Contact Info
Dr. Santosh Kumar Mahapatra
Department of Physics, School of Basic Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Ghudda, Bathinda- 151401
Dr. Santosh Kumar Mahapatra
Ph. D. : Design of a Electron Irradiation System & Its Applications in Studies of Charge Dynamics in Insulator
(Department of Physics, S.P. Pune University, PUNE)
- May 2016 to Till Date : Professor, Department of Physics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
- Dec. 2015 to May 2020 : Associate Professor, Dept. of Physical Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
- May 2013 to Dec. 2015 : Associate Professor, Dept. of Applied Physics, Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi
- July 2009 to April 2013 : Assistant Professor, Dept. of Applied Physics, Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi
- Jan 2009 to June 2009 : Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Applied Physics, Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi
- May 2007 to Dec 2008 : Lecturer, Dept. of Applied Physics, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi
Administrative Experience
- HoD, Department of Physics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
- Member, Academic Council, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
- Member, School Board of Basic Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
- Member, School Board of Natural Sciences, Central University Jharkhand, Ranchi
- Member, Board of Control for Department of Physics, Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Bathinda
- Jury Member, Rastriya Chalchitra, Vigyan Prasar, New Delhi, INDIA
Any Other Experience
- General Employee Radiological Training, Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre, San Francisco, USA
- Silicon Dry Etching Training, Nano laboratory, University of California Los Angeles, USA
- Radiation Worker I Training, Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre, San Francisco, USA
- SEM Training, Nano laboratory, University of California Los Angeles, USA
- Joint Universities Accelerator School, Centre Universitaire et de Recherche, Archamps, FRANCE
Research Area
- Experimental Plasma and Accelerator Physics
- Devices; MOS, MIS, Supercapacitor and Solar Cell
- Irradiation Effects on Thin Film and Soft Materials.
Research Interests
- Design of Electron and Ion Sources
- Plasma and its Chaotic Behaviour
- MOS, MIS, Supercapacitor and Solar Cell
- Electron/ion interaction with materials
Research Grants/Projects
- Investigation of Plasma Instability and its Correlation with Deposited Species (BRNS)
- Development of Solid State Mesoscopic Solar Cells (BRNS)
- Diagnosis of ECR Plasma (SERB)
- Transferred Arc Plasma Modelling & Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticle for Biomedical Application (BRNS)
Professional Affiliation
- Academic Visitor, Brunel University LONDON, UK
- Visiting Scientist, PBPL, University of California Los Angeles, USA
- Visiting Scientist, Centre of Excellence in Solar Energy Lab., N.C.L, Pune, INDIA
- Post-Doctoral Fellow, Ajou University, Suwon, SOUTH KOREA
Professional Recognition/Awards/Scholarships
- Best Thesis Award, Department of Physics, University of Pune, INDIA
- M. R. Bhide Award, Indian Physics Association, Pune Chapter, INDIA
- R K. Bhalla Award, Indian Physics Association, Pune Chapter, INDIA
- A 20 keV electron gun system for the electron irradiation experiments, S K Mahapatra, S D Dhole and V N Bhoraskar, NIM-A, 536, Issues 1-2, (2005), Pages 222-225.
- Comparative study of spin coated and sputtered PMMA as an etch mask material for silicon micromachining Dhananjay S Bodas, S K Mahapatra and S A Gangal, Sensors and Actuators A, 120, Issue 2, May 2005, P 582.
- Electron beam induced surface cross-linking of functional monomers coated on silicon substrate, Santosh Mahapatra, Dhananjay Bodas, A B Mandale V N Bhoraskar, Materials Letters, Vol.60,11, May 2006, Pages 1360
- Dependence of charge build-up in the polyimide on the incident electron energy, S K Mahapatra, S D Dhole, V N Bhoraskar, Journal of Applied Physics, 100 (2006) 034913-21.
- Growth and decay of surface voltage on the silver diffused polyimide exposed to 3-15 keV electrons, S.K.Mahapatra, S.D.Dhole and V. N. Bhoraskar, Journal of Physics D, 40 (2007) 1097-1102.
- Formation of Gold and Silver nanoparticles by 5 keV to 15 keV electron irradiation, S.K.Mahapatra, S.D.Dhole and V. N. Bhoraskar, Nanotechnology, 18 (2007), 135602.
- Capacitance-Voltage characterization of electron beam induced surface cross-linked functional monomers, Santosh Mahapatra, Dhananjay Bodas, S.A. Gangal ,V.N. Bhoraskar, Applied Phys. Letters, Vol 90, (2007), 133501.
- Automation of Low Energy Electron Irradition System for Medical Application, S.K.Mahapatra, B. J. Patil, S. T. Chavan, V. N. Bhoraskar, S. D. Dhole, J. of Medical Physics, V 31 2006, 211
- Angular Distribution of Bremsstrahlung radiation from 6 and 15 MeV Pulsed electron beam incident on Tungsten target, B J Patil, S K Mahapatra, S N Pethe, S T Chavan, V N Bhoraskar, S D Dhole, J. of Medical Physics, 31 (3) 2006, 212.
- A 20 keV energy electron induced breaks in chromatin materials for dosimetry and radiotherapy applications, S K Mahapatra, I Banerjee, P K Barhai, A A Babrekar, B B Nath, V N Bhoraskar, S D Dhole, J. of Medical Physics, Vol 32 (3), 2007, 18.
- Particle size-dependent giant nonlinear absorption in nanostructured Ni-Ti alloys, J K Anthony, H C Kim, H W Lee, S K Mahapatra, H M Lee, C K Kim, K Kim, H Lim and F Rotermund, OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 16 (15) Page: 11193-11202, (2008).
- Effect of the titanium ion concentration on electro deposition of nanostructure TiNi films, H. M. Lee, S. K. Mahapatra, J. K. Anthony, F. Rotermund and C. K. Kim, J. of Material Science, Vol 44, pp 3731 - 3735 (2009).
- Study of the effect of plasma current density on nitrides and oxynitrides titanium thin films prepared by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering”, P.K.Barhai, Neelam Kumari, I. Banerjee, S.K.Pabi, S.K.Mahapatra, Vacuum, 84 (2010) 896
- Effect of ambient pressure on the axial behavior of Ar-H2 transferred thermal arc plasma column, I. Banerjee, N.K.Joshi, S.Karmakar, N.V.Kulkarni, S.N.Sahasrabudhe, S. K. Mahapatra, P K Barhai,S. V. Bhoraskar and A. K. Das, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol 38, 2010, pp 982
- Influence of RF power on the electrical and mechanical properties of nano-structured carbon nitride thin films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering”, I. Banerjee, Neelam Kumari, Ashis K. Singh, Mukesh Kumar, Pinaki Laha, A.B. Panda, S.K. Pabi, P.K. Barhai, S.K. Mahapatra, Thin Solid Films, Vol 518, Issue 24, 2010, 7240.
- Study of bactericidal efficiency of magnetron sputtered TiO2 films deposited at varying oxygen partial pressure” A.B. Panda, P. Laha, K. Harish, B. Sarkar, S.V. Chaure, W.A. Sayyad, V.S. Jadhav, G.R. Kulkarni, D. Sasmal, P.K. Barhai, A.K. Das, S.K. Mahapatra, I. Banerjee, Surface and Coatings Technology, 205 (2010) 1611–1617
- Effect of leakage current and dielectric constant on single and double layer oxides in MOS structure”, Pinaki Laha, A.B. Panda, P K Barhai, A K Das, I. Banerjee, S K Mahapatra, Thin Solid Films, 519 (2010) 1530
- Study of the effect of plasma-striking atmosphere on Fe-oxidation in thermal DC arc–plasma processing, I. Banerjee, Y.B. Khollam, S K Mahapatra, A K Das and S.V. Bhoraskar, J. of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 28,6, 1399, 2010
- 6 MeV electron irradiation effects on electrical properties of Al/TiO 2 / n -Si MOS capacitors, Laha P, Dahiwale S.S, Banerjee I, Pabi S.K, Kimd D, Barhai P.K, Bhoraskar V.N, Mahapatra S.K NIMB, 269 (23), p.2740-2744, Dec 2011
- Effects of 6 MeV electron irradiation on electrical properties and device parameters of Al/Al 2O3/ TiO2/n-Si MOS capacitors, Laha P, Banerjee I, Barhai P.K, Das A.K, Bhoraskar V.N, Mahapatra, S. K, NIMB, 283, p.9, Jul 2012
- Synthesis of magnetically active interpenetrating polymer network for drug release, S. Goswami, K. Kiran, A. B. Panda, P.P. Sharma, S. K. Mahapatra, S. V. Bhoraskar, I. Banerjee, Int.J.Nano Dim. 2(1): 37-48, (2011)
- Development of rf plasma sputtered Al2O3–TiO2 multilayer broad band antireflecting coatings and its correlation with plasma parameters, Laha P, Panda A.B, Mahapatra S.K, Barhai, P.K, Das A.K, Banerjee, I., Applied Surface Science, 258 (7), p.2275-2282, Jan 2012
- Understanding of gas phase deposition of reactive magnetron sputtered TiO 2 thin films and its correlation with bactericidal efficiency, Panda A.B, Mahapatra S. K, Barhai P.K, Das A.K, Banerjee I, Applied Surface Science, Volume 258, Issue 24, 1 October 2012, Pages 9824-9831
- Irradiation effects of 6 MeV electron on electrical properties of Al/Al2O3/n-Si MOS capacitors, Laha P, Banerjee I, Bajaj A, Chakraborty P, Barhai P.K, Dahiwale S.S, Das A.K Das, V.N. Bhoraskar, Mahapatra S. K, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 81, 1600-1605, 2012
- Wakefields in photonic accelerator structures, B Naranjo, G Andonian, E Arab, S Barber, K Fitzmorris, A Fukusawa, P Hoang, S K Mahapatra, B O’Shea, A Valloni, O Williams, C Yang & J B Rosenzweig, AIP Conf. Proc. 1507, 600, 2012
- Bactericidal efficiency of nano structured Al-O/Ti-O composite thin films prepared by dual magnetron reactive co-sputtering technique, A.B. Panda, S. Gopikishan, S.K. Mahapatra, P.K. Barhai, A.K. Das, I. Banerjee, Ceramics International, DOI 10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.08.141 , (2013)
- Electropolymerization of polyaniline thin films, Ashwini B. Rohon, Priyanka U. Londhe, S. K. Mahapatra, S. K. Kulkarni and N. B. Chaure,High Performance Polymers 26(6), sept 2014, page 641-647
- Progress on the hybrid gun project at UCLA, A. Fukasawa, H. To, S. K. Mahapatra, B. Baumgartner, A. Cahill, K. Fitzmorris, R Li, P Musumeci, J B Rosenzweig, B Spataro, D Alesini, L Ficcadenti, A Valloni, L Palumbo, Physics Procedia, 52, 2014, 2-6.
- Experimental investigation of quasi periodic-chaotic-quasi periodic-chaotic transition in a DC magnetron sputtering plasma, G Sabavath, P K Shaw, A N S Iyengar, I Banerjee and S K Mahapatra, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 22, 082121 (2015)
- Development of CuInTe2 thin film solar cells by electrochemical route with low temperature (80◦C) heat treatment procedure, Manorama Lakhe, S K Mahapatra, Nandu B. Chaure, Materials Science and Engineering B 204 (2016) 20–26
- Axial distribution of plasma fluctuations, plasma parameters, rate of deposition and grain size during copper deposition, S.Gopikishan, I. Banerjee, A. P.Pathak & S. K.Mahapatra RADIATION EFFECTS & DEFECTS IN SOLIDS 2017, 1359597
- Effect of Plasma Power on Reduction of Printable Graphene Oxide thin films on Flexible Substrates, I. Banerjee, S. K. Mahapatra, Chandana Pal, Ashwani Sharma, Asim Ray, Materials Research Express 2018, 5, 056405
- Synthesis of NiO–Co3O4 nanosheet and its temperature-dependent supercapacitive behavior, Nilesh G Saykar, Ritu Kumari Pilania, I Banerjee and S K Mahapatra, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 2018, 51, 475501
- Synthesis and dielectric characterisation of triiodide perovskite methyl ammonium lead iodide for energy applications, S. K. Mahapatra, N. Saykar, I. Banerjee, P. R. Hobson, A. K. Sharma, A. K. Ray, Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 29, 18693-18698
- Investigation of nonlinear dynamics of an excitable magnetron sputtering plasma, Gopikishan Sabavath, Pankaj KumarShaw, A.N. Sekar Iyengar, I. Banerjee, S. K. Mahapatra, Results in Physics 2019, 12, 1814-1820
- Synthesis of gadolinium oxide nanocuboides for in vitro bioimaging applications, N Chawda, S Mishra, M Basu, H Chander, R Poddar, S K Mahapatra, Materials Research Express, 2019
- Nano Biointerface Study between Fe content TiO2 Nanoparticles & Adenosine Triphosphate Biomolecules in Surface and Interface Analysis, Tejal Barkhade,I Banerjee, SK Mahapatra , Surface and Interface Analysis 2019, 14, 041003
- Engineering of Gadolinium Decorated Graphene Oxide Nanosheets for Multimodal Bioimaging and Drug Delivery, Chawda, Nitya; Basu, Mainak; Majumdar, Dipanwita; Poddar, Raju; Mahapatra, Santosh; Banerjee, Indrani, ACS Omega, 2019, 4, 12470-12479
- Electron Beam Induced Synthesis of Ru-rGO and its Super Capacitive Behavior, Nilesh G Saykar , Ambadas Phatangare Banerjee , V N Bhoraskar , Asim K Ray and S K Mahapatra, 2 D materials, 2019
- Study of Mitochondrial Swelling, Membrane Fluidity and ROS Production Induced by Nano-TiO2 and Prevented by Fe Incorporation, Tejal Barkhade, S. K. Mahapatra and Indrani Banerjee, Toxicology research 2019.
- T. Shiyani, Santosh K. Mahapatra, Kashinath A. Bogle, and Indrani Banerjee. 2020. Biohybrid electrodes for photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 12(044701)
- Prithvi Asapur,Santosh Kumar Mahapatra &Indrani Banerjee. 2020. Secondary structural analysis of non-mulberry silk fibroin nanoparticles synthesized by using microwave and acetone method. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. https://doi.org/10.1080/07391102.2020.1852970
- Prithvi C. Asapur,TulshiShiyani,S. K. Mahapatra,Kashinath A. &Indrani Banerjee. 2020. Photo-electrochemical Property of Microwave Synthesized Muga Silk Nanoparticles/ZnO/ITO/PET Structure. IETE Technical Review. https://doi.org/10.1080/02564602.2020.1852121
- Prithvi C. Asapur, Purushottam D. Sahare, Santosh Kumar Mahapatra, Indrani Banerjee. 2020. Homology modeling and molecular docking study of biogenic Muga silk nanoparticles as putative drug-binding system. Biotechnology and Biochemistry. https://doi.org/10.1002/bab.2088
- TulshiShiyan, S. K. Mahapatra &Indrani Banerjee. 2020. Natural Basil as Photosensitizer with ZnO Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications. IETE Journal of Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/03772063.2020.1768161
- T. Shiyani, Santosh K. Mahapatra, Kashinath A. Bogle, and Indrani Banerjee. 2020. Biohybrid electrodes for photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 12(044701)
- P. Laha,S. K. Mahapatra,I. Banerjee &V. N. Bhoraskar. 2020. Irradiation effects of 6 mev-electrons on optical and electrical properties of TiO2/Al2o3 multilayer thin films. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. incorporating Plasma Science and Plasma Technology. https://doi.org/10.1080/10420150.2020.1812072. 176(211-221).
- Prithvi Asapur,Santosh Kumar Mahapatra &Indrani Banerjee. 2020. Secondary structural analysis of non-mulberry silk fibroin nanoparticles synthesized by using microwave and acetone method. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. https://doi.org/10.1080/07391102.2020.1852970
- Prithvi C. Asapur,TulshiShiyani,S. K. Mahapatra,Kashinath A. &Indrani Banerjee. 2020. Photo-electrochemical Property of Microwave Synthesized Muga Silk Nanoparticles/ZnO/ITO/PET Structure. IETE Technical Review. https://doi.org/10.1080/02564602.2020.1852121
- Prithvi C. Asapur, Purushottam D. Sahare, Santosh Kumar Mahapatra, Indrani Banerjee. 2020. Homology modeling and molecular docking study of biogenic Muga silk nanoparticles as putative drug-binding system. Biotechnology and Biochemistry. https://doi.org/10.1002/bab.2088
- TulshiShiyanS. K. Mahapatra &Indrani Banerjee. 2020. Natural Basil as Photosensitizer with ZnO Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications. IETE Journal of Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/03772063.2020.1768161
- Iqbal, M., Saykar, N.G., Arya, Alegaonkar, P.S., Mahapatra, S.K., 2021. High-performance supercapacitor based on MoS2@TiO2 composite for wide range temperature application, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,, 883, 160705
- Shiyani, T., Banerjee, I., Mahapatra, S.K., Ray, A.K. 2021.Flexible zinc oxide photoelectrode for photo electrochemical energy conversion,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2021, 32(11), pp. 15386–15392
- Swaroop, R., Kumar, N., Rodrigues, G., Banerjee, I.,Mahapatra ; S.K. 2021 Design and development of a compact ion implanter and plasma diagnosis facility based on a 2.45 GHz microwave ion source, Mahapatra, S.K., Review of Scientific Instruments, 2021, 92(5), 053306
- Barkhade, T., Mahapatra, S.K., Banerjee, I. 2021. A Protein and Membrane Integrity Study of TiO2 Nanoparticles-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Prevention by Iron Incorporation, Journal of Membrane Biology, 2021, 254(2), pp. 217–237
- Asapur, P., Banerjee, I., Sahare, P.D., Mahapatra, S., 2021. Spectroscopic analysis of Muga silk nanoparticles synthesized by microwave method, Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2021, 68(2), pp. 345–355
- Chawda, N.R., Mahapatra, S.K., Banerjee, I. 2021,Surface-engineered gadolinium oxide nanorods and nanocuboids for bioimaging, Rare Metals, 2021, 40(4), pp. 848–857
- Laha, P., Mahapatra, S.K., Banerjee, I., Bhoraskar, V.N.2021. Irradiation effects of 6 mev-electrons on optical and electrical properties ofTiO2/Al2o3 multilayer thin films, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 2021, 176(3-4), pp. 211–221
- Raval, B., Sahare, P.D., Mahapatra, S.K ,Banerjee, I.., 2021.Enhanced capacitive behaviour of graphene nanoplatelets embedded epoxy nanocompositeJournal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2021, 32(4), pp. 4034–4044
- Barkhade, T., Indoliya, A., Poddar, R., Mahapatra, S.K., Banerjee,I. 2021.Iron content titanium dioxide nanoparticles as exogenous contrast agent for tissue imaging using swept-source optical coherence tomography, , AIP Advances, 2021, 11(1), 015023
- Patel, S., Srivastav, A.K., Gupta, S.K., Gajjar, P.N., Banerjee, S.K. Mahapatra I.,2021 Carbon nanotubes for rapid capturing of SARS-COV-2 virus: revealing a mechanistic aspect of binding based on computational studies, RSC Advances, 2021, 11(10), pp. 5785–5800
Book Chapters
Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised
University Level
- DST-INSPIRE Program-I, 27-31 January 2010
- DST-INSPIRE Program-II, 20-24 December 2010
National Level
- SERC School on Processing Plasma Science, 15-27 December 2008
- Vigyan Prasar -Multidisciplinary Workshop for VIPNET Clubs, 24-26 March 2015,
- DST-PAC Meeting on Plasma, High Energy, Nuclear, Astrophysics & Nonlinear Dynamics,1-2 May 2014
International Level
- Indo-European Seminar on Nuclear & High Energy Physics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, 2019
Invited Talks/ Resource Person
1. Refresher course, Gujarat university ahmedabad, 2020
2. Int. Symposium on New Research Horizons in Nano and Radiation Materials, Dada Patil Mahavidyalay, Ahmednagar
3. National Conference on Advanced Functional Materials on Synthesis, characterization & applications, ARTS, SCIENCE
& COMMERCE COLLEGE, Baramati, PUNE, 2020
4. Colloquium at Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, GUJARAT, 2019
5. Indo-European Seminar on Nuclear & High Energy Physics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, 2019
6. International Conference on Nuclear, Particle, and Accelerator Physics, Central University of Jharkhand, RANCHI, 2018
7. National Workshop on Advances in Material Science and Natural Radionuclide Techniques, Baba Farid College,
Bathinda, PUNJAB, 2018
8. Faculty Development Program on Plasma Processing of Materials: Opportunities and Challenges C. V. Raman College
of Engineering, BHUBANESWAR,2017
9. National Conference on Nuclear and Accelerator Physics, Central University of Jharkhand, RANCHI, 2016
10. Acquaintance Program of Inter University Accelerator Centre, Central University of Punjab, 2016
11. Departmental Seminar, Giani Zail Singh Campus, College of Engineering and Technology, Bathinda 2016
12. 7th International Conference on Industrial Tribology, Steel Authority of India Limited, Ranchi, INDIA
13. Fusion Neutronics Laboratory, Institute Plasma Research, Ahmedabad, INDIA
14. Nurturance Program for NTS Awardees, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, INDIA
15. National Symposium on Nonlinear & Complex Phenomena organized by IASST, Guwahati, INDIA, 2015
16. International Conference on Microelectronics Computing & Communication systems, Advanced Regional Telecom
Training Centre, Ranchi, 14-15 November 2015
17. National Workshop on Radiation, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, INDIA, 2013
18. National Symposium on Emerging Plasma Techniques for Materials Processing, Pune University, 2014
2. Int. Symposium on New Research Horizons in Nano and Radiation Materials, Dada Patil Mahavidyalay, Ahmednagar
3. National Conference on Advanced Functional Materials on Synthesis, characterization & applications, ARTS, SCIENCE
& COMMERCE COLLEGE, Baramati, PUNE, 2020
4. Colloquium at Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, GUJARAT, 2019
5. Indo-European Seminar on Nuclear & High Energy Physics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, 2019
6. International Conference on Nuclear, Particle, and Accelerator Physics, Central University of Jharkhand, RANCHI, 2018
7. National Workshop on Advances in Material Science and Natural Radionuclide Techniques, Baba Farid College,
Bathinda, PUNJAB, 2018
8. Faculty Development Program on Plasma Processing of Materials: Opportunities and Challenges C. V. Raman College
of Engineering, BHUBANESWAR,2017
9. National Conference on Nuclear and Accelerator Physics, Central University of Jharkhand, RANCHI, 2016
10. Acquaintance Program of Inter University Accelerator Centre, Central University of Punjab, 2016
11. Departmental Seminar, Giani Zail Singh Campus, College of Engineering and Technology, Bathinda 2016
12. 7th International Conference on Industrial Tribology, Steel Authority of India Limited, Ranchi, INDIA
13. Fusion Neutronics Laboratory, Institute Plasma Research, Ahmedabad, INDIA
14. Nurturance Program for NTS Awardees, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, INDIA
15. National Symposium on Nonlinear & Complex Phenomena organized by IASST, Guwahati, INDIA, 2015
16. International Conference on Microelectronics Computing & Communication systems, Advanced Regional Telecom
Training Centre, Ranchi, 14-15 November 2015
17. National Workshop on Radiation, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, INDIA, 2013
18. National Symposium on Emerging Plasma Techniques for Materials Processing, Pune University, 2014