Associate Professor and Head,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
School of Basic Sciences
Central University of Punjab, VPO-Ghudaa, Bathinda-151401, Punjab, India
- Ph.D. Cryptography (Mathematics), Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee) (2014).
- M.Sc. (Mathematics), Hindu College Moradabad, MJPRU, Bareilly, U.P. (2004).
- B.Sc. (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry), G.F. (P.G.) College, Shahjahanpur, U.P. (2002)
Institute | Position | Experience | Period |
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Central University of Punjab, Dist. Bathinda | Associate Professor | Teaching and Research | December 2021 - Present |
Department of Mathematics, Central University of Jammu, Dist. Samba | Assistant Professor | Teaching and Research | July 2013 - December 2021 |
Administrative Experience:
- Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab from Aug. 08, 2022 to Present.
- Co-ordinator, Department of Mathematics, Central University of Jammu, Dist.-Samba, J&K, India during March 20, 2020 - December 30, 2021.
Any Other Experience
- Cryptography
- Cryptology
- Image Security
- Image Processing
- Encryption and Decryption Techniques
- Cryptographic Boolean functions and Their Generalizations
- Construction of secure cryptosystems for smooth/secure communication.
- Design of efficient encryption and decryption algorithms.
- Analysis of image security for secure transmission through open netwoks.
- Study of cryptographic Boolean functions and their generalizations.
- Investigation of q-ary functions (q-ary bent and generalized negabent functions).
- Analysis of Global Avalanche characteristics (GAC) of cryptographic functions.
- Qualified for the CSIR-NET+JRF in June-2009 with All India Rank-32 in Mathematical Sciences, conducted by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India.
- Senior Research Fellowship- NBHM- Department of Atomic Energy, India (July 2011- June 2013).
- Qualified for the NBHM-DAE-Ph.D. fellowship (NBHM-JRF, Department of Atomic Energy) in Mathematics in the year 2009.
- Qualified for the GATE -Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering in Mathematics in the year 2009.
1. Prof. Veronika Stoffová, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Trnava University, Trnava, Slovakia.
2. Dr. Chaman Verma, Department of Media and Educational Informatics, Faculty of Informatics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.
3. Prof. Maheshanand, Department of Mathematics, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India.
4. Dr. Neerendra Kumar, Department of Computer Science and IT, Central University of Jammu, Jammu, India.
5. Dr. B.K. Singh, Department of Mathematics, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India.
6. Dr. D. C. Mishra, Department of Mathematics, Bhakt Darshan Govt. PG College, Jaiharikhal, Pauri Garhwal, India.
7. Dr. Amit Paul, Department of Mathematics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India.
8. Prof. Om Parkash, Department of Mathematics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India.
9. Dr. Manoj Kumar Patel, Department of Science and Humanities, NIT Nagaland, India
10. Dr. Jatinder Kumar, Department of Mathematics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India.
- Deep Singh, Sandeep Kumar (2025), Image Authentication and Encryption Algorithm Based on RSA Cryptosystem and Chaotic Maps, Expert Systems With Applications, (Elsevier, SCIE and Scopus indexed, I.F.-7.5) Accepted.
- Deep Singh, Harpreet Kaur, Chaman Verma, Neerendra Kumar and Zoltan Illes (2025), A novel 3-D image encryption algorithm based on SHA-256 and chaos theory, (Elsevier, SCIE and Scopus indexed, I.F.-6.2) Accepted.
- Amit Paul, Rajwinder Singh, and Deep Singh (2025), A multilayer encryption scheme using Vigenere cipher and chaotic maps, Accepted in SN Computer Science, (Springer, Scopus indexed) Accepted.
- Deep Singh, Sandeep Kumar, Chaman Verma, Zoltan Illes, and Neerendra Kumar, Visually Meaningful Image Encryption for Secure and Authenticated Data Transmission Using Chaotic Maps, Journal of King Saud University- Computer and Information Sciences (Elsevier), Vol. 36(102235), pp. 1-20, 2024 (SCIE and Scopus indexed, I.F.-5.2). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jksuci.2024.102235
- Deep Singh and Sandeep Kumar, A Multiphase Encryption Scheme using RSA, modified RMAC and Chen’s Hyperchaotic Map, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, Vol. 83, pp. 57059-57088, 2024.(SCI and Scopus indexed, I.F.- 3.6).https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11042-023-17727-2
- Deep Singh, Manoj Kumar Patel, Nihal Khaitan, Chaos-based Encryption Algorithm using Chen's Hyper-chaotic Map and ElGamal Cryptosystem, Palestine Journal of Mathematics (PJM), (Accepted), October 2024. (Scopus indexed).
- Deep Singh, Manoj Kumar Patel, Mukesh, Color Image Encryption Scheme based on RC4A and Chaotic Maps, Palestine Journal of Mathematics (PJM), (Accepted), August 2024. (Scopus indexed).
- Deep Singh, Bibhuti Bhusan Mohanta, Amit Paul, Jatinder Kumar, and Rajwinder Singh, Some Cryptographic Properties of Functions based on their 2q-Nega-Hadamard transform, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, Vol. 9 (6), pp. 1382-1393, 2024. https://doi.org/10.33889/IJMEMS.2024.9.6.074.(ESCI, Scopus indexed, I.F.- 1.3).
- Jatinder Kumar, Om Parkash, Amit Paul and Deep Singh: A Widespread Study of Inequalities Instigating Through Discrete Information Models, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 31 (5s), pp. 325-342,July2024. https://internationalpubls.com/index.php/cana/article/view/1053/733(Scopus Indexed).
- Deep Singh,Anjali Chawla,Pramod Bhogta and Amit Paul, A Characterization of Generalized Boolean Functions Employed in CDMA Communications, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, Vol. 9 (2), pp. 352-365, 2024. https://www.ijmems.in/cms/storage/app/public/uploads/volumes/19-IJMEMS-23-0372-9-2-352-365-2024.pdf),(ESCI, Scopus indexed, I.F.- 1.6).
- Amit Paul, Jatinder Kumar, Om Parkash and Deep Singh: Coding theory through non-thermodynamic entropy and applications- a comprehensive investigation, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Accepted, 2024. (Scopus Indexed).
- Deep Singh, PramodBhogta, Anjali Chawla and Amit Paul, Some Properties of Cryptographic Functions from {Z_2}^n to Z_q,Ganita (Bharat GanitaParishad), Vol. 74 (1), pp. 111-120, 2024.https://bharataganitaparisad.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/741-10.pdf(UGC CARE Listed, Peer Reviewed)
- Deep Singh, Harsh Mishra, VitsotoLuho and Amit Paul, Two Indicators of Cross-correlation for the functions FromZ_q^n to Z_{2q}, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 5 (2), pp. 1750-1760, 2024. https://ojs.wiserpub.com/index.php/CM/article/view/3489/1915(Scopus Indexed, I.F. 0.3).
- UH Mir, PN Lone, Deep Singh, DC Mishra: A public and private key image encryption by modified approach of Vigener cipher and the chaotic maps, The Imaging Science Journal (Taylor & Francis) (SCI and Scopus indexed, 2023, I.F.- 0.871).
- Deep Singh, A. Paul, N. Kumar, V. Stoffová, C. Verma, Resiliency and Nonlinearity Profiles of Some Cryptographic Functions, Mathematics, 2022, 10, 4473. https://doi.org/10.3390/math10234473.(SCI and Scopus indexed, I.F.- 2.592).
- PN Lone, Deep Singh, V. Stoffová, DC Mishra, UH Mir, N. Kumar, Cryptanalysis and Improved Image Encryption Scheme Using Elliptic Curve and Affine Hill Cipher, Mathematics, 2022, 10(20), 3878; https://doi.org/10.3390/math10203878(SCI and Scopus indexed, I.F.- 2.592).
- PN Lone, Deep Singh and UH Mir: Image Encryption using DNA coding and Three-Dimensional Chaotic System, Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), 2021. Published with DoI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-021-11802-2 (SCI and Scopus indexed, I.F.- 2.757).
- PN Lone and Deep Singh, UH Mir: A Novel Image Encryption using Random Matrix Affine Cipher with a Chaotic Map, Journal of Modern Optics (Taylor & Francis), 2021, Published, https://doi.org/10.1080/09500340.2021.1924885 (SCI and Scopus, I.F.- 1.54)
- UH Mir, Deep Singh, DC Mishra, Parveiz Nazir Lone: Color Image Encryption using RSA Cryptosystem with a Chaotic Map in Hartley Domain, Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective (Taylor & Francis), 2021. DOI: 10.1080/19393555.2021.1963018 . (ESCI, Scopus indexed)
- UH Mir, Deep Singh, DC Mishra, PN Lone: Multilayer Security of RGB Image in Discrete Hartley Domain, Applications and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 15 (2), pp. 1213-1229, 2020. (ESCI indexed, Prairie View A&M University, USA)
- PN Lone and Deep Singh: Application of Algebra and Chaos Theory in Security of Color Images, Optik- International Journal for Light and Electron Optics (Elsevier), Vol. 218 (165155), 2020. (SCI and Scopus, I.F.-2.187).
- Deep Singh and Amit Paul: Some Properties of Cryptographic Functions Employed in Wireless Communication Systems, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (BEIESP), Volume 8(3), pp. 4154-4157, 2019. Scopus-Indexed.
- Deep Singh and Amit Paul: Improved Lower Bounds on Higher Order Nonlinearity, Ganita (Bharat Ganita Parishad), Vol. 67(1), 105-115, 2017.
- Deep Singh and Amit Paul: Higher Order Nonlinearity of Some Cryptographic Functions, International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 12(2), pp. 195-205, 2017.
- Deep Singh and Amit Paul: Analysis of Some Ternary Functions in terms of Their Walsh-Hadamard Transform, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 13, (7), pp. 3497-3503, 2017.
- Deep Singh, M. Bhaintwal and B. K. Singh: Constructions of q-ary Functions with Good Global Avalanche Characteristics, International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Publisher: Taylor & Francis) Vol. 92(2), pp. 266—276, 2015. (SCIE, Scopus, I.F.-1.6)
- Deep Singh, M. Bhaintwal and B. K. Singh: entitled "Some Results on q-ary Bent Functions", International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Publisher: Taylor & Francis), Vol. 90(9), pp. 1761—1773, 2013. (SCIE, Scopus, I.F.-1.6)
- Deep Singh: Second Order Nonlinearities of Some Classes of Cubic Boolean Functions based on Secondary Constructions, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 2 (2), pp. 786-791, 2011.
- Deep Singh and A. Paul: On 4th order nonlinearity of a subclass of Kasami functions, In the Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM-2015) on Sept. 27, 2015 at University of Delhi, Delhi, India. Available at http://data.conferenceworld.in/ICSTM2/P1262-1269.pdf
- Deep Singh and A. Paul: Cryptographically significant Boolean functions with good 4th order nonlinearity, In the Proc. of the International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Science (ICEMS-2016) held during March 17-19, 2016 at Jaipur National University, Jaipur, India.
- Ruchi and D. Singh: LC-management and reading skill development, In the Proc. of 4th International Conference of Asian Libraries organized by IIM Lucknow and Asian Library Association New Delhi during Feb. 26-28, 2020 at IIM Lucknow.
- Deep Singh and M. Bhaintwal: On the sum-of-squares-modulus indicator of q-ary functions, In Proc. of the International Conference ICACCI-2013 during Aug. 22-25, 2013 at SJCE, Mysore, Karnataka, India. Available at IEEE Xplore, pp. 599- 603, 2013, DOI :10.1109/ICACCI.2013.6637240
- Deep Singh and M. Bhaintwal: On Second Order Nonlinearities of two Classes of Cubic Boolean Functions, In Proc. of the International Conference QSHINE-2013, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Vol. 115, pp. 560-567, 2013.
- Deep Singh: Construction of Highly Nonlinear Plateaued Resilient Functions with Disjoint Spectra, In Proc. of the International Conference ICMMSC-2012, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Vol. 283, pp. 522-529, 2012.
- Deep Singh, Rajwinder Singh and Amit Paul, Cryptography and Image Processing, Book Chapter in Recent Applied Research in Mathematical Statistical and Computational Sciences, Editors: DK Singh et al., MKSES Publisher (India), ISBN-978-93-91248-89-5, pp. 90-101, 2023
- Deep Singh,VitsotoLuho, Harsh Mishra, and Amit Paul, On Generalized Functions from ℤ_q^n to ℤ_2q, in the proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advancement in Engineering, Management and Technology held on Jan. 20, 2024 at Mangalmay Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida.
- Deep Singh, Pramod Bhogta, Anjali Chawla, and Amit Paul, Some Properties of Generalized nega-Hadamard Transform, in the proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends In Computational Mathematics and Data Science” (ICETCMDS - 24) During 10-11 January 2024 at Department Of Mathematics Sri Krishna Arts And Science College, Bharathiar University Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
- Deep Singh and M. Bhaintwal: Additive Autocorrelation of Some Classes of Cubic Semi- bent Boolean Functions, Submitted in Cryptology ePrint Archive, Available online at: http://eprint.iacr.org/curr/127/2012.
- Deep Singh and M. Bhaintwal: Some Properties of q-ary Functions based on Spectra Analysis, Submitted in Cryptology ePrint Archive, Available at: http://eprint.iacr.org/curr/283/2012
- Deep Singh and M. Bhaintwal: A New Class of Negabent Functions, Submitted to https://arxiv.org/pdf/2207.11015.pdf
- Deep Singh and A. Paul: Computation of resiliency and nonlinearity profiles of disjoint spectra functions (Communicated).
- Deep Singh and M. Bhaintwal: A new class of negabent functions, Available at https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2207.11015
Research Guidance/Supervision:
Ph. D. Scholars
S. No. |
Name of the Scholar |
Title of the Ph.D. Thesis |
Degree/ Course |
Date of Admission |
Status |
Placed At |
01. |
Amit Paul |
Some Cryptographic Criteria of Boolean Functions and Their Generalizations |
M.Phil.-Ph.D. Integrated course |
12-10-2012 |
Awarded |
Assistant Propfessor, GNDU-Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India
02. |
Parveiz Nazir Lone |
Application of Algebra in Cryptosystems for Two Dimensional Data |
Ph.D. |
02-07-2018 |
Awarded |
Assistant Professor (C) |
03. |
Umar Hussain Mir |
Multilayer Security of Multi-Dimensional Data in Cryptography |
Ph.D. |
02-07-2018 |
Awarded |
04 | Mukesh | Cryptographic Security of Data using Elliptic Curve Techniques | Ph.D. | 01-04-2022 | Ongoing | ||
05 | Nihal Khaitan |
Image Security using Quantum Cryptography |
Ph.D. | 11-04-2022 | Ongoing | ||
06 | Sandeep Kumar | Homomorphic Encryption for Multi-Dimensional Data in Cryptography | Ph.D. | 11-04-2022 | Ongoing |
07 | Harshit | Image Security based on Chaotic Transformations | Ph.D. | 09-05-2023 | Ongoing | ||
08 | Harpreet Kaur | Multi-Stage Security of RGB Images | Ph.D. | 21-08-2023 | Ongoing |
M.Sc. Project Students
At Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
S. No. | Name of Students | Year | Topic | Exam(s) Qualified | Current affiliation | |
1. | Jivesh Sharma | 2020- 2022 | Some Results on Fundamental Group using Homotopy Equivalence | GATE-2023 | ||
2. | Zareena Banoo | 2020-2022 | An Exploration of Some Mathematical Functions in Cryptography | |||
3. | Rahul Alaria | 2020-2022 | Continuity and Uniform Continuity: A Review | |||
4. | Harsh Mishra | 2021-2023 | A Study of Cryptographic Functions from Z_q^n to Z_{2q} using WHT | GATE-2023, JAM-2021 | ||
5. | Pramod Bhogta | 2021-2023 | Investigation of Functions in Schmidt Generalization using NHT | JAM-2021 | ||
6. | Vitsoto Luho | 2021-2023 |
NET-JRF-2022 | ||
7. | Anjali | 2021-2023 |
8. | Bibhuti Mohanta | 2021-2023 | A Study of Negabent Functions from Z_q^n to Z_{2q} | |||
9. | Priya | 2022-2024 | Watermarking Techniques | |||
10. | Asif Khan | 2022-2024 | Watermarking Techniques | |||
11. | Aswath R S | 2022-2024 | Watermarking Techniques | |||
12. | Lal Chandra | 2022-2024 | Watermarking Techniques | |||
13. | Khushi | 2022-2024 | A Study of Cryptographic Properties of Boolean Functions | |||
14. | Anirban Mallick | 2022-2024 | A Study of Cryptographic Properties of Boolean Functions | |||
15. | Vishal Prajapati | 2022-2024 | A Study of Cryptographic Properties of Boolean Functions | |||
16. | Lalthazuala | 2022-2024 | A Study of Cryptographic Properties of Boolean Functions | |||
17. | Akshat Tiwari | 2023-2025 | PSO based Image Encryption Scheme | |||
18. | Mujafar Ali A. | 2023-2025 | DNA based Image Encryption Scheme | |||
19. | Arshdeep Kaur | 2023-2025 | Multiple Image Encryption Scheme | |||
20. | Nikhil Jaiswal | 2023-2025 | Image Encryption Scheme | |||
21. | Afshanul K. Mazumdar | 2023-2025 | An efficient Chaotic map for Image Encryption Schemes | |||
22. | Bardanamomi | 2023-2025 | 3D Image Encryption Scheme |
International Conferences/Workshops/Seminars (Attended)
International Conference on "Evolution in Pure and Applied Mathematics" during Nov. 16-18, 2022 at Department of Mathematics, Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab, India
4th International Conference of Asian Libraries organized by IIM Lucknow and Asian Library Association New Delhi during Feb. 26-28, 2020 at IIM Lucknow.
- International Conference in Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Science (ICEMS-2016) held during March 17- 19, 2016 at Jaipur National University, Jaipur, India.
- 2nd International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM-2015) held on Sept. 27, 2015 at University of Delhi, Delhi, India.
- International Conference on "Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness", QSHINE-2013 held on January 11-12, 2013 at Department of Mathematics, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, India.
- International Conference on "Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computation", ICMMSC-2012 held on March 16-18, 2012 at Department of Mathematics, Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Tamilnadu, India.
- International Conference on "Soft Computing for Problem Solving", SocProc-2011 held on December 20-22, 2011 at The Institution of Engineers (India), IIT Roorkee Campus, India.
National Conferences/Workshops/Seminars (Attended)
- One day Awareness Programme on Importance of Intellectual Property Rights organized by PHD Chamber, Women Entrepreneurs Committee and University Innovation Club, CUJ at Central University of Jammu on Jan 24, 2020.
- 4th J&K Women Science Congress with focal theme “Career in Science for Women: Challenges and Opportunities” during Sept. 01- 03, 2016 at Govt. College for Women Gandhi Nagar, Jammu in collaboration with J&K State Science Technology & Innovation Council, Department of Science & Technology.
- The 10th Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE), Science Internship Camp sponsored by DST, GOI held during July 22 - 26, 2016 at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Katra, Jammu, India.
- National Conference on Mathematical Techniques in Engineering and Technology (MTET-2016) during March 30- 31, 2016 at Department of Applied Mathematics, BBA University (A Central University), Lucknow, India.
- National Conference on Topological Algebra and Analysis during Feb. 18- 19, 2016 at Department of Mathematics, GGM Science College, Jammu in collaboration with NBHM-DAE, Mumbai.
- A Conference on “Recent Trends in Mathematics: Topological Algebraic Analysis & Applications” during Nov. 21- 22, 2015 at the Department of Mathematics & Astronomy, University of Lucknow.
- National Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Applications (NCRAMA-2014) during Oct. 30- 31, 2014 at Department of Applied Mathematics, BBA University (A Central University), Lucknow, India.
- A three days workshop on “Essential Computing Techniques” during Oct. 08-10, 2014 at Department of Computer Science & IT, Central University of Jammu, Jammu.
- National Seminar on “Priorities and Directions in Teacher Education” held on Feb. 10, 2014 organized by Department of Educational Studies, Central University of Jammu, Jammu.
- One-day Regional Seminar on “Bahishkrit Bharat : Remembering Babasaheb” held on April 14, 2015 organized by Department of English, Central University of Jammu, Jammu.
- One-day National Seminar: Sparsh National Seminar on “In Gender : Texts and Contexts” held on April 21, 2015 organised by Department of English, Central University of Jammu, Jammu.
- National workshop on “Accreditation Awareness & Institutional Ranking” held during Jan. 05- 06, 2015 at Department of Human Resource Management & Organisational Behaviour, Central University of Jammu, Jammu.
- A workshop on "Introduction to Matlab and Mathematica" held at the Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee on April 21-22, 2012.
- Attended a one week workshop on “Curriculum Development” organised by Department of Education, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda during Feb. 06-10,2023.
Workshops/Orientation Courses/Refresher Programme/FDP:
- Participated and successfully completed an Orientation Programme-120 held during May 15- June 12, 2015 and obtained grade A at UGC-HRDC, University of Lucknow, Lucknow.
- Participated and successfully completed a Refresher Course during Dec. 09, 2016 to Dec. 31, 2016 with grade A organized by University of Lucknow, Lucknow.
- Participated and successfully completed a one week FDP on Deep Learning and its Applications conducted by Electronics & ICT Academy, IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee, Roorkee held during Aug. 20-24, 2019.
- Participated and successfully completed a one week FDP on Internet of Things sponsored by ATAL, AlCTE India, organized by Department of Computer Science &IT, Central University of Jammu held during Oct. 14-18, 2019.
- Participated and successfully completed a Seven Days Professional Development Workshop on Design, Develop & Deliver Moocs during Jan. 03-09, 2020 organized by School of Education, Central University of Jammu under the scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers & Teaching, MHRD, Govt. of India.
- Participated and successfully completed a one week FDP on Development of e-content avoiding Plagiarism organized by GCW Parade College, Jammu during June 24-28, 2020.
- Participated and successfully completed a 2 weeks online Refresher Course in Mathematics/Operational Research/Statistics and Computer Science (IMD) during Oct. 04-18, 2021 with grade A organized by CPDHE, UGC-HRDC University of Delhi, Delhi.
- Attended a one week workshop on “Curriculum Development” organized by Department of Education, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda during Feb. 06-10,2023.
- Convenor: Organized two-week Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Data Science and Scientific Computing" jointly organized Nexus University, South Africa, and Poornima University, Jaipur, Baba Farid College, Bathinda and MTTF India during Jan. 03-16, 2024.
- Convener: Organized a National Workshop (Convenor of the event) on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” in Collaboration with Baba Farid College, Bathinda and MTTF during Nov. 15-21, 2022 (On Nov. 17, 2022 the workshop was conducted at Department of Mathematics and Statistics, CUPB).
- Conference Chair, Organized 7th international conference on Frontiers in Industrial and Applied Mathematics (FIAM-2024) at Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda in collaboration with North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya
- Co-Convenor, Organized an International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Technology (ICMAST-2024) jointly by Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, SRMS College of Engineering & Technology, Bareilly, and Pondichery University, Puduchery.
- Convener: Organized an Online Seven days International Workshop on "Data Science and Statistical Modeling: Harnessing Python and R Programming," which will be held on 28 June- 04 July 2023 in collaboration with Dr. BR Ambedkar NIT Jalandhar, Baba Farid College, Bathinda, MathTech Thinking Foundation India (MTTF), and Mizan-Tepi University, Ethiopia.
- Convener:Organized an Online Seven days International Workshop on "Computational Special Functions and their Applications," held during May 24-30, 2023 in collaboration with MNIT Jaipur, Sardar Patel University, Gujrat, MathTech Thinking Foundation India (MTTF), Central University of Punjab, SVNIT Surat.
- Co-ordinator: Organized a PSCST, DST funded Seminar on National Mathematics Day-2022 in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
- Co-ordinator: Organized a PSCST, DST funded Seminar on National Mathematics Day-2023 in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
- Ramanujan Research Club –RRC: Started a Ramanujan Research Club for weekly seminar/presentation of Faculty/Research Scholars w.e.f. 26.08.2022 onwards in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
- Diploma in Vedic Mathematics: Started a Six months Certificate Course in Vedic Mathematics (CCVM)in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics during the year 2022 which is now being offered as a Diploma in Vedic Mathematics.
- Aryabhata Lecture Series: Under the guidance of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, we started Aryabhata Lecture Series in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics under which several eminent speakers from other institutions/universities have delivered lectures.
2. Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “”Number Theory and its Role in Cryptography” on the occasion of National Mathematics Day 2024 on Feb. 05, 2025 at Department of Mathematics, Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University (MRSPTU), Bathinda, Punjab, India.
3. Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “”Mathematics: the Language of Engineering” on the occasion of National Mathematics Day 2024 on Dec. 23, 2024 at Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Haryana, India.
4. Chaired a session in the 7th international conference on Frontiers in Industrial and Applied Mathematics (FIAM-2024) organized by Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda in collaboration with North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya held during Nov. 13-14, 2024.
5. Delivered an invited lecture in online mode on the topic “Mathematics behind Cryptography: A STEM Approach to Problem Solving” at the STC on “Teaching of STEM (ICT-45)” conducted during Sept. 09-13, 2024 on Sept. 10, 2024 at NITTTR, Chandigarh.
6. Chaired another session in the 7th international conference on Frontiers in Industrial and Applied Mathematics (FIAM-2024) organized by Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda in collaboration with North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya held during Nov. 13-14, 2024.
7. Chaired a session in the International Conference on Evolution in Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICEPAM 2024) at Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda held during November 20–22, 2024.
8. Chaired another session in the International Conference on Evolution in Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICEPAM 2024) at Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda held during November 20–22, 2024.
9. Presented a research paper (Deep Singh* and Sandeep Kumar) entitled “Digital Image Security: A Cryptographic Perspective” in the 18thInternational Conference on Mathematical Sciences forAdvancement of Science and Technology (MSAST 2024) held during December 21-23, 2024, organized by the Institute IMBIC, Kolkata India.
10. Presented a research paper entitled "Image Watermarking Scheme based on Modified Henon Map" in the International Conference on Evolution in Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICEPAM 2024) at Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda held during November 20–22, 2024.
11. Delivered an online invited lecture on Feb. 10, 2024 on the topic “Cryptography and Digital Data Security” in the Refresher Course on “Algebra, Analysis and application” during Feb 5-17, 2024 at CPDHE, UGC-HRDC Center, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.
12. Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Vedic Mathematics: Significance of Pi” on March 14, 2024 on the occasion of Pi-Day-2024at DAV University Jalandhar, Punjab.
13. Presented a research paper entitled “Color Image Encryption Scheme using RSA Cryptosystem and Chaotic Maps” on Feb. 28, 2024 in the International Conference on Recent Advances in Science & Technology towards Sustainability (RASTS-2024) jointly organized by J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology, Faridabad and IAPS during Feb. 28-29, 2024.
14. Delivered an online invited lecture on the topic "Fundamental Number Theory and it's Application in Cryptography" on National Mathematics-Day 2023 (Dec. 22, 2023) at the Department of Mathematics, Guru Nanak College, Killiawali, Muktsar, Punjab.
15. Delivered online an invited lectures on the topic “Introduction to Cryptography: An Overview” on Dec. 14, 2023 during 12:00-01:30pm at in an Refresher Course on “Mathematics and Statistics Sciences” organized by Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Center (HRDC) Punjabi University Patiala from Dec.04-16, 2023.
16. Delivered online second invited lectures on the topic “Security of Data: A Cryptographic Approach” on Dec. 14, 2023 during 02:30-04:00pm at in an Refresher Course on “Mathematics and Statistics Sciences” organized by Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Center (HRDC) Punjabi University Patiala from Dec.04-16, 2023.
17. Delivered an invited lecture in the FDP on “Statistical and Computational Methods for Decision Making” on the topic "Basics of Matlab and Statistical Analysis of Images" during July 17-22, 2023 at the Department of Mathematics, at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida.
18. Acted as Guest of Honour in the inaugural ceremony and Delivered plenary talk on the topic "Introduction to MATLAB software" in the International Workshop on Mathematical Computations using Software (IWMCS-2023) organized by Department of Mathematics, Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab, India on April 26, 2023 (held during April 26-28, 2023).
19. Delivered an invited lecture on the topic "Importance of Vedic Mathematics" on Pi-Day 2023 (March 14, 2023) at the Department of Mathematics, Guru Nanak College, Killiawali, Muktsar, Punjab.
20. Chaired a session in an International Conference on "Evolution in Pure and Applied Mathematics" on Nov. 18, 2022 (held during Nov. 16-18, 2022) at Department of Mathematics, Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab, India.
21. Delivered an invited lecture in online mode on the topic “Number Theory and its Application in Image Cryptography” at the Faculty Development Program (FDP) on "Cryptography and Blockchain"on Nov. 14, 2022 (during Nov. 14-18, 2022) at AIT-CSE, Chandigarh University, Gharuan.
22. Chaired a session in “An international Online Workshop on Advanced Topics in Mathematics (IWATM-2020)” organized by Centre for Applied Mathematics, IIIT-Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India held during Oct. 01-05, 2020.
23. Acted as a resource person in a Two days international webinar (Online) on Covid-19 and Emotional wellness organized by School of Education, Central University of Jammu under the aegis of Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) during May 15-16, 2020.
24. Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Number Theory and Modern Cryptography” in the 4th J&K Women Science Congress with Focal Theme “Career in Science for Women: Challenges and Opportunities” during Sept. 01- 03, 2016 at Govt. College for Women Gandhi Nagar, Jammu in collaboration with J&K State Science Technology & Innovation Council, Department of Science & Technology.
25. Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Basics of Number Theory” in the 10th Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE), Science Internship Camp sponsored by DST, GOI held during July 22 - 26, 2016 at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Katra, Jammu, India.
26. Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Applications of Number Theory in Cryptography” in the National Conference on Mathematical Techniques in Engineering and Technology (MTET-2016) during March 30- 31, 2016 at Department of Applied Mathematics, BBA University (A Central University), Lucknow, India.
27. Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Cryptography and Communication” in a National Conference on Topological Algebra and Analysis during Feb. 18- 19, 2016 at Department of Mathematics, GGM Science College, Jammu in collaboration with NBHM-DAE, Mumbai.
28. Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “An Introduction to Algebraic Cryptography” in the National Conference on “ Recent Trends in Mathematics: Topological Algebraic Analysis & Applications” during Nov. 21- 22, 2015 at the Department of Mathematics & Astronomy, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, India.
29. Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Number Theory and its Application in Cryptography” in the National Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Applications (NCRAMA-2014) during Oct. 30- 31, 2014 at Department of Applied Mathematics, BBA University (A Central University), Lucknow, India.