Assistant Professor
Department of Economic Studies
School of Social Sciences
B.Sc. Agriculture (Hons.), Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar
M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics), Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Ph.D. (Agricultural Economics), Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu
UGC-NET (Economics), 2019
Teaching Experience
Assistant Professor, School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, 10-09-2021 to 23-12-2023
- Assistant Professor, Department of Economics Studies, Central University of Punjab, 27-12-2023 to present
Research Experience
Conducted work as a Research Assistant (Jan.2020 to Dec. 2020) and coordinated two field investigators at SKUAST- Jammu under the IMPRESS research project entitled “Economics of Integrated Farming Systems under diverse agro-climatic situations in Jammu & Kashmir State” sanctioned by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR).
Agricultural Economics, Econometrics
Member, Editorial Board, Agro-Economist, International, referred research journal.
- Nominated as a member of the Academic council 2018-19 (SKUAST, Jammu) by Vice- Chancellor on the basis of academic merit.
- Eligible for Merit-Scholarship while pursuing PhD.
- Verma, D.K., Bhagat, V., Khoisnam, N., Maisnam, G., Subba, R., Awatade, S.C. and Dulal, J.P. (2024). Cost of Cultivation is Rising or Profitability Rising for Major Pulse Crop? A Case from Rajasthan, India. Legume Research. doi: 10.18805/ LR-5298..
- Bhagat, V., Dwivedi, S., Shams, R., Dash, K. K., BhagyaRaj, G. V. S., Kovács, B., & Mukarram, S. A. (2024). Economic analysis of potential of citrus and walnut fruits by artificial neural network. Discover Applied Sciences, 6(3), 102. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-024-05733-4)
- Bhagat V., Dwivedi, S. (2023). “Economic analysis of poultry farming using ANN approach in the rainfed area of the Jammu region of South Asia”. Agricultural Research.(https://doi.org/10.1007/s40003-023-00684-5).
- Bhagat V., Dwivedi, S. (2023). “Remunerative Potential of small ruminants (sheep & goat) under rainfed conditions in the Jammu region of South Asia”. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. (10.18805/ajdfr.DR-2016).
- Bhagat, V., Dwivedi, S., Sharma, P.K., Peshin, R. and Rizvi, S.E.H., 2022. Economics and Resource Use Efficiency of Wheat Crop: Findings from Jammu Region of Jammu & Kashmir. Economic Affairs, 67(2), pp.15-22.
- Bhagat, V., Dwivedi, S., Sharma, P. K., Peshin, R., & Rizvi, S. E. H. (2022). Socio-economic Characteristics of Farmers Practicing Rainfed Farming in the Jammu Region. International Journal of Social Science, 11(1), 43-49.
- Bhagat,V. 2021."Review of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act: with Special Reference to Jammu and Kashmir." Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development, 16(1) 255-261.
- Bhagat, V, and Dwivedi, S., (2021) "Economics and Production Pattern of Maize Crop under Rainfed Conditions in the Jammu Region of Jammu & Kashmir State.". Agro Economist- An International Journal, 8 (02): 153-158.
- Sharma, P., K., Dwivedi, S., Bhagat, V. and Jamwal, S. (2020). “Technical efficiency of Pecan nut production in J & K: Application of stochastic frontier model”. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 11(6):1327-1331.
- Sharma, P., K., Dwivedi, S., Arora, R., K., Bhagat, V., Kour, C. and Sharma, M. (2019). “Efficiency under integrated farming systems- A Review”. Agro Economist- An International Journal, 6(2): 1-6.
- Article “Rainfed farming viz-a-viz climate change for sustainable agriculture” published in newspaper ‘Kashmir Times’ Vol. 76 No.298 on 29-10-2019.
- Article “India needs Keynesian economics” published in newspaper ‘Daily Excelsior’ Vol. 55 No. 321 on 21-11-2019.
- Article “Juxtapose formal sector with informal sector” published in newspaper ‘Daily Excelsior’ Vol. 55 No. 349 on 19-12-2019.
- Article “Looming threat of stagflation” published in newspaper ‘Daily Excelsior’ Vol.56 No. 4 on 04-01-2020.
- Article “India in the era of neo-mercantilism” published in newspaper ‘Daily Excelsior’ Vol. 56 No. 48 on 18-02-2020.
- Article “Indian agriculture needs modified Keynes” published in newspaper ‘Daily Excelsior’ Vol. 56 No. 338 on 07-12-2020.
Book Chapters
- Co-authored article with Sudhakar Dwivedi on “Issues of NPAs in the agriculture sector: A critical analysis” published in ‘Sansadiya Loktantra evam aarthik prabhandhan’ in Samarika 2020 (by Jharkhand govt.)
- Co-authored article with Sudhakar Dwivedi on “Roadmap for Socio-Economic empowerment” published in ‘Jharkhand : Svavlamban se swabhimaan’ in Samarika 2020 (by Jharkhand govt.)
- Bhagat, V & Sharma, P. K. (2020): “Sustainability of rainfed Farming for ensuring income security”. Sustainable Rural Development: Issues, Opportunities & Challenges, 149-156.
- R
University Level
- Participated in the National Seminar of “Smart Technologies to Boost Farm Profitability and Socio-Economic Status of Rural India” organized by Royal Association for Science-Led Socio- Cultural Advancement (RASSA), New Delhi and SKUAST, Jammu.
- Participated in the National Conference on “Women Empowerment through Agro-entrepreneurship for livelihood security (WE – 2019” held at SKUAST, Jammu from February 07-08, 2019.
- Participated in the ESW 7th National.”. ESW 7th Annual National Research Conference on Climate Change and Global Health Management 01 & 02 February, 2020 at Khajuraho.
- Participated in the pre-conference workshop on “Best Practices and Methods in Applied Economics Research” organized during 30th annual conference of agricultural economics research association (AERA- 2022) at SKUAST, Jammu on December 20,2022.
- Attended one-week program in Short Term Course on Scientific Writing and Publication organized by Lovely Professional university, Phagwara.
- Attended one-week program in Short Term Course on Research Methodology and Data Analysis organized by Lovely Professional university, Phagwara.
- Attended one-week workshop on data analysis using SPSS for social sciences organized by Lovely Professional university, Phagwara.
- Attended one week workshop on Advanced data analysis using SPSS organized by Lovely Professional university, Phagwara.
- Attended one week workshop on Advanced data analysis using SAS organized by Lovely Professional university, Phagwara.
University Level
National Level
International Level
- Farm Cost Estimator: Reference number – 202211071366A
- System for Farm Schedule Recorder: Reference Number- 202211071338A