Animal House Facility at Central University of Punjab was established in 2021 to accomplish the requirements of researcher/faculty for in vivo experiments or animals requirement in pre-clinical research and drug discovery process. Animal House is registered with the Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA), Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India (Reg. No 2140/GO/Re/S/21/CPCSEA) and has an established Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) that recommends the protocols submitted by researchers/ investigators and also direct to follow the guidelines regarding the care and use of animals. The IAEC confirms that each project meets the standards given in the CPCSEA Guide on the Use of Laboratory Animals for Experiments.
The animal house, CUPB constructed at separate space near the Academic block with separate rooms for each species of animal. Each species of animal is housed in barrier-maintained individual rooms to avoid disease transmission and inter-species conflicts. All efforts are made to maintain the animals under controlled environmental conditions, 12 hr light and dark cycle with 100 % fresh air exchange in animal rooms, and uninterrupted power and water supply. A high degree of hygienic conditions is being maintained around the animals are maintained as per the CPCSEA guidelines. Regular disinfection of animal rooms and cleaning and sterilization of cages, water bottles, bedding etc are practiced. The various records of the animals are maintained by manual record keeping.
A number of students from different departments like Department of Pharmacology, Department of Zoology, Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Natural Products, Department of Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry, and Department of Microbiology students working in the animal house for their Master and Ph.D. research projects. Presently we have rats (Wistar and Sprague Dawley) and Mice (Swiss albino, Laca, and C57BL/6) strains in animal house.
IAEC Registration Detail | ||
Form B | ![]() |
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Form D | ![]() |
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CPCSEA Website Link | ||
SOP for IAEC Approval |
- Revision of Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC)
- Institutional Animal Ethics Committee
- Objectives
- Screenshots of the IAEC meetings
- Guidelines of CPCSEA for Reuse/ Rehabilitation of Large Animals post experimentation - 2020
WriteReadData/LnPdf/ GuidelinesofCPCSEAforReuseReha bilitationofLargeAnimals.pdf - Guidelines of CPCSEA for Experimentation on Fishes-2021 https://cpcsea. GuidelinesofCPCSEAforExperimen tationonFishes-2021.pdf - The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act- 1960
prevention-cruelty-animals- act-1960 - CPCSEA Guidelines for Laboratory Animal Facility https://cpcsea.nic.
in/WriteReadData/userfiles/ file/SOP_CPCSEA_inner_page.pdf - The Breeding of and Experiments on Animals (Control and Supervision) Rules, 1998
Content/54_1_ACTSANDRULES.aspx - The Recommendations of the ‘Sub-Committee on the Rehabilitation of Animals after Experiments’ setup by CPCSEA
WriteReadData/userfiles/file/ Compendium%20of%20CPCSEA.pdf - Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2016