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Dr. Adish Kumar Verma
Department of Performing and Fine Arts, Central University of Punjab Bathinda .
Dr. Adish Kumar Verma

Assistant Professor 
Department of Performing and Fine Arts
School Of Languages, Literature And Culture
Central University of Punjab Bathinda  
Specialization : Acting / Actor's Training of Theatre, Television & Performance Studies


• Ph.D., in Performing Arts-Theatre/Drama (Acting), from Department of Indian Theatre, Panjab University Chandigarh.

• U.G.C. (NET) qualified for Lecturer ship in the subject of Performing Arts-Theatre/Drama - Dec.2006.

• M.A. in Theatre & Television from Department of Theatre and Television, Punjabi University, Patiala .

• B.A. in Music Vocal from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra .

Teaching Experience

Assistant Professor : Department of Performing and Fine Arts, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, India.- December 23, 2021 to Present

Assistant Professor : July 1, 2012 to - March 21, 2016.

 Lecturer ,from  July 25, 2008 to June 30, 2012.



Research Experience
Administrative Experience
Any Other Experience


Research Area


Acting / Actor's Training of Theatre, Television & Performance Studies

Research Interests

Acting of Theatre, Television & Performance Studies

Professional Affiliation

Member of Paper setter Under Graduate Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.

  1. Dr. Adish Kumar Verma, Sanwaad Prakriya Mein Vachik Abhinaya Ki Sarthakta(UGC Listed), Shodh Sarita, Journal Vol. No. & Page No.: Vol-8 March, 214 (2021)
  2. Dr. Adish Kumar Verma, Natak Ki Rachna Mein Natya Sidhant Ki Avdharna(UGC Listed), Parishodh journal, Journal Vol. No. & Page No.: VOL-IX, 11104, (2020)
  3. Dr. Adish Kumar Verma, Abinaya Prastutikaran Mein Satvik Bhavon Ka Vishleshan(UGC Listed), Drishtikon Journal Vol. No. & Page No.: Vol.6 DEC20, 1304, (2020)
  4. Dr. Adish Kumar Verma, Lok- Natya Swang Mein Abhinaya Ka Mahatva(UGC Listed), Remarking An Analysation, Journal Vol. No. & Page No.: Vol.4 May 19 & H-15 (2019)
  5. Dr. Adish Kumar VermaAbhineta Prasikshan Mein Bharat Aur Stanislavaski Ke Sidhanton Ki Prasangikta(UGC Listed), Shrinkhala Ek Shodhparak Vaicharik Patrika, Journal Vol. No. & Page No.: Vol.6 May19 & H-22 (2019)
  6. Dr. Navdeep Kaur & Dr. Adish Kumar VermaAbhinay Prashikshan Mein Natya Shastriya Abhinay Ka Mahatva(Peer Reviewed), Emerging Trends in Social Sciences, Journal Vol. No. & Page No.: Vol-7, March 18 & 145-148 (2018)
  7. Dr. Adish Kumar VermaRangmanch Mein Abhikalpak aur Drishya Vidhaan Ki Tatvik Avdhaarna (UGC Listed), Universal Multidisciplinary Research Journal (Online), Journal Vol. No. & Page No.: Vol.-IV & 33-36 (2019)
  8. Dr. Adish Kumar VermaWilliam Shakespeare Krit´ A Mid-Summer Nights Dream’ Natak Ka Anuwad Evam Prayog(Peer Reviewed), Pramana Research Journal, Journal Vol. No. & Page No.: Vol.Issue-39 & 49-53 (2022)
  9. Dr. Adish Kumar VermaUttar Bharat Ke Vishvavidyalayon Mein Abhinay Prashikshan Ka Swarup(Peer Reviewed), Vidyawarta , Journal Vol. No. & Page No.: Vol.8 & 81- (2022)
  10. Dr. Adish Kumar VermaLok Rangmanch Khayal Mein Sangeet Ka Rangmanchiay Swarup (Peer Reviewed), Trivaini Sangeetak Khoj Patrika (Online), Journal Vol. No. & Page No.: Vol.-II,Issue-II & 30-36 (2021)


Book Chapters
  1. Title Nritya Abhinaya Mein Abhinay Kala Ka Swaroop, UGC Sponsored One Day National Seminar on Tradition Creativity & Innovations In Indian Classical Music (Vocal Instrumental & Dance) organized by Hans Raj Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jalandhar ISBN-978-81-923858-6-0 and Published By Utam Pubhlication 


Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Attended
University Level
Refresher Courses
Name of Courses  Main Subject Grades/Marks Percentage/Grade Year University/Institution State Country
Refresher Courses Performing Arts-Theatre/Drama Grade Points A 2015-12-30 GNDU, AMRITSAR PUNJAB INDIA

Lok Natya, National Theatre Conference on "Bridging the Gap- Theatre of Roots and Modern Sensibilities"   Organized By Department of Indian Theatre, Panjab University Chandigarh, 2015.

Bhartiya Siksha Ke Adhiyatmik Vikas mein Natya Kala Ka Prishikshen ki Parisangikta, National Conference on Spiritual Development through Education, organised by School of Education and Department of Education, Central University of Haryana, 2018.


Nishpadan Kala Ke Parshikshan Mein Pradhogiki Ka Mahatva, Virtual International Akhand Conference Organized By Central University Of Punjab With Global Educational Research Association, 2021

Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised
University Level
National Level
International Level


Patent Filed/ Published
Curricular Development
Other Significant Achievements

Experience with N.Z.C.C. Ministry of Culture, India.

2002- National Performance in Mahabharata (Theatre Spectacle) At Kurukshetra, Haryana, NZCC, Ministry of Culture, India
2003- National Performance in Dharmkshetra Kurukshetra (Theatre Spectacle) At Kurukshetra, Haryana NZCC,
2004 - 1st International Indo-Pak Punjab Games (Cultural Spectacle) at Patiala, NZCC, Ministry of Culture, India.
2006 - 55th International Polo Games (Light & Sound Spectacle) at Patiala, NZCC, Ministry of Culture, India.
2007 - National Performance of NCC Directorate at Republic Day Cultural Festival, Delhi, India.

Theatre Experience (History in professional Theatre practice): -

2005-A Mid-summer Night’s Dream -Directed by Prof. Mahendra Kumar- Department of Theatre &Television,PU Patiala
2005- Kafan - Directed by Prof. Satyabrata Rout - Department of Theatre and Television, Punjabi University.
2005- Ghas Wali - Directed by Prof. Satyabrata Rout -Department of Theatre and Television, Punjabi University.
2005-Doot Ghatotkach - Directed by Sh. Bhumikeshwar-North Zone Inter University Youth Festival, Jammu, AIU
2005- A Dialogue with Poetry- Directed by Prof. Dr. Navnindra Behl- Department of Theatre and Television, Punjabi University
2005- Hina Danduv Aur Lati Sharjang-Directed by Dr. Yogesh Gambhir-Department of Theatre and Television, PUP
2004-Loona- Directed by Dr. Gurcharan Singh- Department of Theatre and Television, Punjabi University.
2004- Banda Bahadur- Directed by Dr. Lakha Lahri- Department of Theatre and Television, Punjabi University.
2004- Parasmani-Directed by Dr. Adish Kumar Verma-D.A.V. Public School, Kurukshetra,Haryana
2005-Mime Production-Directed by Gautam Mazumdar- Department of Theatre and Television, Punjabi University
2004-Theater workshop of DANCE & MOVEMENT-Directed by Dr.Indira Bali-Department of Dance,Punjabi University
2004-Theater workshop of ACTING -Directed by Harvinder Kaur from National school of Drama- Department of Theatre and Television.
2009-Theater workshop of ACTING-Directed by Dr. Navdeep Kaur from Department of Indian Theatre, Panjab University Chandigarh.
2011-Three Days workshop on STAGE CRAFT & DESIGN-Directed by Gagandeep Kaur from NSD, -Department of Performing Arts,LPU

• Worked with students of lovely professional university in different play production and theatre workshops from July
2009 to 2014 PRODUCTIONS: -


•Worked as a Director & writer for University Youth festivals with Association of Indian University.
*“Ghungru’ a play about “kinner” and Education system of india.The play was showcased in the
North Zone Inter University,A.I.U. Theatre Festival „2010‟.at bundle khand university Jhansi.
*Mime production for A.I.U. youth fest at kurukhestra university 2009, at Bundle Khand University Jhansi2010, &
National Youth festival at Venketeshvara University Tirupati 2011,