Fully Automated Library with RFID technology
- The library operations are automated using Koha software. The Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) which is on public domain enables users to searching, reserving and re-issue the books in possession of the library (url : http://opac.cup.edu.in) The library is using the Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFID) and Electromagnetic system, a state-of-the- art auto identification technique which helps in self-servicing and enhanced security.
- Email intimation facility for due-date of the books and availability of the reserved book.
- The library has developed an institutional digital repository (IDR) using open source software (DSpace) to archive and provide online access to the intellectual output of the university (url http://kr.cup.edu.in).
- e-Resource-Off-Campus Access: service is provided to the faculty members, scholars and students to seamlessly access the subscribed scholarly electronic resources from outside the University campus (url https://idp.cup.edu.in).
- CUP-Faculty Profile: Profiles of faculty members integrated with academic identity such as ORCID ID, ScopusID, Research ID, Microsoft Academic ID, Google Scholar ID (url https://cup.irins.org).
- Plagiarism prevention software’s: Turnitin (https://cuptii.turnitin.com/
home/sign-in) and Drillbit ( www.drillbitplagiarism.com ). - Learning Management System (CUP-LMS) supports the faculty members to organize the course content, deliver the lecture with students using a common platform. https://lms.cup.edu.
in - Grammarly is an automated grammar tutor and revision support tool. https://app.grammarly.
Shodhganga: A repository of Indian Theses: - The university library is managing the administration account of CUP and all the PhD theses have been uploaded on the Shodhganga repository. https://
shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/ handle/10603/121827 - Ask a Librarian is a way to get help from librarian for using library resources and for finding research material. This facility is available for CUP library members. https://forms.gle/
R6neTvCgTta64BcA7 ‘ - Library service through Social Media: CUP Library can inform users about the library's activities and services. https://www.
facebook.com/cupblibrary Total likes / followers: 2000 +
- PG Admissions 2022 through Samarth Portal Cancellation Link: https://cupcuet.samarth.edu.in/
- OPEN/DIRECT/SPOT PG Admissions 2022 Cancellation Link: https://forms.gle/MDb5z2LrktwJmn1p7
- Student Samarth Portal: https://cup.samarth.edu.in/index.php/site/login
- Certificate Portal (Bonafide, Migration, Character and Provisional Degree Certificate) : http://exam.cup.edu.in/certificate/
- For Master’s Students Examination form : http://www.exam.cup.edu.in/master_form/
- For PG Students NO DUES Portal Link: http://cc.cup.edu.in/nodues2020/
- For Ph. D. Students Session July 2022 Admission Cancellation Link: http://www.exam.cup.edu.in/phd_july2022/form
- For Ph.D. Students Course Work Examination form: http://exam.cup.edu.in/phd/
- Samarth Portal: www.cup.samarth.ac.in
Other Online Services
Online Link No Dues
No Dues Link for Batch 2021: http://www.exam.cup.edu.in/nodues2021
No Dues Link for Batch 2019: http://exam.cup.edu.in/nodues
No Dues Link for Batch 2020: http://exam.cup.edu.in/nodues2020 - CIL Portal for Instrumentation Lab.
- VAC Form - http://cc.cup.edu.in/vacformnew/vac.php
- IDC Form - http://cc.cup.edu.in/idc231/idc.php
- Online Application for booking of Seminar Room, 3rd Floor, Aryabhatta Block
- To Register and get login credentials link is: https://cc.cup.edu.in/
glogin/ - After Registration your good self will receive Link to Seminar Room Booking Application, Username and Password on registered CUP Domain email.
- Link to Seminar Room Booking Application: https://cc.cup.
edu.in/seminar/login.php - Further approval of Competent Authority is compulsory before booking of Seminar Room using link at Sr. No. 2.
- To Register and get login credentials link is: https://cc.cup.edu.in/