About the Department
(A DST-FIST supported Department, Approved by Pharmacy Council of India and AICTE)
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Natural Products (DPSNP formerly known as Centre for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences was established in 2011 with the objective of producing skilled Pharma professionals. DPSNP is a DST-FIST supported department with state of the art research laboratories having a number of sophisticated research instruments, such as microwave synthesizer, solid-phase peptide synthesizer, solvent extractor, flash chromatography, monochromatic micro palate reader, HPLC, HPTLC and GC-MS At present, DPSNP is running various programmes, which include M. Pharm. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) and M. Pharm. (Pharmacognosy), along with M.Sc. Chemical Sciences (Medicinal Chemistry) and Ph.D. Programmes in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Medicinal Chemistry. Both M. Pharm. programmes are duly approved by the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) as well as All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. Department is having well qualified, young, experienced, and enthusiastic faculty working in various domains of Pharmaceutical research. Department is also having visiting faculty from prestigious institutes as well as pharmaceutical industry. Department organizes time to time expert lectures for the benefit of the students and to create awareness about the recent trends followed in Pharmaceutical Sciences worldwide. The major thrust area of the Department includes Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD), synthesis of lead molecules, lead optimization, methodology development of bioactive molecules and natural product-based drug discovery. The Department has also achieved research grants from pioneer funding agencies like SERB-DST (Young scientist Fast-track and core research), CSIR, Ministry of Earth Sciences (MOES), UGC (Major and Minor), DST-FIST, in addition to university own grant (RSM-Research Seed Money). Moreover, the Department has also received Industrial funding from the giants in Pharmaceuticals, such as Bristol-Myers Squibb, USA. Department is actively involved with the Pharmaceutical industry through collaborative research projects to boost research productivity. Industry experts have been inducted as expert members in the Department Board of Studies to provide their input to frame curriculum as per the latest industrial requirements. Industry experts are also invited for guest lectures, training, seminars, and workshops for aspiring students to learn theoretical concepts and research problems practically. Department is also having Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with global research institutes/industries for the technology transfer of the research output to generate IPR. Department has organized a number of workshops on Recent Advances in Drug Discovery Process to train young researchers across the country.
Salient features of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Natural Products:
- M. Pharm. and M.Sc. programs of the Department are the most preferred in the University. Students from all over the states and the diverse cultures of India study in this department.
- M. Pharm. programs are PCI and AICTE approved and GPAT qualified students get the fellowship as per AICTE norms.
- Faculty members are trained in foreign universities/institutes or having experience in National laboratories and Universities in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences involving medicinal drug discovery and development.
- Pass-out students are effectively qualifying national level examinations like NIPER-JEE, CSIR-NET JRF, GATE, GPAT, etc. Some of them get selected in NIPERs, IITs, and foreign universities, etc., for higher studies and industries and other organisations for jobs.
- Since 2011, more than 200 articles have been published from the Department and research funding of more than 400 Lakh have been received from different funding agencies such DST-FIST, CSIR, DST-SERB, ICMR, Bristol Myers Squibb, USA, etc. One PhD student, Gaurav Joshi was awarded Sun Pharma Science Scholar Award in Pharmaceutical Sciences-2017. Three Indian patent applications have been filed.
- Dr. Raj Kumar, Professor
Profile Publications - Dr. Suresh Thareja, Associate Professor & HOD
Profile Publications - Dr. Vikas Jaitak, Assistant Professor
Profile Publications - Dr. Pradeep Kumar, Assistant Professor
Profile Publications - Dr. Vikram Deep Monga, Assistant Professor
Profile Publications - Dr. Deepika Choudhary, Assistant Professor (C)
Profile Publications - Dr. Priyanka Sharma, Assistant Professor (C)
Profile Publications
Academic Programmes
- 2023-25
- M. Pharm. Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- M.Pharm. Pharmacognosy
- M.Sc Chemical Sciences (Specialization in Medicinal Chemistry)
- Ph.D Medicinal Chemistry
- Ph.D Pharmaceutical Sciences
- 2022-24
- M. Pharm. Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- M.Pharm. Pharmacognosy
- M.Sc Chemical Sciences (Specialization in Medicinal Chemistry)
- Ph.D Medicinal Chemistry
- Ph.D Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research Thurst Area
- Computer Aided Drug Design and Synthesis: Molecular modeling for the study of drug-receptor(enzyme) interactions as well identification of small lead molecules (natural/synthetic) using molecular docking, molecular dynamics (MD), 2D- and -3D QSAR methods in the following areas:
- Anticancer Research: Mono or multi inhibition of cancer over expressing kinases: Tyrosine kinases (e.g. EGFR, HER-2. etc.), others like CDKs and PKM-2. epigenetic enzymes: HDACs and HATs, topoisomerases I and II, microtubule proteins, DNA repair enzymes (e.g. APE-1 and PARP-1), estrogen receptors (ERs) including ERa, ERb aromatase, steroidal sulphatase, HIF1-α, Inhibition of cell signalling transducers like PI3K
- Antihyperuricemic/Antigout agents: Xanthine oxidase
- Antiinflammatory agents: COX-1, COX-2 and LOX
- Antiviral agents: Anti-HIV (LEDGF/p75 and HIV Integrase),
- Antidiabetic: Aldose reductase, Protein tyrosine Phosphatase-1B (PTP-1B), a-amylase, a-glucosidase and DPP-4
- Antimicrobial agents: Anti-MRSA agents, ant-HIV (NNRTIs)
- Natural Product Research: Preparation of extracts, their standardisation.
Isolation of active constituents from bioactivity guided fractions and their characterisation (e.g. Plants of genus: Citrullus, Piper, Stevia rebaudiana, Potentilla fulgens, P. atrosanguinea, Calotropis procera, Azadirachta indica, Asparagus racemosus, Cassia fistula, Withania somnifera, Cucurbeta pepo, Nigella sativa, Artemisia maritima, Heraculum thomsonii) - Eco-friendly Organic Transformations for the synthesis of bioactive agents: Reactions involving C-X (X = C, N, S, O) bond formation utilising one or more green protocols such as under solvent free condition, or “on or in water” reactions, heterogeneous catalysis, ionic liquids surface mediated reactions, microwave/ ultrasound assisted enhancement of reaction rates. Applications of the above mentioned methodologies for the synthesis of drugs, drug intermediates and new chemical entities for various therapeutic areas and Enzymatic biotransformation reactions.
Microwave Synthesizer System (DST- Project SR/FT/CS-71/2011) |
![]() Microplate Reader |
![]() Flash Chromatography |
![]() Buchi Speed Extractor |
![]() Shaking Incubator |
![]() UV Visible Double Beam Spectrometer |
![]() Microwave Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis System Discover (MODEL- CEM DISCOVER) |
![]() Lyophilizer |
![]() HPLC |
![]() GCMS (DST- FIST Supported) |
![]() High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC ) |
Websites links /references for PG students
Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Medicinal Chemistry/ Pharmacognosy Links
- https://www.organic-chemistry.org/
- http://www.orgsyn.org/
- https://global.oup.com/uk/orc/chemistry/patrick6e/
- https://scifinder-n.cas.org/.
- http://www.chemspider.com/
- https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/0471266949
- https://www.elsevier.com/en-in/solutions/reaxys
- https://www.cas.org/support/training/stn/patent
- https://www.cas.org/support/training/stn/substance
- CHEMnetBASE Browse All Compounds
- https://www.reaxys.com
Study Organic Chemistry Online
Link for Pharmacopoeia
- https://www.ipc.gov.in/
- https://www.pharmacopoeia.com/
- https://www.usp.org/
- https://main.ayush.gov.in/
- https://www.nhp.gov.in/national-formulary-of-india_mtl
IPR related links
- https://ipindia.gov.in/
- https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/search.jsf
- https://www.wipo.int/portal/en/index.html
- http://nalsarpro.org/Courses/ONE-YEAR-Post-Graduate-Diploma/Patents-Law/About-the-Course
Molecular modeling/CADD links and tools
- https://www.schrodinger.com/
- https://www.chemcomp.com/
- https://discover.3ds.com/discovery-studio-visualizer-download
- https://www.uniprot.org/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
- http://www.swissdock.ch/
- https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/download.html
- http://admet.scbdd.com/calcpre/index/
- http://autodock.scripps.edu/
- https://www.rcsb.org/
- https://www.vlifesciences.com/
- http://zinc.docking.org/
- https://www.schrodinger.com/products/maestro
- https://www.wavefun.com/
- https://www.selectscience.net/products/catalyst/?prodID=20691
- http://dirac.cnrs-orleans.fr/MMTK/
- https://www.acdlabs.com/resources/freeware/chemsketch/
- https://www.ddl.unimi.it/cms/index.php?Software_projects:VEGA_ZZ
- http://viewmol.sourceforge.net/
- http://openmopac.net/
- https://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/
- http://www.edusoft-lc.com/hasl/
- http://ww5.pharma-algorithms.com/?&
- https://www.salilab.org/modeller/
- http://vina.scripps.edu/
- https://www.certara.com/sybyl-x-software/
- https://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/solutions/csd-discovery/Components/Gold/
Medicinal plants related links
- https://main.ayush.gov.in/
- https://www.ayurveda.com/resources/articles/ayurveda-a-brief-introduction-and-guide
- https://www.nmpb.nic.in/
- http://mapa.niscair.res.in/
- https://dmapr.icar.gov.in/
- https://nbri.res.in/r-d-areas/pharmacognosy-phytochemistry-and-product-development/
Ex pharm pro software
Google scholar:
All India Institute of Medical Sciences:
Central Drugs Standard Control Organization
Govt. research funding websites
S. No. | Name | Class/Degree | Batch | Current Designation | Department/Section | Organization | Place of working |
1 | Aditi | M.pharm | 2016- 2018 | Assistant professor | Pharmacy | Metro college of pharmacy | Greater Noida |
2 | Bhupinder Kumar | PhD | 2015-19 | Associate Professor | Pharmaceutical chemistry | ISF college of Pharmacy | Moga, Punjab |
3 | Ankush Thakur | M.Pharmacy (Med Chem) | 2015- 17 | Safety Specialist | Pharmacovigilance | Syneos Health | Gurgaon |
4 | Surya shuvam | M.pharm (pharmacognosy and phytochemistry) | 2017-2019 | Senior process associate | Pharmacovigilance | TCS | Mumbai |
5 | Anshul Mishra | M. Pharm ( Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry) | 2017-2019 | Assistant Professor | Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology | Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University | Bathinda, Punjab |
6 | Km.shivani | M.Pharm (pharmacognosy and phytochemistry) | 2018-2020 | Pharma Research associate | Pharma | WNS Global services pvt Ltd | Gurgaon, Haryana |
7 | Arvind Kumar | Master in Pharmacy | Pharma cy | Asstt. Prof | dept. of pharmaceutical chemistry, school of pharmacy | Abhilashi University | Mandi, Himachal Pradesh |
8 | Vinay Kumar Gupta | M. Pharm. (Medicinal Chemistry) | 2011-2013 | Product Stewardship & Regulatory Affairs | Global PSRA | Eastman Chemical Company | Hyderabad, Telangana |
9 | Rakesh Kumar | Master of Pharmacy | 2017 | Assist Professor (SWF) | Pharmacy | GPC Rakker Camp at Nagrota Bagwan H.P | Kangra H.P |
10 | Diksha choudhary | M Pharmacy | 2016-2018 | Assistant professor | Pharmaceutical chemistry | Abhilashi University | Mandi |
11 | Maneesh Guleria | M. Pharmacy (Medicinal Chemistry) | 2017-2019 | Assistant Professor | Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology, MRSPTU, Bathinda | Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Bathinda | Bathinda, Punjab |
12 | Meruguma la kusuma | M.pharmacy(Medicinal Chemistry) | 2018-2020 | JUNIOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATE | CLINICAL RESEARCH | W N S GLOBAL SERVICES | GURGAON |
13 | Ankur Kumar Tanwar | M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry) | 2018-2020 | Assistant Professor | Pharmaceutical Technology | Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology | Meerut, Uttar Pradesh |
14 | Neha Pathak | M.pharm(Pharmacognos y and Phytochemistry) | 2016-2018 | Assistant Professor | Department of Pharmacy | BIU college of pharmacy, Bareilly International University | Bareilly |
15 | Harpreet kaur | M.pharm(Medicinal chemistry) | 2017- 2019 | Assistant professor | Pharmaceutical chemistry | Rayat institute of pharmacy,railmazra | Ropar, Punjab |
16 | Gaurav Joshi | PhD | 2012- 13, 2015- 16 | Guest faculty | Department of pharmaceutical sciences and natural products | Central university of Punjab | Bathinda, Punjab |
17 | Ankit Kumar Singh | M. Pharm. Pharmaceutical Sciences (Medicinal Chemistry) | 2018 | Q.A. analyst | Quality assurance (Q.A.) | Macleods pharmaceutical Limited | Baddi, Himachal Pradesh |
18 | Anil Rana | M.Pharmacy (Medicinal Chemistry) | 2012- 13 | Senior Research Associate | Synthesis | Integral Biosciences pvt. Ltd | Noida |
19 | Gourav Sharma | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | 2014 | Senior Research Associate | R&D | Integral Biosciences Limited | Noida, UP |
20 | Gagandee p kaur | M. Pharm | 2012†“14 | Associate consultant , heor | CPS SBAS | Parexel | Mohali |
21 | SUVADEEP MAL | M. Pharma specialized in Medicinal chemistry | 2017- 19 | Assistant Professor | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Haldia Institute of Pharmacy | Haldia, West Bengal |
22 | Akashdeep Singh Pathania | M. Pharmacy | 2017- 2019 | Assistant Professor | Pharmacy | Sri Sai College of Pharmacy | Pathankot, Punjab |
23 | PARTHA PRATIM DAS | M. Pharm | 2016- 2018 | Assistant Professor | Pharmacy (pharmacognosy and phytochemistry) | Bengal School of Technology | Chinsurah, West Bengal |
24 | Beenu Bajaj | M.pharm | 2017- 2019 | Assistant professor | Pharmacy | Private sector | Moga |
25 | Sonia Verma | M.pharmacy (Medicinal chemistry) | 2016- 2018 | Drug Safety Associate | Pharmacovigilance | Parexel international | Chandigarh |
26 | AVADH BIHAREE | M.pharm. (Medicinal Chemistry) | 2018- 19 | Asst. Professor (Pharmacy) | Pharmacy | PRPS College of Pharmacy | Puranpur, Pilibhit U.P. |
27 | Manu Bala | M.Pharm | 2016-2018 | Research Associate | Medicinal chemistry | Aurigene Discovery Technologies Limited | Bangalore |
28 | Jagpreet singh sidhu | M.Pharm | 2013-14 | Scientific officer | TWERU | Department of water supply and sanitation | Patiala |
29 | HARIS E | M Pharm | 2016- 2018 | DOH Pharmacist | Pharmacy | Ahalia Medical Group | UAE, Abu dhabi |
31 | Manisha sharma | Mpharm | 2015- 2017 | Procurement pharmacist | Centre for pharmaceutical and natural products | AIIMS New Delhi | Delhi |
32 | Shubham jaryal | M.Sc. | 2017- 2019 | Trainee chemist | R and D centre | Indswift laboratories | Chandigarh |
33 | Anuradha Thakur | M pharmacy | 2015 | Senior PV SPECIALIST | Pharmacovigilance | Parexel international | Chandigarh |
34 | Arnab Kumar Das | M. Sc Chemical Sciences(Medicinal Chemistry) | 2017- 19 | Subject matter expert | Q&A expert | Chegg India | Work from home |
35 | Aratrika Halder | Msc | 2017- 2019 | Research Associate | Organic synthesis | Tcg life sciences | Kolkata |
36 | Rishabh bhatia | M.pharm | 2015- 17 | Drug safety scietist | Pv | Parexel | Mohali. Punjab |
37 | VISHAKHA PANDEY | M.pharm | 2016- 2018 | Research Associate | Research and development | Jubilant Biosys | Noida, Uttar Pradesh |
39 | T.P. Sri Laasya | M.Pharm. (Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry) | 2018- 2020 | Associate in Clinical Data Management | Clinical Data Management | Accenture | Hyderabad |
40 | Poornima Sajeevan | Mpharm | 2016- 2018 | Medical service Analyst | Pharamacovigilance | Accenture PVT solutions Limited | Chennai |
41 | Amandeep Thakur | M. Pharm | 2016- 2018 | Functional trainee | Synthesis | Integral Bioscience Pvt. Ltd. | Noida |
42 | Aditi Saxena | M.Pharm | 2018 | Assistant Professor | Teaching | Metro College Of Pharmacy | Greater Noida |
43 | Gaurav Joshi | PhD | 2015- 16 | Assistant Professor | School of Pharmacy | Graphic Era University | Dehradun, Uttarakhand |
44 | Maneesh Guleria | M. Pharmacy | 2017- 2019 | Assistant professor | Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology | MRSPTU, Bathinda | Bathinda, Punjab |
45 | Bhupinder Kumar | Phd | 2015- 19 | Associate professor | Pharmaceutical chemistry | ISF college of pharmacy, Moga | Moga |
46 | Vinay Kumar Gupta | M. Pharm. (Medicinal Chemistry) | 2011- 13 | Regulatory Clearance Team Lead | Global Product stewardship and regulatory affairs | Eastman Chemical company | Hyderabad, Telangana |
47 | Diksha Choudhary | M Pharmacy | 2016- 2018 | Assistant professor | School of Pharmacy | Abhilashi University | Mandi, Himachal Pradesh |
48 | Sri Laasya Tp | M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry) | 2018- 2020 | Clinical Data Manager | Clinical Research | Accenture Solutions Pvt.Ltd | Hyderabad |
49 | Piyush Anand | M. Pharm. | 2017- 2019 | Senior Research Fellow | Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Natural Products | Central University of Punjab, Bathinda | Bathinda, Punjab |
50 | Harmeet Kaur | M.pharm | 2014- 16 | Pharmacy Officer | Health and family welfare department | Directorate of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Punjab | Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar, Punjab |
51 | PARTHA PRATIM DAS | M. Pharm | 20616- 2018 | Assistant professor | Pharmacognosy | Bengal School of Technology | Chinsurah, West Bengal |
52 | Priya Kaundal | M. Pharmacy (Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry) | 2018- 2020 | Drug Safety Associate | Pharmacovigilance | Parexel | Chandigarh |
53 | Anupam Rao | M.pharm | 2018- 2020 | Drug Safety associate 1 | Pharmacovigilance | Parexel | Chandigarh |
54 | Agnidipta Das | M. Pharm | 2018- 2020 | Assistant professor | Department of Pharmacy | SANAKA EDUCATIONAL TRUST'S GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS | Durgapur |
55 | Anil Rana | M.Pharmacy (Medicinal Chemistry) | 2012- 2014 | Associate Research Scientist (ARS) | Synthesis Department | Integral Biosciences Pvt. Ltd | Noida |
56 | Dr. Akanksha Sharma | M. Pharm | 2012- 2014 | Research Associate | Department of Biophysics | AIIMS, New Delhi | Delhi |
57 | JISHNU SANKAR | M.Sc. Chemical Sciences (Specialisation in Medicinal Chemistry) | 2019 - 2021 | Trainee Research Associate | Research & Development | Sarv Biolabs Pvt Ltd | Panchkula, Haryana |
58 | Arvind Kumar | M. Pharm in Medicinal Chemistry | 2016- 18 | Asst. Prof. | Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Maharaja Agrasen University, Atak Shikha Kunj, Kalujhanda, baddi, solan H.P | Baddi, Himachal pradesh |
Student Corner
GPAT/NET qualified students
S.No. | Name | Course | Competition Exam |
1. | Manvendra Kumar | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
2. | Gourav Sharma | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
3. | Harmeet Kaur | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
4. | Jyoti Dandriyal | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
5. | Kunal Parkash | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
6. | Rohit Kumar | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
7. | Ankush Thakur | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
8. | Subhajit Makar | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
9. | Rishabh Bhatia | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
10. | Rakesh Chandel | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
11. | Manisha Sharma | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
12. | Ashish Sharma | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
13. | Mohit Kumar | M.Pharm(Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
14. | Sachin Sharma | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
15. | Ram Sharma | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
16. | Ashima Sharma | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
17. | Vishakha Pandey | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
18. | Sahil Arora | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
19. | Manu Bala | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
20. | Diksha Choudhary | M.Pharm(Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
21. | Haris E | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
22. | Azhar Juman p | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
23. | Arvind Kumar | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
24. | Amandeep Thakur | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
25. | Sonia Verma | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
26. | Sovik mukharjee | M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry) | GPAT |
27. | Saptrishi Samjdar | M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry) | GPAT |
28. | Neha Pathak | M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry) | GPAT |
29. | Aditi Saxena | M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry) | GPAT |
30. | Partha Pratim Das | M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry) | GPAT |
31. | Poornima Sanjeevan | M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry) | GPAT |
32. | Priyanka | M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry) | GPAT |
33. | Rasana Yadav | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
34. | Sonali Jha | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
35. | Suvadeep Mal | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
36. | Beenu bajaj | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
37. | Piyush Anand | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
38. | Akash verma | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
39. | Sajal Biswas | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
40. | Ankit Kumar | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
41. | Nivedita Bhardwaj | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
42. | Gandi Sony Pears | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
43. | Akashdeep Singh Pathania | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
44. | Harpreet kaur | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
45. | Devashish Mehta | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
46. | Maneesh guleria | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
47. | Anshul Mishra | M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry) | GPAT |
48. | Sahil Verma | M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry) | GPAT |
49. | Divanshu singh | M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry) | GPAT |
50. | Sonakshi | M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry) | GPAT |
51. | Surya shuvam | M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry) | GPAT |
52. | Suvadeep Mal | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
53. | Nivedita Bhardwaj | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
54. | Akash Verma | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
55. | Piyush Anand | M.Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry) | GPAT |
56. | Anupam Rai | M. Pharm. Med. Chem. | GPAT |
57. | Ankur Kr. Tanwar | M. Pharm. Med. Chem. | GPAT |
58. | Kumar P | M. Pharm. Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry | GPAT |
59. | Tamanna Poswal | M. Pharm. Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry | GPAT |
60. | Ankit Kr. Singh | M. Pharm. Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry | GPAT |
61. | Sahil | M. Pharm. Med. Chem. | GPAT |
62. | Kulkarni Swanand Sanjay | M. Pharm. Med. Chem. | GPAT |
63. | Niraj Kumar | M. Pharm. Med. Chem. | GPAT |
64. | Madhurendra Kumar | M. Pharm. Med. Chem. | GPAT |
65 | Vinay Kumar | M.SC Medicinal Chemistry | NET JRF |
66 | Anupama Shama | M.SC Medicinal Chemistry | NET JRF |
67 | Samriti Saklani | M. Pharm. Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry | GPAT |
Research Project Details
Name of the Investigator | Title of the project and duration | Amount sanctioned | Funding Agency |
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Natural Products | DST-FIST Non recurring grant | 71 lakhs | DST, New Delhi |
Professor Raj Kumar | New Heterocyclic Ligands as Inhibitors of Multiple EGFR Mutations (L858R/T790M/C797S): Design, Synthesis and Anticancer Evaluation-CSIR extra mural research grant w.e.f. 2021. 3 Years | 33 lakhs approximately | CSIR-Extramural |
Professor Raj Kumar | Dual Inhibitors of EGFR and HDAC as Anti-Lung Cancer Agents: Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation- SERB-Department of Science and Technology (DST), Delhi, under the extramural core research grant, 3 years | 41.61 Lakhs | Extramural, SERB-DST |
Professor Raj Kumar | Design, Synthesis and Biological Screening of Novel Multi-target Inhibitors of Tyrosine Kinase(s) and Topoisomerase-I, 3 Years | 27 Lakhs | Department of Science and Technology Delhi, under the SERB FastTrack Scheme for Young Scientist |
Professor Raj Kumar | Design, Synthesis and Biological Screening of Novel Heterocycles as Inhibitors of Dual Tyrosine Kinase(s) and Histone Deacetylase as Potential Anticancer Agents, 3 years | 12.59 Lakhs | UGC-Major, Delhi |
Professor Raj Kumar | Design, synthesis and in vitro screening of mono-/bis- aminoquinolines as EGFR Inhibitors, | 3 lakhs | Research Seed Money, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda: |
Professor Raj Kumar | CUPB Fellowship Fund Release (Bristol-Myers Squibb), USA , 2 Years | USD 5,000 | Bristol Myers Squibb, USA |
Professor Raj Kumar | Project 53803645-CUP Ph.D. Fellowship funded by Bristol-Myers Squibb, 3 years | USD 10,000 | Bristol Myers Squibb, USA |
Dr. Suresh Thareja | Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Chromen based Aromatase Inhibitors for the Treatment of Hormone Dependent Breast Cancer | 3 Lakhs | Research Seed Money, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda: |
Dr. Suresh Thareja | Pre-Clinical Development of Patented Biphenyl-Thiazolidinediones for the Effective Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | 29 Lakhs | ICMR, New Delhi |
Dr. Vikas Jaitak | Synthesis of Rebaudioside-A: Natural Substitute for sugar from Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) | 25.5 Lakhs | SERB |
Dr. Vikas Jaitak | Chemical investigation, Antidiabetic and Anticancer study of Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) through invitro and insilico approach | 6 Lacs | UGC-BSR |
Dr. Vikas Jaitak | Studies on Phytoestrogens as anticancer agents from Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari) used in Breast cancer chemotherapy | 3 lacs | RSM, CUPB |
Dr. Vikas Jaitak | Comparative assessment of marine macroalgae Ulva, Gracilaria and Sargassum from Indian coastal region for anticancer natural products (Co-PI) | 40 Lacs | MOES |
Dr. Vikas Jaitak | Studies on P-gp (Permeability glycoprotein) inhibition and anticancer potential of Potentilla fulgens, Potentilla atrosanguinea and characterisation of its active constituents | 29.5 Lacs | CSIR, |
Dr. Pradeep Kumar | Synthesis of pyridine based anti-Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus agents | 10 Lakhs | UGC |
Dr. Pradeep Kumar | Synthesis of novel quinoline derivatives as anti-methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) agents | 3 Lakhs | CUPB |
Dr. Kaki Venkat Rao | UGC BSR start-up grant | 8 lakhs | UGC-BSR |
Dr Vinod Kumar | Design, synthesis and evaluation of combrestatins inspired small molecules as putative tubulin polymerization inhibitors | 3 Lakhs | CUPB (RSM) |
Dr Vinod Kumar | Spatial distribution of Uranium and associated water quality parameters in groundwater/drinking water resources of South Eastern districts of Punjab (co-PI) | 26.97 Lakh | BRNS |
Dr Vinod Kumar | Targeting Cancer Stem Cells through One Drug Multi-Target Approach (microtubule inhibition, vascular disruption and anti-angiogenesis) | 30.09 Lakh | DST Extramural |
Dr Vinod Kumar | Indo-Austria joint visit grant | 9.04 Lakh | DST |
- An Invited talk on “Application of real-time Analytics in Pharmaceutical Development on July 1, 2021
A two-day cloud-based hands-on workshop on ‘Computational Structure-based Screening and Explicit Molecular Dynamics’ May 11-12, 2021
A Webinar on “Principles and Applications of Quantitative Proteomics’ by Dr. Bhagwat Prasad, Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Washington State University (WSU), Spokane, WA, USA
A Webinar on “Integrity in Scientific Research: Guidelines and Strategies to Foster Integrity.” By Prof. S.S. Sharma, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Mohali.
An invited talk on “Conferment of Flexibility and Rigidity to Lead structures in pursuit of attaining isoform selectivity and amplified antitumor effects” by Dr. Kunal Nepali, TaiwanAn Invited talk on “Targeting DNA Damage Response (DDR) and DNA repair pathway for Cancer Therapy” by Dr. Navnath Gavande, USA
Dr. Hemant Butani, Head Analytical Division, BMS, Bangalore Based -Delivered a Lecture on “Importance of Solid State Characteristics of Impurities” on January 25, 2018
Dr. Santosh Rudrawar, Lecturer, School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Griffith University, Australia-Delivered a Lecture on “Chemical Probes as Tools to Study Carbohydrate-processing Enzymes” on January 22, 2018
Prof. T. R. Bhardwaj, Dean School of Pharmacy and Emerging Sciences Baddi University of Emerging Sciences and Technology Baddi, Solan (HP)-Delivered a Lecture on “Medical Significance of Novel Polymer-Linked Prodrugs in the Target Specific Drug Delivery” on January 25, 2018
Dr. Narinder Singh, Associate Professor IIT Ropar, Delivered a Lecture on “Artificial Receptors for Sustainable Development and Biological Applications” on March 31, 2017
Lecture by Professor Uttam Chand Banerjee, NIPER, Mohali on “Use of nanobiocatalysts as enzyme source for the synthesis of chiral drugs and drug intermediates ” and “Process development for the production of rifamycin oxidase and subsequent hydrolysis of rifamycin B to rifamycin S by Curvularia lunata” on 04-09- 2017
Lecture by Dr. Hemant Bhutani, Biocon Bristol-Myers Squibb R&D Centre (BBRC), Bangalore on “Analytical Sciences in Drug Discovery and Development” on 01-02-2016
Lecture by Professor K. L. Dhar, Former Head, Natural Product Division, IIIM, Jammu on “Basics of NMR and its spectral interpretations” and “Terpenoids as Medicines” on 26-08-2016.
Lecture by Mr. Donald Bouchard, USA on “Instrumentation and Applications of 90 Hz NMR” on 18-09-2015
Keynote address by Prof. P.V. Bharatam, NIPER, Mohali on “New concepts in chemical bonding leading to the design of anti-malarial agents” during three day workshop on Drug Design, Molecular Docking, Virtual Screening and Pharmacoinformatics on 26-11-2015.
Lecture by Dr. Brahmam Pujala, Integral Biosciences on “Small Molecule Kinase Inhibitors: Challenges and Opportunities” on 22-12-2015
- Invited guest lecture by Prof. V.K. Kapoor, former Chairman, UIPS, Panjab University Chandigarh on “Understanding stereochemistry at grass root level” on 05-10-2015.
- Invited guest lecture by Dr. Donald Bouchard from Anasazi Instruments, USA on “Instrumentation and Applications of 90 MHz NMR” was delivered on 18-09-2015.
- Invited guest lecture by Professor Inder P. Singh from NIPER, Mohali delivered lecture on “Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Natural Products” on March, 28, 2014.
- Invited guest lecture by Professor Asit K chakraborti from NIPER, Mohali delivered two lectures on “Medicinal Chemistry Education and Research: the Necessity and Pitfalls” and “Enriching the Medicinal Chemists ‘Tool Box Emerging Trend and Paradigm Shift in Discovery Chemistry” on April, 03, 2014.
- Invited guest lecture by Dr. Atul Bhardwaj from University of Alberta, Canada delivered lecture on “Polysubstituted tetrahydropyrans and nitric oxide releasing prodrugs as safe anti-inflammatory and anti-hypertensive agents: synthesis and in-vitro/in-vivo biological investigations” on September, 24, 2012.
- Keynote adress by Prof. P.V. Bharatam, Niper, Mohali on “New concepts in chemical bonding leading to the design of anti-malarial agents” during three day workshop on Drug Design, Molecular Docking, Virtual Screening and Pharmacoinformatics on 26-11-2
Department organized a three-day workshop on “Drug Design, Molecular Docking, Virtual Screening and Pharmacoinformatics” in association with Schrödinger INC. USA from 26-11-2015 to 28-11-2015. Forty participants from 14 different Universities/Institutes of north India were selected out of 64 applications received.
A glimpse of various activities during workshop. The Department organized a three-day workshop on “ADVANCED WORKSHOP ON MOLECULAR DOCKING, VIRTUAL SCREENING AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY” in association with Schrödinger INC. USA from 15-11-2017 to 17-11-2017. Forty-three participants from different Universities/Institutes of north India and Nepal attended the workshop.
Academic Calender
Board of Studies (BOS)
- Partial modification in constitution of BoS, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Natural Products dated 25.03.21
- Partial modification in constitution of BoS, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Natural Products
- Reconstitution of Board of Studies - 13.04.2022
Meetings of Meetings
- Minutes of the BOS Meeting held on 22.12.15
- Minutes of the BOS Meeting held on 12.07.16
- Minutes of the BOS Meeting held on 17.02.17
- Minutes of the BOS Meeting held on 14.05.18
- Minutes of the BOS Meeting held on 04.02.19
- Minutes of the BOS Meeting held on 14.02.20
- Minutes of the BOS Meeting held on 24.05.21
- Minutes of the BOS Meeting held on 29.04.22
Academic & Administrative Committee (AAC)
Meetings of Meetings
- Minutes of the AAC Meetings held in the year 2015
- Minutes of the AAC Meetings held in the year 2016
- Minutes of the AAC Meetings held in the year 2017
- Minutes of the AAC Meetings held in the year 2018
- Minutes of the AAC Meetings held in the year 2019
- Minutes of the AAC meeting held on 24.07.2020
- Minutes of the AAC meeting held on 07.09.2020
- Minutes of the AAC meeting held on 10.11.2020
- Minutes of the AAC meeting held on 02.02.2021
- Minutes of the AAC meeting held on 30.03.2021
- Minutes of the AAC meeting held on 08-12-2021
- Minutes of the AAC meeting held on 02-05-2022
- Minutes of the AAC meeting held on 10-08-2022
Curriculum Development Committee(CDC)
Meetings of Meetings
- Minutes of the CDC meeting held on 07.12.2015
- Minutes of the CDC Meeting held on 12.01.2017
- Minutes of the CDC meeting held on 07.05.2018
- Minutes of the CDC meeting held on 31.01.2019
- Minutes of the CDC meeting held on 06.02.2020
- Minutes of the CDC meeting held on 04.05.2021
- Minutes of the CDC meeting held on 30.01.2022
- Minutes of the CDC meeting held on 02.02.2022
AICTE Approvals
- Letter Of Approval 2013-14-CPS
- EOA Report 2014-15
- EOA Report 2015-16
- EOA Report 2016-17
- EOA Report 2017-18
- EOA Report 2018-19
- EOA Report 2020-21
- EOA Report 2021-22
- EOA Report 2022-23
PCI Approvals
Patents Filed
1.201611014161 NOVEL FUSED HETEROCYCLES AND METHOD OF USE AND MANUFACTURE THEREOF IN - 02.02.2018 Int.Class A61P /Appl.No 201611014161Applicant CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF PUNJAB Inventor RAJ KUMAR Fused heterocycles compounds represented by Formula (I) and Formula (II): wherein each of R1, R2, R3, and R4 independently represents hydrogen, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, heteroarylalkyl, heterocyclylalkyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, heteroaryl or heterocyclyl; Y represents no atom; O or S or –NR (wherein R represents alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, heteroarylalkyl, heterocyclylalkyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, heteroaryl or heterocyclyl); wherein each of Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4 and Y4 independently represents hydrogen; alkyl; -OR; -SR; or –NHR (wherein R represents alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, heteroarylalkyl, heterocyclylalkyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, heteroaryl or heterocyclyl); wherein G represents CH N, S or O; in the generic structure formula I and II, A, B and C represents the rings; wherein each of X1 and X2 independently represents hydrogen, alkyl, cycloalkyl, heterocyclyl, heteroaryl, aralkyl heterocyclylalkyl or heteroarylalkyl; wherein Y represents cyano or alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, heteroarylalkyl, heterocyclylalkyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, heteroaryl or heterocyclyl, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof.
AICTE Feedback (Faculty & Students)
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