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Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Central University of Punjab, VPO-Ghudaa, Bathinda-151401, Punjab, India
University Degree Year of Passing
Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur Ph. D. 2005
Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur M. Sc.  2000
Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur B. Sc. 1998


Duration Post Organization Nature
2018 (Dec)-Current Professor Central University of Punjab, Bathinda Teaching and Research
2015 (Dec)-2018 (Dec) Associate Professor Central University of Punjab, Bathinda Teaching and Research
2013 (Aug)-2015 (Dec) Associate Professor Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan Teaching and Research
2008 (Sep)-2013(July) Assistant Professor Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan Teaching and Research
2007(Aug)-2008 (Sep) Research Associate Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan Teaching and Research
2006 (July)-2007 (Aug) Lecturer Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur Teaching and Research
2005 (Nov)-2006 (June) Guest Lecturer Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur Teaching and Research
Administrative Experience
Duration Post Organization
2024 (Oct)-Current Member, Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Groups (SEDG) Cell Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
2023 (Sep)-Current Chairman, OBC Cell Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
2023 (Sep)-Current Member, Standing Purchase Committee Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
2023 (July)-Current Member, Academic Council Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
2023 (July)-Current Member, UGC-Redressal of student's grievance committee Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
2022 (Dec)-Current Research awards Committee for Rules and Regulations Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
2016 (July)-2019 (July) Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
2019 (July)-2022 (Aug) Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
2016 (Nov)-2021 (Feb) Member CAS committee Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
2016 (July)-2022 (Aug) Member, Academic Council Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
2013 (Aug)-2015 (Dec) Member, Academic Council Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan


Research Area

Geometry and Topology

Research Interests
  • Riemann-Finsler Geometry
  • Homogeneous Finsler Spaces
  • Riemannian and Clairaut maps
  • Semi-Riemannian Geometry
  • Low-dimensional manifolds
Research Grants/Projects
  1. DST International Travel grant for the International Conference on New Methods in Finsler Geometry IV, held at Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania during September 02-06, 2024.
  2. CSIR International Travel grant for the International Conference on New Methods in Finsler Geometry III, held at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, August 2022.
  3. Principal Investigator-DST-FIST grant (Level-I) of Rs. 50 Lakhs, 2022-2027.
  4. The Mathematics Consortium (TMC) grant (Rs. 18000/-) for National workshop on Ancient Indian Mathematics, March 14-16, 2022.
  5. National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI) grant (Rs. 93,000/-) for NASI-TMC Summer School on Differential Geometry, July 05-24, 2021.
  6. Punjab State Council for Science and Technology (PSCST) grant (Rs. 30,000/-) for National Mathematics Day, Dec.22, 2018.
  7. Research Seed Money (RSM) grant (Rs. 3 Lakhs) by Central University of Punjab, 2017-19.
  8. National Centre for Mathematics (NCM) grant (Rs. 8,94,600/-) for Instructional School on Differential Geometry for Teachers, December 08-20, 2014.
  9. Department of Science and Technology (DST) grant (provided by Banasthali Vidyapith through CMS) to organize National workshop on Differential Geometry, 2013.
Professional Affiliation
  1. Associate member, American Mathematical Society, USA.
  2. Annual member, Tensor Society, Japan. (Membership code: G-22).
  3. Life member, Indian Mathematical Society, Pune. (Membership code: S-10-330).
  4. Life member, Ramanujan Mathematical Society (1002).
  5. Associate member, International Academy of Physical Sciences, Prayagraj. (A21365)
  6. Life member, Tensor Society, Lucknow. (Membership code: LS-43).
  7. Life member, Indian Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Gorakhpur. (Membership code: LM-327).
Professional Recognition/Awards/Scholarships
  1. Member, Selection Committee, in different Central Universities/State Universities/Private Universities/Institutes.
  2. Subject expert in different Public Service Commissions.
  3. Ph. D. Thesis evaluator of different Foreign/Central/State/Private Universities.
  4. Reviewer, Mathematical Reviews, American Mathematical Society (MR-94375)., since 2013.
  5. Reviewer, ZbMath, European Mathematical Society, Germany (zbMath-14713), since 2013.
  6. Project Reviewer: UGC, CSIR and DST Gov. of India,
  7. Book Reviewer: Springer; Oxford University Press; Cambridge University Press.
  8. Referee: A number of National and International Journals.
  10. Awarded Summer research fellowship by INSA during May-June 2013 at IISER Mohali, Chandigarh.
  11. Achieved third position in M. Sc. (Mathematics) Examination 2000 of D. D. U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, (U. P.).
  12. Awarded U. P. State scholarship during 1992-94.
Research Collaboration
  1. Prof. Cenap Özel, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
  2. Prof. Saeid Jafari, Graz University of Technology, Denmark
  3. Prof. Abdulqader Mustafa, Palestine Technical University- Kadoorie Palestinian Territory
  4. Dr. Akram Ali, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
  5. Dr. Alexander Pigazzini, Mathematical and Physical Science Foundation (Denmark)
  6. Dr. Murat Polat, Dicle University, Turkey
  7. Prof. Krishnendu Gongopadhyay, Department of Mathematical Sciences, IISER Mohali.
  8. Prof. Hemangi Shah, Department of Mathematics, HRI, Allahabad.
  9. Prof. Bankteshwar Tiwari, Department of Mathematics, DST-CIMS, BHU, Varanasi.
  1. Zafar, N., Zaidi, A. and Shanker, G.* (2024), Clairaut Anti-Invariant Riemannian Maps to Sasakian Mani- folds, To appear in Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

  2. Jangir, S., Kaur, J. and Shanker, G. (2024), On some geometrical properties of six-dimensional nilpotent Lie group N6,11. To appear in Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal.

  3. Zaidi, A., Shanker, G. (2024), Semi-invariant Riemannian maps from Sasakian manifolds endowed with Ricci soliton structure, Journal of Geometry and Physics. 

  4. Shanker, G., Kaur, J. and Jangir, S. (2024), Geodesic vectors on 5-dimensional homogeneous nilmanifolds.  Matematički VesnikDOI: 10.57016/MV-YTVW3833. 76 (4), 266–279.

  5. Shanker, G., Yadav, A. Kaur, R. (2024), Screen Cauchy-Riemann (SCR) lightlike Submanifolds of Metallic Semi-Riemannian Manifolds, Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. DOI 10.1108/AJMS-11-2021-0286

  6. Yadav, J. and Shanker, G. (2024), Clairaut anti-invariant Riemannian maps with K\"ahler and Ricci soliton structures International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics.

  7. Zaidi, A., Shanker, G. (2024), Clairaut anti-invariant Riemannian maps to trans-Sasakian manifolds, Filomat 38:11, 3777–3789.

  8. Shanker, G. and Ndidi, Z. (2024), Weyl tensor decomposition to the formation of black hole, Turk J Phys 48: 75 – 101 doi:10.55730/1300-0101.2759.

  9. Jangir S., Shanker G., Piscoran, L., Kaur J. (2024), On the existence and examples of homogeneous geodesics, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (NIS) Ser. Math. Inform. Vol. 39, No 2 (2024), 289-302.

  10. Kaur, K., Shanker, G. (2024), Invariant (α, β)-metric of Douglas and Berwald type Honam Mathematical J. 46, No. 2, pp. 198–208.

  11. Kaur, H., Shanker, G., Kaur, R., Mustafa, A. (2024), Generalized Chen inequality for CR-warped products of locally conformal Kaehler manifolds. Honam Mathematical J. 46, No. 1, pp. 47–59

  12. Zaidi, A., Shanker, G., Yadav, J. (2024), Conformal pointwise slant Riemannian maps from or to K\"{a}hler manifolds, Journal of Geometry and Physics. 198(2024)105113.

  13. Yadav, J., Shanker, G. and Polat, M. (2024), Clairaut slant Riemannian maps to Kaehler manifolds, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, (2024) 2450101 (19 pages) doi: 10.1142/S0219887824501019.

  14. Kaur, R., Shanker, G., Pigazzini, A., Ozel, C., Mustafa, A.. (2023), Geometric Inequalities on bi-Warped Product Submanifolds of locally conformal almost Cosymplectic Manifolds. Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal. 16(4), pp. 1–19.

  15. Shanker, G., Kaur, J. (2023), On the Ricci curvature of a homogeneous Finsler space with generalized m-Kropina metric. Journal of Mathematical Extension, Vol. 17, No. 7, (2023) (2)1-24.

  16. Jangir, S., Shanker, G. (2023), On Characterization of Some Conformally Flat Weakly Einstein Finsler Metrics. KYUNGPOOK Math. J. 63(2023), 611-622

  17. Mustafa, A., Ozel, C., Pigazzini, A., Kaur, R. and Shanker, G. (2023), First Chen Inequality for General Product Submanifolds of a Riemannian Space Form and Applications. Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol.14, 22-40.
  18. Shanker, G.; Rani, S.; Kaur, K., (2023), Projectively flat Finsler spaces with transformed metrics, Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics 18(2), 31-50.
  19. Zaidi, A., Shanker, G., and Yadav, A. (2023), Conformal anti-invariant Riemannian maps from or to Sasakian manifolds, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 44, No. 4, 1509–1518.
  20. Shanker, G., Yadav, A. (2023), Clairaut pointwise slant submersion from indefinite nearly Kaehler Manifolds, Honam Mathematical J. 45, No. 1, pp. 109–122.
  21. Shanker, G., Rani, Sarita (2023), Weighted quasi-metrics associated with Finsler metrics, Journal of the Indian Math. Soc. Vol. 90, Nos. (1-2), 37-52.
  22. Jangir, S., Shanker, G. (2023), Angle geometry between Teichm¨uller geodesic segments. Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications Vol.4, No.1, 23-32.
  23. Gill, R., Shanker, G. and Kushwaha, R. S. (2022), R-Complex Finsler Spaces with an Arctangent Finsler Metric, Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications. 3 (1), 31-41 DOI: 10.22098/jfga.2022.10171.1059
  24. Shanker, G., Kaur, R., Yadav, A. (2022), Screen semi-invariant lightlike submanifolds of a golden semi-Riemannian manifold, Bingol University Journal of Technical Sciences, 3(1), 1-11.
  25. Kaur, J., Shanker, G., Jangir, S. (2022), On the Flag curvaure of a homogeneous Finsler space with generalized m-Kropina metric, Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications, 27(2), 66-76.
  26. Shanker, G., Kaur R., Yadav, A. (2022), Study on warped product of screen real lightlike submanifolds of golden semi-Riemannian manifold, Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications, 27(1), 152-161.
  27. Shanker, G., Sharma, R. K. (2022), On the Reversible Geodesics for a Finsler Space with Randers Change of Quartic Metric, Thai Journal of Mathematics, 20(1), 203-209.
  28. Jangir S., Shanker, G. and Kaur, J. (2022), On homogeneous generalized m-Kropina spaces with curvature aspects. J. Raj. Acad. Phy. Sc. Vol. 21 (3-4), 243-254.
  29. Kumar, M., Shanker, G., Kushwaha, R. S., (2021), On Randers Conformal Transformation of m-th Root Metric, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. A Phys. Sci. (IF-1.544)
  30. Rani, S., Shanker, G. (2021), On CW-translations of homogeneous Finsler spaces with (α, β)-metrics. Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications, 26, No.1, 58-68.
  31. Yadav, A. Shanker, G. and Kaur, R. (2021), An investigation on the existence of totally contact umbilical screen-slant lightlike submanifolds of indefinite Sasakian manifolds. Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems, 23, 244-254.
  32. Rani, S., Shanker, G., and Kaur, K. (2021), On the Ricci curvature of a homogeneous Finsler space with Randers change of square metric. Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems. 23, 204-220.
  33. Kaur, R. Shanker, G. and Yadav, A. (2021), Semi-invariant lightlike submanifolds of a metallic semi-Riemannian manifold. Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems, 23, 90-104.
  34. Kaur, R., Shanker, G., Yadav, A. and Ali, A. (2021), A note on semi-slant lightlike submanifolds of an indefinite kenmotsu manifold. Honam Mathematical J. 43, No. 1, 152–166.
  35. Rani, S., Shanker, G. (2021), On the rigidity of spherically symmetric Finsler metrics with isotropic E-curvature. Applied Sciences, 23,118-128.
  36. Shanker, G., Yadav, A. (2021), An investigation on the existence of warped product irrotational screen-real lightlike submanifolds of metallic semi-Riemannian manifolds. Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 28 (2), 142-151. DOI 10.1108/AJMS-09-2020-0060.
  37. Shanker, G., Seema (2021), Geometry on the surface of revolution with first approximate slope metric. Applied Sciences, 23, 145-155.
  38. Shanker, G., and Yadav, Ankit (2021), Generalized QR (GQR)- Lightlike Submanifolds of Indefinite Quaternion Kähler Manifolds, Journal of International Academy of Physical Sciences, 25 (4), 475- 494.
  39. Rani, S. Shanker, G., Kaur, K., (2021), Dually Flat Finsler spaces with transformed metrics. Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications Vol. 2(2), 122-133. DOI: 10.22098/jfga.2021.9589.1052
  40. Shanker, G., Sharma, R. K. (2021), Constant Curvature conditions for generalized Kropina Spaces. South East Asian J. Math. Math. Sci. 17 (2), 123-134. ISSN (Print): 0972-7752.
  41. Shanker, G., Kaur, R. (2021), Screen Pseudo Slant Lightlike Submanifolds Of A Metallic Semi-Riemannian Manifold, Journal of Rajasthan Academy of Physical Sciences, Vol.20, No.1&2, January-June, 93-104. 
  42. Rani, S. Shanker, G. (2020) On S-Curvature of a Homogeneous Finsler Space with Randers change of square metric. FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (NIS) Ser. Math. Inform. Vol. 35, No 3, 673-691.
  43. Kaur, K., Shanker, G. (2020) Flag curvature of a naturally reductive homogeneous Finsler space with infinite series metric. Applied Sciences, 22: 114-127.
  44. Kaur, K., Shanker, G. (2020) Ricci curvature of a homogeneous Finsler space with exponential metric. Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems, 22:130-140.
  45. Shanker, G., Kaur, K. (2020) Homogeneous Finsler space with exponential metric. Advances in Geometry. 20 (3):391–400. 
  46. Shanker, G., Rani, S. (2020) On S-Curvature of a Homogeneous Finsler Space with square metric. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 17(2):2050019 (16 pages)
  47. Kaur, K., Shanker, G. (2020), On the geodesics of a homogeneous Finsler spaces with a special -metrics. Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications. 1 (1), 26-36.
  48. Shanker, G., Kaur, K. (2019) Homogeneous Finsler space with infinite series (α,β) -metric. Applied Sciences 21: 220-236.
  49. Shanker, G., Kaur, K. (2019) Naturally reductive homogeneous space with an invariant (α,β) -metric. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 40(2): 210–218. 
  50. Shanker, G. and Renu (2019), Generalized unicorns problem with a special- -metric. South East Asian J. of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 15, No. 1, 01-14.
  51. Shanker, G. , Rani, S. and Kaur, K. (2019), Dually flat Finsler spaces associated with Randers- β  change, J. R. Acad. Phy. Sc. 18 (1-2), 95-106. ISSN. 0972-6306 
  52. Kushwaha, R. D. and Shanker, G. (2018), On the L-Duality of a Finsler space with exponential metric , Acta Universitatis Sapientia, Mathematica, 10 (1), 167-177. 
  53. Shanker, G. (2018), Four-dimensional Conformally flat Berwald and Landsberg Spaces, Journal of Indian Mathematical Society. Vol. 85, Nos. (1-2), 241-255. 
  54. Shanker, G. and Kushwaha, R. D. (2018), Nonholonomic frames for Finsler spaces with a special quartic metric, Int. J. Pure and Appl. Math., Vol. 120, No. 2, 283-290. 
  55. Shanker, G. and Sharma, R. K. (2018), R - Complex Finsler spaces with - metric, Int. J. Pure and Appl. Math., Vol. 120 No. 3, 351-363. 
  56. Shanker, G. (2018), Characteristic properties of the indicatrix under Kropina Change of Finsler metric, International J. Math. Combin. Vol. 4, 38-44. 
  57. Shanker, G. and Kushwaha, R. D. (2018), Finslerian hypersurfaces and Quartic change of Finsler metric, Int. J. Math. Comb., Vol. 1, 83-89. 
  58. Shanker, G. , Sharma, R. K. and Kushwaha, R. D. (2017), On the Matsumoto Change of a Finsler space with mth root metric, Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis, Vol. 33 (2), 255-264. 
  59. Shanker, G. and Baby, S. A. (2017), On the Kropina- Randers change of -root metric, JP Journal of Geometry and Topology. Vol. 20, No. 2, 115-128. 
  60. Shanker, G. and Baby, S. A. (2017), Reversible geodesics of Finsler spaces with special - metric, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc., 109(3) 183–188. 
  61. Shanker, G. and Baby, S. A. (2016), Nonholonomoc Frames for Finsler Spaces with generalized -metric, Int. J. Pure and Appld. Math. Volume 107 (4), 1013-1023). ISSN: 1311-8080
  62. Shanker, G. and Baby, S. A. (2016), ON R-COMPLEX FINSLER SPACES WITH SPECIAL -METRIC. International Journal of Applied Mathematics. Volume 29 No. 5, 609-619.  
  63. Shanker, G. and Baby, S. A. (2016), On the Riemannian and Ricci Curvature of Finsler spaces with a special -metric, Int. J. Math. Comb., Vol. 4, 61-69
  64. Shanker, G. and Baby, S. A. (2015), On the Projective Flatness of a Finsler space with infinite series (α, β)-metric, South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Math. Sc. Vol. 11, No. 1, 17-24.
  65. Shanker, G. and Singh, V. (2015), On the hypersurface of a Finsler space with Randers change of generalized -metric, Int. J. Pure and Appl. Math. Vol. 105 (2), 223-234.
  66. Shanker, G. and Singh, V. (2015), On the Kropina change of a Finsler space with m-th root metric, Tensor New Series, Vol. 76 No. 2, 105-114. 
  67. Shanker, G. and Baby, S. A. (2015), Projective changes between two Finsler spaces with -metrics, Tensor, New Series, Vol. 76, No. 1, 57-69. 
  68. Shanker, G. and Choudhary, D. (2015), On the L-duality of Finsler Spaces with -metric- , Romanian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 5, issue 2, 195-201. 
  69. Shanker, G. and Choudhary, D. (2015), On the conformal change of a Douglas space of second kind with certain (α, β)-metrics, Int. J. Pure and Appl. Math. Vol. 103 No. 4, 613-624.
  70. Shanker, G. and Sruthy Asha Baby, L-dual of a Finsler space with infinite series (α, β)-metric, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc. Vol. 107(4) (2015), 337-356. 
  71. Shanker, G. and Choudhary, D. (2014), On the Nonholonomic Frames for Finsler Spaces with -metrics, Tensor New Series, Vol. 75 No.3, 229-236. 
  72. Shanker, G. (2013), On the Conformal Change of a Five-dimensional Finsler Space, Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems, Vol. 15, 79-92.
  73. Shanker, G. and Yadav, R. (2013), On the Randers change of Exponential Metric, Applied Sciences, Vol. 15, 94-103. 
  74. Shanker, G. and Yadav, R. (2013), Weakly Berwald Finsler spaces with first approximate Matsumoto metric, Tensor, New Series, Vol. 74, No.1, 34-42. 
  75. Shanker, G. and Yadav, R. (2013), On the hypersurface of a Finsler space with special (α, β)-metric , Journal of the Indian Mathematical Soc., Vol. 80, Nos. 3-4, 329-339. 
  76. Shanker, G. and Yadav, R. (2013), On the hypersurface of a Finsler space with special -metric , J .R. Acad. Phy. Sci., Vol.12, No.1, 15-26.
  77. Shanker, G. and Yadav, R. (2013), Two-dimensional Landsberg space with first approximate Matsumoto metric, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc., 105 (1), 29-36.
  78. Shanker, G. and Yadav, R. (2013), On Some Projectively Flat (α, β)-Metrics, Gulf Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 1, 72-77. 
  79. Shanker, G. and Gupta, P. (2013), Projectively flat Finsler space with special metric , J. Int. Acad. Phy. Sc. Vol. 17 No. 4, 369-376.
  80. Shanker, G. , Chaubey, G. C. and Pandey, V. (2013), On the Hypersurface of a Finsler Space with special (α, β)-metric, Journal of Tensor Society, Vol.7, 39-47.
  81. Shanker, G., Chaubey, G. C. and Pandey, V. (2012), On the main scalars of a five-dimensional Finsler space, Int. el. J. Pure & Appl. Maths. Volume 5 No. 2, 69-78.
  82. Shanker, G. and Yadav, R. (2012), The L-dual of a generalized Matsumoto space, Int. J. Pure & Appl. Maths, Vol. 78 No. 6, 867-877. 
  83. Shanker, G. (2011), On a canonical recurrent d-connection of the generalized Lagrange space with the metric , Tensor, New Series, Vol. 73, No. 3, 207-214. 
  84. Shanker, G. and Yadav, R. (2011), On the hypersurface of a Finsler space with metric- , Tensor, New Series, Vol. 73, No. 1, 6-14. 
  85. Shanker, G. and Yadav, R. (2011), The L-dual of a special Finsler space with metric , Tensor, New Series, Vol. 73, No. 2, 137-144. 
  86. Shanker, G. and Yadav, R. (2011), Finsler Spaces with Third Approximate Matsumoto Metric, Tensor New Series, Vol. 73, No. 2, 118-126. 
  87. Shanker, G. (2011), The L-dual of a Generalized m- Kropina Space, Journal of Tensor Society. Vol. 5, 15-25. 
  88. Shanker, G. (2010), Five-dimensional Finsler space with constant unified main scalars, Tensor, New Series, Vol. 72, No. 1, 79-85. 
  89. Prasad, B. N. and Shanker, G. (2010), Conformal change of four-dimensional Finsler space, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc., Vol.102, No. (5), 423-432. 
  90. Shanker, G. (2010), On Cartan spaces with generalized metric, Journal of Tensor Society.Vol. 4, 41-48.
  91. Prasad, B. N.,  Chaubey, G. C. and Shanker, G. (2007), The four dimensional Finsler space with constant unified main scalar, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc., Vol.99 No.2, 113-122. 
  92. Prasad, B. N.,  Chaubey, G. C. and Shanker, G. (2005), , Finslerian Hypersurfaces and Matsumoto change of Finsler metric, V. J. M. S Vol.5 (2), 337-342.

Books/Book Chapters

  1. Kaur, J. Shanker, G. (2022), Flag curvature of left invariant (α, β)-metrics on tangent Lie groups. BSG Proceedings 29. The International Conference ”Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems” DGDS-2022, 26-29 August 2021, Mangalia-Romania, pp. 34-47.
  2. Shanker, G., Yadav, A. and Ramandeep Kaur (2022), A study on space forms of semi-transversal lightlike submanifolds of indefinite nearly K¨ahler manifolds. BSG Proceedings 29. The International Conference ”Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems” * DGDS-2022, 26-29 August 2021, Mangalia-Romania, pp. 87-99.
  3. Shanker, G., Yadav, A. (2022), A study on the geometry of totally umbilical (TU) screen transveral (ST) lightlike  submanifolds of a metallic semi-Riemannian manifolds, DOI: 10.1063/5.0085626 Conference: FIAM-2020 (AIP Conference).
  4. Baby, S. A., Shanker, G. (2020), On the conformal change of Douglas space of second kind with special (α, β)-metric, AIP Conference Proceedings 2261, 030011(1-8);
  5. Shanker, Gauree. (2012) Differential Geometry of Finsler and Lagrange Spaces, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Germany.
  6. Singh, S. K., Shahi, J. P., Shanker, G. (2007) A Text Book of Real and Complex Analysis, Ram Prasad & Sons Agra.
  7. Chandel, R. S., Singh, S. K., Shanker, G. (2005) A Text Book of Algebra and Trigonometry, Ram Prasad & Sons Agra.
Research Guidance

Ph. D. Supervision

Degree awarded
S. No. Name of the Student Enrollment year and Reg. No. University Award Year Current Affiliation


 Dr. Ravindra Yadav



Banasthali Vidyapith Rajasthan


Assistant Professor, Government College for Women, Mahendragarh, Haryana.


 Dr. Vijeta Singh  



Banasthali Vidyapith Rajasthan


Senior Consultant, Ernst and Young, New Delhi.


 Dr. Deepti Choudhary



Banasthali Vidyapith Rajasthan


Assistant Professor, Suraj (P.G) Degree College, Sector- 75, Gurugram 75, Gurugram-122103.


 Dr. Kiranta Kumari     



Banasthali Vidyapith Rajasthan


TGT, Kendriya Vidyalaya Dogra Lines Meerut Cantt.


 Dr. Sruthy Asha



Banasthali Vidyapith Rajasthan


Assistant Professor, PG department of Mathematics Devaswom Board College, Thalayaloparambu, Kottayam, Kerala.


 Dr. R. S. Kushwaha (NET JRF)



Banasthali Vidyapith Rajasthan


Assistant Professor, Government Engineering College, Buxar, Bihar.


 Dr. Ruchi Kaushik



Banasthali Vidyapith Rajasthan


Assistant Professor, Babu Banarasi Das National Institute of Technology and Management, Lucknow.


 Dr. Kirandeep Kaur (CSIR NET JRF)


Jan.12, 2017

Central University of Punjab


Principal, Punjabi University Constituent college, Ghuddha, Punjab.


 Dr. Sarita Rani (UGC NET JRF)


Dec.12, 2016

Central University of Punjab


Assistant Professor, Baba Farid College, Bathinda, Punjab.


 Dr. Ankit Yadav (CSIR NET JRF)


August 09, 2018

Central University of Punjab


Assistant Professor, Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari, Haryana


 Dr. Ramandeep Kaur (CSIR NET SRF)


Jan 21, 2019

Central University of Punjab


Assistant Professor, Guru Govind Singh Khalsa College, Sarhali, Tarntaran


Dr. Seema (UGC NET SRF)


Aug 08, 2019 Central University of Punjab 2024 Assistant Professor, Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology
13. Jaspreet Kaur (UGC NET SRF) Jan 09, 2020 Central University of Punjab 2024 Guest Faculty, MRSPTU, Bathinda, Punjab
14.  Zakia Issa Ndidi (ICCR) Sep 30, 2021 Central University of Punjab 2024 Thesis submitted 





Feb 26, 2021 CUP Synopsis approved   

 Adeeba Zaidi (UGC NET MANF)


Feb 26, 2021 CUP Synopsis approved   

 Harmadeep Kaur (UGC NET JRF)


Oct 18, 2021 CUP Synopsis approved     

Shivank Pal (GATE)


Aug 23, 2023 CUP Course work completed  

Kulvir Singh (CSIR-UGC-JRF)


October 01, 2024 CUP Pursuing Course work  

  M.Phil. Dissertations

S. No. Name of Student Award Year University Current affiliation
1. Ravindra 2011 BVR Assistant Professor, Government College for women, Mahendragarh, Haryana.
2. Neelam Sharma 2011 BVR  
3. Proxy Gupta 2012 BVR  
4. Renu Sharma 2013 BVR  
5. Sruthy Asha Baby 2014 BVR Assistant Professor, PG department of Mathematics Devaswom Board College, Thalayaloparambu, Kottayam, Kerala
6. Renu Kharab  2016 BVR Assistant Professor, R. K. S. D. College, Kaithal, Haryana

M.Sc. Dissertations/Projects

At Central University of Punjab, Bathinda

S. No. Name of Students Year Exam qualified   Current affiliation
1. Manpreet Kaur 2017 PPSC   PGT, Mathematics, Meritorius School, Government of Punjab
2. Sandeep Singh Gaur 2017 RPSC   PGT, Mathematics, Government of  Rajasthan
3. Naresh Kumar 2017 CSIR NET   Assistant Professor, Poddar College, Nawalgargh, Rajasthan
4. Deepali Goyal 2018 CSIR NET-JRF, GATE   Research Scholar, IIT Ropar
5. Poulami Poul 2018 GATE   Research Scholar, RGIPT, Amethi
6. Minakshi Yadav 2018 CSIR NET   Yaduvanshi Shiksha Niketan, Narnaul, Haryana
7. Vinit Sharma 2019      
8. Rakesh Kumar 2019 CSIR NET, GATE   Mukhtiar Singh Memorial Degree College, Behbalpur, Fatehabad
9. Ritika 2019      
10. Shiv Kumar 2019      
11. Vijay Kumar Sharma 2019      
12. Himanshi Chiteria 2020 CSIR NET, GATE   PGT Mathematics, Government Inter College, Budayun, U. P.
13. Rakesh Kumar Sharma 2020 CSIR NET-JRF   Research Scholar, Central University of Rajasthan
14. Vitasta Singh 2020      
15. Mohit Sharma 2020 CSIR NET; GATE    
16. Mohd. Khizir 2020 CSIR NET, GATE   Research Scholar, IIT (ISM), Dhanbad.
17. Aditya Singh Rana 2021 CSIR NET-JRF, GATE   Research Scholar, IIT Dharwad
18. Simaran Phukela 2021      
19. Sara Batool Musarat 2021      
20. Deepak Yadav 2021      
21. Kulvir Singh Saini 2021 CSIR NET-JRF, GATE   Research Scholar at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
22. Mohd. Fayaz 2021      
23. Simarpreet Kaur 2022 CSIR NET-JRF, GATE    
24. Shivank Pal 2022 GATE   Research Scholar at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
25. Manisha Kumari 2022      
26. Kavita Chaudhary 2022      
27. Pankaj Rathor 2022     Research Scholar at Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore
28. Abhishek Pandey 2023      
29. Saurabh Suman 2023      
30. Ankit Rawat 2023      
31. Mohd. Nadeem Zafar 2023      
32. Tanmay Barui 2023 GATE    
33. Amisha 2024      
34. Laxmi Bhatt 2024      
35. Nisha Bharti 2024      
36. Sanju Priya 2024      
37. Praveen Kumar Yadav 2024      
38. Shiv Kumar Chaudhary 2024 CSIR-NET-JRF, GATE   Research Scholar at IIT Patna
39. Manpreet Kaur 2024     Guest Faculty, MRSPTU, Bathinda, Punjab
40. Ravit Kumar 2024      
41. Niranjana Sajeevan 2025     ongoing
42. Deepali Agrawal
43. Prakash Gupta
44. Tanvir Kaur
45. Sonu Kumar Rai
46. Mohd. Ashfaque


  At Banasthali Vidyapith Rajasthan

S. No. Name of the Student Year Exam qualified Current affiliation
1. Mukesh Kumari 2009    
2. Meenakshi Kausik 2009    
3. Suman 2009    
4. Vijaya Kumari 2010    
5. Monika Yadav 2010    
6. Ramrati 2010    
7. Pramila Yadav 2010    
8. Dr. Komal Gupta 2011 NET-JRF, GATE Ph. D. IIT Roorkee
9. Monika Bansal 2011    
10. Geetanjali Pandey 2011    
11. Dr. Vijeta Singh 2012   Senior Consultant, Ernst and Young, New Delhi.
12. Monika Kumari 2012    
13. Monika Yadav 2012    
14. Ekta 2013    
15. Jyoti Verma 2013    
16. Hemlata 2014    
17. Rinki Yadav 2014    
18. Anita Nehra 2015    
19. Himani Sharma 2015    
20. Vandana Sharma 2015    
21. Kumudoni Purohit, 2016    
22. Vandana Mahala 2016    
Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Attended
  1. International conference on Emerging Frontiers in Mathematical and Computational Sciences (EFMCS - 2024) held during  October 24-26, 2024 at the Department of Mathematics, North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, Meghalaya, India.
  2. International conference on New Methods in Finsler Geometry IV, held during  September 02-06, 2024 at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.
  3. CIMPA School on Geometric Structures on Surfaces, Moduli Spaces and Dynamics held at DST-CIMS, BHU Varanasi during December 12-22, 2022.
  4. Discussion Meeting on Zero Mean Curvature Surfaces (online) held at International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS), TIFR Bangalore during July 07-15, 2020.
  5. CIMPA School on Finsler Geometry and Applications held at DST-CIMS, BHU Varanasi during December 05-15, 2019.
  6. Paper presentation on "Two-dimensional Landsberg space with first approximate Matsumoto metric" in the International Conference on Differential geometry and Relativity at DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur during November 09-11, 2013.
  7. Discussion Meeting on Analysis and Geometry held at HRI Allahabad during March 12-16, 2012, sponsored by NBHM.
  8. Attended International Conference on Discrete Mathematics entitled, "Jubilee Conference on Discrete Mathematics" organized by Center for Mathematical Sciences, Banasthali University, Rajasthan, India during January 11-13, 2009.
  9. Pre-Conference Workshop on Discrete Mathematics, organized by Center for Mathematical Sciences, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during January 06-10, 2009.
  10. Attended International Conference on Women Education entitled, "Jubilee Conference on Women's Education" organized by Banasthali University, Rajasthan, India from November 11-13, 2008.


  1. Instructional school for Lecturers on Geometric Topology held at DST-CIMS, BHU Varanasi during July 07-19, 2014 supported by NBHM.
  2. Instructional school for Lecturers on Topology and Geometry held at HRI Allahabad during December 16-28, 2013 supported by NBHM.
  3. National Workshop on Differential Geometry held at Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during October 23-27, 2013, sponsored by DST Gov. of India.
  4. National Workshop on Recent Trends in Biomathematics & Statistics held at Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during Nov. 02-05, 2012, sponsored by DST Gov. of India.
  5. Instructional school for Lecturers in Differential Geometry held at Kumaun University Almora during May 21 to June 09, 2012 supported by NBHM.
  6. National Workshop on Cryptography and Number Theory held at Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during May 03-06, 2012, sponsored by DST Gov. of India.
  7. Workshop on Lie groups and Lie Algebra, organized by HRI, Allahabad during August 22-27, 2011, sponsored by NBHM.
  8. National Workshop on Inventory Modeling, organized by Center for Mathematical Sciences, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan, India during March 04-07, 2011.
  9. National Workshop on Block Designs and Their Applications, organized by Center for Mathematical Sciences, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan, during February 05-08, 2011.
  10. Workshop on Latex and other open source Software, organized by Center for Mathematical Sciences, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan, during March 25-27, 2010.
  11. National Workshop on Discrete Mathematics, organized by Center for Mathematical Sciences, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during May 01-05, 2010.
  12. Mini MTTS Program on Number Theory and Algebra, organized by Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during December 18-24, 2010 supported by NBHM.
  13. Advanced Training In Algebra and Number Theory, organized by Panjab University, Chandigarh during December 15-31, 2009, sponsored by NBHM.
  14. Training Program on Optimization Techniques, organized by Center for Mathematical Sciences, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during December 24-29, 2008.
  15. Paper presentation on "On the Nonholonomoc Frames for Finsler spaces with (α, β) metrics" in the National Conference on Recent Developments in Special Functions and their Applications at T. D. P. G. College Jaunpur (U. P.) during November 04-06, 2014.
  16. Paper presentation on "Geometry of Curves in Space" in the   National Conference of Society of Statistics, Computers and Applications at Banasthali University, Rajasthan during February 24-26, 2013. 
  17. Paper presentation on "On the Hypersurface of Second Matsumoto Space" in the   National Conference on Computational and Mathematical Sciences "Computatia-II 2012" at VIT Jaipur from November 30 to December 01 2012. 
  18. Paper presentation on "The L-dual of a generalized m-Kropina Space" in the   National Conference of ISMAMS on Interdisciplinary Applications of Mathematical and Statistical Techniques at Gorakhpur (U. P.) during February 25-26, 2012.
  19. Paper presentation on “Conformal Change of Five-dimensional Finsler space" in the 19th Annual conference of Purvanchal academy of sciences held at T. D. P. G College, Jaunpur (U. P) during February 20-21, 2010.
  20. Expert lecture “An Introduction to Tensors” in the   annual conference of Purvanchal academy of sciences held at T. D. P. G College, Jaunpur (U. P) during February 20-21, 2010.
  21. International Conference on Discrete Mathematics entitled, "Jubilee Conference on Discrete Mathematics" organized by Center for Mathematical Sciences, Banasthali University, Rajasthan, India during January 11-13, 2009. 
  22. Paper presentation on "Finslerian Hyper surfaces and β-change of Finsler metric" in the  National conference of the Tensor society, India held at SRMCEM, Lucknow during July 5-6, 2008.
  23. International Conference on Women Education entitled, "Jubilee Conference on Women's Education" organized by Banasthali University, Rajasthan, India from November 11-13, 2008.
  24. Paper presentation on "A remarkable connection in Finsler space with generalized (α, β)-metric" in the   Annual conference of Purvanchal academy of sciences held at Jaunpur (U.P) during February 19-20, 2005.
  25. Paper presentation on "Finslerian Hyper surfaces and Matsumoto change of Finsler metric" in the National conference on emerging areas in Mathematical sciences in first quarter of the century held at Gorakhpur (U.P) during February 11-13, 2005.
Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised
  1. Convener, National Workshop on Ancient Indian Mathematics, supported by The Mathematics Consortium (TMC), held online during March 14-16, 2022 at Central University of Punjab.
  2. Convener, 27th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences on Recent Advances in Differential Geometry and Topology held (online) at Central University of Punjab during October 26-28, 2021.
  3. Convener, NASI-TMC Summer School on Differential Geometry held online at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda during July 05-24, 2021, sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI), Prayagraj and The Mathematics Consortium, Pune.
  4. Convener One day seminar and quiz competition on National Mathematics Day, December 22, 2018 sponsored by Punjab State Council for Science and Technology,   at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
  5. Organized special lectures by Prof. Valeriey Bardakov Russia and Prof. K. Gongopaphyay, IISER Mohali on October 25, 2016 in Centre for Mathematics and Statistics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
  6. Convener, Instructional School for Lecturers on Differential geometry held at Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during December 08-20, 2014, sponsored by NCM.
  7. Co-coordinator, National Workshop on Differential Geometry held at Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during October 23-27, 2013, sponsored by DST Gov. of India.
  8. Member organizing committee, National Workshop on Recent Trends in Biomathematics & Statistics held at Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during Nov. 02-05, 2012, sponsored by DST Gov. of India.
  9. Member organizing committee, National Workshop on Cryptography and Number Theory held at Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during May 03-06, 2012, sponsored by DST Gov. of India.
  10. Member organizing committee, National Workshop on Linear and Non-linear systems, organized by Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during December 15-19, 2011, supported by DST Gov. of India.
  11. Member organizing committee, National Workshop on Block Designs and Their Applications, organized by Center for Mathematical Sciences, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan, India during February 05-08, 2011.
  12. Member organizing committee, Workshop on Latex and other open source Software, organized by Center for Mathematical Sciences, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during March 25-27, 2010.
  13. Member organizing committee, National Workshop on Discrete Mathematics, organized by Center for Mathematical Sciences, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during May 01-05, 2010.
  14. Member organizing committee, Mini MTTS Program in Number Theory and Algebra, organized by Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during December 18-24, 2010 supported by NBHM.
  15. Member organizing committee, Pre-Conference Workshop on Discrete Mathematics, organized by Center for Mathematical Sciences, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during January 06-10, 2009.
Peer Recognition
  • Member, School Board, School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computational Science, Central University of Rajasthan.
  • Member, BOS, Department of Mathematics, Sant Longowal Institute of Engg. and Technonology, Sagrur, Punjab.
  • Member, BOS, Department of Mathematics, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Bihar.
  • Member, BOS, Department of Mathematics, Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu.
  • Member, BOS, Department of Mathematics, Maharaja Ranjeet Singh Technical University, Bathinda.
  • Member, BOS, Department of Mathematics, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda.
  • Member, BOS, Department of Mathematics, DAV University Jalandhar, Punjab, India.
  • Member, BOS, Department of Physics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
  • Member, BOS, Department of Computational Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
  • Member, BOS, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda.
  • Member, School Board, School of Basic Sciences, Central University of Punjab from January 2016 till date.
  • Chairman, BOS, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Central University of Punjab, July 2016 to August 2022.
  • Chairman, AAC, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Central University of Punjab, July 2016 to August 2022.
  • Chairman, CDC, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Central University of Punjab, July 2016 to August 2022.
  • Convener, CDC, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Central University of Punjab, January 2016 to July 2016.
  • Member, BOS, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan from September 2008 to December 2015.
Invited Talks/ Resource Person
1. Expert lecture “An Introduction to Tensors” in the   annual conference of Purvanchal academy of sciences held at T. D. P. G College, Jaunpur (U. P) during February 20-21, 2010. 
2. Series of lectures “Theory of Curves and Surfaces” in the National Workshop on Differential Geometry held at Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during October 23-27, 2013, sponsored by DST Gov. of India.
3. Invited talk “Scope and Applications of Multiple integrals” on November 19, 2013 at Asian Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
4. Invited talk "On the Conditions for a Four dimensional Conformally flat Landsberg space to be a Berwald space" in the symposium on Riemann-Finsler geometry organized in the   Annual meeting of Ramanujan Mathematical Society held at IISER Pune during 23-27 June 2014.
5. Paper presentation on "On the Nonholonomoc Frames for Finsler spaces with (α, β) metrics" in the National Conference on Recent Developments in Special Functions and their Applications at T. D. P. G. College Jaunpur (U. P.) during November 04-06, 2014.
6. Invited talk “Stop Teaching Calculating, Start Teaching Math” in National Workshop on "Thoughts on Mathematics Education" held at T. D. P. G. College Jaunpur during November 02-06, 2014, sponsored by DST Gov. of India.
7. Course associate in the Instructional School for Lecturers on Differential Geometry held at Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan during December 8-20, 2014, supported by NCM, A Joint Centre of IIT Bombay and TIFR, Mumbai.
8. Invited talk "On the Nonholonomic Frames in Finsler Geometry" in the International Conference on Emerging Areas of Mathematics for Science and Technology held in the Department of Mathematics Punjabi University, Patiala during January 30-February 1, 2015.
9. Invited talk “Osculating Sphere” on 20/10/2016 to the faculty and students of PG Department of Mathematics at Baba Farid College Bathinda.
10. Invited talk “Hyperbolic Geometry” in the National Workshop on "Treasures of great Indian Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan” organized by Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics, T. D. P. G. College Jaunpur during November 03-07, 2016, sponsored by DST Gov. of India.
11. Invited talk “Reversible geodesics for Finsler spaces with special (α, β) metrics" in the International Conference of TIMC and American Mathematical Society, held at BHU Varanasi during December 14-17, 2016.
12. Series of lectures in Mathematical Sciences Refresher course at Punjabi University Patiala during June 26-28, 2017.
13. Invited talk “Sphere and its properties” on 20/09/2017 to the faculty and students of UG Department of Mathematics at Baba Farid College Bathinda.
14. Invited talk “Fundamentals of Surgery Theory” in the National Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applications held at T. D. P. G. College Jaunpur during October 28-29, 2017.
15. Invited talk “Surgery on Manifolds” in the National Conference on Ramanujan: A Goddess Gifted Mathematician held at T. D. P. G. College Jaunpur during October 30-31, 2017.
16. Invited talk “Metric structures associated with Finsler metrics” in the International Conference on Mathematics and Applications held at Guru Ghasidas Viswavidyalaya, Bilaspur, Chhatishgarh February 23-25, 2018.
17. Invited talk “Global Bahavior of Geodesics” in the 23rd International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences held at Dr. R. M. L. Avadh University Faizabad during April 13-15, 2018.
18. Invited talk “An Introduction to Surface Theory” on 08/10/2018 to the faculty and students of Department of Mathematics at Baba Farid College Bathinda.
19. Invited talk “The Geometry of the Gauss map” in the National Workshop on “Science fare creating awareness, interest, motivation in Science and Mathematics for school students and teachers”, organized by Department of Mathematics T.D.P.G. College, Jaunpur in collaboration with Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences during November 10-13, 2018.
20. Invited talk “Lie Groups and Lie Algebra” in the National Conference on “Fractional Calculus, Special Functions and their Applications in Computer Science”, organized by Department of Mathematics T. D. P.G. College, Jaunpur in collaboration with Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences during November 10-12, 2018.
21. Invited talk “Orientable and Non-orientable Surfaces” in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Sciences organized by Department of Mathematics and Statistics, D. D. U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur during November 24-25, 2018.
22. Invited talk “Geometry of some Important Surfaces” in the DST INSPIRE Internship Camp-2019 on September 27, 2019 at Guru Nanak College for Girls at Muktsar.
23. Invited talk “Geometry of Surfaces with Constant Negative Curvature" in the Int. Con. Diff. Geom. and Relativity, held at D.D.U.Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur during November 08-10, 2019.
24. Invited talk “Geometry of Manifolds with First Approximate Matsumoto Metric" in the 85th Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society}, An International Meet, held at IIT Kharagpur during November 22-25, 2019.  
25. Invited talk “Importance and Applications of Geometry in Engineering” in the International Webinar on “Importance and Applications of Mathematics in Engineering” held on June 14, 2020 at Babu Banarasi Das Institute of Technology and Managemant, Lucknow.
26. Invited talk “Modern view of Curves in Plane and Space” in the One week Faculty Development Programme On Mathematical Tools and Recent Advances in Mathematics(MTAM-2020) organized by Department of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur during September 21-25, 2020. 
27. Invited talk “Recent Advances on Homogeneous Finsler Spaces” in the 26th International e-Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences (CONIAPS XXVI) on "Advances in Relativistic Astrophysics  & Cosmology" organized by Department of Mathematics, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology during 18-20 December 2020.
28.  Invited talk “Applications of Differential Geometry” in National Seminar on Mathematical Applications in Science and Technology on the occasion of National Mathematics Day, organized by Department of Mathematics, Chaudhary Bansi Lal University Bhiwani, Haryana on December 22, 2020.
29. Invited talk “Curves in Plane and Space” in Refresher course in Mathematical Sciences, jointly organized by UGC-HRDC and Department of Mathematics, Punjabi University Patiala during November 16-28, 2020.
30. Invited talk “An Introduction to Curves in Plane and Space’ in Refresher course in Mathematical Sciences, jointly organized by UGC-HRDC and Department of Mathematics and Statistics, D.D.U.Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur during December 29, 2020 to January 11, 2021.
31. Invited talk “An Introduction to Orientable and Non-Orientable Surfaces” in Refresher course on Advances in Mathematical & Physical Sciences, jointly organized by UGC-HRDC and Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Dr. H. S. Gaure University, Sagar M. P.  during November 16-30, 2021.
32. Invited talk “Fundamentals of Surgery on Manifolds" in Refresher course on Advances in Mathematical Sciences, organized by UGC-HRDC Panjab University, Chandigarh during 23/11/21 to 06/12/21.
33. Invited Talk " History of Indian Mathematics" organized by Department of Mathematics, MRSPTU, Bathinda on December 22, 2021 as a part of National Mathematics Day Celebrations.
34. Invited Talk. “Some Fundamental Concepts of Differential Geometry” , organized by Department of Mathematics, Seth Gyaniram Bansidhar Podar College, Nawalgargh, Rajasthan on March 05, 2022.
35. Invited Talk. “An Introduction to Smooth Manifolds’ in Refresher course in Mathematical Sciences, organized by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, D.D.U.Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur on March 26, 2022.
36. Invited Talk. "Ancient Indian Mathematics: An Overview" on April 21, 2022 at the Department of Mathematics, Baba Farid College, Bathinda.
37. Session Chair in the International Conference On Evolution in Pure & Applied Mathematics organized by Department of Mathematics, Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab during November 16-18, 2022.
38. Chaired training sessions/interactive sessions in the International CIMPA School on Geometric Structures on Surfaces, Moduli Spaces and Dynamics, held at DST-CIMS, Institute of Science, BHU Varanasi during December 12-22, 2022.
39. Invited Talk. "Ancient Indian Mathematics: An Overview" on January 28, 2023 at the Department of Mathematics, Guru Nanak College, Muktsar.
40. Invited Talk. "Introduction to Modern Indian Mathematics" on January 28, 2023 at the Department of Mathematics, Guru Nanak College, Muktsar.
41. Session Schair. International Conference on "Recent Advances in Fundamental and Applied Sciences” (RAFAS-2023) held during March 24-25, 2023 at Lovely Professional University (LPU), Phagwara, Punjab.
42. Expert Talk. "Curves in Plane and Space: An Introduction". Refresher course in Mathematics and Statistics Sciences, organized by UGC-MALVIYA MISSION TEACHER TRAINING CENTRE (HRDC), Punjabi University, Patiala during December 04-16, 2023.
43. Expert Talk. "Curvature and Torsion of Curves in Plane and Space". Refresher course in Mathematics and Statistics Sciences, organized by UGC-MALVIYA MISSION TEACHER TRAINING CENTRE (HRDC), Punjabi University Patiala during December 04-16, 2023.
44. Expert Talk. "Orientability of Surfaces and the Gauss Map". 08th Refresher Course in Mathematics for teachers of University and Colleges organised by the UGC-MALVIYA MISSION TEACHER TRAINING CENTRE, DDU GKP UNIV Gorakhpur during December 08-21, 2023.
45. Invited Talk. " History of Differential Geometry: Before Gauss". International Conference on Gravity, Astrophysics and Cosmology (ICGAC-2024) organized by Centre for Cosmology, Astrophysics and Space Science, GLA University, Mathura in collaboration with The Tensor Society, India during June 14-16, 2024.
46. Expert Talk. "Fundamental Concepts of Differential Topology". Department of Mathematics, Buddha P. G. College Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh July 15, 2024.
47. Expert Talk. "Basic Building Blocks of Differential Topology", Department of Mathematics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, July 26, 2024.
48. Invited talk, "Homogeneous Finsler Spaces with quartic metric admitting (alpha, beta)-types, International conference on New Methods in Finsler Geometry IV, held during September 02-06, 2024 at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.
49. Resource Person, "Parallel Transport and Covariant Derivative" in the Refresher Course on Recent Advances in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, held during October 14-26, 2024 at the Department of Mathematics, Central University of South Bihar, Bodh Gaya, Bihar.
50. Invited talk, "Homogeneous Finsler Spaces with square metric, International conference on Emerging Frontiers in Mathematical and Computational Sciences (EFMCS - 2024) held during October 24-26, 2024 at the Department of Mathematics, North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, Meghalaya, India.
51. Invited talk, "Homogeneous Finsler Spaces with (alpha, beta)-metrics, International Conference on Evolution in Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICEPAM 2024), held at Department of Mathematics, Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, during November 20–22, 2024.
52. Invited talk, " Recent Advances on Homogeneous and Symmetric Finsler Spaces, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPLEX

My research publications have been cited 297 times with h-index of 8 and i-10 index of 4 (Source: Google Scholar January 24, 2025).

Current Research Group


With Research Scholars in my Cabin


With Prof. Satish. C. Bhatnagar, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA and Research Scholars in Geometry Lab, CUP, June 2022.

GL Discussion time with Research Scholars in Geometry Lab

Community Participation
Performed duties in different capacity in the Parliament and Punjab Assembly Elections
Curricular Development
MAT.515 Vector and Tensor Analysis
MAT.525 Differential Geometry
MAT.527 Differential Geometry Practical
MAT.530 Topology
MAT.555 Diferentiable Manifolds
MAT.560 Discrete Differential Geometry
MAT.572 Riemannian Geometry
STA.511 Operations Research
MAT.708 Differential Topology
MAT.709 Algebraic Topology
MAT.710 Riemannian Geometry
MAT.711 Riemann-Finsler Geometry
MAT.712 General Relativity
MAT.751 Research and Publication Ethics