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Dr. Saurabh Mishra
Dr. Saurabh Mishra

Assistant Professor (Ramalingaswami Fellow)
Department of Microbiology

School of Basic Sciences


2015                            Ph.D.  in Transcription Biology, from Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad, India.

2008                            M.Sc. in Biotechnology from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India


Teaching and Research Experience-

2024 - Present     Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, School of Basic Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda. 

2021 - 2024         Ramalingaswami Fellow, Department of Biochemisrty, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. 

2015 - 2021         Visiting Fellow, Section on Molecular and Cell Biology, NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, USA. 

2009 - 2015         PhD scholar, Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad, India. Supervisor- Dr. Ranjan Sen

Research Area

Transcription Biology 


Research Interests

I concentrate on issues of fundamental research that pertain to eukaryotic tRNA synthesis by RNA polymerase (RNAP) III. During cellular growth, tRNAs are synthesized at >10-fold higher molar quantities than ribosomes. Dysregulation of RNAP III causes developmental and other illnesses. My research seeks to elucidate the mechanistic details of RNAP III transcription termination and its impact on tRNA biosynthesis in yeast. To achieve this, I am employing a combination of genetics, molecular biology, and biochemical approaches.

The investigation incorporates a diverse array of techniques spanning biophysics, such as spectroscopy and thermodynamics, biochemical methodologies encompassing protein purification, chemical and enzymatic footprinting of protein and nucleic acids, as well as cross-linking procedures. Molecular biology methodologies including recombinant DNA techniques, site-directed mutagenesis, and super-resolution microscopy are also integral components of this research. Furthermore, yeast genetics and genomics techniques are being leveraged to address the complexity of these intellectually demanding challenges.


Research Grants/Projects

Exploring the role of yeast Sen1 in transcription termination of RNA polymerase III- Ramalingaswami Fellowship (DBT-grant)

Professional Affiliation

American Society of Microbiology- Member 

Professional Recognition/Awards/Scholarships

1) Ramalingaswami Fellowship, Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi India, 2021                                                

2) NIH Intramural Research Visiting Fellowship, Eunice Kennedy. Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), NIH, USA,  2015

3) Best Poster Award, 82nd Society of Biol Chemist, India (SBCI), 2013

4) ICMR Fellowship for Ph.D. 2008

5) CSIR NET, 2008

6) GATE-AIR-165, 2008

Research Collaboration

Centre of Experimental Medicine and Surgery (CEMS), Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS), Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi-221005, India.

  1. Sonika Sonika, Samer Singh, Saurabh Mishra, Shashikala Verma (2023). Toxin-antitoxin systems in bacterial pathogenesis. Heliyon, Volume 9, Issue 4, April 2023, e14220.
  2. Mishra, S and Maraia R J. (2022). Evolution of the RNA Cleavage Subunit C11/RPC10, and Recycling by RNA Polymerase III. Journal of Cellular Immunology, Volume 4, Issue 2, Pages 65-71, 2022
  3. Mishra, S., R M. Sakhawala, Hasan S., Chaudhry S., and Maraia R J. (2021). The mechanism of RNA Polymerase III termination-associated reinitiation-recycling as conferred by the essential function of the N terminal-and-Linker domain of the C11 subunit. Accepted in Nature communications, Volume 12, Issue 1, 10 Oct 2021 Pages 1-16.
  4. Mishra, S. and Maraia RJ. (2019). RNA polymerase III subunits C37/53 modulate rU:dA hybrid 3′ end dynamics during transcription termination. Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 47, Issue 1, 10 January 2019, Pages 310–27.
  5. Mishra, S. and Sen, R. (2015). N protein from lambdoid phages transforms NusA into an antiterminator by modulating NusA- RNA polymerase flap domain interactions. Nucleic Acids Research, Vol 43, Issue 12, 13 July 2015, Pages 5744–5758.
  6. Mishra, S., Mohan, S., Godavarthi, S. and Sen, R. (2014). Molecular basis of conversion of transcription termination factor NusA into an antiterminator The FASEB Journal 28, 947.2
  7. Mishra, S., Mohan, S., Godavarthi, S. and Sen, R. (2013). The interaction surface of a bacterial transcription elongation factor required for complex formation with an antiterminator during transcription antitermination. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288:28089–28103.
  8. Muteeb, G., Dey, D., Mishra, S. and Sen, R. (2012). A multi-pronged strategy by an antiterminator to overcome Rho-dependent termination. Nucleic Acids Research, 40:11213- 11228.
  9. Shashni, R, Mishra, S, Kalyani, B.S. Sen, R. (2012). Suppression of in vivo Rho-dependent transcription termination defect: evidence for kinetic controlled steps. Microbiology, 158:1468 81.

Book Chapters

1. Gupta P, Rai A, Mishra S, Gupta RK (2024) “Traumatic brain injury: an emerging threat for HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder.” Neuropsychiatric Complications of HIV: A Challenging Health Concern, edited by Ashish Verma and Anchal Singh, Academic Press. [ISBN - 10: 0128188510] Publication date: 24/12/2023 (Accepted).



Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Attended

2023 -21st Transcription Assembly meeting, IISER Bhopal, 2023: Invited   speaker “RNA polymerase III requires Sen1 for efficient transcription termination on weak terminator’

2022 -12th Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship Conclave 2021-2022: 17-20 January 2022: Poster presentation entitled ‘RNA polymerase III requires full length Sen1 for efficient transcription termination on weak terminator’.                                 

2021-The OddPols 2021: International conference on transcription by RNA Polymerase I, III, IV and V June 2021. Oral presentation “N terminal-and-Linker domain of the C11 subunit of RNA Polymerase III is necessary and sufficient for termination-associated reinitiation-recycling via interaction with C37/53 heterodimer

2018 -19th Biennial meeting of Post-Initiation Activities of RNA Polymerase: Mountain Lake, VA, Oct, 2018, “RNA polymerase III subunits C37/53 modulate rU:dA hybrid 3′ end dynamics during transcription termination”

2016-The 18th Biennial meeting of Post-Initiation Activities of RNA Polymerase: Mountain Lake, VA, Oct 2016, Oral presentation “Role of the nontemplate strand DNA in transcription termination by RNAP polymerase III

2016-The OddPols 2016: International conference on transcription by RNA Polymerase I, III, IV and V June 2016. Oral presentation “Role of the nontemplate strand DNA in transcription termination by RNAP polymerase III

2017-13th annual NICHD Fellows Retreat: 2017 Wash D.C., Poster Presentation “Contribution of the template and nontemplate DNA strand in transcription termination mechanism by RNAPIII”

2017-NICHD Scientific Retreat, September, 2017, Poster presentation “Deciphering the roles of the non-template and template strands in the mechanism of transcription termination by RNA polymerase III”

2014-Experimental Biology held at San Diego, USA (ASBMB 2014), Poster Presentation “Molecular basis of conversion of transcription termination factor NusA into an antiterminator”

2013-82nd Society of Biol Chemist, India (SBCI) National Conference 2013,Poster presentation “Molecular basis of conversion of transcription termination factor NusA into an antiterminator”

2012 -81st Society of Biol Chemist, India (SBCI) National Conference 2012, Poster presentation ““Redefining the Interaction Surface of the Terminator NusA with the Antiterminator N”


Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised
University Level
National Level
International Level


Invited Talks/ Resource Person
2023- 21st Transcription Assembly meeting, IISER Bhopal, 2023: Invited speaker “RNA polymerase III requires Sen1 for efficient
transcription termination on weak terminator’.
2018- 19th Biennial meeting of Post-Initiation Activities of RNA Polymerase: Mountain Lake, VA, Oct, 2018, “RNA polymerase III subunits C37/53 modulate rU:dA hybrid 3′ end dynamics during transcription termination”
2016-The 18th Biennial meeting of Post-Initiation Activities of RNA Polymerase: Mountain Lake, VA, Oct 2016, Oral presentation “Role
of the nontemplate strand DNA in transcription termination by RNAP polymerase III”
Patent Filed/ Published