Law, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
- “Role of Education (Human Capital) in Economic growth: Theoretical Perspectives” presented at an ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on ‘Education for Sustainable Development’ on February 4-5, 2016 at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
- “Water Crisis and its impact on Punjab Agriculture” presented at an ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on ‘Malwa Region Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Aspects: Problems and Solutions’ on January 20, 2016, DAV College, Abohar.
- “Inequalities in ownership of land holdings in Rural India”, presented at UGC sponsored national seminar on ‘The Paradigm of Inequality in India’ on January 15-16, 2016 at Department of Sociology, Bebe Nanaki Guru Nanak Dev University College, Mithra, Kapurthala.
- “Understanding Supply Chains of Fresh Food Supermarkets and their Impacts on Small Scale Producers in Punjab” presented at International Conference on Agri-Business in Emerging Economies on January 06-07, 2016 organized by Institute of Rural Management, Anand (IRMA) in collaboration with Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, USA and Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies at IRMA, Gujarat.
- “Flow of Institutional Credit in Indian Agriculture: Is it Adequate”, presented at a National Seminar on ‘Role of Public Policy in Development Process (Emerging Economic/Social Scenario in the Indian Economy)’ on January 04-05, 2016 at Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Research (SPISER), Ahmedabad.
- “Impact of Modern and Traditional Agricultural Markets on Small Scale Producers in India” presented at a National Seminar on Financing of Agriculture Value Chains: Challenges and Opportunities organized by NABARD and IFPRI on 29th and 30th November, 2015 at Banker’s Institute of Rural Development (BIRD), Lucknow.
- “Role of MGNREGA in Inclusive Development In India: Is There Any Role for Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs)?”presented at 57th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Labour Economics on October, 10-12, 2015 held at Central University of Kashmir, Srinagar (J&K).
- “Linkages between Fresh Food Supermarkets and Farmers in India: Impacts on Income, Efficiency and Diversification” presented at international conference on ‘Innovations in Indian Agriculture: Ways Forward’ organized by IEG-IFPRI on December 4-5, 2014 at India International Centre, New Delhi.
- “Linking MGNREGA with PRIs for Inclusive Development in India” paper presented at a seminar on ‘Panchayati Raj as an Instrument of Rural Development with Support from Financial Institution’, on November 27-28, 2014 at CRRID, Chandigarh.
- “Special Economic Zones in India: Principles, Practices and Prospects” paper presented at a UGC sponsored national seminar on ‘Special Economic Zones: Prospects and Challenges’ on November 21, 2014 at DAV College, Chandigarh.
- “Inter-State Income Disparities And Convergence In India: A Study Of Pre And Post Reform Period” paper presented at 18th Annual conference of Indian Political Economy Association on 15-16th November, 2014 at Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow (with Munish Kumar).
- “Linkages Between Fresh Food Supermarkets and Farmers In India: A Case Study from Punjab” paper presented at ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Agro-Processing Industry in N-W States of India-Performance, Prospects and Problems, on 28-29 March, 2014 at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.
- “Linking Small Farmers to New Markets In India- A Case Study of Fresh Food Retail Chain in Karnataka” paper presented at 27th Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing held on 18-20 December, 2013 at University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Dharwad.
- “Organized Retailing in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in India: A Case Study from Punjab” Paper presented at CESP Young Scholar’s Seminar at Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University (J.N.U.) on 1-3 March, 2013, New Delhi.
- “Role of Contract Farming in Agricultural Development in Punjab” Paper presented at National Seminar on ‘Punjab Economy: Opportunities and Challenges’ at D.A.V. College, Sector-10, Chandigarh on 13 February, 2013.
- ‘Fresh Food Retail Chains in Punjab: Organization and Impacts’ presented at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on 02 November, 2012 under Faculty Seminar.
- “Inclusive Fresh Food Retail Chains in India: A Case study from Punjab” Paper presented at International Seminar on “Organised Retailing vis-à-vis Farm Economy of India at Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad on 21-22 September, 2012.
- “Emerging Agricultural Marketing Practices in India- A Case Study of A Fresh Food Retail Chain in Punjab”, Paper presented at International Conference on Agricultural Marketing in the Context of Changing Global Economic Order, organised by Institute of Development Studies, University of Mysore, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore and Karnataka State Agricultural Marketing Board, Bangalore held on 25-26 March, 2011 at University of Mysore, Mysore.
- “Leveraging Fresh Food Retail Chains For Inclusive Agricultural Growth and Development In India: A Case Study From Karnataka” Paper presented at International Conference on Challenges to Inclusive Growth in the Emerging Economies, on 15-17 December, 2010 at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Gujarat (with Prof. Sukhpal Singh).
- “Inclusive Fresh Food Retail Chains in India- Case Studies of HOPCOMS and SAFAL” Paper presented at Annual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing on 23-25 November, 2010 at Navsari, Gujarat (with Prof. Sukhpal Singh).
- “Fresh Food Retail Chains in India - A Case Study of their Inclusiveness and Impact on Primary Producers in Gujarat”, Paper presented at ‘National Convention on Making Growth Inclusive: Opportunities, Scope and Challenges at the State Level’ held on October 26-28, 2009 at Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad, Gujarat (with Prof. Sukhpal Singh).
- “Ensuring Viability of Small and Marginal Farmers in Punjab”, Paper presented at 7th Punjab Science Congress held on February 7-9, 2004 at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.
- One Week National Workshop on “Philosophical and Methodological Foundations in Social Sciences”, under TLC at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda from 12-16th November, 2018.
- One Week National Workshop on “Indian Economy and Society in 21st Century” under TLC at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda from 25-29th March, 2019.
- One Week National Workshop on “Contemporary Issues and Approaches in Social Science Research” under TLC at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda from 14-18th October, 2019.
- One Week (Online) National Workshop on “Making Indian Economy Self-Reliant: Challenges and Opportunities” under TLC at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda from 27-31st March, 2021.
- Attended Two-Week Capacity Building Programme on ‘Research Methodology and Academic Writing in Social Sciences’ organized by Dept. of Financial Administration, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda from 24th April 2023 to 6th May, 2023.
- Attended Five Days’ Workshop on ‘Curriculum Development’ Organized by Department of Education and IQAC, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda from 6th February to 10th February 2023.
- Attended Two-Weeks Online Subject Refresher Course on ‘Business Studies (Commerce, Economics, Management & Tourism)’ conducted by UGC-HRDC, GJUS&T, Hisar from 30-11-2020 to 12-12-2020.
- Attended Two-Weeks Interdisciplinary National Workshop on ‘Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences’ at Teaching Learning Centre at Central University of Punjab from 27 May-07 June, 2019.
- Attended ‘Interdisciplinary Refresher Course in Research Methodology in Social Sciences (Economics)’ from 13 September to 03 October, 2016 at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
- Attended ‘General Orientation Programme’ at Punjabi University, Patiala from 15-06-15 to 11-07-2015.
- One Week (5 days) training programme on “Quantifying the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture” at National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NCAP), New Delhi from 21-25 March, 2011.
2) Invited (online) talk on ‘Sampling in Social Science Research’ on January 09, 2024 in Two Weeks Online Programme on “NEP Orientation & Sensitization Programme” from 8-16 January, 2024 at Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC), CUP, Bathinda.
3) Invited talk on, ‘Pattern of Agricultural Development in Punjab: Challenges and Opportunities’ on October 26, 2023 at Department of Economics, Akal University, Talwandi Sabo.
4) Invited talk on ‘The Changing Paradigm of Research in Social Sciences’ on October 11, 2023 at Five Days workshop on “Research Methodology and Data Analysis” at Govt. College of Education, Patiala.
5) Invited as a Resource Person to chair technical session in one day ICSSR sponsored National Conference on “Business Transformation for a Sustainable Future: Roadmap for Success” at Department of Business Studies, Punjabi University Guru Kashi Campus, Talwandi Sabo on June,14, 2023.
6) Invited as a Resource Person to chair technical session in a National Seminar on “Quality Enhancement through Outcome based Education” at SSD Girls College on May,13, 2023.
7) Invited (online) talk on ‘Structural Transformations in Punjab’s Agrarian Economy: Challenges and Opportunities’ on 28th March, 2023 in Two-week Refresher Course on Liberal Arts from March 18, 2023 to March 31st 2023 organised by HRDC, GNDU, Amritsar.
8) Invited as a resource person for a talk on ‘Structural Transformations in Punjab’s Agrarian Economy: Challenges and Opportunities’ at National Seminar on “Rural Transformations in Punjab: Issues and Challenges” at DAV College Bathinda on September, 24, 2022.
9) Invited as a resource person for panel discussion on a book ‘Modi@20: Dreams Meet Delivery’ for a chapter on ‘Agriculture Good, But Can Be Better’ organised from July 27-28, 2022 at Central University of Punjab, Ghudda, Bathinda.
10) Invited (online) talk on “Research in Social Sciences” on 28th July, 2022 in Two-week Refresher Course in Humanities from July 20, 2022 to August 02, 2022 organised by HRDC, GNDU, Amritsar.
11) Invited (online) talk on “Structural Transformations in Punjab’s Dairy Sector and its Role in Agricultural Development” on 27th July, 2022 in Two-week Refresher Course in Humanities from July 20, 2022 to August 02, 2022 organised by HRDC, GNDU, Amritsar.
12) Invited (online) talk on “Role of Dairy Sector in Reviving Punjab’s Agrarian Economy” on 14th June, 2022 at Punjab School of Economics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.
13) Invited as one of the key note speakers for a talk on, “Sustainability of livelihoods during COVID-19 pandemic in dairy sector of Punjab” on 7th June, 2022 in International conference on Global Initiatives in Research, Innovation, and Sustainable Development of Agriculture and allied Sciences at Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo from 06-08 June, 2022.
14) Invited online talk on, “Role of Social Welfare Policy to Mitigate Agrarian Crises in COVID-19 period: a study of dairy sector in India” on 23rd September, 2021 in Two Weeks Refresher course on, “Role of Social Welfare Policy in Indian Economy” from 21 September to 05 October, 2021 at HRDC, Hari Singh Gour Vishavidalaya, Sagar (MP).
15) Keynote online talk on, “Covid-19 and dairy sector of Punjab: impacts and future challenges” at Panjab University Rural Centre, Kauni, Sri Mukatsar Sahib on 15th September, 2021.
16) Invited online talk on, “Dairy Sector of India: Structural Transformations and Covid-19 impacts” at Dept. of Economics and Sociology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana on 11th April, 2021.
17) Invited talk on, “Understanding Sampling Methods in Social Science Research” on 23rd March, 2021 in One Week National Interdisciplinary Online Workshop on “Research Methodology in Social Sciences: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Methods” from 22nd to 26th of March 2021 organised by Teaching Learning Centre, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
18) Invited talk in a National webinar on, “Impact of COVID-19 on Dairy Sector of India” at College of Dairy Science and Technology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU), Ludhiana on 28th January, 2021.
19) Invited talk on, “Emergence of cognitive agriculture in response to Agricultural Crises in India” at Two weeks’ refresher course for faculty on ‘Cognitive Economics’ on 15th January, 2021 at HRDC, Hari Singh Gour Vishavidalaya, Sagar (MP).
20) Invited talk on, “Leveraging Agricultural Economy of India to Achieve Self Reliance” at one week FDP on Seven Day Multi-Disciplinary Faculty Development Programme (Online) on “Self Reliant India: Policies and Challenges at HRDC, PU, Chandigarh on 26.11.2020.
21) Invited key note talk on, “Agricultural Economy of Punjab: Growth and Challenges’ deliver at BBK DAV College, Amritsar on 17th July, 2020.
22) Invited talk on ‘Understanding Research Process in Social Sciences’ at Department of Economics and Sociology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana on 24th February, 2020.
23) Invited as panellist for ‘Post-Budget Discussion-2020’ on All India Radio, Bathinda on 01st February, 2020.
24) Delivered two invited talks on, “Changing Contours of Agricultural Marketing and Price Policy in India” and “Emerging Agri-Business Models in Linking Farmers with Markets in India” in One Weeks Model Training Course on ‘Agri-Business Development Planning and Management’ on 25th January, 2020 at Division of Agricultural Economics and Agri Business Management, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu (SKUAST-Jammu).
25) Invited Talk on “Can Agri-Business Mitigate Agrarian Crisis? at University Business School (UBS), Panjab University, Chandigarh on 20th July, 2019.
26) Invited talk on, “Crop Residue Burning amid Growing Agrarian Crises in Punjab” at One Day National Workshop on Stubble Burning in Punjab: Issues, Challenges and Remedies on 15th April, 2019 at Dev Samaj College for Women, Ferozepur.
27) Invited Talk on, “Situating Punjab in Agrarian Economy and Society of India”, Multilateral Academic Exchange Programme with Foreign National Students, Seminar Hall, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on 08 April, 2019.
28) Invited on “Transformations in India’s Agrarian Economy: The Ways Forward” in Teaching Learning Centre, Central University of Punjab on 27 March, 2019.
29) Invited talk on “Agrarian Distress and Public Policy Options” in Dept. of Economics at Punjabi University, Patiala on 28 February, 2019.
30) Invited talk on “Transformations in Agrarian Economy of India” for in service course for PGT, Economics, Kendrya Vidalaya, Bathinda Cantonment on 28th May, 2018.
31) Invited as Resource person in ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on ‘Agrarian Crises and Farmers Distress in Punjab’ on March 10, 2017, DAV College, Bathinda.
32) Invited as Resource person in National Seminar on ‘Malwa Region Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Aspects: Problems and Solutions’ on January 20, 2016, DAV College, Abohar.
33) Invited talk on, “Linking Small Farmers to New Markets in Punjab: Role of Fresh Food Supermarkets”, at Department of Humanities and Management, GZS, PTU Campus, Bathinda on March 03, 2015.
- Member, Purchase Committee (Non-Scientific), Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (2016-17).
- Member, Local Library Committee, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (2014-15)
- Member, School Board, School of Social Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (23/02/22 to 22/02/24).
- Member, Board of Studies, Department of Economic Studies, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (16/01/20 to 15/02/2022).
- Member, Board of Studies, Department of Applied Agriculture, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
- Member, Board of Studies, Department of Financial Administration, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (03/02/2022 to 02/02/24).
- Member, Board of Studies, Department of Sociology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (10/02/2020 to 09/02/22).
- Member, Evaluative Report for NAAC (First cycle), Centre for Economic Studies, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
- Member, School Admission Committee, School of Social Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
- Member, Institutional Innovation Council (IIC), CUPB.
Google Scholar: 365, Researchgate: 232