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Admission Process & Guidelines

Admission Criteria to Master’s Degree Programme

  1. Admission to all Master’s Degree Programmes shall be based on the merit of the students in Common University Entrance Test (CUET).
  2. The candidates are advised to remain in touch with the website CUET updated information.
  3. Candidate must ensure that, they should have all the original documents of their respective qualifying examinations at the time of verification of Documents/Registration. 
  4. For the admission in Master Programme, candidate must fulfill the eligibility criteria on the date of verification of Documents/Registration.
  5. Ensuring the eligibility for applying to a particular Programme will be the sole responsibility of the candidate.

How to apply for CUET

Candidates can apply online only. For online application, visit the home page of CUET website necessary instructions.
Instructions for submitting Online Application:

  1. Please read eligibility criteria and other requirements before submitting the application form. 
  2. To apply for admission to a Programme, eligible candidates must complete the online Application Form and submit it. 

Important Instructions:  

  1. The University reserves the right not to offer the Programme in any particular discipline if the response to the Programme is not adequate. The decision of the University will be final in this regard. 
  2. Ensuring the eligibility for applying to a particular programme will be the sole responsibility of the candidate. If at any stage, it is found that students do not fulfill the eligibility criteria for admission, his/her admission will be cancelled immediately and no refund of fees will be issued and action will be taken as per rules.

Important dates and test centres for CUET

Please visit the National Testing Agency (NTA) website: important dates and Test Centres for CUET.  

Pattern and Syllabus of Entrance Test

Please visit the National Testing Agency (NTA) website: details of pattern and syllabus of the entrance test for all the Programmes.  

Entrance Test Fee and Mode of Payment

Please visit the National Testing Agency (NTA) website: details of entrance test fees and mode of payment.

Online counselling for Central University of Punjab

  1. Before applying for Counselling for Admission in Central University of Punjab, candidate must ensure that they have appeared in CUET.
  2. Admission to all Programmes offered by the Central University of Punjab is purely on the Merit of CUET score of a student.
  3. Candidate is required to fill Application Form separately to participate in the counselling of Central University of Punjab.
  4. The candidate who do not apply online for counselling of Central University of Punjab, shall not be considered for admission. Application for admission/ counselling shall be accepted only in online mode.
  5. Please read eligibility criteria and other requirements before submitting the application form.
  6. The detailed schedule and modalities of online counseling including application forms shall be notified on the University website after the declaration of Common University Entrance Test (CUET) result.

Schedule of registration and orientation

Schedule of Registration and Orientation is notified later on, after declaration of CUET results

NOTE: The candidates are required to deposit the prescribed fee on or before the date to be announced at the time of admission.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The last date of Admission/Counselling will be notified later. However, if seats remain vacant or vacancy of seats occurs after withdrawals of admission, the vacant seats shall be filled from the waiting list. 
The cut-off date for admission including shifting/operating of waiting list, if any, shall be notified later. There after no admission shall be made by the University.



The reservation is as per UGC/Government of India guidelines as adopted by the University from time to time.


The student admitted in the University shall have to submit a medical fitness certificate from Govt. Hospital or University Health Centre that he/she is medical fit to pursue higher education.


Medium of instruction for all the Programmes is English/Hindi except the language Programmes for which the medium of instruction is the language concerned.